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1、Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Section B,Unit 3,With your group,and show how to get to the right place.,REVISON,drugstore,bank,Caf house,library,post office,Dailys departmentstore,Main center,REVISION,interestinginexpensiveuncrowdedbeautifulsafe,有趣的 不贵的不太拥挤的漂亮的安全的,REVISION,fascina

2、tingdeliciousbigconvenientclean,精彩的美味的,可口的大的方便的干净的,restrooms,clean,uncrowded,inexpensive,What qualities are important for each place?,museums,interesting,inexpensive,fascinating,restaurants,Clean,inexpensive,delicious,parks,beautiful,big,inexpensive,clean,interestingfascinating,malls,safe,clean,beau

3、tiful,convenient,inexpensive,safe,convenient,uncrowded,inexpensive,subway,PAIRWORK,The Fine Arts Museum is really interesting.,Yes,and its beautiful,too.,Conversation 1The boy asks about_,and the clerk tells him to go to Green Land.Conversation 2The girl asks about_,and the clerk tells her to go to

4、the corner of Market and Middle Streets.,Listening,Conversation 3The mother asks about_.The father wants to go to a _museum.The younger girl wants to go to a_museum.Theboy wants to go to a _museum.The older girl wants to go to an_museum.The clerk suggests they go to the _museum.,PAIRWORK,Can you tel

5、l me where theresa good place to eat?,Of course.What kind of fooddo you like?,Zhang Ming is traveling in the USA.He wants to go to a small town but he doesnt know the way now.What should he do?,Hi!Where is the post office?,Sorry.I cant help you.,Excuse me.Could you please tell me where the post offi

6、ce is?,Sure.Take No.23 Bus and you will get there.,Unit 3,Could you please.?,Exercise,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Section 4,How to ask politely?,Could you tell me where the corn chips are,please?,Is there any more milk,(please)?,Can you show me how this works?,Will you give me a bottle of that,ple

7、ase?Can/could I have a pound of that,please?,Using suitable language!,The culture of a nation is in its language.It is not enough to only know correct grammar.It is also very important to know how to choose suitable language for every situation.,运用合适的语言,Unit 3,Could you please.?,Before You Read,If y

8、ou need help with your homework,how would you ask:,1.your mother or father,2.your best friend,3.a teacher,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Section 4,Unit 3,Could you please.?,Before You Read,Discuss the language you used to make this request.Was it the same each time?If not,discuss why not.,Section 1,S

9、ection 2,Section 3,Section 4,Unit 3,Could you please.?,Before You Read,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Section 4,Unit 3,Could you please.?,While You Read,Is the sentence“Where are the restrooms?”polite or impolite?2.What should you do when you talk with different people?3.Is learning about language et

10、iquette as important as learning grammar or vocabulary?Why?,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Section 4,Read Paragraph Two and Three,then answer the following questions.Which sentence sounds rude?“Where is my book?”or“Excuse me,Mr.West.Do you know where my book is?”What would you say if you stop a stran

11、ger in the street?Is it alright to say“Where is my book?”in some situations,perhaps with people you know well?,Knowing how to ask for information politely is important.()“Where are the restrooms”sounds more polite than“Could you please tell me where the restrooms are.”()We dont need to learn how to

12、be polite when we make requests.(),Check“T”(for true)or“F”(for false),T,F,F,Requests are made in any language.Using extra words helps to make language more polite.Knowing how to make requests politely is important.To become good English speakers,we need to do more than just learn language structure.

13、Requests in English are the same as in Chinese.Choice of language depends on relationship,and the situation.,Read the article more carefully and find the main idea of each paragraph.,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Post-reading,Unit 3,Could you please.?,After You Read,Section 1,Secti

14、on 2,Section 3,Section 4,Unit 3,Could you please.?,After You Read,Section 1,Section 2,Section 3,Section 4,Summary,New words and useful expressionsconvenient corner politely request direction correct polite direct indirect speaker whom impolite address underground Sentence structuresCan you tell me w

15、here there is a good place to eat?Both are correct English,but the first one sounds less polite.,课堂达标,.用所给词的适当形式填空1.For _(who)did you buy the present?2.Jack answered the teachers question _(correct).3.It is _(polite)not to say“goodbye”to your teacher when you leave the classroom.4.The famous _(speak

16、)gave us a wonderful speech last Friday.5.Can you tell me which _(direct)your classroom is?II.单项选择1.I live next to a supermarket.It isfor me to shop there.A.relaxingB.importantC.convenientD.necessary2.kind of TV programs do you like best?Some relaxing operas.A.HowB.When C.WhatD.Where,3.There are few

17、 customers in the mall so its.A.crowded B.uncrowed C.excitedD.interested4.there any bookstores around here?Yes,thereone on Green Street.A.Are;are B.Is;is C.Is;areD.Are;is5.Could you tell me?Two hours ago.A.when you finish your workB.when you finished your workC.when do you finish your workD.when did you finish your work,Keys:.1.whom 2.correctly 3.impolite 4.speaker 5.Direction.1-5 CCBDB,1.Review new language items2.Made up new conversations,Homework,


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