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1、2013年广东省公共科目考试大学英语培训复习题Vocabulary and Structure ()1.He has behaved in the most extraordinary way, I cant _his actions at all.A.count onB.contribute withD.account for2.The young men of the present day are_my comprehension.A.outB.beyondC.withinD.under3.Take a(n) _supply of food,for we shall be

2、gone all day.A.ampleB.manyC.variableD.extreme4.In his cheerful and easy-going nature, Jim_ his father rather than his mother.A.takes upB.takes overC.takes inD.takes after5.A basic two-hour first aid course would _you to deal with any of these happenings.A.assignB.supplyC.applyD.equip6.There has been

3、 a recent _in that country towards part-time employment.A.featureB.trendC.actionD.character7.Dr.Smith was once on the _of the hospital near our college.A.staffB.employeesC.employersD.employment8.My_reaction was to take a couple of rapid steps backwards.A.possessiveB.instinctiveC.efficientD.effective

4、9.Because he was very poor,he couldnt _to rent this flat.A.spendB.affordC.feelD.think10.They dont want to _their house,in which their family have lived for withB.dispose ofC.cope withD.treat with11.The risks of the investment were close to _.A.noB.notC.zeroD.nothing12.“Can we take

5、 our cameras into the milsellm?” “No, it is_.”A.out of the questionB.out of no question13._ my hand ,please!A.Let offB.Let downC.Let outD.Let go of14.Have you any _in this medicine?A.trustB.beliefC.faithD.conviction15.He asked me to lend him a hand, but I was not in a _to

6、help him at that time.A.postB.situation C.positionD.place16.Whom would you rather have _with you, Henry or Helen or me? goB.gone C.goingD.go17.Wealthy _he was, the governor would not spend a penny on such things.A.asB.if C.thoughD.however18.American music _its own style by mixing black African m

7、usic and white European music.A.grewB.held C.madeD.evolved19.How many hours will you _the community service a week?A.spend forB.adjust to C.apply toD.devote to20.He finished his homework _.A.on his his own his his own21.Can you tell me _a fast-food restaurant nearby ?A.whether i

8、s thereB.what there isC.that is whereD.if there is22.Ill let you know as soon as he _.A.arrivesB.will arriveC.arrived D.has arrived23.Ezebel ,the Portuguese teacher,gets along very well, spite of she dosent speak ChineseB.despite she doesnt speak ChineseC.although she does not speak ChineseD.

9、for she does not speak Chinese24.The boat,_with passengers, left the port early that morning be loadedC.was loadedD.loaded25._we have finished the homework, we shall start doing some handwriting.A.AlthoughB.UntilC.Now thatD.Unless26.They completed the work quite early,_.A.but didnt do

10、 it very wellB.neither did they do it very wellC.not do it very well ,eitherD.nor they did it very well27.Theres _at the door .Can you go and see who he is?A.anyone B.someoneC.some bodyD.anybody28.Youd better not _this when you _with her .A.menioned.are talkingB.mention.will talkC.mention.are talkin

11、 mention.talk29._the material could stand the test is still a question.A.WhatB.ThatC.WhetherD.Because30.Im not sure which attend have lecture have lecture inD.having lecture in31.The poor old man_graves since he was twenty.A.had dug B.has been

12、 digging32.Uncle Sam_us all about his experiences during World War II.A.used to tellB.used to tellingC.was used to tellD.uses to telling33.The sun is so far away_it is impossible for us to measure it in miles.A.asB.and soC.that that34._he was poor, he didnt give up hope for life.A. SinceB.If C.

13、Ever since D.Even if35.Dry ice is quite different from ordinary ice, _is simply frozen water.A.itB.whichC.that D.this36.Id rather _at school this summer vacation .A.not stayB.not to stayC.not stayingD.dont stay37.lets begin our discussion , _?A.dont weB.shall weC.will you D.dont you38.can you tell m

14、e _you like better, this one or that one?A.whatB.whomC.whoD.which39.Dry ice is _cold that, if you touch it with your bare fingers,it _you.A.very.burnsB.such.will used to be a peach tree there, _?A.didnt thereB.used there C.did there D.wasnt there41.It was the lo

15、ngest film I have ever seen ,it_three hours.A.lastedB.stayedC.finishedD.completed42.We were so late we_had time to catch the train.A.nearlyB.almostC.hardlyD.simply43.It can take up to three months to_a man to do this special work.A.guideB.raiseC.trainD.learn44.In todays paper it_that we shall have a

16、n election this year.A.saysB.admitsC.expressesD.proposes45.Henry had to pay_on a carpet he brought in through the Customs today.A.taxesB.ratesC.finesD.duty46.When the police broke open the door,they found him_on the floor unconscious.A.layB.lainC.lyingD.layed47.I was so pleased to have the_to visit

17、your country.A.opportunityB.necessityC.destinyD.possibility48.He asked if we would_to share the room.A.acceptB.considerC.agreeD.approve49.If you wish to learn a new language you must_classes regularly.A.followB.considerC.attendD.assist50.He_his son of the dangers of driving too fast on his new car.A

18、.warnedB.rememberedC.threatenedD.concerned51.Every day Jack hurries to_the bus to school.A.takeB.catch C.tideD.get.52.What does Henry do to earn a_?A.job C.porfessionD.living53.It took Webster years to_a new English dictionary.A.compileB.writeC.composeD.construct54.He was_in the leg while f

19、ighting the fascists during World War II.A.hurtB.injuredC.harmed D.wounded55.Weight-lifting is an_exercise.A.exhaustB.exhausting C.exhaustiveD.exhausted56.As soon as the experienced worker entered the workshop,he smelt something_.A.burnB.burningC.burntD.burns57.On his way to work ,Ron walks_the Worl

20、d Trade Center.A.passB.passing C.past D.passed58.Without your_he would never have been able to do it.A.courageB.encouragementC.hopeD.desire59.The discussion was brought to a_conclusion.A.satisfiedB.satisfyingC.satisfactoryD.expected60.You should measure with the greatest_or the door will not fit.A.a

21、ccuracyB.correctnessC.accurateD.correctionVocabulary and Structure ()1._the total and Ill pay it with a check.A.FigureB.ConsultC.Decrease D.Exhale2.He is unable to go to work _the fall from the honour ofB.with a view to a result ofD.except for3.The air-conditioner_a lot of elect

22、ricity.A.maintainsB.produces C.consumes D.eliminates4.I remember seeing him some years ago, but I dont_where it was.A.remindB.recallC.recognizeD.memorize5.People _get fat as they grow older.A.start off toB.keep up inC.tend toD.hold to6.About 100 persons _for the job, but none of them got it.A.reques

23、ted B.demandedC.claimedD.applied7.He is well _an officer of the company.A.on his way to his way to becomeC.on his way to his way of becoming8.He was_after the failure of his plan.A.strict B.desperate C.fertileD.moldy9.If you_in taking this attitude, well have to ask you to le

24、ave.A.peruseB.insistC.resist D.persist10.I cant follow your advice ._thank you for giving it.A.In factB.NeverthelessC.FurthermoreD.Instead11.The noise was caused by a dog _a cat through the garden.A.chasingB.fighting C.followingD.catching12.We worked all day, but without any _.A.resolveB.resultC.eff

25、ect D. affect13.It doesnt _if you ca nt answer the question.A.matterB.trouble C.mind D.will14.He cant _this any longer, so hed better retreat.A.sufferB.remove C.endure D.preserve15.The box was so heavy that it was difficult for the old lady to _it.A.liftB.reach C.riseD.touch16.I_him to give up smoki

26、ng,but in vain.A.advised B.persuadedC.preventedD.pretended17.The policemen showed great_in the face of danger.A.feelingB.braveryC.standardD.effort18.Hearing the sad news, he burst into _.A.tearB.tearingC.tearsD.tearfully19.Fifty dollars will _the hotel expenses.A.coverB.suitC.spendD.cost20.Never _ti

27、ll tomorrow what may be done today.A.kick outB.hold upC.pull awayD.put off21.John has a new car. I wonder when_it.A.he gotB.did he getC.he gets D.he is getting22.It was what he meant_what he said.A.rather thanB.whileC.beforeD.except23.Several rivers have _because of the dryC.tu

28、rn dryD.go dry24.However much _,it will be worth it .A.does the watch costB.costs the watchC.the watch will costD.the watch costs25.Mary_ tears when she heard that her son had died in the car accident .A.broke intoB.broke outC.broke throughD.broke down26.He fell off his horse a week ago and _in bed

29、ever since.A.wasB.had beenC.would be D.has been27.As it has been raining recently, the committee decided to _the football at off28.Before he set off I packed him some food _he wouldnt get that29.With such a variety of food for th

30、e dinner,I just didnt know which dish begin with begin begin with begin it for30._words you try to learn by heart at a time ,_you will remember.A.The more.fewerB.The more.the fewerC.The more.the more fewerD.More.fewer31.It is said that this cloth will not _in the wash.A.decre

31、ase B.shrinkC.shortenD.reduce32.John is an _young man and he saves every cent he earns.A.economyB.economicC.economicsD.economical33.They are going to_their house by building two more rooms onto it.A.enlargeB.increaseC.developD.spread34.She undressed the baby _bathe it in the basin that is full of no

32、t as toD.for35.He couldnt join the army,as he was below the height _allowed by the rules.A.smallestB.greatestC.maximumD.minimum36.The change in timetable will _that we have to catch an earlier bus.A.mean B.resultC.predict D.cause37.You must _something you are interested in.A

33、.take overB.get onC.stick toD.keep to38.He didnt go to the meeting because he was not_of it.A.informedB.invitedC.interviewedD.reformed39.When the teacher asks you a question, he expects a (an) _answer.A.fastB.rightC.exactD.certain40.It isnt quite_that Mary will be present at the meeting.A.sureB.righ

34、t C.exactD.certain41.Why are Don and Tames such good friends? What do they have _?A.on the commonC.on condition42.He is_of stealing money from the old woman.A.accusedB.emergedC.chargedD.expected43.I couldnt fall asllep unless I exercised _of the foot caseC.on

35、 the point44._the right address,we found her house easily.A.GivenB.Having givenC.GivingD.Give45.I dont think he is a man_.A.whom you can believeB.that you can believeC.whom you can believe inD.what you can believe in46.He thought I was lying_I was telling the truth.A.henceB.soC.thusD.wh

36、ereas47.The word “profession” is_a new meaning.A.taking onB.making outC.taking toD.getting over48.This would enable British shipbuilders to_foreign yards.A.compete overC.pick up49.There is still a good deal of disorder_the strike.A.apart fromB.according toC.instead ofD.due to50.

37、Up to now,we have only discussed the issue_of western additionB.from the caseD.with regard51.We have shown that computers can be_.A.intelligenceB.imageryC.intelligentD.imaginary52.Each of us was interested in the way in _he illustrated his idea.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.how53._

38、at Town Hall,the Greens were welcomed by the mayor.A.On reachingB.In reachingC.On arrivingD.In arriving54.Neither John nor his parents_at home.A.isB.hasC.areD.was55._today,he would get there by Friday.A.Was he leavingB.Would he leaveC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves56.We took the infants temperature,

39、 and it was_.A.ordinaryB.commonC.normalD.formal57.Many married women manage to go out to work and _a home as well.A.runB.beginC.moveD.check58.We didnt buy anything because we were _ of money.A.lackB.short C.emptyD.scare59.The government had _them permission to leave the country.A.grantedB.admittedC.

40、answeredD.promised60.Every child in Britain is _ to free education.A.givenB.offeredC.entitledD.allowed Vocabulary and Structure () 1.The three men_cards for an hour.A.are playingB.have been playingC.were playingD.played2.The children_play than go to school.A.would ratherB.could ratherC.should rather

41、D.had rather3._the cat is happy,because it is laughing,too.A.As wellB.AlsoC.EvenD.And so4.Without the music,the children_so much fun.A.wouldnt be havingB.wouldnt have beenC.wouldnt beD.wouldnt have had5.Tell the children outside_so much not makeB.dont makeC.not makeD.not to make6.He has a

42、_daughter.A.three-year-oldB.three years oldC.three years oldD.three-years-old7.If you practise now ,you_a good player.A.would beB.will have beenC.shall beD.will be8.He is driving_he finds it difficult to stop at the red thatB.very fast fast that D.such fast that9.Nobody says a

43、word about the incident,_?A.does heB.doesnt theyD.dont they10.We insist_your answer tonight_.A.on last the latestD.on the latest11.He promised to mend the broken wheel next day without_.A.fall B.defaultC.troubleD.fail12.Will you_me your pen for my examinatio


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