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1、知识点,case,用法及相关,短语用法区别,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,一、,case,作名词的用法,1.case,有“情况、事实”之意。如:,Is it the case that you have lost all your money?,你的,钱全都损失了,是真的吗?,The police have a clear case against the prisoner.,警察,有充足的事实对付那个囚犯。,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,case,作此义时,常用于以下一些固定短语:,in that/this case,如果那样,/,这样(的话);在那种

2、,/,这种情况下,In that case,wed better hold a discussion about the,problem.,那样的话,我们最好对这一问题展开讨论。,He may not be back at six.In this case we wont wait for,him.,他可能六点钟回不来。要是这样,我们就不等他了。,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,in case of,如果,,万一,后接名词、代词或动名词。如:,Take a spare tyre along in case of need.,带只备用轮胎去,以,备不时之需。,Turn off

3、the TV set in case of thunderstorm.,在雷雨时,关上,电视机。,In case of fire,dial 119 at once.,如果发生火灾,立即拨打,119,。,而,in the case of,则是“就,来说”。如:,In the case of his health,it is fortunate for him to have,recovered from his illness like this.,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,就他的健康状况来说,能恢复到这样算是幸运的了。,Failure is no shame in th

4、e case of a scientist.,就科学家来说,失败并非羞耻事。,case,的这种用法,请看,2003,年的高考题:,The sign reads“In case of fire,break the glass and push,red button.”,A.,不填,;a B.,不填,;the,C.the;the D.a;a,答案:,B,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,in case,万一,,以防,如果,引导条件状语从句。,如:,In case he arrives before I get back,please ask him to wait.,万一我回来前他

5、先到了,请叫他等我。,Please remind me of it again tomorrow in case I forget.,请你明天再提醒我一下,免得我忘记。,注意:,in case,引出的条件从句所表示的意义是“预防,某种情况的出现”;如果从句说的是一般的假设或条,件,则要用,if,。请比较:,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,Ill tell him about the matter if I meet him.,(不用,in case,),Take an umbrella in case it rains.,(不用,if,),在上下文意义很明确时,有时可省去,i

6、n case,后从句的内容。,如:,I dont think it will rain,but Ill take an umbrella in case(it,rains).,请看高考题:,I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some _.,A.at last B.in case C.once again D.in time,答案:,B,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,in any case,无论如何,相当于,whatever happens.,如:,You should finish your composition

7、before school is over in,any case.,无论如何,你必须在放学前完成作文。,In any case,Ill come over to the office tomorrow.,无论如何,,我明天会来办公室的。,in no case,决不,置于句首时,须用倒装语序。如:,In no case shall we allow smoking in the classroom.,教室里决,对不允许吸烟。,In no case shall you break the rule.,你决不能违反纪律。,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,such being th

8、e case,既然如此,情况既然是这样,Such being the case,I have no more to say.,既然如此,我再无话,可说。,Such being the case,we were very lucky to have a house of our,own.,既然如此,我们能有一幢自己的房子就算很幸运了。,2.case,作名词还有以下一些常见的意义:,There is a beautiful jewel case on the desk.,This is a case of fever.,There are five cases of flu among the s

9、taff.,When will the case come before the court?,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,二、,case,作动词的用法,1.,是及物动词,意为“将,装入箱子”。,The goods have been cased up for transport.,货物已,装箱待运。,2.be cased over with,则是“在,上另加一层物,质”。如:,The copper was cased over with silver.,铜上镀着银。,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【知识点解析】,三、与,for fear of,的比较,for fea

10、r of,意思是担心会使某事情发生,后面跟句子时用,that,不,用,of,,例如:,Helen didnt want to get out of bed,for fear of waking her husband.,所以句子中不能用,in case of,,不可能表达成在可能误车的情况,下早到,可以从,case,和,fear,就能看出:,1.in case of,的本义是“在某种情况下”,强调的是“事情真的,到了眼前该怎么办”;,2.for fear of,的本义是“因为害怕某种情况出现”,强调的是,“事情还没发生就事先担心或顾虑”,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【典型例题】,1.Wo

11、men workers wear hats _their hair,gets caught in the machinery.,A.If B.in case C.unless D.because,答案:,B,解析:,in case,万一,假使;,If,如果;,unless,除非;,because,因为。句意:女工人戴帽子,以防头发裹,进机器里。,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【典型例题】,2._ the fog,we should have reached our school.,A.,Because of B.In spite of,C.In case of D.But for,答案:,D,解析:,but for,表示“要不是,的话”,通常与虚,拟语气搭配使用。,case,用法及相关短语用法区别,【典型例题】,3.Hes working hard for fear that he _.,A.,should fall behind B.fell behind,C.may fall behind D.would fallen behind,答案:,A,解析:,for fear that,后面的状语从句用,sb.should do,的形式。,


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