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1、A组1. a bit/ a little 这两个词都意为“一点儿”有时可以互换,但有时不能。二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿” “有些”。如: I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。 He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。二者都可以作名词词组,充当主语或宾语。如: A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。 I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。a little可直接修饰名词

2、;a bit后须加of才可以。如:. There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle.注意 a little of 后的名词通常特指,表“中的一些”,如: May I have a little of your tea?. 否定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”, “非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为 “许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg

3、: He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。 He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。 She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。. Not a bit 中的not 可以分开使用;not a little中的not 则不能分开。Eg: He felt not a bit tired. = He didnt feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。 He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didnt fell a lit

4、tle tired.2. a few/ few/ a little/ little. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如: Few people will agree to the plan because its too dangerous.This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. There is little water left in glass.

5、 Will you please give me some Dont worry, we have a little time left.3. across/through/ over. across “横过、穿过”,指从的一边到另一边。含义与on有关。如: I swam across the river. 我游过这条河(指从此岸到彼岸) Lets help push the cart across the bridge.我们帮着把车子推过桥吧。. through “穿过、通过”指穿过两边。是从空间较狭窄的一头穿到另一头。是从内部穿过,含义与in有关。 We walked through th

6、e forest. 我们穿过森林。 The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河从西到东流过城市。. over“横过、跨越”指横过道路、河流等“细长物”时,与across通用。Over 虽可指从表面的接触及跳(飞)越,但指渡过则不能用。从房间、原野、海洋等“平面延伸”的一端横越到另一端时也不能使用。而常用across. She went across / over the bridge. He jumped across / over the stream他跳过了小溪。 She swam across the straight

7、of Dover. 她游过了多佛尔海峡。 They drove across the desert. 他们驶过沙漠。另外,over作介词还有“翻过”的意思,如:climb the mountain 翻过那座山。4. feel like / would like.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth. 而 would like 一般接名词;动词不定式。构成:would like (to do) sth.的句式。如: I feel like (having) a drink. = I w

8、ould like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。 Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步? I dont feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。.feel like 还表示:“觉得好像,摸起来像”。如: It feels like silk. 它摸起来像绸缎。5. after/behind“在之后”. after “在(时间)之后”;“在(地点)之后”,指次序。如: He came after ten oclock. 他十点以后来的。 Two days a

9、fter his arrival, I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。 Against comes after again in this cictionary.在这本字典中 against 排在again 之后。. behind 表地点时意为:在后面、着重指位置的前后。偶尔也指时间,表按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。 The garden is behind the house. He stood behind me. The train was behind time. 火车误点了。 You are two hours behind. 你迟了两个小时。6. ago

10、/before. ago adv. “以前”指从此刻起,若干时间以前,通常与过去连用。如: It happened two days ago.这件事发生在两天以前。 I met him a few minutes ago.我在几分钟以前碰到他。. before adv, prep & conj “以前”指从那时起若干时间以前。通常与完成时、过去时等连用。还可用作前置词或连接词表时间,而ago 则不能这样用。 He said that he had seen her two days before.他说他两天前见到过她。(表从她说话那时起两天前) I had been fine the day

11、before.(那天)前一天的天气很好。 Ive seen that film before. I never met him before.7. agree to/ agree with/ agree on(up on). agree to “同意、应允”通常用于同意某件事情(我们可以同意我们自己有不同看法而并不赞同的事情)。 Do you agree to this plan? He agreed to my proposal.他同意了我的提议。 I agreed to his terms. 我同意了他的条件。. agree with “同意、赞同”常常表示同某人意见一致,也可表赞同某件事

12、情。还有“(气候、食物等)适合”之意。如: I quite agree with you.我很同意你。 Do you agree with me ? I agree with all you say.我同意你所说的。 His words do not agree with his actions.他言行不一致。 Too much meat doesnt agree with her.吃太多肉对她身体不合适。注:agree with 不能用于被动语态。. agree on /upon “对取得一致意见”指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或达成了某种协议。如: After discussion

13、 the two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 经过讨论,双方就停火问题达成了协议。 They all agree on the plan.他们对这个计划意见一致。注:此句型可转换成agree in doing sth.如: All of them agreed on / upon it. = All of them agreed in doing it. 他们对做这个问题达成了共识。8. at times / at all times / all the time. at times “不时;偶尔”如: The tide is , at times, very

14、high. 潮水有时涨得高。 I make mistakes at times when I speak English. 我说英语偶尔会出错。. at all times.“随时;任何时候;总是” 如:He has a cool head at all times. 他随时都有清醒的头脑。. all the time “一直;始终” 其中time用单数形式。如:The baby cries all the time. 那婴儿一直哭。9. alive/ living/ the living/ live/ dead. alive adj“活着的”“在世的”,它既可修饰人也可修饰物。可作表语,定语

15、。作定语时,应放在被修饰的名词之后。如: They were alive and as happy as ever. 他们都还活着,并跟以前一样快活。 All the other comrades were killed in the battle. He was the only man alive. 所有的同志都还活着亡了,他是唯一的幸存者。.living adj,“活着的”主要用着定语,常置于名词前,有时也可置于名词后。也可作表语。如: Every living person has a name. 每个活着的人都有一个名字。 No man living could do better.

16、 当代人没有一个能做得比这更好。. the living “活着的人”如:The living are more important to us than the dead.对我们来说活着的人比死了的人更重要。. live adj. “活着的”读着laiv,反义词为 dead, 可作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不用来修饰人。 还可以作动词,读着liv, 意为“生活”、“生存”如: The cat was playing with a live mouse.这只猫在玩弄一只活老鼠。 Pandas usually live in the south and the southeast of C

17、hina.熊猫通常生活在中国的南部和东南部。. lively adj. laivli(livelier, liveliest) “生动的”;“活泼的”;“充满生气的”用作表语或定语,可用来修饰人或物。如:The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games. 运动场上进行着各种球类比赛,呈现出一派生气勃勃的景象。10. all/ every. all 和 every 意思十分相近,二者都可用来泛指人或物。但all可与算数的名词连用,而every 只能与单数的名词连用。如: All Mondays are horrible. 星期一总是

18、可怕的。 Every Monday is horrible. 每个星期一都是可怕的。. all 和 every 也可用来指某一类东西中的个体。但all 后跟the 或其它“限定词”,而every后却不能。它往往强调无一例外的意思。-She is eaten all the biscuitsbiskit. What, every one? Every single one! 她把饼干都吃光了。怎么,把每一块都吃光了吗?每一块全都吃了!. all 还可和单数名词连用,表示every past of 而every却不能有此义。如:She was here all day. 她在这呆了一整天。11.

19、all/ whole. 二者意义(“全部、都、整个”)相同,然而词序不同。. all用于冠词,所有格或其它“限定词”之前。 whole 则用于冠词之后。如: all the time. the whole time.全部时间 all my life the whole life.我的一生 all this confusion this whole confusion.整个混乱状况。. 如果没有冠词,或其它限定词,whole不能与单数名词连用。可以说: The whole city was burning.但不能说:Whole London was burning.whole 和 all 与复数

20、名词连用时意思不同。Whole 的意思为“全部”,而all的意思则近乎“每一个”如: All Indian tribes(traib部首 ) suffered from white settlement in America. 所有印第安人部首都因白人移民美洲而遭殃。 Whole Indian tribes were killed off.有些印第安人部落整个被杀光了。. whole 一般不用来修饰不可数名词(包括物质名词) 可以说:all the money 或all the wine 不可以说:the whole money 或the whole wine. The whole of =

21、whole 与单数名词连用。它用于冠词、所有格之前。the whole of the time. the whole of my lifethe whole of this confusion12.alone/ lonely. alone adj. “单独的”只能作表语。如: Im alone but I dont fell lonely.我单身一人但我从不觉得孤独。 此外alone 还可作副词。相当于by oneself,“单独地”“独自” Ill go there alone.我将独自去那儿。. lonely adj. “孤独的”“寂寞的”有时还可表示“荒凉的”“无人烟的”意思,与dese

22、rted意思相同。含有较浓的情感色彩。既可作定语也可作表语。如: Were together most of the time, so we never feel lonely. a lonely / deserted island13. aloud/ loud/ loudly. aloud adv. “出声地”有使能听得到的意味。如: Please read the story aloud. 请朗读这个故事。 They were shouting aloud.他们在高声地呼喊。. loud. adv “高声地、大声地、响亮地”常指在说笑等方面。如: Dont talk so loud. 不要

23、如此高声地谈话。 Speak louder. 说得大声点。. loudly adv. “高声地”有时与loud 通用,但含有喧闹的意味。如: Someone knocked loudly at the door. 有人大声敲门。 Dont talk so loudly(loud). 不要如此高声地谈话。14.already/ yet /still. already. adv. “已经”多用于肯定句中,通常与动词的完成时或进行时连用。也可用于疑问句,但不表真心的疑问,而表“惊奇”。它多置于句中。有时为了强调而置于句末。如: Ive seen the film already. The train

24、 has already left. 火车已经开走了。 Have you already had breakfast? 难道你已经吃过早餐了?. yet adv “已经、仍然、还”一般只用于否定句或疑问句,且常常置于句末。如: He hasnt found his bike yet他还没有找到他的自行车。. still adv “仍然、还”可用于各种句中,且一般只用于句中。如: Do you still teach in that school? 你还在那所学校教书?注:still在句中的位置不同,其意义也不同。如: He is still(还)standing there. He is st

25、anding there still(adj.不动的、静止的)他站在那儿一动也不动。15.also/ as well/ too/ either “也”. also较正式,位置通常靠近动词,用于句中;且用于肯定句中。如: He also plays football. 他也踢足球。 I was also there.我也在那儿。. too 多用于口语,通常置于句末,前边须用逗号隔开,也可用于句中,且前后均须用逗号隔开,;用于肯定句中。如: He is a worker, too. The two cows, too, are white.那两头奶牛也全都是白的。. as well 是副词短语,多

26、用于口语,只用于句末。如: She not only taught us English but taught us maths as well.她不但教过我们英语,还教过我们数学。 He is a teacher and a writer as well.他是位教师,也是一位作家。. either 用于否定句中,常置于句末。在肯定句变否定句时,其中的also, too, as well都要改为either. Yesterday I didnt watch TV and I didnt see the film, either.昨天我没有看电视,也没有看电影。16.for / from / s

27、ince. 三者都能用来表示时间,但用法不同。 since “自从”,所表示的是一个时间点。可用作介词,也可用作连词,后接时间名词或短语,或引导时间状语从句;要求前面的谓语动词或主句的谓语动词必须用完成时态,要用延续性动词。而since引导的从句中的谓语动词通常应是短暂性的动词。若接时间,则应为点时间。如: He has worked there since1989. She has lived here since she moved here. from “自从” 只用作介词,表一个事情的开始点,可用于过去、现在或将来的时态。如: They worked from 7:00 to 12:0

28、0 this morning. We have been good friends from childhood. for 作为介词,后面接段时间,用于完成时、现在时、过去时和将来时,句中要用延续性动词。如: Well stay here for ten minutes.我们将在这儿呆10分钟。 They have studied English for three yeas.17.although/ though. although conj. “尽管、虽然”引导让步状语从句,相当于 though. 只是比though稍微正式些。多用于句首。though 用于非正式文体中,较普遍,但以下几种

29、用法,不能用although. 如: 表强调时,要用even though,如:Even though I didnt understand a word, I kept smiling.尽管我一字不识,我还是一直微笑着。. Though可用在倒装句中,如:Young though he is, he is quite experienced.他虽然年轻,但很有经验。 though 可作副词,表示“然而”放在句末或其它位置。如:He said he would come, he didnt though.他说他要来,结果他却没来。此外,although不用着副词。在英语中如果用了althoug

30、h 或 though, 就不能再有but,但可以用yet 或still; 反之,如果用了but , 就不能用although 和 though. 如: Although he is in poor health, (yet) he works hard. = He is in poor health, but he works hard.虽然他身体不好,但他工作仍努力。Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.虽然天气很冷,他未穿外衣就出去了。 He is quite strong, although very old.

31、他虽然很老了,但还是十分健壮。. though 常用作连词,“虽然”。在口语中还用着副词,一般放在句末,意为“可是、然而”等。如: He didnt light the fire, though it was cold. 天气虽很冷,他却还没生火。 Though it was very late, he went on working.虽然很晚了,他还是继续工作。 He said he would come, he didnt, though. 他说他来,可是结果他没有来。18. always/ often/ usually/ sometimes/ never. 这几个词都是表频度的副词,它们

32、之间的区别可用百分比来区分:(0%)(20%) 70%)(75%)(100%)从不 有时 时常 通常 总是 即:never(0%)sometimes(20%)often/frequently(70%)usually(75%)always(100%) always “永远、总是”。与进行时连用时,表“再三地、老是”等意思。有时还表“生气或不耐烦”等盛情色彩。如: The sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起。 I always get up at seven oclock. 我总是在七点钟起身。 The boy is always asking whys.

33、这男孩老是问这问那没个完。 often “时常、常常”强调经常性。如: He often comes here to see me. 他时常到这儿来看我。 We have often been there. usually “经常”其动作频率仅次于always.常常与一般过时,一般现在时连用。 I usually get up at six in the morning. never “从不”是否定副词。常常与完成时连用。 I have never been to the Great Wall. She said she had never gone there.频繁ten uently es

34、 here to see me. t.uently(70%)usually(75%)always(100%)19. among/ between/ in the middle of. among “在之中/中间” 指三者或三者以上。通常表某个范围。如: Someone is wrong among us. 我们中间有人错了。 There is a small village among the mountains. 大山之间有座小村庄。. between “在之间”指在二者之间,有时与and 连用。如: There is a river between us. 在我们两人之间有一条河。 Im

35、standing between a house and a big tree. 我站在一座房子和一棵大树中间。. in the middle of “在中间”指在某事物中间,强调事物的两端的中间。如:There is a bus stop in the middle of the road. 在这条公路中间有个车站。 20.another/ other/ more. 名词前表示具有增加意义的“还、再”,一般用 more 和 another. more放在数词之后,而 another 放在数词之前;有时也可以用 other, 但other具有“不同”之意。保留它本意“别的”。如: one mo

36、re thing, one other thing, another thing都表示“还有一件事”之意,如: I want three more / other books. = I want another three books.我还要三本书。 I stayed there three more days. = I stayed there another three days. 我在那儿又呆了三天。(这里不用other, 因day与day没有不同之意。 We need three more / another three hands to do the job.我们还需要三个人做这项工

37、作。 (这里不用other , 因不强调人与人的不同。) He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people. 他与别的许多人一块在绿色长城上工作。( other 没有增加之意,表除自己以外的别的人。)21.another/ the other/ other/ others/ the others. another 指不定数目中的“另一个、又一个” (三个以上)用来代替或修饰可数名词。如:I dont think the coat is good enough. Can you show me another?. other 泛指“另

38、外的”修饰复数名词。如:We study Chinese, maths, English and other subjects. others 泛指“另外的人或物”, 但不指其余的人或物的全部。如:Some like swimming, others like boating. the other 指两个中的“另一个”如:He has two sons, one is in Shanghai, the other is in Beijing. the others 特指某一范围内的“其余全部的人或物”如:There are thirty books on the bookshelf. Five

39、 are mine, the others are my fathers.22.any/ either二者所指的相关名词或代词的数量不同。. any 指二个以上的“任意一个”人/物。如:When can you go with me to the city? Any day of this week will do. 什么时候你能陪我去城里? 这个星期的哪天都行。. either 一般指两个中的“任意一个”且其后不能接不可数名词。如:Can you come on Friday or Saturday? Either will do .你能在星期五还是星期六来吗? 哪天都行。23. any/

40、some.any “一些、一点、(有时不宜译出)” 一般用于疑问句、否定句。 如: Have you any new books? 你有(什么)新书吗?No, I have not any new books. 我没什么新书。 Have you any money with you? 你身边带了一些钱吗?.some “一些、一点” 一般用于肯定句。如: I have some new books. 我有一些新书。注: any用于肯定句中时,表“任何、随便”等意思。 如You may come at any time. 你随便什么时候来都可以。 some 用于疑问句时,表“期望得到肯定的回答”或

41、“邀请”或“请求”等意思。通常用在带情态动词的问句是。如: 1. Arent there some envelops in that drawer?那个抽屉不是有些信封吗?2. Would you have some tea?您喝点茶吗?24.anyone/ any one. anyone “任何人”其后不跟of 短语。如:Is there anyone at home.?. any one “任何人/物”其后可跟 of 短语。如:Ill send you any one of these pens.注:类似的用法还有:everyone & every one. 25.around/ roun

42、d. around 与 round 都可以用着前置词和副词。. around “在周围”“在周围”“循环地”。表静止的位置。如: They sat around the table. 他们围绕桌子坐着。 I found nobody around.我发现周围没有一个人。. round “环绕周围、循环地”表一种活动的状况。如: The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 A wheel goes round. 轮子旋转着。注:这两个词现在可以通用,只是around 多用于美国,round多用于英国。26.arrive/ reach/ get to. arriv

43、e, reach, get to 均有“到达”之意,意义基本相同,但arrive(in)/(at) 与reach, 是正式用语,get to 是通俗用词,常用于口语。. arrive 是不及物动词,表到达什么地点时,后面应接前置词in或at, 一般说,到达一个大地方常用in, 到达较小的地方常用at, 但这不绝对的。(与地点副词连用时当然不用任何前置词)如: He arrived in Beijing yesterday. When he arrived at the stop, the bus had left. reach 是及物动词,后面直接跟表地点的名词。如:When does the

44、 train reach London?. get to 只是较口语化。接地点副词时不用to. 如: He got to the shop at 5:00 oclock this afternoon. When I got there, the film had been on for 5 minutes.27.as soon as/ as early as/ as quickly as. 这三个词都有“尽快、尽早”之意。. as soon as 侧重于“极短时间内”。还表示“一就”之意,引导状语从句。如: Ill return it as soon as I can.我将尽快地把它还给你。.

45、 as early as 侧重于一天中的早晨或在限定的时间内再早点,以便能达到预期的目的。如: You should arrive there as early as you can. 你应尽早到达那里。. as quickly as 表做某事的速度非常之快或动作非常之敏捷。如: Please read the text as quickly as you can.请把课文尽快读一遍。28.as well as/ as well. as well as “也”“不仅而且”意同:not only but also具有连词性。 She is my friend as well as my doct

46、or. 他不仅是我的医生,也是我的朋友。 Small towns as well as big cities are being industrialized. 小城市与大城市一样都在迅速实现工业化。. as well “也”具有副词性。大致相当于also 或 too . 如:He can speak Chinese as well.29.as/ when/ while这三个词都可以用作连词,表时间关系,但有区别:. as “当(在)时候”往往可与when 或while通用,但它着重指主句和从句的动作或事情相并发生。如: I saw him as he was getting off the bus. 当下公共汽车的时候,我看见了他。 As he walked on, he felt himself ge


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