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1、 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? 课文重难点讲解 The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man. 【教师寄语】 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人 Section A 你去哪儿度假?1. Where did you go on vacation ? = holiday n 假期?n 【解析】vacation v?ke 去度假 take a vacation 在度假 on vacation 暑假 summer vacation winter v

2、acation 寒假 I have a lot of _every year . (vacation) She went to America. Where did Sarah go on vacation? ( ) B. take a vacation A. on vacation D. is for vacation C. is on vacation 凯文遇到有趣的人了吗?2. Kevin meet anyone interesting? 某人 ?n pron 【解析1】someone s?mw 任何人 pron anyone eniw?n 每人,人nproeveryone evri I

3、s everyone here ?【注】不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数 Did she go to the park with _last year? ( someone) 有兴趣的 interesting adj. 【解析2】interest v 使感兴趣 感兴趣的 adj. interested 感兴趣对 be interested in The students are _in these _books.( interest) adj. 常用来作定语或表语,修饰物。以ing结尾的【注】 adj.用来表示情绪,常做表语,修饰人ed结尾的 以 35. This movie wasnt _.

4、He fell asleep half way through it.【2014年丹东】 B. enough interesting A. interesting enough D. enough interested C. interested enough anything special?格蕾丝买特别的东西了吗?3.Grace buy to tell you.我有重要的事告诉你。4. I have something important 某事,某物 pron. 【解析】 something 任何事物anything pron. pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西nothing 【注】形容

5、词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词之后)Everything there _ interesting yesterday evening? ( 页18 共 页1 第 A. was B. is C. were D. are ) Did he do _ before? ( A. anything interesting B. interesting anything C. anywhere interesting D. interesting anywhere 【2014贵州贵阳】43.“Have you read todays newspaper “Yes Its really boring. The

6、re is _in it.” A. something new B. nothing new C. anything new 5. We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里照了好多相片。 【辨析】:quite a few与quite a little quite a few意为“相当的;不少”,修饰可数名词复数; quite a little意为“相当的;不少”,修饰不可数名词。 He will stay here for _ _ _days. There is _ _ _water in the bottle(瓶子). 【解析1】 few / a few

7、 little / a little辨析 否定 肯定 所修饰的名词 可数名词复数 a fewfew没有,几乎没有 有几个 不可数名词 little几乎没有。 a little有一点儿 【拓展】few / a few用来修饰可数名词, few表示否定,“没有,几乎没有”; He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞 a few表示有肯定, “有几个” There area few eggs in the basket.篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 little / a little用来修饰不可数名词, little表示否定,“没有,几乎没有

8、”。 There is little time left. Hurry up! 没多少时间了,快点儿! a little 表示肯定,“有一点儿” Can you speak English? Yes, but only a little. 【2014贵州铜仁】34. In our school, _ students like English, but _ of them can speak English smoothly. A. a little, a few B. a few, few C. a few, little D. a little, few 【2014 辽宁沈阳】2. Joh

9、n is getting very thin. He doesnt eat _ food. A. many B. enough C. few D. little 【2014江苏淮安】6. Now teenagers are very busy with their schoolwork and they have _ time to do exercise. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little 【解析2】take photos 拍照 6. I bought something for my parents , but nothing for myself

10、. 我为我父母买了一些东西,但是没有给我自己买什么东西。 【解析】myself 我自己 页18 共 页2 第 【拓展】反身代词 (1)反身代词的构成 一、二人称的反身代词 +self/selves构成构成:形容词性物主代词yourself myself 单数yourselves 复数 ourselves 第三人称的反身代词 +self/selves 第三人称宾格构成:itself herself 单数: himself 复数: themselves 反身代词的常见搭配:(2) 玩得高兴enjoy oneself=have fun =have a good time by oneself 自学t

11、each oneself=learn by oneself =alone 独自 help oneself to 随便吃 自我介绍introduce oneself to 反身代词必须与主语保持人称的一致。(3) s the secret of success.(we)You have to believe in _.That). 我自己m old enough to look after _ (【2014江苏宿迁】41. I I Am a Singer. through the TV program 2014广东佛山】Deng Ziqi won lots of fans for 【 C. he

12、rself her B. A. she The book is mine.I wrote my name on its cover_. 2014广东佛山】【C.himself B.yourself A.myself How did you like it ? 你认为它怎么样?7. .怎么样? How do you like sth?= What do you think of sth? 你认为【解析】I love/ like. Its/ theyre . I cant stand . I dont mind. 它非常壮观!wonderful! 8. It was 精彩的ful adj. w?n

13、d? v 想知道 wonderful ?【解析】 wonder w?nd Dehong is a wonderful city in Yunnan province. ) ( D. big C. noisy A. clean B. beautiful 67.After the rain , the village looks _ from the top of the hill.(wonder) 2014云南中考】【 但是没有人觉得无聊。 bored seemed to be. 9.Still no one “似乎,好像” 不及物动词或系动词 【解析1】 seem He seems very

14、angry. (1) seem +adj. He seems a nice man. (2) seem +n It seemed like a good idea. “好像” like连用 seem like 与 (3) He seems to be happy. “似乎,好像做某事” (4) seem to do sth It seems that no one believes you.看起来好像没有人相信你。 页18 共 页3 第 ( ) I seem _ left my book at home. A. have B. to have C. has D. to has (5) It s

15、eems that “看起来好像, 似乎” ) Would you like to have a try? ( Yes, It _ to be very exciting. A. seem B. seems C. looks D. will look 【易错题】 The computer doesnt work well. There _something wrong with it. A. seems to be B. seem to be C. seems to have D. seem to have 【解析2】bore boring adj. “令人厌烦的,厌倦的”,其主语多是物 一般

16、在句中修饰事或物,可作表语和定语 bored adj. “厌烦的,厌倦的” , 其主语多是人,一般在句中修饰人,作表语 我对他说的话厌烦极了。 m _with what he said.I 我发现这个 I find the story very_. ) He is so _ to see the _ book. ( A. bored; bored B. boring; bored C. bored; boring D. boring ; boring 【2013江苏宿迁】 The fashion show is _ . I dont enjoy it. A. interesting B. bo

17、ring C. important D. healthy 【2013绥化】26. How do you like the talk show? I think its _, but some people think its so_. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring 【2014福建厦门】20. How do you like the 2014 FIFA Word Cup Brazil ? Its very _ , Im loving it. A. boring

18、B. disappointing C. exciting 10. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 我的大部分时间都待在家里读书和休息。 【解析1】most m?ust adj. 大多数的 most of the + 名词复数/不可数名词 为代词,意为“大部分;大多数;大体上”。 most of the time“大部分时间”,其中most Most of the time Alan studies hard.艾伦大部分时间学习都很刻苦。 most of +代词(宾格) most of +物主代词 +名词复数/不

19、可数名词 【注】most of 做主语时,谓语动词的数与of后的词保持一致。 Most of the food is unhealthy. 我们大多数人要去公园。 Most of us_(be)going to the park. 大部分的食物都变质了。 Most of the food_(go)bad. 【解析2】relax relaxed adj 感到轻松的,自在的 relaxing adj. 令人放松的 页18 共 页4 第 感到放松 be relaxed about 对 云南昆明】36. -Where would you like to go this Mid-Autumn Festi

20、val? 【2014 d like to go_. - I B. somewhere relaxing A. everywhere relaxing D. peaceful somewhere C. peaceful anywhere ?所有人都玩得开心吗?11. Did everyone have a good time have a good time / wonderful/great time 【解析】 过得愉快 玩的开心, = have fun = enjoy oneself ) Did everyone have a good time? ( D. have time C. hav

21、e lunch A. have fun B. have a rest ll go to Hong Kong for a trip next weekend. 【2014贵州黔西南州】2. -I- Great! _ B. Have a good time! A. Good luck! D. Glad to see you again. C. Best wishes! ) of 湿地公园贵州六盘水】24. Children always have a good time at the Wetland Park(【2014 Liu Panshui. B. help each other A. enj

22、oy themselves D. have a big dinner C. look beautiful ? 你们购物了吗? 12.Do you go shopping =do some shopping. “去购物;去买东西”,【解析】go shopping I usually go shopping on Sundays.我通常星期天去购物。I often go _(shop) on Sundays. Linda often does shopping on Sundays. ) ( C. buy somethingB. goes and buys A. buys ”表示“去做某事”,常用

23、于表达从事某一体育活动或休闲活动。:“go+doing【拓展】 go skating去滑冰 go climbing去爬山 go bike riding 骑自行车旅行 go fishing去钓鱼 go sightseeing去观光 go hiking 去远足 去划船 go boating go surfing去冲浪 go camping去野营 go skateboarding去进行滑板运动 go swimming去游泳 73. We can enjoy fresh air when we _ in the countryside. (去钓鱼)【2014云南中考】 there.这是我第一次去那里。

24、 13.It was my first time sth . 某人第一次做某事s first time to do 【解析】Its oneIt was her _(one) time in Yunnan in 2014. pigs.We fed some hens and saw some baby 14. 猪 pig n.【解析】hen hen n 母鸡 产) eggs. All _ can lay ( ) ( D. sheep C. dogs A. hens B. pigs 所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃!15. Everything tasted really good! 在此为系动词,意为

25、“尝起来”taste,其后接形容词构成系表结构。【解析】 The milk tasted terrible.牛奶尝起来很糟糕。 do you like swimming in winter? 2014湖北荆州】24. 【f energy Of course. The water _ a bit cold at first, but then I am warm and full o 页18 共 页5 第 D. looks C. smells B. tastes A. feels in the countryside with my family. s farm16.I went to a fr

26、iend 我和家人一起去了乡下一个朋友的农场。 s farm是名词所有格形式。一般情况下,表示“有生命的人或物”的名词【解析】a friends,表示所属关系。 后面加 s.那辆红色的自行车是爱丽斯的。 The red bike is Alice 【拓展】:名词所有格的构成: ”: s)单数名词词尾加“”,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加“s1s Day on Children女鞋 womens shoes the girl s pen女孩的钢笔 2)复数名词以s结尾的只加“”: 学生阅览室 the students reading room s Day教师节 Teachers s,则表示“分别有”

27、;3)如果两个名词并列,并且分别有 s,则表示“共有”: 只后一个名词有一个 s and Kates rooms约翰和凯特(各自)的房间John s father莉莉和露西的爸爸Lily and Lucy of构成短语,表示所有关系4)表示无生命的名词一般与 the name of the story那个故事的名字 a map of China一幅中国地图17.The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. 唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。 。【解析】nothing much

28、to do意为“没什么事可做”今天下午我没什么特殊的事可做。I have_ _ _ _this afternoon. There is_ _ _ _,so I go to bed early.没什么事可做,因此我就早早睡觉了。 拓展:nothingbut意为“除之外什么也没有;只有”。but后可接名词或动词原形。 a.I had nothing but a cup of tea this morning.我今天早上只喝了杯茶。 b.I had nothing to do but watch TV.我无事可做,只有看电视。 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation

29、? 课文重难点讲解 Section B& Self Check 1. What did Lisa say about?莉萨对说过什么?(P4) 【解析】 say about意为“发表对的看法”。 I didnt say anything about it.我对此事什么也没说。 2. What activity do you find enjoyable? 你发现什么活动很有趣? 【解析1】 activity ?ktiviti n.活动;(pl) 复数:activities Students like outdoor activities._ 页18 共 页6 第 ( ) Are you fre

30、e? Lets do some_ with Tom. A. activity B. actors C. actresses D. Activities 【解析2】enjoyable adj,意为“愉快的;快乐的”。 Im sure we will have an enjoyable vacation.我确信我们将会有一个愉快的假期。 3. I really enjoyed walking around the twon. 我确实喜欢在城镇附近散步。 【解析】joy n 喜欢 enjoy v 喜欢 enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事 She en

31、joys _(listen) to the music. enjoy oneself = have fun = have a good time玩得高兴,过得愉快 I am glad to be invited to Susans birthday party on Friday evening , Mum. ( ) _ yourself, dear! But remember to be back before 10 oclock. A. Help B. Believe C. Make D. Enjoy 【2014贵州六盘水】24. Children always have a good t

32、ime at the Wetland Park(湿地公园) of Liu Panshui. A. enjoy themselves B. help each other C. look beautiful D. have a big dinner 3. I arrived in penang inMalaysia this morning with my family. 今早我和我的家人到达了马来西亚的滨城。 【解析】arrive vi“到达”。 arrive in表示到达较大的地方,如国家、省、市等; arrive at表示到达较小的地方,如机场、商店、广场、村庄等。 (注:地点副词home

33、,here,there前介词省略) 【辨析】get/ reach/ arrive get to +地点=arrive in/at +地点=reach+地点 th ,many foreign visitors arrived _ Shanghai. ) _the afternoon of April 30 ( A. In ,at B. On, in C. On ,to 【2012贵州黔东南】 I arrive in Leishan last Sunday. A.reach B.reached to C.got to D.got to 【2013四川广安】28. When will the pla

34、ne _Shanghai? Sorry,I dont know. A. get B. arrive at C. reach 【2014黑龙江龙东】 26.Henry, please call us as soon as you_ Hawaii. OK. Ill do that, Mom. A. arrive in B. are arriving in C. will arrive at 4.It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. 天气晴朗且炎热,因此我们决定去我们宾馆附近的海滩。 【解析】de

35、cide d?sa?d v.决定;选定 decision n 决定 (1)decide to do sth=make up ones mind to do sth 决定去做某事 他们决定去参观博物馆。 They _ _ _the museum. (2) make a decision做决定 The next morning Alice made a _(decide).She would tell her mother the truth. (3)make a decision on +n/doing (4) decide on 选定;决定 页18 共 页7 第 动词不定式”做宾语。decid

36、e后常跟“疑问词+【拓展】:1) 他不能决定何时动身。He cant decide when _ _(leave) 后常跟宾语从句。2)decide 我不能决定我该去哪儿。t decide where _. I canB.should I go. A.I should go. Harry has decided_ an online shop after graduating from school. 上海中考】【2014D. opening C. opened B.to open A. open to the bank alone. 江苏徐州】12. It was dark outside.

37、 Sue decided_ 【2014 D. to not go B. going not C. not to go A. not going a day makes! 一天的变化竟然如此之大!5.What a differencedifference n. 不同点 differently adv. 不同地【解析】 different adj. 不同的) the same as (反与.不同 be different from= be not the same as .两者间的不同点”There are some differences between . and .“.和 _ between

38、 the two computers? Whats the _ - There are some _in price and quality.(different) Are his eating habits the same as _? ( )D. yourself C. yours B. your A. you ) s . My lifestyles is _ from your brother ( - Yes. There are some _. C. different; differences A. different; different B. difference; differ

39、ent There are many _(difference) between the two girls. 其他!+主语+【解析2】感叹句:What + a/an +adj +单数名词 我们骑自行车去了乔治市6. We rode bicycles to Georgetown . 自行车,脚踏车 =bike bicycle 【解析】 baisikl n. 乘自行车 by bike = on the bike ) I often go to school _ bike. ( D.of C.by B.in A.on . 我感觉像是一只鸟。felt like I was a bird7. I 你不

40、喜欢什么东西吗?dislike Did you anything? 。代词或动名词形式作宾语。同义词是hate【解析】dislike v“不喜欢;厌恶”,其后接名词、 玛丽不喜欢汉堡包。Mary _ the hamburgers. 我不喜欢玩电脑游I _ _ computer 不喜欢;厌恶 ?sla?k v.) like v 喜欢 (反义词 dislike d【拓展】) They often talk about their _. ( D. like and dislikes B. likes and dislike C. likes and dislikes A. like and dislike I like English/ apples. 【拓展】 (1) like sth 喜欢某物She likes swimming 喜欢做某事(表示兴趣爱好) (2) like doing sth (表示去做一件具


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