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1、摘 要在缺乏生活必需品,安全没有保障的情况下,鲁宾逊在荒岛上生活了二十八年之久,并且最终获救,他是怎样幸存下来的呢?通过对原著及相关书籍的研究,解释鲁宾逊幸存的原因。在困境面前,他没有放弃希望、努力劳动、不断创新、坚持不懈,最终创造自己生命的精彩。在这个物欲横流、经济高速腾飞的时代,人们会不可避免的遇到一些困境和挫折。有些人能够从逆境中走出来,将不利变为有利、绊脚石变为垫脚石。而有些人则会失去斗志,萎靡不振。他们的态度决定他们能否战胜逆境。对不正确处理逆境的原因进行分析,找出正确处理逆境的方法。通过这些方法帮助人们战胜逆境,创造属于他们自己的精彩。关键词:鲁宾逊;逆境;态度;方法Abstrac

2、tUnder the situation of lacking the necessities of his life and no guarantee of his safety, Robinson lived on an isolated island for twentyeight years, and finally rescued. How did he survive? Based on the study of the original and related books, I will explain the causes of Robinson survived. In tr

3、ouble, he didnt give up hope, still hard work, innovation, persistence, and eventually create his own life. In this money-centered, highspeed economic boom times, people will inevitably encounter some difficulties and frustrations. Some people can go out of adversity, and turn a stumbling block into

4、 a stepping stone, while some people may lose their heart. Their attitudes determine whether they can overcome the adversity or not. Through analyzing the reasons of dealing with adversity improperly, summarize the ways of dealing with adversity properly. With the help of these ways, people will ove

5、rcome adversity and create their own splendor. Key words:Robinson; adversity; attitudes; waysContentsChapter 1 The brief introduction of the original works11.1 The introduction of the author11.2 The introduction of the content1Chapter 2 The reasons of his survival on the isolated island32.1 Hard wor

6、k32.2 Making plans on the island62.3 Innovation72.4 Persistence8Chapter 3 Present situation of dealing with adversity103.1 The causes of dealing with adversity improperly103.2 The ways of dealing with adversity properly123.2.1 Recognizing the adversity properly123.2.2 Confronting adversity with hope

7、133.2.3 Making a plan for the future143.2.4 Innovation153.2.5 Being perseverant15Conclusion18References19Acknowledgements20Chapter 1 The brief introduction of the original worksRobinson Crusoe is the first and the most outstanding novel written by Daniel Defoe. (范存忠, 1981: 198) If ever the story of

8、any private mans adventures in the world were worth making public, and were acceptable when published, Robinson Crusoe will be so. (Zeng Chongming, 2005: 1) You can imagine that Robinson Crusoe gains a favorable reception. 1.1 The introduction of the author The author of Robinson Crusoe, Daniel Defo

9、e, was born in a good commercial family in 1660 in London. He was once a businessman, who ran the enterprise of underclothes, cigarettes and wine trade. He had lived through some difficulties, but he could save his enterprise every time after his failure. Meanwhile, he showed us his stable determina

10、tion to fight against his fate. He could not be destroyed. All of those experiences paved the way of thought and technique of the accomplishment of his masterpiece Robinson Crusoe. That is, the success of Robinson Crusoe is not occasional. It was not until 1719, at the age of sixty, that Defoe publi

11、shed the famous novel. It was at once immensely successful, and launched him on a new career as a novelist. It is said that besides Bible, Robinson Crusoe is the most published book. Today, the book has been regarded as the first long fiction in the world. Defoes influence on the evolution of the En

12、glish novel is enormous, so he is remembered as the first important English novelist and a great imaginative writer. (Wang Songnian, 2002: 40)1.2 The introduction of the content It is well known that Robinson Crusoe is a great character by Daniel Defoe. Though Robinson is a fictitious great person,

13、he tells people the truth that we should confront the adversity properly. Robinson Crusoes life is full of legends. He was born in a good family in the city of York. As his father said, “It was the best state in the world, the most suited to human happiness, not exposed to the miseries and hardships

14、, the labor and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind and not embarrassed with the pride, luxury, ambition, and envy of the upper part of mankind”. (Daniel Defoe, 2003: 3) But owing to his rambling thoughts about going to the sea, he broke loose to be a sailor against his parents will. Unfortun

15、ately, he was caught by Turkish buccaneers and became a slave at the African shore. Because of the unbearable life, he escaped from his Patron in a boat. Then he was saved by a freighter. And he was sent to Brazil safely. He became rich by plantation. But when someone suggested going to the sea to b

16、uy and sell Negroes, he surrendered himself to his dream again. Then he stepped on his way to navigation to Africa. On the way there, they were caught in a violent storm, which brought death to everyone except Robinson. He was driven by the current and drifted to an island and was saved. Since then

17、he began his life on the island. Robinsons life on the island is the most wonderful part of the whole story. Robinsons twentyeight years life on the island is acclaimed as the acme of perfection. Confronting such an adversity, Robinson showed his amazing willpower and staunch lifeforce. He also show

18、ed people how to deal with adversity in life. Under such an adverse circumstance, he overcame various difficulties and created splendor of his life. Chapter 2 The reasons of his survival on the isolated islandSupposed that the man who was deserted on the desolated island was not Robinson, he is anyo

19、ne. What is the result? The reason why Robinson survived is not his luck, but his attitude towards the adversity. After the study of the original works and some related books, I summary some reasons of Robinsons survival on the island with limited necessities.2.1 Hard workRobinsons hard work in this

20、 novel showed this character of human labor. When he took the remained things from the ship which had not sunk into the sea, he expected the utilities of everything he took onshore. After he had fastened his raft to be strong enough to bear any reasonable weight, his next care was what to load it wi

21、th and how to preserve what he lain upon it from the surf of the sea. “ having considered well what I most wanted, I first got three of the seamens chests, which I had broken open and emptied, and lowered them down upon my raft ”. (Wu Weiren, 1988: 178) He at first loaded provision such as some brea

22、d, rice, three Dutch cheeses, five pieces of dried goats flash, which he would live much upon. He then found some clothes for they might keep him out of cold. What he wanted most was the carpenters chest, in which there were many valuable tools, for his purpose of cultivating the island for his surv

23、ival. His next care was for some ammunition and arms, because they could prevent themselves from being attacked by dangerous animals. Robinson brought away all the sails first and last, cutting them into pieces and brought as much at a time as he could, “for they were no more useful to be sails, but

24、 as merely canvass only”. (Daniel Defoe, 2003: 103) The sails were no longer a useful thing for Robinson who was alone in the island, but the canvass should be used to cover his habitation and to make clothes. When he was at the sight of the money:I smiled to myself at the sight of this money. “O dr

25、ug!” said I aloud, “what art thou good for? Thou art not worth to me, no, not the taking off of the ground; one of those knives is worth all this heap; I have no manner of use for thee, een remain where thou art and go to the bottom as a creature whose life is not worth saving.” (Daniel Defoe, 2003:

26、 44-45)Actually, money would no longer show its value in such an isolated island, what he wanted at that situation was food, clothing and housing for his survival. Jin Liuchun mentions that if Robinson did not get the necessity of life, maybe he would be eaten by the animal or savages. (金留春, 1979: 1

27、34) Robinsons labor met his basic demand and made him survived in this island. After Robinson had survived the island, he began to consider the security of himself. When Robinson was deserted to the isolated island, he was, in effect, flopped into a primitive state from his capitalist society. His l

28、abor should begin with nothing. Though he had brought some necessity from the ship, they turned to be limited for his life on the isolated island, because it was not a single or two days. He had to explore the nature and make himself secured on the island. Ou Quan said in his book that Robinson was

29、actually a man in the primitive society with the concept of bourgeoisie. (欧权, 2004: 375) Engels said Robinson was a real capitalist. (Ian Watt, 1951: 214) He felt fortunate to find that he was still alive, but the next fear come out of his mind that he might be attacked even eaten by any dangerous a

30、nimals. The description of Robinsons mood showed his great desire for safety. “ neither did I see any prospect before me, but that of perishing with hunger, or being devoured by wild beasts; and that which was particularly afflicting to me, was, that I had no weapon either to hunt and dill any creat

31、ure for my sustenance, or to defend myself against any other creature that might desire to dill me for theirs ”. (Daniel Defoe, 2003: 98)To keep one in a state of safety, the first response is to keep distance from danger. It is also the effectual way and the only way to preserve ones life in such a

32、 desperate condition. Robinson got up into a thick bushy tree which grew near him, and where he resolved to sit all night, and consider the next day “what death he should dye” he cut a short stick for his defense before he getting to sleep. Robinsons first step of building his habitation was to view

33、 the country, and seek a proper place for his habitation where his goods were stored to secure them from whatever might happen. When he got on the raft to get things from the ship, he was “under some apprehensions during my absence from the land, that at least my provisions might be devoured on shor

34、e” having finished his transportation of provisions, he went back to his little tent where “I lay with all my wealth about me very secure” he build sturdy fence and door not only for the purpose of protecting himself, but also for the insurance of his wealth. (Daniel Defoe, 2003: 100)What he had don

35、e guaranteed his safety on the isolated island. At the first years, Robinsons life on the island was actually a primitive state when he almost maintained his life by gathering, hunting and fishing, which increased his property and made him rich. He hunted goats and birds in the forest, which solved

36、his problem of his food demand, but cost him his tremendous labor. He looked for wild fruits and collected them and stored in his habitation. All his action of this period was just like that of men in primitive society and took him great energy because of his lacking of tools and experience. But unl

37、ike those who always do their hunting and collection in group, he carried out his action alone, which added the hardship of his labor. “ no one in a single life could claim the satisfaction of victory, but only of continuance and survival”. (Christopher Gillie, 1972: 200) Shortly after Robinsons col

38、lection and hunting, he began to change his producing form. Collecting wild fruits and hunting no longer satisfied Robinson who began to think about taming animals and growing crops himself. He tried very hard to catch some living goats and made fence to enclose them. The tamed goats provided him a

39、large amount of food and saved his bullets to shoot them. He also caught some parrots and tamed them and taught one of them to talk. Although it was not for the purpose ofproviding him food, it enriched Robinsons life on the desolated island and whats more, it was a reflection of the development of

40、animal husbandry in this island.He decorated his habitation and enlarged the space of it to make sure he lived comfortable and in safety, all of these improved the level of his life. He initially failed of reaping any crops from his field, but he didnt give up. He observed the change of the season a

41、nd acquired the law. He tried to divide the dry season and the rainy season. Though he failed to enjoy his harvest , he tried another attempt and by this experiment he was made master of his business, and knew exactly when the proper season was to see; and that he might expect two seed times, and tw

42、o harvests every year.Taming and farming had not only provided Robinson food and had his property accumulated, but also cultivated himself and the island. We can also say that it was his work that civilized the island. Bludille believed that the initial meaning of civilization was a desire for the p

43、rogress of culture, technique, morality and of the society. (布鲁代尔, 1997: 125)During his work, he gathered the experience of surviving the island, mastered the law of the nature and after many practice and attempt, he mastered many skills of making instruments in farming and taming. Robinsons work ci

44、vilized him and gets him closer to the perfect.Robinson was not only rich in substance, but also in his mind. He “was so naturalized to the place” and he “had also arrived to some little diversions and amusements, which made the time pass more pleasantly” with him a great deal than it did before. (D

45、aniel Defoe, 2003: 222) It was clear that his labor enriched his spiritual life. He used to despair of his life on the isolated island, but his belief and the Bible comforted him and rescued him from the extreme suffering. Being filled with wild ambition and conviction, Robinson continued his busine

46、ss till the last minute. On the desolated island, Robinson did his level best to overcome all the bumps and difficulties. His hard work was not only for survival and security, but also for wellbeing and creating civilization. Robinsons adventures imply different Western cultural values. The novel si

47、ngs a song of “the dignity of labor,” a slogan which the bourgeoisie used to justify their accumulation of wealth through diligent work and colonial expansion. He is a selfmade man. He succeeds in creating a new life through his own efforts. (Zhang Dingquan, 2002: 78) If he had given up at the begin

48、ning or he had not worked hard radically, he might have been dead, let alone creating the splendor. 2.2 Making plans on the island “So that I had a tolerable view of subsisting without any want as long as I lived; for I considered from the beginning how I would provide for the accidents that might h

49、appen and for the time that was to come, even not only after my ammunition should be spent, but even after my health or strength should decay.” (Daniel Defoe, 2003: 50) From this, people can see that Robinson is a foresighted person. When he ran into the adversity, he could deal with it calmly, and he could consider his future rationally. Some people will lose his reasoning power when he is in a bad condition. But Robinson m


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