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1、建筑设备安装识图与施工工艺管理工程学院 实习报告 实习项目:安装工程施工实习 专业:工程造价 班级: 姓名: 学号: 时间:2012-2013学年第二学期17周 指导老师: 成绩评定: drawings, combined with architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear

2、structure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100 mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for

3、pass water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection.

4、3, piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of construction, construction of the building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure an

5、d the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to the hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensure the flat fin

6、ish, while water supply and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertical walls (using 400 mm long threaded galvanized 实习目的: 安装工程施工工艺实习是完成本课程后的一个重要的实践性环节。通过实 习可培养学生综合运用已学理论知识解决工程实际问题的能力 提高学生实际工作技能 增强竞争意识 为将来打下良好的基础。 实习基本要求: 通过施工实习巩固和加深理解所学专业课程的理论及实践知识 并拓宽知 识面。

7、通过具体实践活动 进一步了解安装工程的相关的材料、结构以及具体的施 工方法和程序。 通过实习活动 增强学生独立工作、善于分析实际问题和解决实际问题的能力。 通过实习活动 为后续课程打下良好的基础。 三、实习内容: 这次我们实习主要参观了平顶山盛源阳光公寓、平顶山翊达建筑安装天润 花苑、河南城建学院西校区中央空调实验室这三个地方。 此次实习主要参观了室内配线工程、室内给排水系统|、室内消防系统、室内采暖通风空调工程等。 1.首先是消防系统。室内消防给水系统分为消火栓给水系统和自动喷水灭火系统。 室内消火栓给水系统由消火栓、水龙带、水枪、消防卷盘(消防水喉设备)、水泵接合器以及消防管道、水箱、增压


9、地面1.1m;可为明装、暗装或者半暗装。消防水泵接合器是为建筑物配套的自备消防设施,用以连接消防车、机动泵向建筑物的消防灭火管网输水。 自动喷水灭火系统由管道、报警装置和喷头等组成。drawings, combined with architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear st

10、ructure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100 mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pa

11、ss water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3,

12、 piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of construction, construction of the building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and

13、the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to the hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensure the flat finis

14、h, while water supply and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertical walls (using 400 mm long threaded galvanized 自动喷水灭火系统分为湿式喷水灭火系统、干式喷水灭火系统、干湿式两用喷水灭火系统等。自动喷水灭火系统是在火灾发生时,可自动地将水喷洒在着火物上,扑灭火灾或隔离着火区域,防止火灾蔓延,并同时自动报警的消防给水系统。喷头按其结构分为开式喷头和闭式喷头。开式喷头按其用途和洒水形状的特点可分为开式

15、洒水喷头、水幕喷头和喷雾喷头。报警阀是自动喷水灭火系统中的控制水源、启动系统、启动水力警铃等报警设备的专用阀,按系统类型和用途不同分为湿式报警、干式报警和雨林报警三大类。第一天参观的建筑物的一至五层为商品房,其室内消防系统为自动喷水灭火系统。 管道连接后,不得减少管道的通水横断面面积。当管道变径时,宜采用异径接头。在管道弯头处不得采用补心,当需要采用补心时,三通上可采用1个,四通上不得超过2个,DN50mm的管道不宜采用活接头。 普通消火栓系统,管道是焊接钢管,采用焊接连接;自动喷水灭火系统,drawings, combined with architectural drawings, set

16、 all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear structure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100 mm; cut force wall Shang wat

17、er mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pass water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts not infiltration not leak fo

18、r qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3, piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of construction, construction of the

19、 building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to the hot-melt construction tec

20、hnology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensure the flat finish, while water supply and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertical walls (using 400 mm long thread

21、ed galvanized 管道是镀锌钢管,采用螺纹连接。 室内排水系统可分为生活污(废)水系统、生产污(废)水系统、雨水和雪水系统。 室内排水系统一般由污废水收集器、排水支管、排水横管、排水立管、排出管、通气管、清通装置、抽升设备等组成。清通装置中,检查口处于立管上,清扫口处于水平管上,起清理作用 。清扫口在标准层称为清扫口,在底层称为地面扫除口。在立管上应每隔一层设置一个检查口;连接2个及2个以上大便器或3个以上卫生器具的污水横管上应设置清扫口。此排水管的材质是upvcu管,按设计要求及位置装设伸缩节,间距不得大于4m。在分支处一般管,pvc-drawings, combined with

22、 architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear structure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100

23、mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pass water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts

24、not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3, piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of const

25、ruction, construction of the building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to t

26、he hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensure the flat finish, while water supply and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertical wal

27、ls (using 400 mm long threaded galvanized 采用三通。 2.配线系统 室内配线工程主要有线槽配线、塑料护套线配线、导管配线等。现在的安装 工程主要采用的是是导管配线。导管配线可分为明配和暗配两种方式。现在民 用建筑主要采用暗配方式这种方式的优点主要是管路短、弯曲少、美观。缺 点主要是不便于检修。为了克服这个缺点在导线的接头或分支处设置了接线盒。 在参观的建筑物的楼层顶部贴有一块块黄色的胶带,那是房间灯具的接线盒,这些接线盒是现在支好的模板上用铁丝将装有松散材料的用胶带封好的接线盒固定在设计的位置 防止混凝土进入接线盒内,然后在浇筑混凝土。 我们还看到梁或

28、板上有许多预留的塑料管或钢管是用来穿导线的,这种 配线方式叫做导管配线。 在每个房间的墙上均有一个小的配电箱, 为房间的各个用电器供电。 drawings, combined with architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear structure bearing parts

29、need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100 mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pass water test, ensure

30、pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3, piping quality contro

31、l 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of construction, construction of the building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and the location of water

32、supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to the hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensure the flat finish, while water supply

33、and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertical walls (using 400 mm long threaded galvanized 在每个房间里,都有暗装的开关盒。开关盒的安装高度为距地1.3m1.5m。在距地高度大约为0.3m的墙上有暗装的插座盒。在距地面近的位置还有弱配电箱。弱电箱指用于通信、智能控制等用途的箱式设备。里面的电压不超过36V安全电压。配电箱根据用途的不同,可分为照明箱、动力箱和计量箱。照明箱用 于带照明回路等非动力负载,动力箱用于带风机水泵

34、空调等动力负载;计量箱用 于电能计费。三者并不是严格区别,单个配电箱可以包括上述三种功能或任两 种功能。弱电设备一般尽量避免放入强电箱内,以隔绝电磁干扰。弱电箱是独 立的箱体,与强电箱不在一起。 3.通风空调系统 通风系统可分为通风空调系统和中央空调系统。 通风空调系统主要由风道、消声器drawings, combined with architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced constructio

35、n finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear structure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100 mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment t

36、ube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pass water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction po

37、ured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3, piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of construction, construction of the building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wal

38、l with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to the hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube

39、construction; reserved water to ensure the flat finish, while water supply and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertical walls (using 400 mm long threaded galvanized 、阀门、柔性软管和空调机组成。风管的主要材料是镀锌铁皮,且在风管外侧包有泡沫塑料保温层和能够反射外界热量,减少热交换的铝箔纸。风管之间是咬口连接,drawings, combined

40、 with architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear structure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface

41、 100 mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pass water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface p

42、arts not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3, piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of

43、construction, construction of the building must be clarified before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according

44、 to the hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensure the flat finish, while water supply and position deviation shall not exceed ? 20 mm; water supply must be perfectly vertica

45、l walls (using 400 mm long threaded galvanized 一般为现场组合,风管的变径采用渐缩管。消声器的材质是玻璃钢;柔性软管一般为帆布材料的,其作用是降振降噪;风口有百叶风口和散流器。 中央空调系统有风管和组合式空调器组成。 空气调节的内容:温度、湿度、清新度、洁净度和风速。风管分为过滤段、热交换段、加湿段、高度送风段,来满足房间对空气调节的各个内容。 风管和组合式空调器之间有软连接,作用是降振降噪。 drawings, combined with architectural drawings, set all indoor pipes embedded

46、deepen . Road deflection; 2.3 in civil structure end of reinforced construction finished Hou began pre buried construction, wear structure bearing parts need used plastic casing protection; pipeline reserved mouth high out structure surface 100 mm; cut force wall Shang water mouth used in structure

47、in the reserved 200*150 bubble way reserved, convenient follow-up adjustment tube mouth; pipeline try pressure Qian first to for pass water test, ensure pipeline smooth, used 1.0MPA of hydraulic test for strength check, pipeline interface parts not infiltration not leak for qualified, Water pressure

48、 has been to structure concrete construction is completed. 2.4 construction poured concrete specialists on duty, for inspection. 3, piping quality control 3.1 wall construction wall and determine plastering construction after completion of construction, construction of the building must be clarified

49、 before completion elevation; Reserved 3.2 identify nozzle location on the wall with a pencil portrait of a pipeline to figure and the location of water supply provision, by cutting machine cutting and artificial drilled slot; 3.3 according to the hot-melt construction technology of construction, and intersection can be used across the bridge bending of hot water copper tube construction; reserved water to ensur


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