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1、湖北华宁防腐技术股份有限公司Hubei Huaning Anticorrosion Technic Share Co., Ltd.胶粘剂(HB308促进剂)安全技术说明书(MSDS)Safety and technical Instructions of adhesive(HB308 Accelerant)第一部分 化学品及企业标识Part I Chemicals and enterprise marking化学品中文名称:胶粘剂(HB308促进剂)Chinese designation: adhesive(HB308 Accelerant)化学品英文名称:adhesive(HB308 Acc

2、elerant)English designation: adhesive(HB308 Accelerant)HS编码:3506990000HS Code:3506990000企业名称:湖北华宁防腐技术股份有限公司Company: Hubei Huaning Anticorrosion Technic Share Co., Ltd.地址:湖北省咸宁市咸安区八斗角31号Address: NO.31,Badoujiao Road,Xianan District,Xianning City,Hubei Province邮编:437035Postcode: 437035传真号码:0715-832498

3、8Fax: 0715-8324988电话号码:0715-8342646Tel: 0715-8342646电子邮件地址:yejinbu E-mail: yejinbu生效日期:2011-11-10Validity date: 2011-11-10 第二部分 成分组成信息Part II Information of buildup constituent纯品 混合物Pure chemical Admixture化学名称:胶粘剂(HB308促进剂)Chemical designation: adhesive(HB308 Accelerant)化学成份:1、氯丁橡胶 chloroprene rubbe

4、r2、甲苯 toluene3、丙酮 acetone一、 泄漏应急处理 人员撤离泄漏污染区至通风处,切断火源,尽可能切断泄漏源,防止流入下水道,排水沟等限制性空间。小量泄漏,用砂土覆盖,待期干燥后回收或无害处理后废弃。大量泄漏,利用围堤收容,然后收集、装入容器,收集人员必佩带防毒口罩。Evacuate personnel from leakage polluted area to ventilated place area and cut off fire source and leakage source to prevent flowing into restricted space suc

5、h as sewer or drain. If leak little, overlay it by sand soil and abandon after dryness or harmless disposal. If leak a great deal, enclose by barrier, then collect into container by personnel who must wear gas defence respirator. 二、 防护措施Two . defend measure呼吸系统防护:可能接触其蒸气时,应该佩带自吸过滤式防毒面具(半面罩)。紧急事态抢救或撤

6、离时,建议佩带空气呼吸器。Breath system defend: wear gas mask in case contact the steam. Emergency salvage or remove, please wear air breathing apparatus 眼睛防护:戴化学安全防护眼镜Eyes defend: wear chemical safety defend glasses身体防护:穿防静电工作服Body defend: wear antistatic fatigue dress 手防护:戴橡胶手套Hand defend: wear rubber gloves其他

7、:工作现场严禁吸烟。工作毕,淋浴更衣。注意个人清洁卫生Others: forbidden smoke at site. After work, bath and change clothes. Pay attention to the personnels sanitation.三、 急救措施Three . first aid measurement皮肤接触:脱去污染的衣服,用肥皂水及清水冲洗皮肤。Skin contact: take off polluted clothing and wash the skin with soap water and clean water.眼睛接触:立即翻

8、开上下眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗15min。Eye contact: roll the upper and lower eyelids open immediately and wash the eye with flowing cleaning water or physiological saline for 15 minutes.吸入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处,保持呼吸畅通,呼吸困难时,输氧。Inhalation: leave the site immediately for a place with fresh air to keep smooth breath. Use oxyg

9、en therapy when breath is lost. 如吸收及心跳停止,立即进行人工呼吸和心脏按摩,就医。 In case of aspiration and heart failure, conduct artificial respiration and heart massage immediately and summon a doctor immediately.食入:饮足量水,催吐、就医。 Ingestion: drink sufficient water,induce vomitting and summon a doctor immediately.灭火方法:可用泡沫

10、、二氧化碳、干粉、砂等扑救。The fire can be extinguished with foam,co2,dry powder and sand.注意事项:用水扑火无效。Note: water is not applicable.第三部分 危险性概述Part III General description of hazard危险性类别:易燃液体Hazard classification: Flammable liquid接触途径:吸入、含入、经皮肤吸收Approach: inbreathing, eating and absorbing through skin.健康危害:对眼睛及呼吸

11、道有刺激作用,吸收可能引起脉水肿,抑制中枢神经系统。Health hazards: irritate eyes and respiratory tract, result in pulse dropsy if absorbed or restrain the central nervous system.急性状态:头痛、恶心、兴奋、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻。Acute symptom: headache, nausea, excitation, throw-up, bellyache or diarrhea.皮肤接触:脱去污染的衣服,用肥皂水和清水冲洗皮肤。Skin touching: take of

12、f polluted clothing and wash the skin with soap water and clean water.眼睛接触:立即翻开上下眼睑,用流动清水或生理盐水冲洗15min。Eye touching: roll the upper and lower eyelids open immediately and wash the eye with flowing cleaning water or physiological saline for 15minutes.吸入:迅速脱离现场至空气新鲜处,保持呼吸畅通,呼吸困难时,输氧。Inhalation:leave th

13、e site immediately for a place with fresh air to keep smooth breath. Use oxygen therapy when breath is lost.如吸收及心跳停止,立即进行人工呼吸和心脏按摩,就医。In case of aspiration and heart failure, conduct artificial respiration and heart massage immediately and summon a doctor immediately. 食入:饮足量水,催吐,就医。Ingestion: drink

14、sufficient water, induce vomiting and summon a doctor immediately.第四部分 消防措施Part IV Fire fighting measures危险特性:易燃性:本品为中闪点液体,遇高热,明火可能引起燃烧。Flammability: medium flash point, flammable in high heat and open fire毒害性:在使用时可能形成易燃蒸气,吸入有刺激性。Hazardness: producing flammable vapor when it is in use ,which is pung

15、ent when it is breathed in.闪点:7CCOFlash point: 7CCO 灭火方法:可用泡沫、二氧化碳、干粉、砂等扑救。The fire can be extinguished with foam,co2,dry powder and sand.注意事项:用水扑火无效。Note: water is not applicable.第五部分 泄漏应急处理Part V Emergent disposal for leakage切断火源,用砂土,活性碳,或其它惰性材料吸收残液,防止进入水道、排洪沟等限制性空间。Cut off kindling and absorb res

16、idues with sand, activated carbon or other inert materials to avoid it entering limited space such as channel and flood drainage offtake. 消除方法:人员预防,万一形成蒸发,使用呼吸器,确保足够通风,使用个人防护衣物。 Safety method: take prevention measures. In case of evaporation formation, respirator is used to guarantee sufficient vent

17、ilation. Wear personal protective clothing.擦拭干净。Clean up the leaked liquid.第六部分:操作处置与储存Part VI Handling disposal and storage密闭操作,加强通风,操作人员必须经过专门培训,严格遵守操作规程,远离火种、热源,工作场所禁烟,使用防爆性的通风系统和设备,搬运时轻装轻卸,防止包装及容器损坏。Enclose it under good ventilation environment. An operator must be specially trained, strictly fo

18、llow operation regulations and keep it away from kindling and heat source. Smoking is forbidden at the work site. Anti-explosive ventilation system and equipment are used. Treat it gently for transport, avoiding damage of package and container.注意事项:保持容器密封,储存于阴凉、通风库房,远离火种、热源。采用防爆性照明、通风设施,运输时,夏季应早晚运输,

19、防止阳光曝晒。 Cautions: Keep container enclosed, store it in cool warehouse with good ventilation condition, and keep it away from kindling and heat source. Adopt anti-explosive lighting and ventilation facilities. For transportation in summer, transport it in the morning or at night to avoid explosure to

20、 sunlight. 储存温度25. Storage temperature 25.第七部分:接触控制/个体防护Part VII: Approaching control/Personnel protection监测方法:Monitoring method:工程控制:空旷通风,防止火种。Project control: open, ventilated and free from fire.呼吸系统防护:作业人员应该佩带防毒口罩。Protection for breathing system: wear gas defence respirator.眼睛防护:戴化学安全防护眼镜。Eye pro

21、tection: wear safety glasses.身体防护:穿相应的工作服。Body protection: wear relevant suit.手防护:戴橡胶手套。Hand protection: wear rubber gloves其他防护:工作现场禁止吸烟,进食和饮水。工作后淋浴更衣,注意一个人清洁卫生。Other protection: forbid to smoke, eat and drink at site. Make shower and change clothes after working and pay attention to personnels sani

22、tation.第八部分:理化特性Part VIII: Physicochemical characteristic外观:深黄色液体Appearance: Deep yellow liquid 相对密度(水=1):0.85-0.88Relative density(water density is 1): 0.85-0.88闪点:7CCO,flash point:7CCO;爆炸极限:1.27%-7%, explosive limit: 1.27%-7%, 溶解性: 不与水相溶。Dissolubility: insoluble in water.主要用途:钢结构容器内防腐。Main usage:

23、insternal corrosion protection of steel structure vessels.第九部分 稳定性和反应活性Part IX: Stability and reactivity稳定性:稳定Stability: steady聚合危害:不聚合Polymerization harm: unpolymerized避免接触的条件:Approaching prevention:禁忌物:强氧化剂、酸类。Contraindicated element: strong oxidation agent , acid.分解产物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳、氧化氮。Decompound out

24、growth: CO, CO2 , NO.第十部分:毒理学资料Part X: Toxicology information急性毒性:低毒;会引起头痛、恶心、兴奋、呕吐、腹痛、腹泻。长期低浓度接触引起神经衰弱综合症和消化道症状。Acute toxicity: harmfulness, can cause headache, nausea, excitement, spew, bellyache, diarrhea. Low chroma contact long time may cause crack-up syndrome and alimentary canal symptom.亚急性和慢

25、性毒性:Sub-acute and chronic toxicity:致敏性:Sensitizing致突发性:Suddenness致畸性:Teratogenic致癌性:Cancer cauning十一部分: 环境生态资料Part XI: Environmental and zoological information生态学资料: Zoological information: 十二部分: 废弃处置Part XII: Disposal废弃物性质:液体垃圾废弃处置方法:采用焚烧法处置。Rubbish property: liquid rubbish Disposal methods: use in

26、cinerating disposal.十三部分:运输信息Part XIII: Transportation information危险货物编号:3Dangerous cargos No.:3UN编号:1133UN Number: 1133包装类别:Packaging type: II包装方法:铁桶包装Packaging method: Packed in metal pail运输注意事项:铁路运输严格按照铁道路危险货物运输规则。道路运输时应配备相应品种数量的消防器材及泄漏应急处理工具和装备。Transportation attentions: railway transportation s

27、hall be in strictly accordance with Dangerous Cargos Transportation Regulations and equipped with extinguishing equipment and leakage prevention tools or equipment.第十四部分:法规信息Part XIV: Rule of law information法规信息:危险化学品安全管理条例2002年国务院令第344号。【1996】劳动部发423号:工作场所安全使用化学品规定等法规。Rule of law information: 2002

28、No.344 doc. Safety Management Rules of Dangerous Chemicals. 1996 No.423 Chemicals Safety Application Regulations at Working Area第十五部分:其他信息Part XV: Other informations本安全技术说明书(MSDS)提供的是在正常情况下安全使用本产品的现有信息,仅供安全工作参考,不做任何担保。用户在实际使用时应对有关建议的适用性进行评价。参考文献:填表时间:2011年11月填表部门:质量管理部数据审核单位:技术部修改说明:第二版其他信息:无This sa

29、fety technical instructions specified information for safety application of products under normal conditions is only for reference without any guarantee. Client should evaluate applicability of relevant suggestions during actual application.Reference:Filling Date: Nov. of 2011Filling Dept. Quality C

30、ontrol Dept.Data Checking dept.: Technical Dept.Revision: 02Other information: None-特别注意NOTICE危险特性:Hazard characteristics:易燃,其蒸气与空气可形成爆炸性混合物。遇明火、高热能引起燃烧爆炸。与氧化剂接触会猛烈反应。在火场中,受热的容器有爆炸危险。其蒸气比空气重,能在较低处扩散到相当远的地方,遇明火会引着回燃。燃烧(分解)产物:一氧化碳、二氧化碳。flammability, the steam can form the volatile admixture with air.

31、Cause burning blast when meet fire and high heat energy. Fieriness reaction when meet oxidant. In the fire, the heated container may blast. The steam is heavier than the air, can diffuse far at the lower place, it may burnt when meet fire.Burnt(decompose) outcome: CO,CO2.特别提醒ESPECIALLY REMIND 建议施工作业1小时休息15分钟左右,工作两小时需换人。Suggest to break for 15 minutes every 1 hour working, substitution when work 2 hours.


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