In Memoriam Allie Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye.doc

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1、In Memoriam: Allie Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye Author(s): Edwin Haviland Miller Publication Details: Mosaic 15.1 (Winter 1982): p129-140. Source: Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter. Vol. 138. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. From Literature Resource Center. Document Type: Criti

2、cal essay Bookmark: Bookmark this Document Full Text: COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group, COPYRIGHT 2007 Gale, Cengage Learning Full Text:(essay date Winter 1982) In the following essay, Miller draws attention to Holdens conflict with his brothers death as a principal theme in The Catcher in the Rye.Although

3、 J. D. Salingers Catcher in the Rye deserves the affection and accolades it has received since its publication in 1951, whether it has been praised for the right reasons is debatable. Most critics have tended to accept Holdens evaluation of the world as phony, when in fact his attitudes are symptoma

4、tic of a serious psychological problem. Thus instead of treating the novel as a commentary by an innocent young man rebelling against an insensitive world or as a study of a youths moral growth,1 I propose to read Catcher in the Rye as the chronicle of a four-year period in the life of an adolescent

5、 whose rebelliousness is his only means of dealing with his inability to come to terms with the death of his brother. Holden Caulfield has to wrestle not only with the usual difficult adjustments of the adolescent years, in sexual, familial and peer relationships; he has also to bury Allie before he

6、 can make the transition into adulthood.2Life stopped for Holden on July 18, 1946, the day his brother died of leukemia. Holden was then thirteen, and four years later-the time of the narrative-he is emotionally still at the same age, although he has matured into a gangly six-foot adolescent. I was

7、sixteen then, he observes concerning his expulsion from Pencey Prep at Christmas time in 1949, and Im seventeen now, and sometimes I act like Im about thirteen.3On several occasions Holden comments that his mother has never gotten over Allies death, which may or may not be an accurate appraisal of M

8、rs. Caulfield, since the first-person narrative makes it difficult to judge. What we can deduce, though, is that it is an accurate appraisal of Holdens inability to accept loss, and that in his eyes his mother is so preoccupied with Allie that she continues to neglect Holden, as presumably she did w

9、hen Allie was dying.The night after Allies death Holden slept in the garage and broke all the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it. I even tried to break all the windows on the station wagon we had that summer, but my hand was already broken and everything by the time, and I couldnt

10、do it. It was a very stupid thing to do, Ill admit, but I hardly didnt even know I was doing it, and you didnt know Allie. The act may have been stupid-which is one of his pet words to denigrate himself as well as others-but it also reflects his uncontrollable anger, at himself for wishing Allie dea

11、d and at his brother for leaving him alone and burdened with feelings of guilt. Similarly, the attack on the station wagon may be seen as his way of getting even with a father who was powerless either to save Allie or to understand Holden. Because he was hospitalized, he was unable to attend the fun

12、eral, to witness the completion of the life process, but by injuring himself he received the attention and sympathy which were denied him during Allies illness. His actions here as elsewhere are inconsistent and ambivalent, but always comprehensible in terms of his reaction to the loss of Allie.So t

13、oo is Holdens vocabulary an index to his disturbed emotional state-for all that it might seem to reflect the influence of the movies or his attempts to imitate the diction of his older brother, D. B. At least fifty times, something or somebody depresses him-an emotion which he frequently equates wit

14、h a sense of isolation: It makes you feel so lonesome and depressed. Although the reiteration of the word reveals the true nature of his state, no one in the novel recognizes the signal, perceiving the boy as a kind of adolescent clown rather than as a seriously troubled youth. As his depression dee

15、pens to the point of nervous breakdown, furthermore, Holden-who at some level of awareness realizes that he is falling apart-seeks to obscure the recognition by referring to everything as crazy and by facetiously likening himself to a madman.Crap, another word he uses repeatedly, is similarly self-r

16、eflexive. Although it is his ultimate term of reductionism for describing the world, like crazy it serves to identify another of his projections. He feels dirty and worthless, and so makes the world a reflection of his self-image. Similarly, if he continually asserts, almost screams, that the phony

17、world makes him want to puke, it is because Holdens world itself has turned to vomit. In his troubled, almost suicidal state he can incorporate nothing, and, worse, he believes there is nothing for him to incorporate. In turn, the significance of his repeated use of variations on the phrase that kil

18、led me becomes almost self-evident: reflecting his obsession with death, it tells the unsuspecting world that he wishes himself dead, punished and then reunited with Allie.Although his consistently negative and hostile language thus reflects Holdens despair and is his way of informing the world of h

19、is plight, if no one listens it is primarily his own fault. For with the usual fumbling of the hurt he has chosen a means which serves his purposes poorly. While his language may serve to satisfy his need to act out his anger, at the same time it serves to isolate and to punish him further. If in hi

20、s hostile phrases he is calling for help, he makes certain that he does not receive it. Ashamed of his need-a sixteen-year old crying for emotional support-and unable to accept kindness since in his guilt he feels he does not deserve it, Holden is locked into his grief and locked out of family and s

21、ociety.In this respect, the first paragraph of Catcher in the Rye is one of the most deceptively revealing possible. Although Holden, the would-be sophisticate, relegates his familial background to David Copperfield kind of crap, he talks about little else except his lousy childhood. Arguing that he

22、 will not divulge family secrets so as not to cause pain, and pretending to respect the feelings of his parents, he verbally mutilates them, and in an ugly way; but if he is to suffer, so must they. He retaliates in kind, not in kindness. Yet the aggressive, assertive tone masks a pitiful, agonized

23、call for emotional support and love.Equally revealing of Holdens problem is his observation, as he stands alone on a hill that cold December, his last day at Pencey Prep, looking down at the football field where his classmates are participating collectively in one of the rites of adolescence: it was

24、 cold as a witchs teat, especially on top of that stupid hill. What he wants is the good mothers breast. And why he needs this maternal comfort so much is implicitly suggested when he descends the hill to say good-by to his history teacher, who cannot understand why in answering a question about Egy

25、ptian history on an examination Holden should have begun and ended with a description of the preservation of mummies. The teacher cannot know that Holden has no interest in the Egyptians, only in what happened to Allie, and that he cannot focus on ancient history until he has come to terms with his

26、own past. Nor can he know that Holden has misinterpreted as rejection his fathers concern for his future, that the boy wants to be at home, and that to accomplish his goal he has failed in four different schools.But lest one think that this insensitivity is a fault of the older generation, Salinger

27、next portrays the response of one of Holdens peers to the first of a number of roles he will play in his desperate attempt to disguise his obsession with Allies death, on the one hand, and his need for parental comfort, on the other. Thus when Holden pulls his red hunting cap over his eyes and says

28、histrionically, I think Im going blind. . Mother darling, everythings getting so dark in here. . Mother darling, give me your hand, the response of his classmate is: Youre nuts. . For Chrisake, grow up. Ackley cannot know that Holden assumes Allies red hair when he puts on the red cap, that the simu

29、lated blindness is descriptive of Holdens state, or that he uses the script as a (futile) means of asking for the maternal hand that he believes has been denied to him.If Ackley does not appreciate the extent to which the death of Holdens red-haired brother informs his posturing, even less is his ro

30、om-mate Stradlater aware of the chain of associations that he sets off when he asks Holden to write a composition for him. Unable to write about a room or a house Holden writes about Allies baseball mitt-an object which is a complex version of a childs security blanket, a sacred relic of the living

31、dead, at the same time that it reminds Holden of betrayal. And thus as he writes about the mitt, we learn directly for the first time of Allies death and of Holdens self-punishing rage.By coincidence, Stradlater has a date that evening with Jane Gallagher, the girl to whom Holden had shown the glove

32、 in a combined attempt to sympathize with her for her unhappy childhood and to solicit her sympathy for himself. Worried that Stradlater will make time with an attractive girl with whom Holden plays checkers-the only kind of play of which the self-styled sex maniac is capable-Holden presses to know

33、what has happened on the date. And when Stradlater implies that he got what he wanted, Holden lashes out with the hand he injured on the day of Allies death. Subsequently pinned to the floor until he promises to stop his ridiculing insults, as soon as he is released, Holden shouts, Youre a dirty stu

34、pid sonuvabitch of a moron, and then he receives the blow that subconsciously he wants. You asked for it, God damn it, Stradlater says, and he is right for reasons he does not understand.And so on his last day at Pencey Prep Holden makes a clean sweep of it: he writes off the school, his chums, and

35、even Jane. There is no Tom Sawyer to rescue him when he eventually quotes Huck Finn: I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead. Suddenly Holden decides to leave late that evening even though his family is not expecting him until the following Wednesday. His Mark Cross luggage p

36、acked, he is sort of crying. I dont know why. I put my red hunting hat on, and turned the peak around to the back, the way I liked it, and then I yelled at the top of my goddam voice, Sleep tight, ya morons! Thus, in his usual hostile fashion, Holden makes sure that he will be rejected. Protected on

37、ly by the red hat, which he now wears like a baseball catcher as he evokes Allies favorite sport, he stumbles down the stairs and damn near broke my crazy neck.On the train to New York he strikes up a conversation with a Mrs. Morrow, who turns out to be the mother of one of his former classmates. He

38、 lies through his teeth praising her son who is about as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat. But Mothers are all slightly insane. The thing is, though, I liked old Morrows mother, who happens to be proud of her moronic son. When she wonders whether Holden is leaving school before the beginning of vac

39、ation because of illness in the family, he casually informs her, I have this tiny little tumor on the brain. The fib achieves the expected result, Mrs. Morrows genuine sympathy for an ill son.Though Holden plans to spend the next few days in a hotel, he is so damn absent-minded that he gives the cab

40、 driver his home address. After he realizes his mistake, they drive through Central Park, and Holden asks the driver whether he knows what happens to the ducks in the pond during the winter. The madman replies angrily, Whatre ya tryna do, bud? . Kid me? Worried that he has antagonized the man, Holde

41、n invites him for a drink. When the driver refuses, Holden, depressed, retaliates against father: He was one of those bald guys that comb all their hair over from the side to cover up the baldness.In the hotel he is bored but feeling pretty horny, as a sixteen-year old is supposed to feel, and he ca

42、lls up a whore but lets her put him off (I really fouled that up.) Then he thinks of telephoning his sister Phoebe, who has this sort of red hair, a little bit like Allies was, but he is afraid his mother will answer. He goes to the bar in the hotel and dances with some older women from Seattle who

43、are in New York to see the celebrities, not to provide Holden with entertainment or solace. He punishes them for neglecting him when he fibs that Gary Cooper has just left the room. On the way to a bar frequented by his older brother D. B., who is now, according to Holden, prostituting himself in Ho

44、llywood, he asks a cabby named Horwitz about the ducks in the lagoon in Central Park. Horwitz gets sore and counters in a typical New York taxi discussion that The fish dont go no place. Desperate for companionship, Holden invites Horwitz for a drink. The driver refuses and has the last word: If you

45、 was a fish, Mother Natured take care of you, wouldnt she? Right? You dont think them fish just die, when it gets to be winter, do ya? Holden does not comment, but Horwitz unwittingly summarizes the boys dilemma.Later, in D. B.s nightclub Holden glosses over his loneliness by observing the behavior

46、of the phonies in the club, and then rejects the invitation of one of D. B.s girl friends as others have rejected him. When Holden returns to his hotel, an elevator operator named Maurice sets him up with a call girl, but when Sunny arrives, he is more depressed than sexy, and asks her to stay and t

47、alk. He pays her $5.00 and then depressed begins talking, sort of out loud, to Allie.Maurice returns with Sunny and demands another $5.00 for services not rendered. Holden tries to defend his rights but begins to cry. Sunny wants to leave quietly after she takes money from Holdens wallet, but Mauric

48、e snapped his finger very hard on my pajamas. I wont tell you where he snapped it, but it hurt like hell. (The sudden self-protective chastity is an amusing and effective detail.) When Holden calls Maurice a stupid chiseling moron, for the second time that evening he is smacked, with a terrific punc

49、h in his stomach. Hardly able to breathe, fearing he is drowning, he stumbles toward the bathroom. Crazy, he acts out a scenario: with a bullet in his gut, he goes down the stairs and puts six shots into Maurices fat hairy belly, and then throws the gun down the elevator shaft. He calls up Jane, who comes over and bandages his wound: I pictured her holding a cigarett


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