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1、运动员选材的选育结合理论与实证研究摘 要:在分析运动员选材及与选材相关的育材、选育关系、成才等的基础上,提出了“运动员选材的选育结合理论”,并论述其理论依据和实践依据;再结合问卷调查分析了运动员选育现状。即哪些现状与“运动员选材的选育结合理论”相符合,哪些不相符合。本研究综合采用了文献资料法、调查访问法、数理统计法、个案分析法、理论分析法等方法,通过大量的文献资料和调查数据,对“运动员选材的选育结合理论”进行了比较深入的研究。在研究中紧扣运动员选材这一研究主题,提倡理论与实践相结合、静态描述与动态分析相结合、事实归纳与理论演绎相结合的原则。本研究得出如下结论:1、从“选育关系”的角度看,选材不



4、运动员转项、运动员的成长过程等构成了“选材的选育结合理论”的实践基础。6、基因选材的发展,不但不会否定“选材的选育结合理论”的指导作用,而且会在人类遗传学方面进一步使这种理论对选材的指导作用朝着更精细、更科学化的方向发展。7、下列调查结果与本研究建立的“选材的选育结合理论”相符合:(1)只有35.4%的教练员认为选材和训练同等重要,高达64.4%的教练员认为选材工作更重要,几乎没有教练员怀疑选材的重要性。(2)不同项群、不同训练层次教练员在选材中对运动员专项成绩要求相对不高(排名第九位)。说明,虽然专项成绩是选材的一个比较重要指标,但绝非为最重要指标。(3)教练员对选育关系的诠释: 76.8%


6、是“教练选拔”。(6)因子分析表明,影响运动员选育效果的最重要因子是社会环境因子(F1),它与家庭环境因子(F9)、训练和比赛环境因子(F6)连成网络,又结合奖励与保障因子(F3)、执教水平因子(F4)、竞技战略因子(F11)对运动员成才起着重要的影响作用;选材和训练的科学性也是影响运动员成才的重要因素,主要表现在选材保护因子(F2)、心智因子(F5)、体质健康因子(F10) 、科研与潜在选材因子(F7)、专项与基础训练因子(F8)的作用上。 8、下列调查结果与本研究建立的“选材的选育结合理论”不相符合:(1)大部分教练员不清楚运动员发育分型问题。近四成的体校教练认为目前的竞技体制优先鼓励早快




10、到“全国水平”,地市体校和县区体校倾向于“国内水平”。优势项目教练员较倾向于“全国水平”。 关键词:运动员选材、育材、“选材的选育结合理论”、选育关系、成才Theory & Demonstrative Research in Combining Identifying with Cultivating Athletes TalentAbstract On the basis of analysis of sports talents identification and the relative contents about cultivation, relationship between

11、identification and cultivation, and success in sports, the new theory “Combinative Theory of Identifying and Cultivating Athletes Talent” is put forward, the theory basis is discussed, and the status quo has been investigated. The results show that some of the present conditions accord with and the

12、other do not accord with the new theory.In this dissertation, the new theory is profoundly studied synthetically with methods of library research, investigation, statistics, case-studying and theory-analysis. Advocated are combination of theory with practice, static with dynamic state, deduction wit

13、h induction, focusing on Identifying and Cultivating Athletes Talent.The results are as follows.1. From the angle of the relationship between identification and cultivation, talent identification is not only a test or several tests, or transverse selecting index or determining the selecting standard

14、s, but is a longitudinal, successive and long process. Though the contents in different phases are not the same, talent identification is a dynamic process closely connected with the cultivating process all the time.2. From the synthetic viewpoint, identification is a foundation, training is a proce

15、ss, and competition is the purpose; from the analytic opinion, during some phases, identification is the destination, training and competition are processes serving identification. 3. High identification rate does not mean high success rate. But the high identification rate is a precondition for the

16、 high success rate. The minimum identification rate can be calculated from the success rate.4. “Gifted athlete identification” is re-defined as “a dynamic process for distinguishing talent athletes closely combined with cultivation”. It requires not merely prediction for identification integrated wi

17、th the cultivation situation, but also a double check of the process in which data are obtained in cultivation, instead of treat the data statically and dogmatically.5. The new theory in this dissertation connotes that selection is a dynamic process, selection and cultivation supplementing each othe

18、r, each serving as the others purpose, selection containing cultivation, and vice versa. The theoretic basis for this new theory includes genetic theory, teenager growth theory, sportsmen developing theory, psychological theory and structure features in elite athletes competitive ability. The practi

19、cal basis evolves levels, phases and ages of selection, event transfer, and athletes developing process, etc.6. With development of genetics, the new theory will guide sports talent selection scientifically.7. The following investigation results accord with the new theory:待添加的隐藏文字内容2 (1) Only 35.4%

20、of the coaches think of identification as important as training; 64.4% of them consider identification more important; almost no one doubts the importance of identification. (2) In practical selection, coaches from different levels and different event groups do not think highly of athletes sports pe

21、rformance. This fact shows that though sports performance is an important index in selecting athletes, it is by no means the most important index. (3) Coaches opinions about the relationship between identification and cultivation: 76.8% of them think that identification is a dynamic process combined

22、 with cultivation; 94.1% of them think that the training of a lower level should serve the identification for a upper level; 86.3% of them think that the cultivation quality influences further identification quality. (4) The training loads for athletes assigned by coaches seem to be reasonable, basi

23、cally with the ascendent trend in various training levels. (5) In this investigation, 472 athletes of 3758 have transferred events. The new theory can well explain the following phenomena: most transfer events at the age between 12 to 16; 80% of the event-transfer has positive effects; coaches guide

24、 about 80% of the event-transfer; the sportsmen think that the main reason is selection by coaches. (6) The factor analysis indicates that the most important influential factor for the effect of selecting-cultivating athletes is social environment factor (F1), the other factors are family factor (F9

25、), training and competition factor (F6), reward and guarantee factor (F3), coaching level factor (F4), sports strategy factor (F11), identification-protection factor (F2), intelligence factor (F5), fitness and health factor (F10), sports research and talent identification factor (F7), and basic trai

26、ning factor (F8).8. The following investigation results do not accord with the new theory: (1) Most coaches cannot differentiate athletes growth type. Nearly 40% of sports school coaches believe that in the present sports system, sportsmen are encouraged to attain their maximum performance as soon a

27、s possible (instead of laying a sound foundation); over 80% confirm the existence of the trend that coaches intentionally select precocious athletes for prompt good results. (2) Coaches have poor scientific research consciousness, most of them do not cooperate with researchers, and about 70% have no

28、t published papers or works); (3) Most coaches have strong confidence in identification, but about 40% think that inaccurate selection is the first reason for athletes event-transfer, elimination, etc. (4) Though 15.1% of the coaches are convinced that the training purpose is to make athletes attain

29、 their maximal performance as soon as possible, 53.1% of the athletes believe that their coaches are more interested in prompt maximal performance. (5) As to injuries, first, compared with athletes feedback, coaches underestimate the injury probability. Contrary to athletes feedback, coaches think t

30、hat the main injury source is event features. Second, coaches and athletes of events with more injuries report higher injury rates, but the rate of injury from old injury is greater in common events. Third, the probability of “injury from over-load” is obviously greater in sportsmens reports than in

31、 coaches. (6) In terms of training diversification, firstly, coaches over-estimate their work. Secondly, athletes reports indicate that with the decrease in the training level, the training diversification decreases gradually. Thirdly, athletes feedback shows that 30% of the coaches assign training

32、tasks to newcomers and veterans without discrimination. (7) The reports about coaches setting up technique archives for athletes and dealing with athletes training diaries are not optimistic. (8) In terms of success in sports, the first choice for coaches and athletes is the same to reach the “national level”, but the success standards from athletes are higher than those from coaches.Keywords Selection of talented athletes, Cultivation, the Theory of Combining Identifying and Cultivating Athletes Talent, The relationship etween identification and cultivation, Success in sports


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