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1、Design and Implementation of Commercial Chatting Software for Client ServiceA Thesisin Computer SciencePresented toThe Faculty of theCollege of International Zhejiang University of TechnologyIn Fulfillmentof the Requirements for the DegreeBachelor of Science in Computer SciencebyZhu JiaqiJune, 2010O

2、n my honor as a University student, on this assignment I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid as defined by the Honor Guidelines for Papers in ZJUT Courses._Zhu JiaqiApproved _ (Technical Advisor)Approved _ (IE Advisor)摘要实时信息客服聊天软件(IM)可以不用考虑使用者的地点,以及它们之间的距离。作为一种最常用的网络软件,IM被看做是一种时尚的聊天工具,它

3、可以衍生出社会成员之间的新型社交关系。至今,IM是一种在人类历史长河中最具影响的应用之一。如今,商用企业与非盈利组织已经发行了成千上万种IM实时信息交流软件。同时,一种新型的商业模式-电子商务已经被越来越多的人所关注与接受,这种模式是基于高端网络技术的。然而,对于通常的商用实时信息的市场对于竞争者仍然有市场。本论文研究并实现了一种新型的IM客服软件,通过网络Socket通道,在客户端和服务器端进行高效实时通讯,并从软件工程的设计规范出发,研究客户的需求,设计模块与功能,最终评估了IM的使用效率和可扩展性。关键词 实时信息交流软件,客服软件, 电子商务AbstractInstant Messag

4、ing (IM) makes communication ignore distance and available between strangers despite of the location. As the most frequently used network software, IM is considered as the signal of modern communication that brings a new relationship in society. Until now, IM is the most impressive change for lives

5、in human history. Nowadays, there is hundreds of IM software published by commercial organizations or non-profitable groups. At the same time, a new business form called E-commerce has been more and more noticeable and promising that based on advanced online technology. However, the market for a reg

6、ular commercial Instant Messaging still left opportunity for following competitors. This thesis introduces a new IM and evaluates the effectiveness of designed IM. From Software Engineering point of view, the system has been designed and analyzed carefully, and tested in the end. Keywords: instant m

7、essaging; chatting software; electronic commerce目录摘要i英文摘要ii第一章 绪论1第二章 选题背景2第三章 系统需求分析53.1 用户组需求分析53.1.1 系统管理员53.1.2 客服管理员53.1.3 客户63.2 系统服务分析63.2.1 后台服务63.2.2 前台服务73.2.3 数据库73.2.4 交互界面73.3 功能描述83.3.1 服务终端83.3.2 客户终端83.3.4 网站管理后台83.3.5 数据库存储功能8第四章 系统设计94.1 采用的技术/标准94.1.1 PHP高级编程语言94.1.2 MySQL 数据库94.1

8、.3 Ajax异步通讯技术94.1.4 HTML网页编程标准104.2 系统设计图例104.3 数据库设计104.3.1 数据关系图例114.3.2 数据库选择114.3.3 表格列表114.3.4 表格设计124.3.5 数据库数据要求14第五章 系统实现175.1 用例图175.2 页面关系流图185.3 系统模块实现205.3.1 高优先级准备205.3.2 装载页面与运行205.3.3 管理员登录与权限控制335.3.4 管理员后台管理实现355.3.5 客服登录与实现505.3.6 客服交互见面的实现525.3.7 客户交互界面的实现555.3.8 浮动窗口实现59总结636.1 未

9、解决的问题636.2 今后的工作636.3 将来的工作展望64文献67致谢69附录70Table ContentAbstract in ChineseiAbstractiiChapter 1 Introduction1Chapter 2 Background Information2Chapter 3 Requirements53.1 User group analysis53.1.1 Administrator53.1.2 Service staff53.1.3 Client63.2 System analysis63.2.1 Backstage63.2.2 Front service73.

10、2.3 Database73.2.4 Chat interface73.3 Function description83.3.1 Service terminal83.3.2 Client terminal83.3.4 Website backstage83.3.5 Database8Chapter 4 System Design94.1 Technique/Standard used94.1.1 PHP Advanced Language94.1.2 MySQL database94.1.3 Ajax94.1.4 HTML104.2 System Design Diagram104.3 Da

11、tabase Design104.3.1 Entity relationship diagram114.3.2 Database choose114.3.3 Table List114.3.4 Table Design124.3.5 Database data requirement14Chapter 5 Implement175.1 User case diagram175.2 Relationship of pages185.3 System Implement205.3.1 Prior Preparation205.3.2 Install Page and Proceed Impleme

12、nt205.3.3 Admin Login and Authenticate Proceeding Implementation335.3.4 Admin backstage management implement355.3.5 Service staff login interface implement505.3.6 Service staff chat interface implement525.3.7 Client chat interface implement555.3.8 Float window implement59Conclusion636.1 Unresolved p

13、roblem636.2 Future work636.3 Outlook64Reference67Acknowledge69Appendix70Chapter 1 Introduction Commercial Instant Messaging is designed to achieve work that normally, it is not considered as the realm of IM or lack of available conditions to reach the safety and legal requirements. Although, “Many p

14、eople have exposure to interactive text primarily through teenage users who presumably exchange gossip and rumors, talk about their personal lives, and use IM to do all the things teenagers do.”1, that “workplace expectations are likely to be either that interactive text is a waste of time, or possi

15、bly even socially undesirable.”2, the development of IM software and the newer workplace environment began to accept this new technology as a useful tool in communication. In addition, there are two key factors identified as quality for acceptation in large number of users by Markus: “First, users m

16、ust choose to absorb certain costs associated with use”; “Second, there must be initial variation in users abilities to contribute to and benefit from use of interactive communication systems”.3 Therefore, these teenagers who are seemed as future rulers of the world, being interested in IM or use IM

17、 as part of life, will be the potential client of IM in workplace. The latest news shows that research teams is looking for a suitable and available communication tools to overcome the inconvenience brought by mistrust and gap, particularly, when the project needs quick respond and frequently commun

18、ication. It is hard to say commercial instant messaging is their best choice or the peak of revolution of work. However, this software can make promotion for development of communication in workplace possible and facilitate this type of research.In this article, it will focus on the issue faced by m

19、odern officers, project designed to solve these problems, requirement for client, software implement and further research on commercial instant messaging. Chapter 2 Background InformationInstant messaging was created in July of 1996 by 4 young Israeli avid-computer users. Yair Goldfinger (26,Chief T

20、echnology Officer), Arik Vardi (27,Chief Executive Officer), Sefi Vigiser (25,President), and Amnon Amir (24), started a company called Mirabilis in order to introduce a new way of communication over the Internet.These guys realized that millions of people were connecting to the Internet to use the

21、World Wide Web, but these users were not interconnected. They created a technology which would enable Internet users to locate each other online on the Internet, and to create peer-to-peer communication channels easily. They called their technology ICQ, (I seek you) and released it in November of 19

22、96. (See Figure 2.1)Figure 2.1Within 6 months, by word of mouse, 850,000 users had been registered by Mirabilis. By June of 1997, Mirabilis was able to handle 100,000 concurrent users and had become the largest Internet communications network.Microsoft had also created its own Instant Messaging clie

23、nt and service, MSN Messenger, and another Internet heavyweight, Yahoo! created one as well.Because IM services evolved from proprietary systems created by companies to make a profit, their systems remain unable to interoperate because of the desire to control the IM market. AOL and ICQ, even though

24、 they are owned by the same company, are not interoperable.Not long after ICQ established the popularity of IM, AOL decided to enter the fray. Within a very short time, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) supplanted ICQ as the leading IM utility. (See Figure 2.2)Figure 2.2Other companies have taken a differ

25、ent approach rather than wait for an agreed-upon standard. Jabber is one company that has created a client program capable of communicating with various IM systems.In China, the most popular of IM is QQ published by Tencent Company in February, 1999. Over 160,000,000 users have registered and around

26、 2,000,000 users online at the same time. With its attracting model and convenient manipulation, the young people started QQ firstly when then open their personal computer and more and more employees are joining this game. (See Figure 2.3)Figure 2.3Sametimes IM component is a successful “walk-up-and

27、-use” application, requiring little documentation and no training. Users achieve a commercially significant level of performance within three months, as shown by savings in the use of other communication channels. 4However, QQ and other instant messaging software still stopped before being a formal

28、commercial tool and though users have good impression on it, traditional instant messaging do not have role in more official place. It is no wander that any text transmitting via unsafe network by non-encrypted approach will be challenged by modern threats such as network tapping, illegal tampering

29、or malicious intercepting so that the text can not contain valuable information. Besides, a record from instant messaging can not be strong evidence whatever how it seemed promising and convincing on the court. For example, a default client who broke the contract and violate the spirit of commence w

30、ill not be found guilt by providing text from instant messaging between client and producer. These defects make instant messaging dwell on the entertainment gate to official palace and make users believe instant messaging will develop various models and visual effects rather climbing into a higher l

31、evel.Chapter 3 Requirements3.1 User group analysis3.1.1 AdministratorAn administrator is the original person who founded the system and construct the website for providing certain service and has right to modify or maintain the system. In commercial instant messaging, an admin can install system on

32、server, modify exist data and add/delete service staff via its own backstage page by entering correct password. As the fundamental officer, an admin has the highest permission in system.The boss or chairman on board may not be a proper candidate of administrator because of request of professional kn

33、owledge of computer science and network. Normally, technical director is the admin considered his or her ability of manipulating computer. 3.1.2 Service staffThere is no doubt that service staffs are the direct service providers faced client. Every service staff has a unique ID in commercial instant

34、 messaging system and they are divided into belonged service group such as technical service, product consulting or problem reporting. A service staff can log on by entering correct ID and password to open the chat interface. When one of client activates selected service staff, a chat interface will

35、 be displayed to provide chat environment. During chat, service staff can transmit files or picture to client. Unlike the administrator, service staff can not enter backstage page to modify its information which can only be changed by admin.Good service staff should be familiar with information of c

36、ompany and have high professionalism. Differ from usual service staff, online service staff do not have request of clothes may be have, but client can not see. The speed of typing becomes an important vocational skill to avoid wasting time so that client will not be impatient under time-consuming wa

37、iting. 3.1.3 ClientEach visitor who read webpage will be considered as a client and be accepted when visitor activated a service staff to start. By clicking one of service staffs in different groups, client will be displayed a chat interface which is similar with service staffs one so that client ca

38、n communicate with selected service staff. Any off-line service staff cannot be activated.3.2 System analysis3.2.1 BackstageTo manage commercial instant messaging, there will be a backstage for admin to modify information. Traditionally, a backstage page or any other management page is controlled by

39、 admin and is installed on server that be ensured to avoid any type of threats. The log window needs visitor enter correct ID and password to continue. If admin enter backstage page successfully, backstage page will show several columns that contain system information which will influence the whole

40、instant messaging system for changing: basic setting, service staff management and service staff group management.In the basic setting column, there is website path, admin cookie time, switch instant messaging status, title, time format, type of connection to database and time for keeping records. I

41、f admin change any content of columns, these changes will be activated after admin clicking “save change” button.In the service staff management column, there is a list of exist service staffs with their belonging service group, status, title and necessary information. Admin can change these data. F

42、or further modification, admin can click service staffs name to change his or her username, password and front name. Each change will be activated after clicking “save change” button. To add a new service staff, admin needs click “Add user” button and follows instruction to complete proceed.In the s

43、ervice staff group management column, there is a list of exist service staff groups with their name and status. Admin can change these data. To add a new service staff group, admin needs to enter new service staff group name in blank and click “Create Group” button. Each change will be activated aft

44、er clicking “save change” button.3.2.2 Front serviceA front service is a float window appeared with visitors action on the page. The front service needs to be conspicuous and independent from the content of webpage. Also, the front service needs to show all service staffs with belonging service staf

45、f groups. All on-line service staff name will be lighted and be permitted to activate, otherwise the off-line service staff can not be activated. After clicking selected service staff, a chat interface should be shown.3.2.3 DatabaseThe database is the key system that plays a medium role in instant m

46、essaging. For backstage, it provides management data and records changes; for service staff, it keeps log information and records text between staff and client. For budget, it is recommended to use MySQL database system for backstage databases.3.2.4 Chat interfaceChat interface is the communication

47、environment that provides platform for client and staffs. It should contain a zone for display text from both sides and a blank zone for entering text. Besides, chat interface should show the number of talking clients. Client chat interface and service staff chat interface have little difference: client chat interface can not save records, while service staff chat interface can save text records for consideration.3.3 Function description3.3.1 Service terminalBefore a


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