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1、本科毕业论文 论毒品对青少年的危害学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206113 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科1班指导教师: 二七年五月On the Harm and Influence of Drug on YouthLuo DengUnder the Supervision ofGuo JunSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007ContentsAbstractKey Words.摘要.关键词Introduction.1I. The Bane of the Mind

2、 and Body .3II. The Bane of Society.5III. The Influence of Drug to Families.6IV. The Reason of Youth Taking Drugs.8V. The Way to Solve the Problem of Youth Taking Drugs.9Conclusion.12Acknowledgements.13Bibliography.14AbstractNowadays, illegal drug is one of the most serious problems in the world. Mo

3、re and more young people are indulging in drugs. While the drug and crime are brothers, so people who take drugs often go to the road of crime. An investigation shows that more and more youth violate the law for the sake of taking drugs. Drugs are harmful to the future of our country, as it can dama

4、ge many families and destroy our harmonious society. This paper focuses on the causes of drugs proliferation, and the influence of drugs addiction on their families and society, and how to cope with it. Everyone hope to find some useful ways to help those drug-addicted people. Each of us should figh

5、t against the drugs, and protect youth to create our harmonious society. Key WordsBane; crime; youth; society摘要贩毒、吸毒问题是当今世界重大的社会问题.在世界范围内,青少年越来越多的接触到毒品,而毒品和犯罪又是一对孪生兄弟,故青少年因为毒品的危害走上犯罪道路的比例也越来越大。毒品泛滥是当今世界上的一大公害,其危害之烈,泛滥之快已成为一个全球性的问题.毒品犯罪屡禁不止,青少年首当其害,近年来,我国的青少年毒品犯罪呈逐年上升势,且上升的幅度较大,从长远来看,21世纪初我国毒品犯罪特别是青少

6、年毒品违法犯罪问题将会更加严峻,毒品腐蚀着祖国的未来,危害着很多家庭的幸福生活,甚至动摇着社会的安定与和谐,大家应该认真面对,严厉打击毒品,预防青少年的不良行为发生。本文主要围绕着吸毒的原因,吸毒对吸毒者,家庭,社会的影响,怎么样去解决吸毒问题展开论述,希望能寻求到一些有益的方法来帮助那些陷在毒品泥潭的人们。关键词毒品;犯罪;青少年;社会IntroductionDrugs, what are drugs? What do person think about when someone mentions this word? People often think about white powd

7、er will wipe out all possibility of youths future, and then kill them slowly. Drugs come into our lives and destroy all relations between parents and children. Using the word all because it is the exact word to define what happens when a child starts taking drugs.Drug indulgence is an increasing pro

8、blem among teenagers in high schools. Even since the drug war in 1900, drugs have been a major problem in society. The proliferation of drugs such as opium, morphine, and their derivatives were quite common in nineteenth century in American. While most students of contemporary high school know littl

9、e about the use of coca leaves in early Coca-Cola and the opium trade with Chinese. The drug addiction at the turn of the century is much more serious than we know. It is estimated that by 1975 there were about 550,000 addictive regular drug users in the American. While this number may seem larger c

10、onsidering the smaller population of the country in 1970s compared to today. It is actually surprisingly small in number when such drugs are available over the country. Cocaine, morphine, laudanum, and heroin are all available in drug stores or through the mail. Not until the issue of Pure Food and

11、Drug Act in 1906, the sale and distribution of these drugs were banned in local shops and stores. Today, all of these drugs are regarded as illegal.Currently, the national registered drug takers in the volume have already over 1,050,000. The drug problem exists in almost 80% county Cities in China,

12、which city drug takers account for 72.7% of the total amount. 60% AIDS patients are infected by taking drugs. Among the 1,050,000 registers in the volume, the youth under the age of 35 account for 72.2%. If each drug user takes 0.3 gram heroin everyday, the gross volume will cost 27,000,000,000 doll

13、ars at least annually. The total global drug sales is up to 800,000,000,000 US$ annually, which is equal to 10% of the total world trade amount. The central public finance department will spend over 500,000,000 dollars in five years on forbidding drug proliferation. The data above are given by the M

14、inistry of Public Security.I. The Bane of the Mind and BodyThe harm of the drug is too much; it mainly performs in two aspects. First, drug is the bane of the mind and body. Second, it is also the bane of the society.A. The Toxicity Function of the BodyThe toxicity function means that, if one uses d

15、rug in a large amount or uses it for a long time, taking the drug can cause harmful influence on peoples bodies. It can break the normal function of peoples organs and psychology.B. Quitting to Break ReactionA Bachelor of Education said that if people take drugs in a long period, it results in fatal

16、 danger and sever damages on their mind and bodies. At the very beginning, the user only takes a little drug, that is enough to create an illustration feeling to satisfy their need. And gradually, the amount they need increases continuously. As time goes by, they will use up they money, lose their j

17、ob and break their families. Their health is also badly harmed. At last, they could no longer bear the pain and choose suicide to avoid the numerous sufferings and cruel real world. C. The Spirit Obstacle and Abnormal ConditionThe most serious result of taking drug is that it can cause severe spirit

18、ual obstacle and thinking obstacle by illusion feeling. Their behaviours may thoroughly be changed by taking drugs; it even makes them lose their human nature for the sake of taking drugs.D. Infection DiseaseThe abuse of drugs can bring numerous complex diseases by intravenous injection. It can prev

19、ent sex maturation by dying most familiar form hepatitis, and make the AIDS disease problem that people worried more serious. It can also injure peoples nervous system, immune system to make them be infected various disease easily.Taking different drugs causes different side effects and negative sym

20、ptoms. It can cause serious healthy damage directly, break the drugs digestive system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system and immune system. Moreover, using overdose drug even cause fatal harm. In a word, drug abuse can lead to a variety of complications, such as acute and chronic hepatitis,

21、pneumonia, sepsis, endocarditic, renal failure, arrhythmias, thrombotic phlebitis, arthritis, bronchitis, emphysema, skin diseases, chronic organic brain damage, toxic psychosis, sexually transmitted diseases or AIDS.For example, drug toxicity on the bodies can be proved as follows. Pharmacy abuse a

22、nd prolonged medication use can cause harmful effect on the bodies. And it usually associates with the body dysfunction and pathological changes. The main features of poisoning are drowsiness, insensitive to movement disorders, hallucinations, paranoia and directional barriers, etc.At present, the m

23、ost popular drug is heroin, which belongs to opioid drugs. And it is also the most serious harmful source. Some organs in normal brain may be poisoned by gathering of endogenous opioid peptides and opiate receptor. And the drug can also control peoples feelings and behaviors. For heroin addicted peo

24、ple, the heroin may gradually form a state of equilibrium in their bodies, once the equilibrium is broken, there will appear the feeling of insecurity, anxiety, chills, goose pimples up, tears, rhinorhea, sweating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. This pain in turn prompts a deeper dru

25、g necessity in order to avoid pain, and the addicted people will do everything possible to satisfy their drug need. Methamphetamine and ecstasy are the main role in the pharmacological stimulant, bath of them can damage the nerve. II. The bane of the society.A. The Bane of the FamilyOnce a family me

26、mber become indulgent in drugs, the whole may ruined thoroughly. Drug addict is a form of self-destruction; meantime, it also breaks families by making the family sink into the edge of economy bankruptcy, being isolated from the relatives, and at last ruins the families.B. The Huge Breakage of the S

27、ocial ProductivityFirstly, the drug causes many kinds of diseases which can influent production. Secondly, it is the reason of huge social wealthy loss and waste. Meanwhile, it also worsens the social environment and contracts existence space of the mankind.C. The Drug Activity Disturbs the Social P

28、ublic OrderWhats worse, the drug proliferation will cause various activities such as crime activities of breaking the law, disturbing the social public order and hazarding the social stability.D. Producer Refers to the Origin of Direct Seeding, Management, Harvesting DrugsThe producers are a special

29、 group of land owners. In the main drug planting area, which contains the Central American Andes region (Peru, Colombia, Bolivia), Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Laos, Thailand) and West Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan), about 700,000 families, or 400 million people are making their living by poppy cultivatio

30、n and drug crops. Although they earn some profit from the drugs, the majority are still living below the poverty line. In the common year, planting drugs can solve the problem of food shortage. But in the long sight, to cultivate drug crops as the main income source is not sustainable. On one hand,

31、they are subject to the ruthless exploitation brokers. On the other hand, with the end of the Cold War, international community forms an unprecedented comprehensive strategy to remove the drug. In order to realize the object, the drug crops may under the air strikes at any time. People also use high

32、-resolution satellite and technical means to monitor the vast drug crops. Aerospace technology and the application of herbicides are widely used, so drug producers will face serious threats.E. Drug Dealers Are the Drug Industrys Real ProfiteersAccording to a survey of IMF, the transportation of drug

33、 is the main source of the worlds black money”, it is up to 700 billion or even 1 trillion U.S. dollars per year, and it is increasing at the speed of 80 billion to 100 billion U.S. dollars per year. Generally speaking, the open circulation of such a huge black money need “money-laundering. The so-c

34、alled money laundering is through various illegal means to erase the crime scene and evidence avoiding legal action and sanctions, and then change the dirty money into safe money recycling. It is estimated that the annual amount of money-laundering is about 400 billion U.S. dollars which is equivale

35、nt to 8% of the total international trade. Such huge amount of money has a great impact on society. As it is in the hands of a very small number of people, it could strongly impact the political, economic, many aspects of military of todays society which is full of corruption and one of the reasons

36、of instability.III. The Influence of Drug to FamiliesThe youth are in the period of physiology and mental state developing period, their mental mind is weak, the curious spirit is strong, and they have little ability of judgment, so it is difficult to boycott the tempt of drug. That makes the teenag

37、ers are subjected to the drug encroaches easily. A. To Youth the Bane of the Healthy BodyAfter the body absorbs drugs, it will be poisoned and appear reaction symptom. The drugs will damage inside system of the body and organ, and then some diseases will follow such as the nasty and chronic hepatiti

38、s, pneumonia, septicaemia, heart and the kidney function, various skin disease, brain injure and poisoned sex spirit. When a person indulge into the drug, many symptoms such as muscle ache, stomach-ache, shed-tears, insomnia will appear once stopping using halfway. The user cant get rid of the depen

39、dence on the drug both in spirit and body. Using big amount of heroin can also cause a respiratory failure which may cause death.The pollution of the machine, needle, aqua and drugs can make people inject various infectious diseases such as the hepatitis, the AIDS. According to a statistics of the W

40、orld Health Organization, Injection of drug addiction causes the infection of B type hepatitis and C type hepatitis increasing at the rate of 22%-68%. Till the December 1998, there were 12639 AIDS virus infectors in our country, and 69.4% of them are addicted to drugs. B. Mental Healthy Influence to

41、 YouthTaking drugs can make the drug-addicted person wallow in a vain ego experience in a long period of time and cant pull out themselves. They will lose the interest in the human relations, the passion of living. And their spirit will be more and more degenerative under the slave of the drug. They

42、 will do worse in study as that means nothing to them any more. In order to get rid of the feeling of empty they will seek help from drugs. But as they have no money to purchase drugs, they will steal, rob and prostitute by unfair means. Their activities also cause bad social behaviour and the occur

43、rence of the criminal offence, endanger the family and society, and even bring family tragedy by injuring their closet relatives.C. The Drug Damage to Families Drug makes a lot of family tragedies. Once a family member indulges into drugs, poverty and contradictions will surround the family. And the

44、 final outcome is bankrupt and broken up usually. Firstly, the drug costs large amount of money. Some people sell family property to exchange for drugs. Some execrable people even sell their children, and force their wife to be prostitution. Secondly, the drug would lead to the death of marriage and

45、 family breakdown. Because once a person is addicted, he will lose the concept of obligation or responsibility. The husband could not carry out husbands duties, and his wife can not do his wifes obligation. And it eventually will lead to divorce. Thirdly, drug endangers the pregnant women. It has a

46、serious bad impact on normal fetal development, causing some neonatal congenital malformations or addiction.IV. The Reason of Youth Taking Drugs1. Lack of ability of drawing a clear distinction between right and wrong, fall into trap or cheat easily.2. Lack of understanding of drugs damage to sex.3.

47、 Having no proper education, spirit empty makes them immerse to drugs.4. The bad education of the family or the influence of their friends.5. The influence of the rotting material culture.6. The physical and mental development of young people and social conditions have a conflict puzzled the young.7. The physiological and psychological characteristics of the young people decide that they have a strong thirst for knowledge and curiosit


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