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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录1 外文文献译文 .12外文文献原文 .7人力资源管理1.什么是人力资源管理为了理解什么是人力资源管理首先我们不妨回顾一下管理者都在做些什么,大多数管理专家认为:任何管理者都要执行五大基本职能即:计划、组织、人事、领导和控制。总之,这些职能代表了管理过程。而且,每一种管理职能中都包含一些特定的活动:计划:确定目标和标准:制定规则和程序;拟定计划以及预I测预测或设想某些将来的事情。组织:给每一位下属分配一项特定的任务:设立工作部门。授权给下属:建立权力的信息沟









10、,它包括企业内部教学计划,如授课、辅导和工作轮换;专业教学计划,如美国管理协会研修班,大学开设的经营管理人员MBA教学计划。据估计,美国每年有100多万管理人员参加管理人员开发计划活动,而这一年要花掉美国企业几十亿美元。当然,这些开发活动的项目的是提高组织未来的工作绩效。因此,一般的管理人员开发过程由以下几步组成:(1)评估本企业的需要,比如,填充管理职位空缺,或使企业应变能力更强。 (2)评价管理人员的工作绩效。(3)开发这些管理人 长期以来,群体中每位成员的地位取决于他们对群体的贡献,群体成员的早期地位经常与每位群体成员在群体之外拥有的地位相关联。例如,在一家公司的建立用以研究如何奖励成绩




14、服务质量和提高生产效率以保持竞争力。然而提高质量常需补习式的教育培训,质量改善计划要求员工具有重要的思考关键问题的技能、绘制图表和分析资料的能力。同时员工也必须会运用或能获得团队建设、决策以及沟通方面的技能。同样,由于企业不断地进行技术改进,这就需要企业员工接受相关技术和计算机技能方面的培训.The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management1. Human Resource Management at WorkWhat Is Human Resource ManagementTo understand what human resource man

15、agement is, we should first review what managers do. Most experts agree that there are five basic functions all managers per-form planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and control-ling. In total, these functions represent the management process. Some of the specific activities involved in each fu

16、nction include:Planning: Establishing goals and standards; developingrules and procedures; developing plans and forecastingpredicting or projecting some future occurrence. Organizing: Giving each subordinate a specific task;es-tablishing departments; delegating authority to subordi-nates; establishi

17、ng channels of authority and communica-tion; coordinating the work of subordinates. Staffing:Deciding what type of people should be hired;recruiting prospective employees;selecting employees;settingperformancestandards; compensating employees;evaluatingperformance; counseling employees;training and

18、developing employees. Leading: Getting others to get the job done; maintainingmorale; motivating subordinates. Control: Fixed the sales quantity, quality specification or a production level kind of stander like formulation. According to standard inspection actual work achievements, when necessity ta

19、kes the suitable action.2 Survival NeedsThe most uncomplicated behavior is found in infants. When they are hungry, thirsty, or uncomfortable, they cry; when they are happy, they smile or giggle; and when they are sleepy, they sleep. The infants behavior is much less complicated than the adults. Not

20、many adults cry when hungry or thirsty. But at least people still smile and laugh when they are happy and some people even go to sleep when they are sleepy. Although people tend to complicate the ways of meeting basic human needs, the needs must still be met; survival depends on it.In order to survi

21、ve, one must have enough air water, food, protection from physical dangers, and so forth. The infant obviously is dependent upon others to have survival needs met; what it can do is give some signals of hunger, thirst, or discomfort. Survival needs can be met in fairly universal ways. Even as they g

22、row and mature, people develop fairly similar methods of meeting these needs. Tastes and preferences are different ,but the survival needs are basis and necessary.3Motivation and CommunicationMotivation must be at the heart of concern in the study and the practice of management. Organized effort-tha

23、t is getting work done through and with others requires motivating promotively interdependent effort, as opposed to effort that is self-cancelling. Agreement on this point is a dominant theme in the history of the study of management. Thus Henri Fayol, one of the early observers of organized effort,

24、 shares the contemporary opinion that motivation is the core of management.Dramatic changes have occurred in our understanding of motivation. The periods following the two world wars saw cumulative breakthroughs in describing and influencing motivational states, and advances of the last few years pr

25、omise far more striking results.Formal Definition.Motivation often receives no precise conceptual designation; and implicit and explicit meanings of the term commonly differ. The concept,however, covers at least this area of meaning: Motivation refers to the degree of readiness of an organism to pur

26、sue some designated goal, and implies the determination of the nature and locus of the forces inducing the degree of readiness.The necessity of considering all of these factors together must be underscored, particularly since the common emphasis has been upon motivating behavior with a specific dire

27、ction.4StaffingThe managerial function of staffing is defined as filling, and keep-ing filled, positions in the organization structure. This is done by identifying work-force requirements, inventorying the people avail-able, and recruiting, selecting, placing, promoting, appraising, planning the car

28、eers of, compensating, and training or otherwise de-veloping both candidates and current jobholders so that they can ac-complish their tasks effectively and efficiently. It is clear that staffing must be closely linked to organizing, that is, to the setting up of intentional structures of roles and

29、positions.Many writers on management theory discuss staffing as a phase of organizing. In this book, however, staffing is identified as a sep-arate managerial function for several reasons. First, the staffing of organizational roles includes knowledge and approaches not usually recognized by practic

30、ing managers, who often think of organizing as just setting up a structure of roles and give little attention to filling these roles. Second, making staffing a separate function facilitates placing an even greater emphasis on the human element in selection, appraisal, career planning, and manager de

31、velopment. Third, an important body of knowledge and experience has been developed in the area of staffing. The fourth reason for separating staffing is that managers often overlook the fact that staffing is their responsibility - not that of the personnel department. To be sure, this depart-ment pr

32、ovides valuable assistance, but it is the job of managers to fill the positions in their organization and keep them filled with qualified people.5Human Resource Planning and RecruitingWhile these and other factors influence the specifics of an HR plan, all effective HR planning shares certain fea-tu

33、res. It is generally agreed that HS planning involves four distinct phases or stages. Situation analysis or environmental scanning Forecasting demand for human resources Analysis of the supply of human resources Development of plans for action Situation Analysis and Environmental ScanningThe first s

34、tage of HR planning is the point at which HRM and strategic planning initially interact. The strategic plan must adapt to environmental circumstances, and HRM is one of the primary mechanisms that an organization can use during the adaptation process. For example, rapid tech-nological changes in the

35、 environment can force an organiza-tion to quickly identify and hire employees with new skills that previously werent needed by the organization. With-out an effective HR plan to support the recruitment and se-lection functions in the organization, it would be impossible to move fast enough to stay

36、competitive.The problems associated with changing environments are greater today than ever before because success now depends on an ability to be a “global scanner”. Global scanning is, in fact, considered one of the essential sill.6The Concept of Human Performance TechnologyTo define Human Performa

37、nce Technology, we must begin by defining each word-human, performance, and technology - within the HPT context:Human precedes performance technology due to the fact that the HP technologists deal with the performance of people operating within results-oriented systems. The HP technologist is focuse

38、d on how to enhance individual human performance by looking at the organization, the process and the individual in the defined setting.Performance in the HPT context is defined as the outcomes and accomplishments valued by the organization or system that one works in. These accomplishments are what

39、technology man attendion.8.Why Should You Appraise PerformanceThere are several reasons to appraise performance. First, appraisals provide information upon which promotion and salary decisions can be made. Second, they provide an opportunity for you and your subordinate to review the subordinates wo

40、rk-related behavior This m turn lets both of you develop a plan for correcting any deficiencies the ap-praisal might have unearthed, and reinforce the things the subordinate does right. Finally, the appraisal should be cen-tral to your firms career-planning process because it pro-vides a good opport

41、unity to review the persons career plans in light of his or her exhibited strengths and weak-nesses. The supervisor usually does the actual appraising. Therefore, he or she must be familiar with basic appraisal techniques, understand and avoid problems that can cripple an appraisal, and conduct the

42、appraisal fairly.The HR department serves a policymaking and advisory rote. In one survey, for example, about 80% of the firms responding said the HR department provides advice and as-sistance regarding the appraisal tool to use but leaves final decisions on appraisal procedures to operating divisio

43、n heads; in the rest of the firms the personnel office prepares detailed forms and procedures and insists that all depart-ments use them. HR is responsible as well for training su-pervisors to improve their appraisal skills. Finally, HR is also responsible for monitoring the appraisal systems use, a

44、nd reach the CEO standard.9 Nature and Purpose of Management De-velopmentManagement development is any attempt to improve managerial performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. It thus includes in-house pro-grams like courses, coaching, and rotational assignments; p

45、rofessional programs like American Management Associa-tion Seminars; and university programs like executive MBA programs. It is estimated that well over I million U.S. managers participate in management development programs yearly for a cost to industry of several billion dollars a year.The ultimate

46、 aim of such development programs is, of course, to enhance the future performance of the organiza-tion itself. For this reason, the general management devel-opment process consists of (1) assessing the companys needs (for instance, to fill future executive openings, or to make the firm more respons

47、ive), (2) appraising the man-agers performance, and then (3) developing the managers themselves.While over the long run each members status in a group will be based on the members contribution to the group, early status in a group is usually related to the status of each group member outside the gro

48、up. In a company task force set up to investigate ways of awarding bonuses to outstanding performers in the group, for example, a se-nior vice president will usually be given more respect at first than a personnel department assistant, despite the possibil-ity that the personnel assistant may indeed know more about alternative bonus systems and their consequences. The higher the background factor of external status


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