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1、当代中国公共危机管理中的政府角色 当代中国公共危机管理中的政府角色 【中文摘要】 和平和发展是当今世界的主题,但是在这个大背景之下,危机的频繁发生也不容忽视。国内的2003年非典还未从记忆里淡出,2005年又爆发了禽流感疫情,再到2008年的冰雪灾害,512的汶川地震,还有引发多名儿童结石死亡的三鹿毒奶粉事件,以及不断发生的矿难,这些公共危机给我们国家的生产生活带来了莫大的影响。危机成为我们生活当中面对的一个新的威胁,处理得好,能够及时挽救或减缓损失,增强国家和民族的凝聚力,增强社会和谐;处理不好,有可能引发更大的问题。政府具有社会管理的基本职能,作为公共产品的提供者,政府必然要对影响公众的危


3、了探讨;二,对政府在危机管理水平提高的过程中,对现实中政府角色需要发生的转变及其已有的转变趋势进行了分析和概括。【英文摘要】 Peace and development have been the two themes in todays world,but in this context,the frequent occurrence of public crisis cannot be ignored.Domestic SAPS in 2003 has not been out from the memory,and in 2005 an outbreak of bird flu, and

4、 then in 2008 the snow disaster,512 of the Wenchuan earthquake,and Sanlu milk powder poisoning events causing the death of children stone,as well as the ongoing mining,have brought a great impact on our country.Crisises have been a new threat for us all to face.The loss can be mitigated and cohesion

5、 of the nation and country can be enhanced by dealing with them well.On the contrary,if being treated not properly,crisis can worsen and greater problems may be lead to.Social management is one of the basic functions of the government.As provider of public goods,the governments necessarily manage al

6、l varieties of crisises.Moreover,the government play in all matters of organization and coordination and master great resources,which make itself playing a key r.ole in the course of crisis management.Therefore,to explore the important role of the Governments crisis management,and to think over how

7、to try to play in crisis management the governments key role fully,are of extremely important theoretical and practical value. In the article,the author introduce the definition of the public crisis and public crisis management approach firstly. Under the premise of an explicit affirmation of crisis

8、 management in our countrys achievements,the author focus on crisis management deficiencies and raise corresponding responses as well.In the course of raising the level of crisis management,our government must do some role changings and the writer try to do a summary of role changes.Innovation of th

9、is article is as follows:First,in affirming the key role of governments in crisis management,try to discuss the detail and exact role of government.Second,give analysis and a summary of role changes and its trend in in the process of raising the level of crisis management.【中文关键词】 公共危机; 危机管理; 政府角色 【英

10、文关键词】 public crisis; crisis management; the roles of government 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 引言 9-10 一、政府与公共危机管理的相关理论分析 10-19 (一) 公共危机和公共危机管理的内涵 10-12 (二) 公共危机的基本类型和主要特征 12-16 (三) 公共危机产生的原因 16-17 (四) 政府在公共危机管理中的角色定位 17-19 二、我国政府公共危机管理中存在的问题及其根源分析 19-28 (一) 我国政府公共危机管理中存在的问题 19-25 (二) 存在问题的根源分析 25-28 三、改善和加强政府公共危机管理的对策建议 28-40 (一) 加快政府主体角色的转变 28-31 (二) 加快公共危机管理体制机制建设 31-34 (三) 营造公共危机角色管理的外部环境 34-40 参考文献 40-43 后记 43-44


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