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1、当前大学生就业难的原因与对策 当前大学生就业难的原因与对策【中文摘要】 近几年来,我国大学生就业率呈逐年下滑的态势,大学生就业难的呼声日渐高涨。因此,在当前就业形势日益严峻的背景下,研究大学生就业问题具有急迫性和重要性。首先,当前大学生就业是全社会就业的重要组成部分,如果毕业生不能顺利就业,不仅直接影响毕业生个人的生活和思想情绪,会诱发各种矛盾和问题,直接影响到我国和谐社会构建和发展。其次,就业是民生之本,是涉及到百姓切身利益的民生问题。最后,大学生毕业后能否成功就业,在一定程度上反映当前高等教育的办学水平和质量,关系到高等教育大众化的进展。因此,分析研究当前大学生就业现状、问题与成因,有针对


3、素;最后是现行的一些就业政策、经济发展不平衡影响大学生就业的合理流动和选择。第三部分主要对一些国家如美国、日本、德国等国家的一些就业模式、制度和方法等做了简要阐述,目的是为缓解我国大学生就业压力得到一些启示。第四部分是在前面分析的基础上,提出缓解当前大学生就业的对策和建议。主要对策和建议有:大学生要提高就业能力,树立科学就业观和走多元化就业道路;高校调整专业结构,改革高校教学内容和加强大学生就业指导;政府要加强宏观调控、政策引导和完善大学生就业市场。【英文摘要】 In the last few years, the employment rate of university graduates

4、 slides year by year. Getting employed has become more and more difficult. Under this serious situation, it is urgent and important to study the employment of university graduates. First the employment of university graduates is one of the most important parts of the entire social employment. If the

5、 graduates cant get employed smoothly, it not only affects the graduateslife and emotion, but also induces contradiction and issues, which will influence the construction and development of our harmonious society. Second the employment is the foundation of peoplelife. It involves peoples individual

6、interest. Finally, it reflects the current high-level educations level and quality and also relates to the high-level educationpopularization, whether the graduates can get employed or not. So, It has great significant that analyzing the reasons of low employment and putting forward the specific sug

7、gestion to the development of our national economy, the built of the harmonious society, the popularization of high-level education and the development of university students themselves.This paper is divided into introduction and 4 main body parts.The first part briefly reviews the history of univer

8、sity graduates employment from 1949 the year of the foundation of our country. Then it analyzes the severe employment situation that university graduates faced in the view of the society and university graduates themselves.The second part is on the reasons that result in the low employment rate. It

9、mainly analyzes some factors that constraints the employ of university graduates, such as university graduates themselves, high-level education, the job market, national employment policy and economic development. The main reasons of students themselves are that their conceptions and abilities cant

10、meet the labor market; the main reasons that high-level education involved include the structure of education, the setting of major, course and cultivated model which cant meet the development of the society and human resource; the imperfect market construction and operation of university graduates

11、employment is one of the important factors that hinder the employment of university graduates; finally it is the current employment policies and the imbalance development of economy that affect the graduateschoice.The third part is about the overview of the university graduates employment abroad and

12、 its implications. It briefly described some employment modes, methods and regulations abroad, such as America, Japan and Russia, which aims to get some implications to ease the situation.The fourth part is to give some measures and advices on how to ease the present situation the basis of analysis

13、beforehand. The main measures and suggestions include the ability improvement of students themselves, the adjustment of college major structures, the guidance education of employment, the strengthening of the governmentmacro-control and policy guidance. It is the hard part of this paper.【中文关键词】 大学生;

14、 就业; 原因; 对策 【英文关键词】 university graduates; employment; reason; measure 【论文目录】中文摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 导言 8-12 一、研究的目的与意义 8-9 二、研究综述 9-10 三、研究的思路与方法 10-12 第一部分 大学生就业历史回顾与当前就业形势 12-16 一、相关概念的界定 12-13 二、大学生就业历史回顾 13-15 三、当前大学生就业形势 15-16 第二部分 当前大学生就业难的原因分析 16-26 一、大学生自身因素 17-20 二、高校教育因素 20-24 三、大学生就业市场因素 24-26 第三部分 国外大学生就业概览及对我国启示 26-33 一、西方一些国家的就业模式 26-29 二、国外大学生实现就业的主要方法 29-32 三、对我国的启示 32-33 第四部分 缓解当前大学生就业难的对策思考 33-40 一、提高大学生自身素质 34-35 二、积极进行高校改革 35-36 三、加强政府政策引导和宏观调控 36-38 四、完善大学生的就业市场 38-40 结论 40-41 注释 41-43 参考文献 43-46 致谢 46-47 攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 47


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