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1、By David,外贸英语函电Business English Correspondence,商务英语写作教程,Greetings,1.How do you understand English learning?2.What is English do you think?3.What is your purpose for learning Business English writing.4.Do you know the relation between basic English and Business English writing.5.How do you understand

2、 the relation between You and me.6.Are you prepared to learn English writing?7.Do you have some good methods you think in English writing?,English ListeningWritten EnglishSpoken EnglishEnglish ReadingThe most important one in improving your English level.,English learning Directions,误区一:把听说读写译割裂开来单一

3、学习。误区二:把知识当成技能。误区三:速成心理。误区四:重结果不重过程。误区五:对外语学习价值的误解。,英语学习观念的一些误区,从以“应试”为目的向以“交际”为目的的转变由“学会”向“会学”的转变由“培养阅读能力”向“培养实用能力”的转变,如何转变英语学习观念,1.Chinglish is not a shamed thing!2.Pay attention to the context of your conversation!A foreigner(F)and his tour guide(G)are walking on the Great Wall.Then the F wants t

4、o use the rest room/washing room/WC/Bath room.And he says like the following:F:Excuse me,Can I go somewhere?The beautiful guide girl replied after a while like this:G:Yes,of course,you can go anywhere!Summary:here she used“anywhere”!,Your thinking in English Learning,1.Never trouble trouble till tro

5、uble troubles you。麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词。2.I know.You know.I know that you know.I know that you know that I know。我知道。你知道。我知道你知道。我知道你知道我知道。3.I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong。我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个“that”是错误的。第一个that是连词,引起宾语从句;第二、五个that是指示代词“那个

6、”;第三个that在这儿相当于名词;第四个that是关系代词,引起定语从句。4.We must hang together,or well be hanged separately。我们必须团结在一起,否则我们将被一个个绞死。这是一句双关语。前面的hang together是“团结一致”的意思,后面的hanged是“绞死”的意思。5.The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog。那只敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了一只懒惰的狗。这个句子包含了英语中的26个字母。,看了让人发晕的句子,I.Form and Structure of business letters 1.

7、Form 2.Structure 3.Addressing EnvelopesII.Writing Principles of business letters,Unite 1 Basic Knowledge of Business Letter Writing,(1)Full Block From 齐头式,1.Form 格式,All information is typed from the left margin,(2)Modified Block Form with Indented Style.混合式,Key sentences,A.The senders address is in

8、the up-middle part.B.The receivers address starts from the left margin.C.The complimentary close and signature middle little towards the right.D.To make the letter simple and clear.,(2)Modified Block Form with indented style,(3)Modified Block Form 改良式,The senders add.is from the left margin;No more

9、changes,(4)Simplified Form,All information is typed from the left margin,but no complimentary close and senders company name,Depend on the preferenceMake your letter pleasing to the eye.Also convenient to be typed.So,here you are the boss!,Which type should we choose?,A,Samples,DearFriend,MynameisMr






15、-mailfromyourcomputerandpretendyounevergotit.YoursTrulyMr.ChrisOwen,(1)Parts of the business letterLetterhead 信头Reference and date编号和日期Inside name and address封内名称及地址Attention line 注意事项Salutation称呼Subject line事由Body of the letter信文Complimentary close结尾敬语Signature签名Enclosure附件Carbon copy notation抄送Pos

16、tscript附言,2.Structure 构成,Senders namePostal addressTelephone numberFax numberE-mail addressPosition:1.the up-center 2.the left margin of a letter writing paper,A.Letterhead 信头,Reference:1.File number2.Department code 3.Initials of the signer:your ref:JBD/WMOur ref:WDW/LPPosition:immediately below th

17、e letterhead can also be placed at the lower left margin two lines below the name of the signer.,B.Reference and Date 编号和日期,DateRules:1.in full and not abbreviated2.The th,-st,-nd and rd that follow the day can be omitted3.Dont write 04 instead of 2004 for the years4.Avoid typing dates like 10/2/201

18、0British:Day/Month/YearAmerican:Month/Day/YearSo what is 05/07/2010,B.Reference and Date 编号和日期,英文日期分英式和美式,举例如下:1)8th March,2004 或8 March,2004(英式)2)March 8th,2004 或March 8,2004(美式)日期写法宜遵从下列规则:1)年份必须完全写明,不可用“04代替2004;2)月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写,即 January(Jan.),February(Feb.),March(Mar.),April(Apr.),May,June,J

19、uly,August(Aug.),September(Sept.),October(Oct.),November(Nov.),December(Dec.);3)日期可用序数词,如:1st,2nd,3rd,4th,.;也可用基数词,如:1,2,3,4,.。但美式大多采用后者;4)在年份和月日之间必须用逗号隔开;5)日期不可全部采用如7.12.2003或7/12/2003的阿拉伯数字书写,否则会引起误解。因为英美在这方面的习惯用法不同。按美国人习惯,上述日期为2003年7月12日,而按英国习惯则是2003年12月7日。,英语中日期的表达,6th April,1978 是英式英文的写法.April

20、6th,1978 是美式英文的写法.(注意:日子和月份中间没有逗号.)6th,April,1978 April 6th,1978 April 6,1978 都正确 关于日期的写法,应注意以下几点:年份应完全写出,不能简写。月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May,June,July,因为较短,不可缩写。写日期时,可用基数词1,2,3,4,5,28,29,30,31等,也可用序数词 lst,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,28th,29th,30th,31lst等。但最好用基数词,简单明了。,英语中日期的表达,日期可有下列几种写法:Oct.20,2004 10 Ma

21、y,2004 3rd June,2004 Sept.16th,2004 按美国习惯,最为通用日期的写法,月、日、年,月份用英文,日和年用阿拉伯数字。例如:2008年9月8日应写成:Sep.8,2008 或 _09/08/2008_,英语中日期的表达,1.The name and address of the receiver:the left-hand margin,2 or 3 spaces below the date.2.Exactly the same way as on the envelope.3.Ordinary courtesy titles:MR.,Mrs.,Miss,Ms.

22、Messrs.各位先生;先生(用于法国人名前,monsieur的复数形式)4.After the name follows his or her position.,C.Inside Name and Address封内名称及地址,Used for the writer wishes to direct the letter to specific individual or section of the firme.g.:Attention:Mr.Smith/The Sales ManagerE.Salutation 称呼,slju:tein Open letter greetingsThe

23、 form:“Dear Sir”or“Dear Sirs”“Gentlemen”,“Ladies and Gentlemen”.Two spaces below the inside address or the attention line F.Subject Line事由The general idea of a letter between the salutation and the letter body.Call the receivers attention to the topic.,D.Attention Line.注意事项,1.Write simply,clearly,co

24、urteously,grammatically,and to the point.2.Paragraph correctly 3.Typing is accurate and display artisticH.Complimentary Close 结尾敬语1.Formal:Dear Sirs,Yours Faithfully,Gentlemen:Truly yours,2.Less Formal:Dear Mr.Henry,Yours sincerely or Sincerely yoursMean nothing to the message,can be omitted,G.Body

25、of the Letter,1.Type the writers firm or company below the close2.The person who dictate the letter,sign his name,by hand in black or blue ink.3.Followed by his job title or position Never sign a letter with a rubber stampJ.Enclosure附件:Encl:Price ListK.Carbon Copy Notation抄送:C.C.The Osaka ChamberL.P

26、ostscript 附言:P.S.The samples will be sent to you tomorrow,I.Signature 签署,China National Chemicals(Stamp)Import&Export Co.Beijing,ChinaOverseas Trading Co.153 Market StreetLondon,E.C.3Registered(confidential/Secret/Printed Matter),3.Addressing Envelope 信封,1.Courtesy 礼貌2.Consideration 体谅3.Completeness

27、 完整4.Clarity 清楚5.Conciseness 简洁6.Concreteness 具体7.Correctness 正确,II.Writing Principles,What is Courtesy?1.a courteous or respectful or considerate act2.a courteous or respectful or considerate remark3.a courteous manner,1.Courtesy 礼貌,Compare:(Polite):We have received with many thanks your letter of

28、Oct.7,and we take the pleasure of sending you our latest catalog.We wish to draw your attention to a special offer which we have made in it.(Courteous):You will be particularly interested in a special offer on page 5 of the latest catalog enclosed,which you requested in your letter of Oct.7Try to av

29、oid irritating,offensive,or belittling statementTo answer letters promptly,1.Courtesy 礼貌,emphasize You-attitude(Y)rather than We-attitude(W).keep readers request,needs,desires,feelings in mind.A.You-attitudeCompare:W:We allow 2 percent discount for cash paymentY:You earn 2 percent discount when you

30、pay cash.W:We wont be able to send you the brochure this monthY:We will send you the brochure next month.,2.Consideration 体谅,B.Focus on the positive approachCompare:P:We feel sure that you will be entirely satisfiedN:We dont believe you will have cause for dissatisfaction.P:Perhaps next time we can

31、send you what you require.N:We regret our inability to serve you at this time.,2.Consideration 体谅,A business letter should include all necessary information.It is essential to check the message carefully before it is sent out.check word spelling check punctuation check the numbers appeared in your a

32、rticle Check names(spelling),3.Completeness 完整,A.Avoid using the words which have different understanding or unclear meaning.B.Pay attention to the position of modifiers.C.Pay attention to the sentence structure.D.Paragraph carefully and properly.E.One paragraph for each point is a good general rule

33、,4.Clarity 清楚,A.Avoid using wordy expressionsE.g.B.Avoid unnecessary repetition.E.g.C.Using short sentences,simple words and clear explanations:E.g.a use a word to replace a phraseE.g.b use a phrase to replace a sentenceE.g.c use words to replace clausesE.g.,5.Conciseness 简洁,make the message specifi

34、c,definite and vivid.,6.Concreteness 具体,A.Grammar mistakes often occurred in business letter.B.Avoid using overstatement.C.Accurate numbers.D.Capital letters,7.Correctness 正确,Dear Sirs,In reply to your esteemed letters of Feb.13,we are now sending you our latest price list,together with our illustra

35、ted catalogue.In the above-mentioned list,you can see we have bid you the lowest prices and offered our best goods.We believe that will make you give us your valued orders.We are waiting for your immediate reply.Yours faithfully,David,范例01,Dear Mr.Johnson,We are really grateful on receiving your let

36、ter of Nov.3 in which you showed great interest in our products.Actually,we have an agency in Shanghai,China,through which we sell our products in China.Therefore,we have passed your letter on to them,asking them to consider it soon.You will surely receive their letter.Thank you very much for your i

37、nterest in our products.I Hope that can satisfy you.Yours sincerely,范例02,Dear Mr.Douglass,We refer to your previous letter sent on Feb.28,2000 in which you were asked to clear the balance of$600 000 which had been out standing since January.As you have not replied to the letter,you leave little choi

38、ce for us but to place the matter in the hands of solicitors,however,we are reluctant to do this and are offering you further month to settle the account.Yours sincerelyDavid,范例03,1.Tongue twister:a.Cheap ship trip b.A flea and a fly flew up in a flue.Said the flea,Let us fly!Said the fly,Let us fle

39、e!So they flew through a flaw in the flue A big black bug bite a big black bear,made the big black bear bleed blood.2.Words daily used:a.After you!您先请!b.Ive done my best.我已尽力了.c.I dont know for sure.我不确切知道 d.Dont take it to heart!别往心里去!,Practice Everyday,Write a business letter based on the material

40、s at the page of 22,Homework,Question?Why dont you ask me?,Thank You!,Thank You!,Thank You!,Thank You!,Read the dialogue2 and pay more attention to the important and difficult points weve concluded.,Read the dialogue,Never give up!,Please watch a short video about business negotiation and think abou

41、t what the main procedures of a business negotiation are.,Watch it.,May I help you?,Divide the class into two groups and ask them to bargain using the useful words and expressions learned in the dialogue.It is based on the following situation:Mr.Mao wants to buy 100 computers from ABC company and no

42、w he is negotiating the price with the sales manager Mr.Wang.,Just have a try!,Ask the Ss to share their bargaing experience and discuss the tips for bargaining under a favourable situation.,Just say it.,Why dont you ask me?,Introducing the team membersIntroducing the company in briefNegotiating abo

43、ut the price,terms of payment,packing,shipment,etc.Concluding what both parties negotiated Signing a contract,Main procedures,Know your bottom price.Dont make large concession.Be quick-minded.Show your own advantages.Aim at the long-term relationship.Make the others look good.Keep a slow and deliber

44、ate rule.Quit while youre ahead.Keep uncertain.,Tips for bargaining,DialogueUseful words and expressionsMain procedures of business negotiationTips for business negotiationMoral education:Money is not everything.,Conclusion:,Get ready for the practical business negotiation based on the following sit

45、uation:Buyer:Miracle Journey Sports Club Seller:LiNing Company Ltd.The buyer wants to buy another 100 pairs of roller-skates and 500 T-shirts from the seller and this is the second time for them to do business in the same year.,Homework,35、功与失每个人都有一不的理想,这种理想决定着他的努力判断的方向。就在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和享乐看做是生活目的的本身-







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