外文翻译毕业论文 EVA–经济增加值:从间接证据中筛选出直接解释.doc

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1、本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目(中文) :EVA 经济增加值:从间接证据中筛选出直接解释学 院:管理学院专 业:会计学学 号:-学生姓名:-指导教师:-日 期:2012年9月1号EVA Economic Value Added:Sifting the Direct from the CircumstantialJoseph SammutSource:ttp:/EVA 经济增加值从间接证据中筛选出直接解释约瑟夫萨穆特来源:1. 介绍如果存在一个脐带链接三大支柱业务,管理,会计,经济,毫无疑问,一个可信的竞争者应该是EVA(经济增加值)。其原因在于它富于变化的根源。对于一个明确规定的财务目标,研


3、作者的看法提出的关键点。2. EVA的涵义最简单的形式,EVA被定义为业务操作中的货币残留的扣除资本成本。它的正式术语相当于税后净营业利润 (NOPAT)更少的股本成本。即通过考虑到的资本成本,将账目收益灵巧的转换为经济收益。表面上看起来这个概念是革命性的和新潮的。然而,其创意不过仅限于包装,这个想法至少可以追溯到一百年,到一个特定的名字阿尔弗雷德马歇尔。新的推动者, Stern Steward,只是继承了这个概念、依赖更愿意接受的和复杂的市场,并且很明智地链接到报酬革命,从而利用并发几率形成未来新公司的模型。EVA的主要推力与其说是表现措施和绩效工资之间的联系,不如说是老板员工个人利益的统一


5、,哈佛商学院教授已经明确了脆弱性会计数据和资本市场之间的值。列弗使EVA理论有了质的飞跃,因批评公认会计准则的质量,暗示包含股本成本应作为基本业绩测量有更好的适应市场价值。Kramer和Pushner已经测试了这个假说,EVA是高度相关的市场价值补充。他们发现,在他们所有的测试案例的MVA的水平与NOPAT和EVA积极相关。OByrne 和 Steward研究很大范围年限内的市场价值变化。他们的研究结果指向在解释市场反应方面EVA的明确的优势,而继续得出结论因为EVA与市场价值系统相关,这最终被证明是一个比其他绩效方式更好的预测市场价值的措施。这种集成的业务模型提出两个高度情感诉求的经济观念。

6、“没有利润,除非你赚到资本成本”和“凡是可以被度量的事物就可以被管理”。它把本身与传统的指控联系在一起并建立金融措施,排除股东的投资,并因此完全忽视资本成本。考虑到这些会计异常与传统的奖金的直接关系,一个可能的功能失调的行为在经理和高管蓄势待发。它可能是在传统的会计死灰复燃时爆发。EVA的涵义与一个特定的词“语言”直接相关。这个媒介不仅因其知名优越的品质著称,而且可能更为著名的是成为更为普遍首选的公分母的两边的方程塑造股东价值的标准。3. 从间接证据中筛选出直接解释对于这件事感兴趣的程度是影响它传播的关键因素,也是测量方面和大致表现对确实的经济附加值(EVA)影响的之间的区别。看起来,至少研究


8、行业的回报高于EVA。也就是说,对于部门市场回报方面,业绩比EVA对于部门市场回报方面更重要。Visaltanachoti et al甚至试图定义和明确这个优势。 他们指出EVA的劣势在于对未来现金流动和其添加的并发症的调整的代理。弗格森,Rentzler和Yu调查是否采用EVA会导致更好的股票表现和默认情况下的更大的盈利能力。他们还没有找到足够的证据来证明这些。然而,发现有一些证据表明,EVA采用者比非EVA同行提高了盈利能力。在这个阶段它会在学术上应该很有趣,弗格森进行测试,以验证是否这个模式是稳固的的或随意的。如果没有这样的证据,EVA仍然是很有作用的。EVA被学术界进一步批判的原因是是




12、“支付” 作为在一个组织和一个需要认真的定义作为最有效的语言。支付绝对是一个强大的动力,但它可能不是最强大的。弗雷德赫兹伯格坚称这是工作本身是首要因素在于员工。即使在有意识的条款方面,该链接看起来也不紧凑。在2006年,一个相关代表调查凯利服务职业介绍所表明,只有四分之一的员工没有在任何性能相关的支付说他们应当表现得更好。薪酬是首要动力,但很显然,只对少数人群。凯利还发现,平均比例的员工与性能相关的比例在欧盟为21%,是最高的,可以理解的是,金融服务是28%,最低的在教育5%。这是由于相对轻松地照亮与金融服务行业可以测量其结果对相对歧义和难以测量教育机构的性能。性能相关的支付(prp)成为受欢


14、施严厉措施,EVA的支持者将继续利用了致命的性能之间的联系和法定利润回报报告以现在的形式和条件。4. 作者在关键点上的最终意见它确实是讽刺,虽然不是不自然的或不切实际的,EVA的宿敌模式对会计标准应该是直接向性能的-先锋报告轴。毫无疑问,大多数会计行为不当源自某处的脆弱和剥削其报告机制。它有滥用的倾向,反过来,创建了一个非常活跃的和阴暗的市场。性能相关的工资和奖励从未打算禁用报告要求和标准。事实上,他们是截然不同的两个理论和实践。前者是一个激励因素,后者,一个计算器。事实上,计算器,在某些情况下,被操纵并不意味着所有这些计算器是被动的。它也不意味着任何性能相关方案提供了这样的可能性会被计算。E


16、很明显,EVA的捍卫者还没有发出任何形式的担保或赔偿。这并不意味着EVA是会计的领域一个不必要的入侵者,。没有相互排他性的融资。补充可能是最好的金融工具。评估情况提供了足够的洞察力的多边达到一个更高的程度的结论。鉴于这个现实,EVA应当有一个非常强大的流行和激烈的支持。EVA不应被视为一个竞争者或替代财务报告的事物。它的优势在于其性能部分的二元性。因此,它是一个结合业主和雇员的利益支柱。它的狡猾的特质提供最终的安慰。1. IntroductionIf ever there should have been an umbilical cord between the three pillars

17、of business, that is, management, accountancy and economics, without doubt a credible contender should have been EVA (Economic Value Added). Its apogee lies in its Machiavellian roots. The investigation of how people behave and the outright manipulation of this behaviour for a clearly set financial

18、objective. EVA travels a long way in this direction. It protrudes itself to be a non-conventional and non-statutory science in both human behaviour and profit measurement and in so doing claims to be the optimal linkage between the two in the quest for the futuristic perfect business project. This a

19、ssertion comes along with a full assembly of both defenders and sceptics and with the underlying suspicion that it can be either a myopia or an utopia or as is the most possible case scenario somewhere in between. Along which coordinate is something yet to be discovered. This brief Paper shall analy

20、se in some detail the attributes of Economic Value Added (EVA) both as a financial performance measurement tool as well as an agent provocateur to spearhead the next management revolution in the post globalisation era, that is, performance related pay. The Paper shall address key issues with which E

21、VA interlocks the sciences of management, accountancy and economics and shall strive to penetrate into the issue by separating the circumstantial from the direct evidence. Eventually this Paper shall come to a close through the submission of the authors views on the critical points raised. 2. Attrib

22、utes of EVAIn its simplest form, EVA is defined as the monetary residue from business operations after allowing for the cost of capital. Its formal technical equivalent is Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT) less Equity Cost. A neat conversion of accounting profit into economic profit through the

23、 factoring-in of the cost of capital. At face value the concept looks both revolutionary and new. Its originality however is limited to the wrapping as the idea dates back at least a hundred years and to a specific name Alfred Marshall. The new promoters, Stern Steward, have simply re-invented the c

24、oncept, banking on a more receptive and sophisticated market and smartly linking it to a remuneration revolution, thus leveraging the odds concurrently as the new futuristic firm model takes shape. EVAs main thrust is not so much its linkage between performance measurement and performance related pa

25、y but can best be captured in the alignment of both owners and employees interests along a common frequency. In so doing, EVA attempts to depart from the confrontational standpoints that have traditionally characterised shareholders/employees relationships and venture into an innovative business cul

26、ture by capitalizing on a very simple but highly emotional catchword performance. Achieving this through already established and conventional routes is plain and simply not on EVAs cards. Historical and statutory accounting is considered by EVAs promoters as not only an ineffective tool to gauge and

27、 promote business performance but more sensationally as means to airbrush and whitewash financial results. EVA thus not only conflicts with traditional accounting but challenges its moral high ground. Against the backdrop of recent accounting malaise and financial meltdown, it can and should make in

28、roads into modern business studies and thus establish itself as a new pillar in shareholder/management relationship. This new pro-scientific aspirant, furthermore, claims to be the closest link possible to market values. In this sector it exults itself in having an eminent and prominent defender in

29、the form of Baruch Lev. The Harvard Business School professor had already made his position clear as regards the fragility between accounting data and capital markets value. Lev made EVAs leap forward in quality by criticising GAAPs treatment of equity and thus hinting towards the inclusion of equit

30、y cost as fundamental for performance measurement and better alignment to market values. Kramer and Pushner have tested the hypothesis that EVA is highly correlated with Market Value Added. They found that in all their tested cases the level of MVA positively relates to both NOPAT and EVA. OByrne an

31、d Steward studied market value variations in multiple year formats. Their findings point towards a clear superiority of EVA explaining market reactions and go on to conclude that because EVA is systematically linked to market value, it proves to be a better predictor of market value than other perfo

32、rmance measures. This integrated business model knocks on the doors of two highly emotional economic notions. “There is no profit unless you earn the cost of capital” and “what gets measured gets managed”. It allies itself with the accusation that traditional and established financial measures exclu

33、de shareholders investments and thus completely ignore the cost of capital. Considering these accounting anomalies direct relationship with traditional incentive compensation, a possible dysfunctional behaviour among managers and executives does not remain long on paper. It is probably in this regio

34、n that traditional accounting has recovered its worst “corpses”. EVAs attributes are directly correlated to one specific word: language. The medium that is not only recognisable by its superior measuring qualities but probably more strongly by being the preferred common denominator of those on both

35、sides of the equation shaping shareholder value. 3. Circumstantial and Direct EvidenceProblematic in the appreciation of this question, and probably also a key to its diffusion, is the separation between the measurement aspect and the alleged performance impact effect of EVA. It seems, at least opti

36、cally, that studies confound the two attributes as if they are of Siamese inseparable form. This academic “confusion” has propelled the subject to exotic status but insofar as substance and value are concerned, the issue is still in laboratory condition. 待添加的隐藏文字内容3Riceman, Cahan and Massey monitore

37、d a firm that employs a mixed management team. Some are on EVA related bonus schemes and others on traditional bonus plans. Whilst they acknowledge that EVA based managers perform better that their colleagues, yet their superiority does not emanate from EVA being a superior performance measurement t

38、ool but in its consistency as a reward process. Interestingly, they found out divergences in EVA understanding and effect related to different areas within the same firm. On the market value front, Visaltanachoti, Luo and Yi found that the association between traditional accounting performance measu

39、res, specifically EBIT, and sector returns is higher than that with EVA. That is to say Earnings is superior to EVA in explaining sector market returns. Visaltanachoti et al even attempted to define and locate this superiority. They point towards EVAs inferiority in proxying for future cash flows an

40、d its added complication of book-keeping adjustments. Ferguson, Rentzler and Yu investigated whether adopting EVA leads to better stock performance and by default greater profitability. They did not find sufficient evidence to prove this albeit having found out that there is some evidence suggesting

41、 that EVA adopters experience increased profitability in relation to their non-EVA peers after adoption. At this stage it would have been academically interesting should Ferguson et al carried out tests to verify whether this pattern is entrenched or casual. In the absence of such evidence, EVA rema

42、ins an elixir. Further criticism is levied on the information qualities of EVA. Biddel, Boswen and Wallace found only marginal additional information content beyond traditional “earnings”. Johnson and Soenen downgrade EVA for its neglect in addressing the growth potential of a firm. Both sets of sce

43、ptics suggest a static against a dynamic measurement tool looking at the most as a short term performance measure, thus considering its range of use and effectiveness as significantly handicapped. EVA has been academically criticised for the underlying weakness in the relationship between shareholde

44、r returns and the firms EVA quantum. Terrance, Jalbert, Boscaljon, Batala and Rao found minimal evidence of discrepancies between the market returns of firms adopting EVA with traditional non-EVA adopters. Thus any form of defence against the circumstantial discourse of the EVA sceptics definitely h

45、as to be based on the direct correlation between its performance measurement function and its adaptability as the appropriate performance recognition scheme. A sensitivity analysis has to prove that the two are not only directly related but more essentially mutually dependent through a common bond n

46、amed “performance”. If its Achilles Heel lies in the perceived vulnerability of the linkage between measurement and performance, EVAs Heraclean strength lies in the language that purports to assimilate the two poles. EVA asserts to have discovered the language and thus the formula to integrate perfo

47、rmance measurement with actual performance. This common denominator allays the interests of the firms most influential stakeholders and by default, its market valuation. Ochsner probably hit EVAs academic apex by insisting that most valuable managers have grown to distrust accounting earnings because they change unpredictably for non-operational purposes. This “carte blanche” accounting does not only shift the goal posts but far more dangerously provide the perfect potion when performance rewarding comes into play. Marrying EVA to pay-for-performance measures is thus the s


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