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1、Greeting,G1,1.Greeting and Parting,In China,When people meet acquaintances or friends,we always say,“Have you eaten yet?”What are you going to do?”In English,people often employ the following expressions to greet each other“Good morning/evening/afternoon.“Fine day,isnt it?”How is everything going?”,

2、etc.,Western and Chinese cultures have diverse ways to deal with leave-takings.,Western people always try to make their leaving sound reluctant by finding some reasons and apologize for it to make the leaving acceptable for both parties.They often signal several times before leaving.Such as,1.“I am

3、afraid I must be off,I have to”2.“Well,its been nice to see you again.I do enjoy our talk and the lovely dinner,but I must be going soon”.3.“Thank you very much for asking me over.I hope well be able to get together again before long”,朝鲜人打招呼行鞠躬礼,表示尊敬和谢意。Koreans greeting is a bow to express respect a

4、nd gratitude to.,泰国人打招呼男士双手在额前,女士双手在胸前。Thai,the male places hands in facial front,female before then placing at the chest to each other.,日本人以脱帽子鞠躬来打招呼,稍微低头,眼睛向下。Hats off the Japanese in order to say hello,slightly bowed and eyes down.,毛利人碰鼻子来打招呼,次数越多,时间越久,表示越亲密。Maori greeting is to touch the noses,t

5、he more the number and the longer,the more intimate.,Australian italian person to shake hands to say hello.澳大利人打招呼是握手。,马来西亚打招呼是两人双手交窝,双手微触额头一下,双手微触胸前一下。Malaysia,the two people hands hand over to hold for a whlie.the hands are tiny to touch a forehead and before the chest for a whlie.,Indonesians fri

6、ends is to press down a chest to say hello each other with the right hand,to ordinary people then to shake hands.印尼人熟人是用右手按住胸口互相问好,对一般人则以握手问好。,对美国人而言,他们并不会到处拥抱、亲吻遇见的每一个人。当然,女性们可能会在见面时彼此紧抱一下以示友好;而且在某些上流社交圈里,轻吻对方的面颊是很普遍的礼节。但除了对家人与好友外,美国人通常不会经常随便拥抱他人。此外,并不是每一位美国人都习惯拥抱他人。因此,不要随便把手臂环住下一个你碰到的美国人。他可能会跟你一样地

7、不自在。,美国人喜欢说的是:,-How are you doing?-Im doing good.Hows everything going?Whats up?,France,一般说来,男士之间,主要是边握手边打招呼。关系比较好的女士之间,或男女间,就主要采取贴面礼或亲吻礼。根据不同地方的习惯,有人亲吻两下,左脸右脸;有人则更多。贴面礼,其实只是脸靠脸,嘴巴发出亲吻的声音而已。那亲吻礼就是直接脸上“啵”“啵”左右脸两下,直接亲了。,南亚摇头礼,在印度、巴基斯坦、孟加拉、尼泊尔、斯里兰卡等国,人们相互交往时,往往彬彬有礼地摇头。他们的表敬礼俗是:向左摇头则表示赞同、尊重或认可;点头则表示不同意。

8、这恰恰与中国的摇头不算点头算相反.,阿尔巴尼亚的礼仪有很多讲究在阿尔巴厄亚语中,对生病、生育、乔迁、婚丧,都有成套问候的语言如过生日时,人们会说”祝像高山一样长寿”、”像雄狮那样结实”;生育时,人们祝产妇”再生100 个”;办丧事时,人们通常讲”与您同哀”、”望您逢凶化吉”、”化悲哀为乐”等,非洲通行的打招呼方式-举起右手,手掌向著对方,目的是表示“我的手并没有握石头。”它是在表示:“没有武器。”是友好的象徵。非洲有的部落有个奇怪的礼节,即表示珍爱一个人或一个物时,要吐唾沫当部落的战士第一次遇到小孩时,要朝他吐口唾沫在触摸一件新武器时,要先在自己手上吐唾沫这可能是一种古老的遗俗,因为一些原始人

9、认为,口水可以避除邪恶,World Hello Day,Every year,November 21 is World Hello Day.The objective is to say hello to ten people on the day.By greeting others,the message is for world leaders to use communication rather than using force to settle conflicts.世界问候日”(World Hello Day)开始于1973年11月21日,为促进埃及和以色列之间的和平(当时正值第四次中东战争期间),来自澳大利亚的姆可马克与米切尔兄弟两人,自费印刷了大量有关问候的宣传材料寄给世界各国政府首脑及世界知名人士,向他们阐述设立“世界问候日”的重要意义,扩大“世界问候日”的影响,第一个“世界问候日”诞生。,


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