1、论价值与实践的本质关联 论价值与实践的本质关联 【摘要】 价值和实践是马克思主义哲学的重要范畴,然而由于研究的视角不同,学界对它们有着各种不同的解释,对于二者的关系也有各自的理论阐释。从理论实质上看,价值和实践都是人的生存方式,是主客体关系的不同表现方式,二者具有本质性的关联。研究二者的关系,不仅是理论上的必要,对于人类的生产生活也有着不可忽视的现实意义。在马克思主义哲学视野下研究实践与价值问题,就必须分析它们的概念涵义,探讨实践在价值生成和价值创造中的作用,以及实践中的价值要素对实践的导向、规范和调节作用。实践作为一种对象性的、感性的、合目的性的活动,是价值要素得以存在和发展的基础,是联系客
2、观存在物同人类的感性纽带。同时,实践还是价值创造和价值实现的源泉,在价值创造和价值实现过程中起着直接的决定作用。价值以客体的结构和属性为基础,是在实践的基础上形成的主客体之间的相互效应关系,体现着主客体之间的联系和统一。在实践对价值起基础性作用的同时,价值也对实践起着导向、调控和评价的作用。通过人的实践创造活动,价值与实践一样对人的生存和发展产生着积极影响和促进作用。【Abstract】 Value and practice are the focus of Marxist philosophy areas. The concepts of practice and value seem to
3、 be different in academia. Since the policy of reform and opening up, the value philosophy has had changes and developments, however, the evil plot of history and theory has produced a series of problems of the current value philosophy development in our country. In order to moving in the right dire
4、ction in the area of the value philosophy, this thesis recommends that we do research of value from the perspective of the practice. From the perspective of Marxist Philosophy some researches on the practice and value must firmly grasp their meanings, we explore the role of the practice in the view
5、of the values starting and creation. As an activity of sexual, emotional, and purpose of sexual, the practice is the basement of the existing and development of the values elements, and it ties objective material existence with the human. At the same time, the practice is the source of values implem
6、entation and creation, and it plays a direct role in value creation and the implementation process of value. Value is based on the structure and property of object, is the host-guest relationship between the effects at the basis of practice, which embodies the contact and unity between the subject a
7、nd object. While the practice plays a fundamental role on the value, the value also plays a role in controlling and evaluation. Through the humans creation events, the value also has the positive impact and catalytic role of human survival and development. Research on the relationship between the va
8、lue and practice, is not only necessary in theory, but also has practical significance for human life and the production.【关键词】 价值; 实践; 关系 【Key words】 the value; the practice; relationship 论价值与实践的本质关联中文摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 绪论 6-8 第一章 价值与实践的概述 8-21 1.1 价值和实践的基本概念 8-17 1.1.1 价值的涵义 8-14 1.1.2 实践的涵义和演化发展过程
9、14-17 1.2 价值和实践是人的生存方式 17-19 1.3 人的活动中的价值和实践 19-21 第二章 实践是价值生成与实现的现实基础 21-28 2.1 人类的实践活动是一切价值关系生成的基础 21-25 2.1.1 价值本质与实践 21-22 2.1.2 实践是价值要素和价值关系存在的基础 22-25 2.2 实践过程就是价值生成和实现的过程 25-27 2.3 实践是价值观念发展的动力 27-28 第三章 实践中的价值因素及其作用 28-33 3.1 价值体现着实践活动的意向性,对实践活动具有导向驱动作用 28-29 3.2 价值是实践活动的规范,对实践过程具有调节控制作用 29-31 3.3 价值是实践活动的标准,对实践结果具有检验评价的作用 31-33 结语 33-35 参考文献 35-39 攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果 39-40 致谢 40