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1、影响中国发展的资本主义腐朽思想研究 影响中国发展的资本主义腐朽思想研究 The Research on Impacts of Decadent Capitalist Ideology on Chinese Development 【摘要】 在全面建设小康社会,构建社会主义和谐社会,加快推进社会主义现代化的进程中,需要解决的一个重要问题是:彻底清除资本主义腐朽思想对我国发展的广泛影响。本文的主要任务是:在全面归纳资本主义腐朽思想在我国的表现及危害的基础上,分析资本主义腐朽思想在我国还存在广泛影响的原因并据此提出在加快推进社会主义现代化建设过程中如何彻底清除资本主义腐朽思想对我国发展的广泛影响。全


3、主要分为两个方面:第一,社会主义初级阶段的基本国情为资本主义腐朽思想在我国的存在与蔓延提供了有利条件;第二,党的工作重点的转移使一些人对精神文明建设的重视不够。这部分为下一部分奠定了基础。第三部分:清除资本主义腐朽思想对中国发展影响的举措。这部分主要从经济、政治、文化三个方面展开论述,清除资本主义腐朽思想对中国发展的影响就要大力发展生产力,建设社会主义物质文明;加强民主法制建设,建设社会主义政治文明;把握先进文化的发展方向,建设社会主义精神文明。这部分是本文的写作目的和逻辑归属。【Abstract】 In building a well-off society, building a soci

4、alist harmonious society and accelerating the process of socialist modernization, an important problem need to be resolved is: remove wide-ranging impacts of decadent capitalist ideology on the development of our country completely. The main tasks are: Based on performance and harm of the comprehens

5、ive summarized decadent capitalist ideology in our country, the reasons for the existence of wide-ranging impacts of decadent capitalist ideology in our country are analyzed and how to completely wipe out the wide-ranging impacts of decadent capitalist ideology on the development of our country in t

6、he course of accelerating socialist modernization construction is proposed. The whole paper is divided into three parts, largely in line with the idea of proposing problems, analyzing problems, and ultimately resolving problems for arrangement and layout.Part I: main performance and harm of decadent

7、 capitalist ideology in our country. In this part, the performance of decadent capitalist ideology in China is summarized as egoism, liberalism, money worship and hedonism. On this basis, the performance and harm of the four kinds of ideology in China is discussed. This Part is the logical starting

8、point for this paper.Part II: Reasons for wide-ranging impacts of decadent capitalist ideology in China. In addition to the relative independence of the social awareness, in this part the external reasons and internal reasons for the wide-ranging impacts of decadent capitalist ideology in China from

9、 the two angles of our countrys development facing international and domestic environment are analyzed. Concretely, the long-term coexistence between socialism and capitalism and the international environment of economic development globalization are the external reasons for the existence and spread

10、 of decadent capitalist ideology in our country and internal reasons can be divided into two aspects: Firstly, the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism provide favorable conditions for the existence and spread of decadent capitalist ideology in our country. Secondly, transform

11、ation of our partys focus makes some people pay insufficient attention to the building of civilization. This part lays the foundation for the next one.Part III: Means of removing the impacts of decadent capitalist ideology on Chinese development. This part is mainly discussed from economic, politica

12、l and cultural aspects and removing the impacts of decadent capitalist ideology on the developmen: of China needs vigorously developing the productive forces , building socialist spiritual civilization, strengthening democracy and legal system construction, building socialist political civilization

13、and grasping the development direction of advanced cultures. Thispart is the purpose of writing and logic attribution of this paper. 【关键词】 中国; 资本主义; 腐朽思想; 影响 【Key words】 China; Capitalism ; Decadent ideology ; impact 影响中国发展的资本主义腐朽思想研究摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 文献综述 7-13 前言 13-15 第1章 资本主义腐朽思想在中国的主要表现及危害 15-29 1.1 利己主义 15-18 1.2 自由主义思想 18-22 1.3 拜金主义思想 22-24 1.4 享乐主义思想 24-29 第2章 资本主义腐朽思想在中国产生广泛影响的原因 29-35 2.1 外部原因 29-30 2.2 内部原因 30-35 第3章 清除资本主义腐朽思想对中国发展影响的举措 35-45 3.1 大力发展社会生产力,建设社会主义物质文明 35-38 3.2 加强民主法制建设,建设社会主义政治文明 38-41 3.3 把握先进文化的前进方向,建设社会主义精神文明 41-45 结束语 45-47 参考文献 47-53 致谢 53-55 在学期间发表论文情况 55


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