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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日译文目录1 人才流失的现状.12 民营企业人才流失的原因.22.1 管理制度不合理 内部管理混乱.22.2 提高企业主的素质低下.22.3 与员工交流沟通不足.23 对民营企业人才流失问题的对策.43.1 建立现代企业制度 完善公司治理治理结构.43.2 实行人本管理.43.3 培育先进的企业文化.53.3.1 培育创新文化.53.3.2 提高企业家自身素质.63.3.3 强调“以人为本”的管理文化.6结 论.7外文文献原文.81 人才流失的现状 民营经济是最具活

2、力的经济增长点,是区域经济发展中最活跃、最有优势的经济成分。随着民营企业规模的不断壮大和市场经济体制的不断完善,传统的民营企业管理体制和管理方式和观念制约着民营企业的发展。特别是现在中小型民营企业中关键人才流失的情况比较严重,据调查,民营企业近几年的人才流失率达30%以上,一些生产企业人才流失率竟达70%,民营企业中的中高层人才以及科技人员,在公司的工作年龄普遍较短,一般为2-3年,最长的也不过5年。许多民营企业叫喊着人才难求、人才难留。民营企业的人才流失的症结在哪里?这个问题值得我们深入研究。2 民营企业人才流失的原因 对于民营企业人才流失的原因,我认为应该从民营企业的内部管理制度、民营企业

3、家自身素质以及民营企业的企业文化三个方面进行探讨。2.1 管理制度不合理 内部管理混乱民营企业内部管理制度不完善,内部管理混乱,缺乏基本的制度,组织结构不合理,从而导致员工无所适从,不知道应该怎么做才符合企业的要求。由于没有明确的工作标准,员工即使努力工作,也难以获得认可。还有些民营企业由于事业高速发展,企业天天在变,经营的目标是如何做好和做大生意上,至于内部企业管理,能用就先用着,因此导致很多制度还来不及建立健全,企业管理许多事主要还是人治,缺少成文的制度规范。或者即使有了部分规范,但实际上大家都不重视,做事情一味过于讲求简单直接,工作还是以前小规模时的老习惯,离现代企业管理制度距离有点远。

4、尤其是企业的薪酬绩效考核制度不健全,严重影响关键人才价值的体现。有相当一部分的企业,实行原始的家族式管理,在工资、福利、待遇等方面,家族成员总比外人要高,尽管这些人的管理、生产、销售等一系列业绩都不如外人。而现代企业的明显标志就是制度完善,但由于民营企业管理上存在上述原因,这些不仅严重制约了企业的发展,而且导致了企业关键人才由于得不到承认而跳槽,从而表现出民营企业人才流失现象严重。2.2 提高企业主的素质低下企业家精神不能随企业的发展而建立,民营企业家不能提高自己的自身素质,依然保持在创业时的那种工作习惯和作风。企业家精神的首要标志就是有创新精神,但把自己企业的成功全部归功于自己个人或家族的贡

5、献,认为企业之所以有今天,全部是自己一手拼出来的,把与其一起创业的员工置之度外,这决不是现代企业家精神的体现。那种认为他人只是为我打工,至于说对于企业发展的贡献的回报,一切免谈的民营企业迟早会被竞争所淘汰。这样一来,关键人才的个人才能和个人贡献被一笔抹杀,关键人才无法找到 自我实现的成就感.并且在家长式的领导下工作,人才的技能不能得到充分的发挥,不能得到学习新技能和新经验的机会,人才流失势在必然。2.3 与员工交流沟通不足没有先进的企业文化,但越来越多的人把“企业文化看成是一个复合系统,它既是一种新型的管理理论,又是一种价值观和信念,它是企业哲学、企业精神、企业制度和行为方式的辩证统一”(萧聚

6、武,1996)。而且企业文化一定是在企业员工长期的相互交往过程中形成的人际交往范式、价值观体系,而且它一定是与企业经营绩效挂钩,有助于企业的成长才被认可的。但是在一些民营企业内部个人权威主义太重,永远是老板说了算,关键人才往往感觉到在民营企业里面自己的人格和专业意见得不到尊重,心情压抑;其次是管理方式上有问题,往往对下属能力不信任,不授权或授权不足,关键人才象被上了绑一样,只能做执行者,感受可想而知。再次,在员工的上下沟通上由于企业文化的限制,导致员工之间的沟通出现鸿沟,不能形成统一的范式或价值观,更不用说形成有本企业特色的企业文化了。3 对民营企业人才流失问题的对策 民营企业要想生存并发展壮

7、大,就必须采取积极的对策,克服自身不利的因素,同时需要外界力量的支持;加强制度建设,改革治理结构,培育先进的企业文化,只有这样才能做到“栽了梧桐树,引来金凤凰”。3.1 建立现代企业制度 完善公司治理治理结构 现代企业制度的典型特征是:产权明晰,权责明确。但长期以来,大家都认为,民营企业产权是明晰的,从而导致了许多人没有认识到民营企业中也存在有产权问题,产权明晰的概念不仅意味着企业所有权的归属,同时,产权也意味着公司的结构和层次。但我国民营企业资本在产权上带有强烈的“三缘”性,即血缘、亲缘和地缘性,这使得中国的民营企业产权在主体上具有浓厚的宗法性,它也是阻碍中国民营企业建立现代企业制度、确立科


9、率损失;并且引进外部独立董事,充分发挥独立董事的专家咨询作用。 因此,我国民营企业一方面要求所有权和经营权分离,另一方面,由于我国缺乏竞争性的外部市场以及有效监督经理人约束机制,不敢对“外来者”委以重任。所以我国民营企业的管理制度的构建和完善是避免人才流失的首要措施。3.2 实行人本管理 人本管理的基本涵义是对人性特质的再培育、激发和利用,充分发挥人性的积极作用,剔除人性的消极作用,就是应用人性哲学思想教育员工学会做人,做一个积极的人。因为的管理主体是人,其次管理客体虽然兼有人和物,但是对物的管理取决于对人的管理,归根到底还是对人的管理,所以管理客体主要也是人的问题。从基于“经济人”假设的科学



12、相结合的方式进行。3.3 培育先进的企业文化 企业文化渗透于企业的一切活动之中,又超脱于企业的一切活动之上。朔造积极健康向上的企业文化,就等于企业有了源源不断的发展动力。创建属于自己的具有本企业特点的企业文化,已经是当今有一定规模的中国民营企业不能不面对的和逾越的重大课题,民营企业培育属于自己的企业文化,是一个长期的、艰苦的过程,必须有新的思路、新的方法,只有进行富有成效的工作,经过艰苦的、持之以恒的努力,才能取得理想的结果。3.3.1 培育创新文化 创新是一个企业发展的永恒课题,是企业的动力之原。一个企业要想强手如林的竞争时代,保持持续、健康的发展态势,取决于企业是否建立有创新文化,具有与对


14、出发,从壮大自身力量、强化竞争力着手,走公司制的道路,这是民营企业制度创新的方向所在。3.3.2 提高企业家自身素质 民营企业的成功与否,很大程度上取决于企业家或老板个人的文化素质和思想境界,其实质上企业家文化的一种体现,当今的民营企业文化,深深地烙印着企业家朴素的人格思想和经营管理理念。培育民营企业的企业文化,实质上是一个复制过程,是民营企业的创始者通过自己垂范、教育,把自己的价值观复制给下一带的过程。在这一个过程中,民营企业家的素质起到关键的作用,因此,企业家作为企业的缔造者应该积极加强对自身素质的培养。3.3.3 强调以人为本的管理文化 从另一个角度看,企业文化是指在企业生存和发展过程中


16、化中去接受企业、赞同企业、维护企业。结 论因此对于人才,我国民营企业家不仅要求贤若渴、任贤举才、诚心相待,更要有重才之心、识人之慧、用才之略、容才之量。现在民营企业人才流失率高只是一个表象,其背后隐藏着体制、管理、文化等诸多因素,民营企业家应引起足够的重视。Enterprises brain drain question and counter measure Arther Sherman South-western College PublishingEnterprises brain drain question and counter measure1 Brain drain prese

17、nt situationThe privately operated economy is most has the vigor the economical growth spot, is in the region economy development is most active, most has the superiority the economic sector. Unceasingly expands along with the privately operated enterprise scale with the market economy system unceas

18、ing consummation, the traditional privately operated business management system and the management way and the idea is restricting the privately operated enterprises development. Especially small and medium-sized private enterprises now key brain drain is very serious, According to the survey, priva

19、te enterprises in recent years wastage rate of 30% and above, a number of production enterprises wastage rates as high as 70%. Private enterprises of high-level personnel and personnel in the working age generally shorter, usually 2 -3 years, But also the longest five years. Many private enterprises

20、 shouted talent is hard to find, harder to retain talent. Private enterprises in the brain drain where the crux? The issue deserves our in-depth study。2 Reasons of brain drain in private enterpriseRegarding the privately operated enterprise brain drain reason, I thought should from the privately ope

21、rated enterprises internal management system, the private enter preneur own quality as well as the privately operated enterprises enterprise culture three aspects carries on the discussion.2.1 The control system is unreasonable and the internal management is chaoticThe privately operated enterprise

22、internal management system is imperfect, the internal management is chaotic, lacks the basic system, the organizational structure is unreasonable, thus causes the staff to be at a loss how to proceed, did not know how should do only then conforms to enterprises requirement. Because does not have the

23、 explicit working standard, the staff even if diligently works, also obtains the approval with difficulty. Some private enterprises as the cause of high-speed development, enterprise changing everyday, the objective is how to do business and expand, As for the internal management of enterprises, and

24、 can be used on a first used, it leads to many of the systems have no time to establish a sound, Many enterprise management is a main task of man, the lack of written rules and norms. Or even with some regulations, but in fact we do not attach importance to and do things blindly stress too simple, p

25、revious work or the small size of the old habits, from the modern enterprise management system from a bit far. In particular, enterprises pay the performance appraisal system is not complete, seriously affecting key personnel value in itself. A considerable part of the enterprises, the original fami

26、ly-run management, in terms of wages, benefits, treatment and other aspects, members of the family better than foreigners, despite the management, production and sales performance not as a series of outsiders. And the modern enterprise system is clearly marked improvement, but because the management

27、 of private enterprises exist above reasons, These not only seriously hampers the development of enterprises, but has also led to the enterprise key talent and the lack of recognition of switch thus displaying private enterprises serious brain drain.2.2 Improves business owners quality to be lowNot

28、with the entrepreneurial spirit for the development of enterprises and the establishment of private entrepreneurs can improve their own quality, Venture remained in the kind of work habits and style. The entrepreneurial spirit most important symbol has the innovation spirit, but completely gives cre

29、dit to the oneself enterprises success oneself individual or familys contribution, thinks the enterprise therefore has today, completely is oneself spells, the staff which if starts an undertaking together disregards, this is modern entrepreneurial spirit manifesting in no way. That kind thought the

30、 other people only are work for me, as for the contribution repayment which develops regarding the enterprise, all exempt the privately operated enterprise which discussed sooner or later to be able to compete eliminates. Then, essential talented persons individual can totally negate with individual

31、 contribution that, the essential talented person is unable to find The self-realization achievement feels And works under guardians-like leadership, talented persons skill cannot obtain the full display, cannot obtain studies the new skill and the new experience opportunity. Brain drain is imperati

32、ve.2.3 Exchanges the communication insufficiency with the staff Not advanced enterprise culture, but more and more many people The enterprise culture regards as is a multiplexed system, it not only is one kind of new management theory, also is one kind of values and the faith, it is the enterprise p

33、hilosophy, the enterprise spirit, the enterprise system and the behavior way dialectically unifies Ju wu Xiao, 1,996). Moreover the enterprise culture certainly is the human communication model, the values system which forms in the enterprise staffs long-term mutual contact process, moreover it cert

34、ainly is manages the achievements suspension hook with the enterprise, is helpful is only then approved to enterprises growth. And certain corporate culture is a long-term enterprise staff interaction in the course of interpersonal communication paradigm, value systems, but it certainly is linked to

35、 business performance, contribute to the growth of enterprises was only recognized. However, in some individuals within private enterprises authoritarianism too heavy and will always is the boss alone. Key personnel often felt in private enterprises inside their own personality and professional advi

36、ce is not respected, suppressed feelings; this was followed by management problems are often subordinate capacity of no confidence, authorized or not authorized inadequate, key personnel, as there was a tie, the Executive can do, feelings can be imagined. Once more, links up in staffs about on as a

37、result of the enterprise culture limit, causes between staffs communication to appear the gap, cannot form the unified model or the values, never say formed has the enterprise characteristic the enterprise culture.3 To privately operated enterprise brain drain question countermeasureThe privately op

38、erated enterprise needs to want to survive and to grow strong, must take the positive countermeasure, overcomes own disadvantageous factor, simultaneously needs the outside strength the support; Strengthens the system construction, the reform government structure, cultivates the advanced enterprise

39、culture, only had can achieve like this has planted the dromedary, brought in the golden phoenix.3.1 Establishment modern enterprise system and perfect company government structureThe modern enterprise system typical characteristic is: The property right is defined, the power and responsibility is c

40、lear about. But since long ago, everybody believed that, the privately operated enterprise property right is defined, thus caused many people not to realize also existed to the privately operated enterprise in has the property right question, the property right defined concept not only meant the ent

41、erprise property rights the ownership, simultaneously, the property right also meant company structure and level. However, the capital of Chinese private enterprises on the property rights with a strong three fate, that is, by blood, kinship and geography, this enables Chinese the privately operated

42、 enterprise property right to have the strong clan law on the main body, it also is hinders the Chinese privately operated enterprise to establish the modern enterprise system, the establishment science effective decision-making and the management mechanism important attribute. Our country has on th

43、e quite many privately operated enterprises surface is the limited liability company, but is in fact the owner makes the enterprise, is alone big, in fact is boss a person who is correct, other all are the shape with is nominal. But the our country privately operated enterprise extensively carries out entrusts the agent system, this caused the enterprise to govern the structure question the appearance, because these enterprises bosses also was in the enterprise operator


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