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1、Contents,OccasionsProcessSamplesPractice,中文介绍信样式,介绍信(单位):兹介绍等同志人前往贵处联系事宜。请予接洽并给予协助。此致 敬礼(单位盖章)年月日,Unit 4 Social Letters,Letters of Introduction,Copyright 1996-98 Dale Carnegie&Associates,Inc.,Letters of introduction are used for:,friends moving or traveling to a city where you know peoplebusiness as

2、sociates and employeesintroducing business,products or services to newcomersjob seekersmembership in clubs,groups or organizationsnew address,office,division,outlet or companyyourself,Process of writing:,Briefly introduce the person whom you introduce;Explain your purpose and ask the other side to h

3、elp the person whom you introduce;Express your gratitude in advance for the help;Express your best wishes or send your greeting to the other side.,Summary,Kinds:Official and PrivateStyle:brief and to the pointPurpose:to ask someone to give assistance to the other Use of language:brief and clear,官方(业

4、务)介绍信(Official letters of introduction)业务介绍信是写信人因公将自己的同事或业务关系介绍给某个人或某一单位,以便收信人给以必要的接洽、帮助或与被介绍者建立业务往来。私人介绍信(Private letters of introduction),Types,Samples,Sample 1:尊敬的先生/小姐,我们非常高兴向您介绍我们纺织部负责进口的经理王有先生。王先生将在你市度过三周,他要与主要的生产厂家拓展商务并为下一季度采购装饰织品(decorative fabrics)。如能介绍他给可靠的生产厂家,向他提供所需的任何帮助或建议,我们将不胜感谢。您诚挚的,

5、Dear Mr./Ms,We are pleased to introduce Mr.Wang You,our import manager of Textiles Department.Mr.Wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the coming season.We shall be most grateful if you will introduce

6、 him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.Yours faithfully,业务介绍信的写作要领,介绍被介绍人的重要资格、能力和经历;提出希望收信人可能给予的帮助;表达感激之情。,Sample 2,尊敬的先生/小姐,现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月五日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。您诚挚的,Dear Mr./Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones,our new mar

7、keting specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully,To Whom It May Concern:The bearer of this letter,Miss Wang Fang,a graduate of our department,is entrusted with the

8、 task of conducting teaching practice in your school.We shall deem it a great help if Miss Wang Fang is provided with necessary arrangement and instructions.Yours faithfully,Sample 3:,Sample 4:BOSTON,May 20,2007.MY DEAR SIR:I have the honor of introducing to your acquaintance Mr.Frank Ward,whom I co

9、mmend to your kind attention.Very truly yours,JOHN WILSON,Sample 5,January 18,2007.Dear Mr.Dell,It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you by means of this letter Mr.W.Jackson of Madix Motors Ltd.,with whom we have done business for many years.Mr.Jackson will be visiting China in the near future

10、 to extend the ABC sales organization and we should consider it a personal favour if you would give him the benefit of your advice and experience.Yours sincerely,E.S.Jones,Sample 6,October 8,2007.Dear Mr.Dell,The bearer of this letter,Mr.Frederick Jones,is a young friend of mine,also in the engineer

11、ing trade,who is visiting your city on business.Anything you can do to help him will be a kindness much appreciated by him and,I need hardly say,by me.Yours sincerely,E.S.Jones,useful sentences,The bearer of this letter Mr is the new head of our Buying Department and is at present visiting all our s

12、uppliers in Britain.I am just writing a few lines to introduce a very old friend of mine Mr.,who I think you might like to meet.It gives us the greatest pleasure to introduce Mr.Director of.,with whom we have done business for many years.,useful sentences,This will introduce Miss.,one of my most bri

13、lliant pupils,who will be very grateful for any help you may be able to give her.Our(Sales Manager)Mr.will be visiting your area in the near future and will telephone as soon as he arrives to make an appointment.Two friends of mine,Mr.and Mrs.,are going to Paris for a rather long stay.I know you wil

14、l be pleased to meet them,and I send this little note to act as the introduction which I should have liked to make in person.,useful sentences,You will be surprised to get a letter from me at this time,but I should like to introduce to you my friend,Mr.,who,with his wife,is going to Beijing next mon

15、th,for a rather long stay.As they will be strangers in a strange city,any little courtesy you can show them will be very much appreciated by them,and by myself.This is to introduce Mr.Zhou,who studied under me last year,and showed great promise.I should very much appreciate it if you could spare the

16、 time to see him.,Practice,(1)兹介绍持信人史密斯先生前往你处联系建立商务关系事宜。(2)请予以接洽为盼。(3)如蒙帮助不胜感激。,Translation,(1)兹介绍持信人史密斯先生前往你处联系建立商务关系事宜。The bearer of this letter,Mr.Smith,is entrusted with the task of establishing new business connection.(2)请予以接洽为盼。Please favor him with an interview.(3)如蒙帮助不胜感激。I shall be very gra

17、teful if you would do him some favor.,Follow-up Practice,Translate the following letters of introduction into English/Chinese and exchange them with your friends.,张先生:我的老朋友尼古拉巴罗将在北京度过圣诞节和新年。我知道您会与他相处得很好,也许您还会使他在你们城市度假期间不致感到那么寂寞。从本月底开始,他将住北京饭店,盼您抽暇与他取得联系。琼 斯,Dear Mr.Zhang,A great friend of mine,Mr.Ni

18、cholas Barlow,will be spending Christmas and the New Year in Beijing.I know you will get on well with him and perhaps make his stay in your city at holiday time less lonely.He will be staying at the Beijing Hotel from the end of this month and I do hope you will have the time to get in touch with hi

19、m.Yours sincerely,S.Jones,2.Write an English letter of introduction according to the information given below.卡特先生:介绍我的学生史密斯先生,他正在写一篇关于您的剧作的论文。他既有才华,且勤于攻读。我想只需稍加指点,他即可写出一篇出色的论文。我知道您非常繁忙,但他到伦敦时,您如能与他一谈,我将十分感激。您究竟何日光临我处,我和我的夫人将乐意款待。琼 斯,Dear Mr.Tom Carter,This is to introduce a student of mine,Mr.Smith,

20、who is writing a thesis on your dramatic works.He is hard-working as well as brilliant and I feel that with a little assistance he might produce an unusually fine piece of work.I know you are frightfully busy but I should be most grateful if you could have a chat with him when he comes to London.Whe

21、n are you finally coming out to us?My wife and I would be delighted to entertain you.Yours ever,E.S.Jones,LONDON,October 3,1880.MESSRS.HASKELL,BROWN&CO.,New Orleans.Gentlemen:We beg leave to introduce to you the bearer of this letter,Mr.F.C.Fenderson,a partner in the highly respectable house of Moor

22、e,Fenderson&Co.,of New York,who is about to visit your city for the purpose of extending the commercial relations of his house with the principal firms of your place.In strongly recommending our friend to your notice,we particularly request that you will not only forward his views by your influence

23、and advice,but that you will also render his stay in your city as agreeable as possible,by showing him every attention that may be in your power.In case Mr.Fenderson should have occasion to take up any money,either for traveling expenses or operations of business,you will please to supply him with f

24、unds to the extent of ten thousand pounds sterling,taking his drafts upon us at five days sight in reimbursement.We beg that upon similar and all other occasions,you will freely command our services,andWe remain,gentlemen,Faithfully yours,MARTIN,GREGORY&CO.,1.9,8,3,6,1,5,7,2,4,10,11,Key to exercise

25、6,2.introducetrainingworriedmeet her at the railway stationregisterinconvenience,Key to exercise 6,Dear Mr./Ms.,This is to introduce Mr.Frank Jones,our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr.Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.Yours faithfully,Key to exercise 6,


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