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1、 GPS测量技术毕业论文中英文资料附录1关于GPS-RTK摘要随着传统测绘技术向数字化测绘技术转化,面向21世纪的我国测量技术的发展趋势和方向是:测量数据采集和处理的自动化、实时化、数字化;测量数据管理的科学化、标准化、规格化;测量数据传播与应用的网络化、多样化、社会化。GPS技术、RS技术、GIS技术、数字化测绘技术以及先进地面测量仪器等将广泛应用于测量中,并发挥其主导作用。我国的隧道工程测量具有较为悠久的历史和丰富的经验,根据统计新中国建立五十多年来,共修建的铁路隧道已经超过5000座。在上个世纪80年代,我国已经成为世界上铁路隧道最多的国家之一,特别是长大隧道的测量技术新方法的应用方面取


3、可以给我们提供方法指引道路。第四章通过专题研究,进一步将隧道测量的知识纳入到具体的工程当中。其中涉及到GPS在工程当中的应用。因为随着现代科技的发展带来测绘行业的发展主要就是测绘手段和工具的发展。GPS应用在测绘工程当中给测绘行业带来了一次新的改革。其中运用在隧道贯通工作中。很大程度上提供稳定性,方便性等保障。特别是在特长隧道中的应用,因为它不需要通视的特性,与传统的测量手段相比较具有很多的优越性。所以本次专题选北天山隧道施工GPS控制网的建立及误差预计。在传统的隧道贯通测量基础上全面接触新的测量发展方向,在让读者了解隧道测量的同时关注新技术的测量发展方向。关键词:GPS-RTK; 测量 RT

4、K技术的出现使施工放样有了突破性的发展,不但克服了传统放样法和坐标放样法的缺点,而且具有观测时间短,精度高、无须通视、现场给出精确坐标等优点。经现场检测,在距离参考 站约3公里处,平面定位误差小于5cm,高程误差小于10 cm。GPS接收机只要13min就能进入RTK工作状态,在此状态下1min内即可得到厘米 级的点位精度。RTK技术特别适合道路等大批量设计点位的放样工作,尤其是道路边桩,征地范围线,工程测量等放样。无须沿途布设图根控制点,从而减少施工控制网的布设密度,节约经费,节省时间。由于其无须通视等优点和可以单人作业更显示出其优越性。 GPS接收机是位于地球上的用户测定所在位置经度、纬度


6、置和速度。救援船、私家车、铁路运输等农场的拖拉机、跨越大洋的航班、徒步旅行甚至是打高尔夫球的人也都受益于GPS定位。GPS的主机芯片只有婴儿的指甲那样的大小,所以可以装在手表、移动电话和个人数码助理里,所以许多GPS接收机比袖珍计算器还小,并且可以由一次性电池提供能量。 星火的全球卫星增强系统是由迪尔公司就提供一个全球性的精密单点定位(PPP)的能力为精准农业。有两个美国的加工和配送中心,已被商业星火自1999年以来的业务已扩大到土地测量,工程更多的市场细分,军事,航空测绘和水文定位。最近的系统修改,本文提出改善从绝对定位精度分米级。本文提供了一个概要和详细的进化概述当前的系统架构,包括参考网

7、络,通信基础设施,数据处理,网络处理中心,业务冗余,分配机制,接收机硬件和实时监测。一个全球共同的卫星能见度工具已被用于确定的水平在统计冗余观测网络和利益提供最新参考站补充。该通信网络基础设施改善建立一个新的可靠性指标鲁棒性和实时监控正处于系统组件的水平。中央处理后的实时吉普赛人(发电机版本areased集线器)套房,最初是由喷气推进实验室精确的轨道和实时时钟全球导航卫星系统的决心。这已得到改进,优化发展定位精度NavCom全球导航卫星系统的硬件。分布在星火轨道时钟参数是通过一个高度优化的数据流减少带宽要求,减少了L波段卫星传输的成本,并确保有足够的信号实力全面的L -波段卫星足迹。 现代电子

8、数码经纬仪含有环行解码器.它能能感知轴旋转和望远镜,能电子化地把这些旋转转换成水平和垂直的角度,并且将角度值显示在LCD(液晶屏幕)和LED(发光二极管)上.这些数据能记录在传统的作业本上或者能存储在数码收集器或者其他打印或计算的材料上.此仪器含有钟摆补偿或者能提供读出绝对垂直方向垂直量度.这个循环能通过按下一个按钮或者初始化到仪器的任意一个值时,设定零点 。如果要让地理参考空间数据在一个地理信息系统中做到正确显示的话就需要将其与其他空间数据相关联,因为地理参考信息无法与数据相分离。例如在Pocatello, Idaho的Bonneville小学,它的经度和纬度以小数度数显示是(42 52 1

9、4 N, 11226 28 W)。把这个学校的精度和纬度写到文件中那么它就可以在地理信息系统中与该城市中的其他要素一起正确的显示位置。 在本文中,我们比较平面使用RTINs的记忆要求和二次曲面的修补程序。(我们还简化在RTINs中的代码快速近似计算。)RTINs性比一般TINs为栅格数据提供更有益的表述,因为它们提供了一个等级的详细程度,而不只是一个单一的层次。因此,我们认为其更多的三角形,抵消了每个小三角的尺寸,使之更优化。用多项式曲面片面数的多少取决于储存的每个三角形或每顶点数据. 由于曲线片面数可以使用更少的三角形,有更广泛的数据优化三角形的摆幅图片和多项式片面数。也可以说是优化了多项式

10、表面,以使内部网格点更紧密。我们只用二次曲面,但它也可用于立体面。用程度较高的多项式就支使用较多的内存来储存更多的系数,但对网格点的紧密不一定有助。事实上,多项式片面数的程度5或增高趋势倍受争议。 近几年来,随着城市中车辆的增多,以及由此产生的交通堵塞、环境污染等问题日趋严重,使得车辆定位导航系统越来越成为人们关注的焦点。本文围绕这一焦点问题,在对GPS车辆定位技术进行研究的基础上,设计与实现了一个GPS的车辆定位导航的终端系统,并通过实验对终端系统进行分析与调试。本论文首先对车辆定位导航系统中的GPS定位技术进行了介绍,研究了GPS车辆定位的基本原理。重点对系统终端中采用的串行通信技术做了详

11、细的分析与描述,包括对信息的接收与发送等。在对文中设计的定位终端系统中采用的Jupiter GPS 接收机、RS-232串行接口等硬件的原理和技术指标进行深入研究的基础上,利用计算机通信技术、串行通信技术、GPS接收机接收数据格式以及基于MSP430的C语言开发调试环境,实现了终端系统及各组成部分的功能。最后,利用试验板和GPS-OEM板对系统进行了整体调试,并对系统进行了分析。追踪 如果说定位是一个不断确定物体所处位置的过程,那么追踪则是一个监控移动物体的过程。 贸易依赖于运输系统将货物和服务运输到城市的各个角落以及全国各地。因此有效的物流管理至少要做到:告诉顾客包裹已经运到,调度大巴车泊车

12、时间以维持最佳的服务程序,指挥最近的救护车赶到现场,帮助油轮避开危险。 GPS用于联结通讯链和电脑,为农业,大规模transit,城市运输,公共安全,船舶汽车跟踪提供了系统骨架。所以警察,救护车和火警部门都接受了像trimble的基于GPS的车辆定位系统,这没什么奇怪的。他能够在一张计算机地图上精确定位重大事故的位置和最近的应急车辆位置。有了这么详细的,形象的图像信息,调度员可以迅速,自信地作出反应。 芝加哥开发了一种GPS追踪系统,用于监控特勤车辆在街道的位置,从而节省了回应991呼叫的宝贵时间。在商业前沿,澳大利亚的两家出租车公司通过这种系统来追踪他们的出租车已获得更多的利润并提高安全性。

13、 地图 ,它们都在哪里? 世界如此之大,各方面对地图的需求又是如此迫切,应用GPS去测量和绘制地图将会节省大量的时间和金钱。今天,trimble GPS使一个测绘员就能够在一天之内完成过去一只队伍需要数个星期才能完成的任务。并且它们能够在一个更精确的层次上完成任务。 trimble在这一技术上领先,现在它已经成为实现测绘控制的首选,其在测绘上所取得的成效也是可观的。 我们已经见识了GPS对定点定位,道路定位,车队定位的能力。绘图已经成为一门艺术一门科学:首先用GPS定位物体,生成地图或世界上所有物体的模型。我们将标注一切:山脉,河流,森林和其它的地形。道路,街道,城市街道。无害动物,珍贵的矿藏

14、和所有的资源。自然灾害,事故,交通意外和考古遗迹。 GPS正在绘制世界之图。表明随着GPS水准分辨率的逐步降低,高程异常的误差越来越大,GPS水准测量的精度和分辨率直接影响高程异常的精度,进而影响区域似大地水准面的最终精度。实时动态GPS实时运动( RTK技术)是特林布尔导航的网站测量系统可以作为一个标准的选择升级到Trimble的4000系列SE和上证所接收机。医学弓国家森林使用4000上证所和SE接收机在它的边界管理程序。利用RTK技术实现了测量,以确定一个角落的位置,建立一个角落,而不必使传统角落移动或标记线后尽快验船师可走,所有无需后处理的数据。验船师利用RTK技术能在一个角落里寻找米

15、或几个厘米的真实位置,而无需周游了线。 对于一些调查传统运动的GPS应用程序的首选领域,因为许多点可以看出在很短的时间内与占领时期的一分钟或更少。但是到现在为止,运动学测量需要后处理的结果之前,都已经具备。这使外地定点的角落位置,角落里搜寻,行标志和张贴,协调和评估的准确性在外地根本不可能用运动学技术(咖喱等1993)。现在,利用RTK技术,使这些传统的运动是不可能的任务成为可能。 什么是RTK技术? RTK技术目前载波相位观测处理(修正)的实时位置坐标导致了1-2厘米的精度水平正在提供给验船师在外地。换句话说,验船师认为他会是什么。 RTK技术,由两个或两个以上的全球定位系统接收器,三个或更

16、多的无线调制解调器, “固定板初始化” ,并手持调查数据采集/计算机( TDC1 ) 。在RTK技术,一接收占有已知参考站和广播更正消息(契约测量记录或CMR2 )向一个或多个巡回接收机。巡回接收过程中的信息来解决情况工作组- 84载体解决整数实时接收器内产生的相对位置准确的参考站。 RTK技术的精度是+ / -2厘米+ 2浓度, 1百万分之1毫米相当于每1公里(特林布尔导航, 1993年) 。 该TDC1用于图形显示处理结果测量员当前的位置在地面上那一刻。该TDC1有能力的验船师在浏览了几个厘米到已知或未知协调立场利用当地,国家飞机或地理坐标。实时位置可能会记录在外地,逆演出,属性(功能)记

17、录, azimuths和点之间的距离计算,和角落位置。 RTK技术,与传统的动态GPS程序,目前需要不断卫星锁定保持下去。这一限制使RTK技术,以最有效的非树冠,没有障碍物的环境。用RTK测量作业:为了更有效地使用RTK技术,需要进行做些适当的外业程序指导原则(用于指导外业)和仪器使用的准备。在初始评估(用于基准站等准备工作)和当前RTK测量作业这段时间内,软件有很多的限制条件(意味着各个发面都需要调试),这些调试变化(指不停阶段对软件或测区的限制条件)使得RTK更好地应用于地籍测量。这些不停的,始终的,关于TDC1和TRIMMAP(见下文)的限制条件和快速变化的技术使得更新这些初始的程序(源

18、程序)成为有必要的事情(以用于适应新的测区环境和内业处理)。对于使用RTK技术,在外业测量之前有很多的内业准备工作要做,而这些才是RTK测量中最重要的部分。RTK系统使用一个叫做TRIMMAP的天宝程序作为整个系统的主要部分。这个程序支持TDC1数据采集文件的生成,编辑和DC文件的显示和数据的处理。而TRIMMAP软件则用于数据和投影的转换,(某一)投影下的GPS位置改正,(某一)位置下的静态(GPS)测量或动态(指RTK)下测区的平面改正。这个软件确实可以提供和其他软件进行用于ASCII 码和DXF文件的数据输入输出能力。 以下简要介绍在Site Surveyor 系统下使用RTK 技术进行

19、地籍测量的程序步骤。鉴于RTK技术是一种新技术,这些步骤和一些后续的程序将被作为技术革新而修改和精炼。但是,最重要的是在政府测量员和RTK用户(地籍测量)获得测区的外业经验的同时,既定的标准和步骤程序也会在使用RTK技术的同时发展和革新。结论 RTK技术引导着未来土地测量技术,特别是从成本节约的潜力来说。虽然仍然有许多已经确定的和不可见的问题需要克服,但是像其他的测量工具一样,RTK技术仍然是一个已经被实施的功能系统。 需要牢记牢记的是, RTK技术并不是在任何情况下都能工作的,而是需要结合当前的技术和设备来保证它能有效地工作。 显而易见,像大多数的新技术一样,总是存在一些对其正确性的质疑。然

20、而,随着越来越多使用RTK技术的经验积累,包括对当前RTK技术的改进,一旦能节省时间和降低其成本效益,那么这种疑问将会消除,而RTK技术将只会被当做是另一种测量工具而已。 总之,在评估和执行新的技术和技能,重要的是要保持开放的心态,而不是陷入传统或是说“嗯,这就是我们始终做到了,所以为什么要改变? ”附录2About GPS-RTKSUMMARY Transforms along with the traditional mapping technology to the digitized mapping technology, face the 21st century our count

21、ry project survey technology trend of development and the direction is: Survey data acquisition and processing automation, solid current events, digitization; Survey data management scientific style, standardization, standardization; Survey data dissemination and application network, diversification

22、, socialization. The GPS technology, the RS technology, the GIS technology, the digitized mapping technology as well as the advanced ground survey instrument and so on will be widespread apply in the project survey, and will display its leading role. Our country tunneling survey has the comparativel

23、y glorious history and the rich experience, according to has counted new China to establish 50 for many years, altogether constructs the railroad tunnel already surpasses 5,000. In on century 80s, our country already became in the world one of railroad tunnel most countries, specially grew up the tu

24、nnel survey technology new method application aspect to yield many important results, accumulated the precious experience, once won nation various advance in technology the great honor. This article divides into two parts, the first part makes the correlation to the tunneling survey method and the c

25、omputation the introduction, mainly divides into three bulks: On surveys, underground survey and relation survey. But they separately introduced on controls the survey, the underground control surveys and relates the survey and they separately links up the precision to the tunnel the influence. More

26、over, the third chapter specially introduced the tunnel links up the survey the plan choice and the error estimated. Front because this is the tunnel links up an extremely important work which the survey begins must carry on, it carries on or not can directly affect the risk which links up to the tu

27、nnel. If does not carry on the error to estimate but directly carries on the survey, has the possibility to be able very much insufficiently to create because of the precision links up defers to the request to carry on with difficulty, even possibly causes the project to carry on with difficulty. Bu

28、t on the error estimated itself says, certainly cannot affect the tunnel to link up the precision, it only is one kind of probability but may provide the method direction path to us. Fourth chapter through the special study, further the knowledge which surveys the tunnel brings into line with to the

29、 concrete project. Involves to GPS in the project application. Because brings the mapping profession along with the modern science and technology development the development mainly is surveys and draws the method and the tool development. The GPS application has brought a new reform in the middle of

30、 the geodetic engineering for the mapping profession. Utilization links up in the work in the tunnel. In the very great degree provides the stability, the convenience and so on the safeguard. Specially in special skill tunnel application, because it does not need the intervisibility the characterist

31、ic, compares with the traditional survey method has very many superiority. Therefore this topic chooses North the Tianshan Tunnel To construct GPS To control Net Establishment And Error Estimates. Links up in the survey foundation in the traditional tunnel comprehensively to contact the new survey d

32、evelopment direction, is letting the reader understand the tunnel surveys simultaneously the attention new technology survey development direction. Because myself ability is limited, in the article has many deficiency, hoped fellow teachers give the precious comment. The flaw exists which to the art

33、icle in or wrongly gives the criticism to point out mistakes.Key Word:GPS-RTK;SURVUY The RTK technologys appearance enabled the construction lofting to have the unprecedented development, not only has overcome the traditional lofting law and the coordinate lofting method shortcoming, moreover had th

34、e hour of observation to be short, the precision high, did not need the inter visibility, the scene to give merits and so on precise coordinates. After the scene examination, in stands the approximately 3 kilometers from the reference place, the plane position error is smaller than 5, the vertical e

35、rror is smaller than 10cm. So long as the GPS receiver 13min can enter the RTK active status, in 1min then obtains the centimeter level spot position precision under this condition. Mass design positions and so on RTK technology the especially qualify path setting-out works, nearby the path the pile

36、, solicits Land the Fan contour particularly, lofting and so on engineering survey. Does not need to build the chart root control point along the way, thus the reduced construction control nets build density, saves the funds, saving of time. Because it does not need merits and so on inter visibility

37、 and may the single work demonstrate its superiority.GPS performance, high precision, is by far the best navigation and positioning system. GPS measurement technology in measuring point no pass as required, to facilitate the choice of site can be a significant reduction in the construction of a high

38、 standard to save the cost of building standard, can be full-time observation, observation time is short, data-processing speed and high precision results, the full completed and development of surveying and mapping industry will lead to a profound technological revolution. GPS can be used to establ

39、ish a high-precision geodetic control points and project control points. GPS using L-band, with the two carrier frequencies: L1 center frequency of 1 575.42 MHz, L2 of the center frequency of 1 227.6 MHz. There are many types of receivers, according to the required accuracy can be divided into singl

40、e-frequency code rough precision dual-frequency code receiver and the receiver, the use of coarse code receiver in real-time positioning accuracy of about 25 m, precise real-time code receiver positioning accuracy better than 10 m, the use of phase receivers, data processing by the relative position

41、 (three-dimensional determination of the baseline) or parts per million accuracy, the baseline length of several kilometers from the 1 000 km, a typical baseline of 15 km of three coordinates with centimeter-level difference, the measurement time by up to several hours. GPS since the mid-20th centur

42、y into the 80s post-Civil, has been widely available in navigation, positioning and other applications in various fields, particularly in the measurement control surveying profession played a landmark role. It is precisely because of its relative positioning in a static high precision and high effic

43、iency, all-weather, do not pass, as people generally used to gradually replace the conventional triangle, triangular, corner and so on, and in theory, the practice has been gratifying results. However, in precision engineering deformation monitoring applications are also rare, is still in the theore

44、tical study and practice are explored. I will be following in GPS (works) of the base deformation monitoring design, graphic design of structural strength, the design of observing time, monitoring of the design cycle for an analysis to explore the use of GPS technology to carry out the works of new

45、ideas for observing the deformation. A GPS receiver operated by a user on Earth measures the time it takes radio signals to travel from four or more satellites to its location, calculates the distance to each satellite, and from this calculation determines the users longitude, latitude, and altitude

46、. The U.S. Department of Defense originally developed the navstar constellation for military use, but a less precise form of the service is available free of charge to civilian users around the globe. The basic civilian service will locate a receiver within 10 metres (33 feet) of its true location,

47、though various augmentation techniques can be used to pinpoint the location within less than 1cm (0.4 inch). With such accuracy and the ubiquity of the service, GPS has evolved far beyond its original military purpose and has created a revolution in personal and commercial navigation. Battlefield mi

48、ssiles and artillery projectiles use GPS signals to determine their positions and velocities, but so do the U.S. space shuttle and the International Space Station as well as commercial jetliners and private airplanes. Ambulance fleets, family automobiles, and railroad locomotives benefit from GPS po

49、sitioning, which also serves farm tractors, ocean liners, hikers, and even golfers. Many GPS receivers are no larger than a pocket calculator and are powered by disposable batteries, while GPS computer chips the size of a babys fingernail have been installed in wristwatches, cellular telephones, and personal digital assistants The StarFire Global Satellite Based Augmentation System was developed by


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