国际货物运输中电子提单的应用研究 英文文献.doc

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1、1The Status and Tendency of Chinese Foreign Trade Enterprises Nowadays less than 100 enterprises have passed the attestation of SA8000 in our country. Among them Guangdong province is the most “Check the factory” of the transnational corporation is to check the suppliers which did not carry on the a

2、ttestation of SA8000 according to the examination specific standards of SA80000 or social accountability standards regulated by the multinational company similar to the SA8000 At present the biggest pressure in our country is labor-intensive consumable goods manufactory such as the clothing factory

3、toy factorythe athletics products factory and the shoe factory etc. At the same timethis trend just quickly expand from the whole consumer goods to the whole manufacturing industry such as consumable electronics product manufacturing industry the furniture industry and food industry. A lot of multin

4、ational companies declare they will accept the standards of SA8000They encourage the supplier and the contract factories to apply for the SA8000 attestationSome companies even request the schedule when the contract factory will meet the SA8000 standards 1 The influence of the SA8000 upon Chinas ente

5、rprises The many employment problems in Labor-intensive enterprises have lowered their management cost. If they improve the employment situation with the aim to obtain the attestation of SA8000 or meet the related standards it will immediately cause the management cost to increase and weaken the pro

6、duct competence in international market. Specifically speaking what directly cause the increase of operation costs are the specifications from SA8000 about the working environmentworking hour and compensations and what indirectly cause the increase are those regulations which benefit employees such

7、as the laboring conditions employees rights and administrative meansIn addition the attestation of SA8000 is also a heavy burden to many Chinas enterprises. The whole process to obtain such an attestation generally takes 1 year and the certificate is valid only in 3 years with rechecking every 6 mon

8、thswhich generally costs between RMB300000-500000 yuan. 2 The Adjustment of Enterprise Management Strategies Before probing into how some enterprises should face the challenges from SA8000 in order to survive and further develop it is a must to take another variable into accountthe present situation

9、 and tendency of home labor market From the very beginning of2004 1aborers have fallen short in Zhujiang delta which is called “shortage of peasant Laborers”. Today the problem becomes more serious instead. In 2006 some relevant persons in Guangdong province claimed that there were one million job v

10、acancies in Guangdong provinceThis phenomenon also appears in some other developed areas such as Changjiang deltaZhejiang provinceFujlan province and so on which made nearly eighty percent of enterprises short of laborers there. The phenomenon is the outcome of various reasons. Firstly in recent yea

11、rsChina has attached most importance to “sannong” issue the government policy to help the rapid development in the countrysideWith various policies to benefit and support agriculture efficiently carried out the income in rural area is constantly increasingand the farmers are not willing to work in c

12、ities any more. Secondly along with the continuous prosperity of Chinese economymore and more factoriesarchitecture building sites and service industries competitively invite applications for jobs. And more people prefer seeking jobs near their hometownsThirdly 2the principal peasant laborers are pr

13、esently at the age between 18 and 35The vital statistics of population shows that the number of laborers at this age is cutting downIn addition since 1999China has been enlarging the quota of college students year after year which delays some of them to labor markets. Moreover the increasing graduat

14、es from colleges are not urgently needed in employment markets nowadaysAll these reasons above are united to lead to the “shortage of peasant laborers” The highly labor-concentrated enterprises are now in dilemma between the external pressure from SA8000 and interior pressure from the shortage of la

15、borersHow do the enterprises deal with the situation All these suggest a key period adjust operation strategies and reshape the development mode. To surviveenterprises must adapt to the constant change of external environment. If the external environment has changed and the operation remains as it i

16、sthe former mode however successful will prevent it from developing or lead it to failureHow to adapt to the standards of social responsibility put forward by MUC multinational company.Then How to attract and retain necessary employees The only way left is improving working conditions. But the main

17、issue for us to deal with is how to compensate the increasing cost which is used to improve working conditionsto possess a certain or even larger space to get profit To achieve thatan enterprise should at least adjust itself in the following three aspects 21 Improving the internal value chain enhanc

18、ing the internal management efficiency According to Bauds theory about value chain the value activities of enterprises involve two typesthe basic and the assistantThe basic oneaccording to their sequence of arts and crafts is divided into five partsinternal logisticsprocess of productionexternal log

19、isticsmarket saleAnd service. The assistant one supporting and ensuring the achievement of the basic includes four partsThe basic establishment of enterprisesthe management of labor resourceexploitation of technologyand stock. Each of the nine activities can be further divided and combined each of t

20、hem is the headspring to create value and each enhancement in efficiency of them can bring about profit Enterprises can analyze their own various activities according to the value chain to find the way to improve. A worthy reference is the management mode of Good Baby GroupWal-Martone of Chinese sup

21、pliersthe manufacturer of baby carrier. This company obtains the order and the profit through the value activities like improving its stock production delivery and so on Four years ago in order to open the American market for one-off baby carrier Wal-Mart decided to sell a baby carrier at 9.99 in th

22、e market and predicted that the purchase would reach up to 1200000. The price of a carrier was cut down to 6.4 at last in order to gain the average profit as before. According to the cost of one “Good Baby” carrier at that timeit cost a bit more than 8which means that if they sell one at 6.4 dollars

23、 for one they will lose nearly 2. In order not to lose Wal-Marts other low-price markets in the world Good Baby Group finally decided to sign the contract and followed it with an immediate search for a production mode to save the cost. Since one-off baby carrier has not changed too much in design an

24、d color Good Baby Group made more than 100 thousand carriers in time by purchasing materials in large batch and speeding up production. After thatit made constant improvement and speed up so much that it can make one within 15 seconds instead of several minutes in the past. Meanwhilethe techniques o

25、f folding crafts has also been improved the number of carriers explores constantly the method to speed up 3the production and reduce the costthrough which the cost of one carrier was brought down from 8 to a little more than 5. At the same time Wal-Mart has been very successful in exploiting the mar

26、ket and they not only ordered 1200000 carriers at full price but also sent another order for more than 200000 carriers. Just With this one single operation the Good Baby Group has brought averagely its rate of profit up to more than ten percent 22 Training employee The scientific value activities ca

27、n bring the enterprise much profit and to improve the participants techniques is another approach to make profit. Nowadaysthe technical workersespecially those highlevel ones fall short of demand everywhere all over the countryThe statistics of spot check on the technical workers in 40 cities by the

28、 Labor and Social Security Ministry shows the technicians and high technicians are only less than 4of the whole technical workersand the enterprises demand more than 14of them with a big gap betweenThe highly labor-concentrated enterprises generally attach great importance on use of laborers but not

29、 on their trainingThey even never train their employees at a11Besidesrapid changing employees also cause the great shortage of fledged workers and highly skillful technical workers in enterprises Chinese central government and local governments have taken measures to promote the training of technica

30、l intellectualsThe enterprises should also cultivate the consciousness of training and retaining talented employees. They can draw a long time plan of labor development establish the system for employees to take further education and trainingtake measures to implement the apprenticeship system and a

31、lso take advantage of the high technical schools technical colleges and high vocational colleges as the bases for training employeesAs long as an enterprise realizes the importance of training employeesit can discover a variety of training modes The improved work efficiency of employees can naturall

32、y offer possibilities to improve their working and living conditions and to raise their income 23 InnovatingAnd enhancing the additional value of products To improve the value chain and train employees is a strategy to improve internal operation and also the way to achieve efficiency within a short

33、period of timeBut Chinas export products have extremely low additional value. The essential reason is that these products are only simply processed with no brand or only used as parts for other brands. Another reason is that our products have no core technology and the patent must be purchasedTheref

34、orethe divided work in the value chain is in the dry tree the ability to bargain is weak and the profit is extremely slenderIn a larger sense innovation is the only way to raise its competitive position and get out of troubles Innovation should be carried out from three aspects: technology products

35、and brand. Technology innovation refers to the process in which innovative technologies are applied in the enterprise. It is generally achieved through innovating arts and crafts to make a qualitative leap in the productivityProduct innovation involves five aspects such as time e.g. the deadline of

36、delivery quality in narrow sense cost service and environmental protection and so on among whichquality has 8 dimensionsthe function of the principal attribute the assistant feature to support the basic functionreliability conformity life-spanserviceaesthetics and feeling qualityShaping the brand me

37、ans to establish ones own brandand it is the long hardworking process but the important approach to achieve the initiative right in the markets and increase the 4additional value. 3 Conclusions To survive and develop further enterprises must adjust its operation strategy: improving the interior valu

38、e chain enhancing the internal management efficiencyand innovating to increase the additional value of their products 5中国外贸企业在国际贸易中的地位及走向中国外贸企业在国际贸易中的地位及走向中国外贸企业在国际贸易中的地位及走向中国外贸企业在国际贸易中的地位及走向 如今全国范围内通过SA8000认证的企业不上100家。其中广东省最严重。“核查跨国公司的工厂”意思是核查这样的供应商他们不执行SA8000或其他与之类似的社会用人标准的相关准则。 目前国内企业面临的最大的压力就是劳动

39、密集型消费品的制造厂比如服装厂 玩具厂 体育用品厂鞋厂等等。同时这一趋势很快从整个消费品行业扩展到整个加工行业比如电子消费品加工业家具业食品业。很多跨国公司宣称他们会接受SA8000标准。他们鼓励供应商和合同签约厂也接受SA8000的验证。有的公司甚至规定合同签约厂通过SA8000标准的日程安排。 1 SA8000对中国企业的影响 劳动密集型企业的诸多就业问题降低了管理成本。如果企业依照SA8000或相关标准来改善就业形势企业的管理成本会立即增加产品在国际市场的竞争力也会减弱。具体而言导致运作成本增加的直接因素是具体落实SA8000中的工作环境工作日工作报酬而间接因素则是那些有利于员工的规定如

40、劳动条件员工权利管理手段。除此之外SA8000的鉴定对很多中国企业而言是个沉重的负担。获得最终的验证整个过程需要一年证书的有效期仅3年并且每半年需复检每次复检要花费约人民币30到50万。 2企业管理策略调整 在探讨企业如何面对SA8000的挑战以求生存及更好的发展之前很有必要考虑另一个变量-国内劳动力市场的现状及趋势。 早在2004年初被称为“农村劳动力缺乏”之地的珠江三角洲就开始出现了劳动力短缺。如今问题反而变得更严重。2006年据广东省相关人士称仅广东省就有100万的岗位空缺。这一现象在其他诸如长江三角洲浙江省福建省等发达地区也存在这些地方近8成企业劳动力短缺。 造成这一结果的原因有很多。

41、首先近年来中国最重视三农问题政府帮助农村地区快速发展的一项政策。随着惠农政策的执行农村收入不断提高农民不再愿意到城市工作。第二随着中国经济的持续繁荣越来越多的工厂建筑场地以及服务行业都在竞相抢聘劳动力。并且更多的人倾向于在家乡附近求职。第三目前主要的农民劳动力年纪在18到35岁。人口统计数字显示这一年龄群的劳动力数量正在逐年下降。另外自1999年以来中国对高校招生逐年扩招这延缓了高校毕业生加入劳动力市场。同时逐年增加的大学毕业生并不都能满足现在招聘市场的需求。以上所有因素共同导致了“农民劳动力短缺”。 高度劳动密集型产业现在既面临来自SA8000的外部压力又有劳动力短缺的内在压力。企业该如何处

42、理这种情况呢调整运行策略重塑发展模式已经势在必行。 企业必须适应不断更新的外部环境这样才能生存。如果运行策略不随着外部环境的改变而改变无论以前的模式有多成功企业的发展都会受到限制甚至会导致失败。如何适应跨国企业提出的社会责任标准如何吸引企业所需的人才唯一的方式就是改善工作条件。但是我们面临的主要问题是如何在改善工作环境和获得更大的效益空间的同时抵消部分增加的成本。要做到这一点企业应该至少从以下三个方面调整自己。 2.1 改善内在价值链提高内部管理效率 根据波特的价值链理论企业的价值活动包括两种类型基本型和辅助型。基本型根据其工艺的流程分为五个部分企业物流加工社会物流市场营销服务。辅助型是支持和

43、保证基本型的顺利进行包括四个部分企业基础设施人才资源管理技术的运用库存。这九项经营活动的每一项又可以细分组合每一项都是创造价值的源头每一项效率 6的提高都能带来利润。 企业可以从价值链的角度分析其自身的各项活动以此找到合适的改善方针。好宝宝俱部-沃尔玛的管理模式很有借鉴意义。该公司生产婴儿车是中国的供应商之一。该公司就是通过诸如改善库存生产发货等价值活动来达到有序获得利润的。 四年前为了在美国开辟一次性婴儿推车的市场沃尔玛打算以每个9.99元的价格将婴儿车推向市场并预言购买量会达到120万。为了赚到跟以前一样的平均利润最后的单价降至6.4元。当时每个推车的成本是8元多一点点这就意味着如果以单价

44、6.4卖出每个会损失近2元。为了保住沃尔玛其他低价产品的全球市场好宝宝俱乐部最终决定签约紧接着就立刻研究节约成本的生产模式。 由于一次性的婴儿推车在设计和颜色上一直保持不变好宝宝俱乐部能够大宗购买原材料加快生产速度每次能及时生产超过1万个手推车。此后公司不断改进不断加快速度由原来的每分钟生产一个到每15秒之内生产一个。同时折叠工艺技术也得到了提高不断寻求加速生产降低成本的方法。由此每个手推车的成本由8元将为5元多一点。与此同时沃尔玛在开发市场上非常成功他们不仅以全价签订了120万个订单而且另外发出了20多万个手推车的订单。就是这一个操作活动好宝宝俱乐部使其平均利润率提升10个百分点。 2.2

45、培训员工 科学的价值活动能给企业带来很多利润提高员工技术是企业获利的另一途径。 如今全国范围内技术工人尤其是高端技术工人都处于供不应求的状态。劳动社会保障部在40个城市对技术工人进行取样调查数据表明技术员和高端技术员仅占整个技术工人的4不到而企业的需求量超过14两者之间落差很大。高度劳动密集型的企业大多重视使用员工而不重视员工的培训。有的甚至从不培训员工。与此同时员工的频繁变动也导致正式员工和技术娴熟的员工的巨大短缺。 中国中央政府和当地政府已经采取了措施来推进技术人才的培训。企业也应该培养训练和留住人才的意识。他们可以制定员工发展的长期计划建立对员工进行再教育和培训的体系采取落实学徒制度的措施同时也应充分利用高等技术学校高等职业院校作为培训员工的基地。只要企业意识到培训员工的重要性他们可以挖掘一系列培训模式.


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