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1、 牛津英语8A语法知识汇总一、语法专题-形容词和副词的比较级(一)形容词的比较等级(1)用法讲解大多数的形容词都有三个级别:原级、比较级、最高级。其中比较级表示“更”,用于两者之间的比较,用来说明“前者比后者更”,比较级前面一般用much, even, a little修饰,其中even, much 只能修饰比较级。最高级表示“最”,用于三者及三者以上之间的比较,用来说明“某人或某物在某个范围内最” 形容词的比较级(-er)和最高级(-est)的构成a. 规则变化之口诀:直接加;去e加;双写加;变着加 b. 不规则变化原级:比较级最高级good / wellbetterbestbad / il

2、lworseworst)many / muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther, further;farther, furtheroldolder, elderoldest, eldest 比较级前的修饰语still, even, any, quite(a bit), almost, nearly, just, rather;a little, a bit;much, a lot, far, many;twice, ten times, one fourth, two pounds, three years【小试牛刀】1. I cant run any _(f

3、ar). Shall we stop for a while %2. It is not so (hot) today as it was yesterday, 3. _ (hard) you study, _ (good) you will be at English. do you like _ (well), English, Maths or Chinese -English is my favorite subject. 5. Our country is becoming _ and _ (beautiful).Keys: 1、farther 2、hot 3、The harder,

4、 the better 4、best 5、more, more beautiful(二)形容词的比较等级(2)常见句型 A=B A+ V + as + adj./adv. + as + B (与。一样)He is as tall as I/me. 他和我一样高。He is as good a teacher as his father.他和他的父亲一样是个好教师。A B A + V + not + as/so + adj./adv. + as + B (与。不一样)They didnt do as/so much work as you did. 他们干得事没有你多。Ive never see

5、n as/so old a car as this.我从来没有见过像这样旧的车。A B 或A B A + V + 比较级 + than + B (比。)Tom is two years older than his brother. 汤姆比他的弟弟大两岁。!Our classroom is bigger than theirs. 我们的教室比他们的大。表示倍数A + V + twice/four times/ + as + adj./adv. + as + B(A是B的两倍/四倍/)This room is twice as large as that one. 整个房间是那房间的两倍大。Th

6、e earth is 49 times as big as the moon.地球是月球的49倍大。表示程度的递增主语 + V + 比较级+ and+比较级 (越来越) 或主语 + V + more and more+ +adj./adv. (越来越) The days are getting shorter and shorter.白天变得越来越长了。Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家变得越来越美了。表示两种情况同时变化The+ 比较级+ 主语+ V + ,the+ 比较级+ 主语+ V + (越越) The more

7、we get together, the happier well be.=If we get together more, well be happier.我们聚得越多,我们就会越高兴。The harder you study, the better youll be at English.= If you study harder, youll be better at English.你学习越努力,你的英语成绩越好。/ 主语+ be +one of the+ 最高级 + n.(pl.) + in/of (是最之一) Beijing is one of the oldest cities

8、in China.北京是中国最古老的城市之一。 主语+ V。+ the+ 最高级 + in/of (最) Ann studies hardest of all the girls in our class.安妮是我们班学习最用功的学生之一。 主语+ V。+ the+ 比较级 + of the two (较的) Lily is the taller of the twins.莉莉是这两个双胞胎中较高的那个。 主语+ V。+ 比较级 + than + any of the other +n. (复数) + in(比任何其他的更)He is taller than any other student

9、 in his class.他比他班级中其他的任何学生高。&= He is taller than any of the other students in his class.= He is the tallest students in his class.【小试牛刀】1. It is not so_ (beautiful) as the one back home. 2. Li Lin is not as_ (active)as he used to be. 3. The air pollution is much_ (serious)in our city than in theirs

10、. 4. This is one of the_(delicious)dishes in this restaurant. 5. Judy got the_(many)new ideas of all the students here.Keys: 1、beautiful 2、active 3、more serious 4、 most delicious 5、the most(三)易错点讲解命题角度1 形容词、副词的位置以及易混淆的形容词的用法1.( 典型例题 ) This _ girls are Lindas cousin. A. pretty little Spanish B. Spani

11、sh little pretty C. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish 考场错解 D 专家把脉 本题考查考生多个形容词作定语时的位置关系。参见下文的规律总结。 对症下药 A2.(典型例题) to take adventure course will certainly learn a lot useful skills. A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave考场错解 A 专

12、家把脉 考生本题容易出错的地方是:通常单个形容词作定语要前置,所以常常误选。英语中有些形容词作定语时要后置,如:大多数以字母a开头的形容词;形容词修饰不定代词时等。本题中,enough作副词修饰形容词时副词通常要后置。又因为students作句子的主语,要放在句子的开头,修饰它的形容词放在其后。故答案为C。 对症下药 C3.(典型例题 ) students are required to take part in the boat race. A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young

13、 strong D. Young strong ten Chinese 考场错解 B专家把脉 本题容易受汉语习惯的影响从而导致误选。解答的关键是弄懂其排列顺序问题。可参见下文的“规律总结”。 对症下药 A总结:、1.英语中某些副词短语的意义和用法很重要。 这类短语常见的还有: more than, no more than, too much, much too, by far, more than, more than, no less than, not less than 等,在平常练习中要加以注意。2.意义相近的形容词和副词的用法要加以注意: hard, hardly; deep, d

14、eeply; high, highly; dead,deadly; most, mostly; fair, fairly; quite, fairly, rather; almost, nearly; such 等。3.多个形容词同时修饰一个名词时,多用下列顺序:性质+大小+形状+新旧+颜色,有时也要看与名词的密切关系,越密切越靠近名词。多个词同时作前置定语时的一般排列规律是:代词性定语+冠词指物主所有格+数词(先序后基)+形容词+国籍材料用途形容词或名词或动名词+被修饰的名词。例如:a charming small round old brown French oak writing tab

15、le.训练: 1 Excuse me, but can I borrow your pencil- boxA. blue cheap plastic B. cheap blue plastic C. plastic blue cheap D. plastic cheap blue答案: B/解析:最近的是材料,最远的是一般性描绘形容词cheap。2 Mr. Evans is wise than smart. Few people can solve such a problem.A. no less B. no more C. less D. more答案: D解析:morethan与其说不如

16、说。3 Whoever has sense knows that smoking is harmftd to peoples health.A. normal B. general C. ordinary D. common答案: D X k B 1 . c o m】解析:根据语境,“拥有一般常识的人”,用common 来表示“普通的,平常的”。命题角度2 形容词、副词的比较级结构;形容词、副词前面使用冠词的情况以及倍数的表达方法 典型例题1.(典型例题)David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now

17、 and feels _ desire to go to bed. A. the most B. more C. worse D. the least考场错解 A或C, 专家把脉 解答本题首先要理解语境。David刚刚获奖,还很兴奋,那么睡觉的欲望当然是很少了。the least表示“最少的”的意思。 对症下药 D2.(典型例题) Mary kept weighing herself to see how much_ she was getting. A. heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest考场错解 B专家把脉 本题最容易出错的地方是

18、考生难以理解句意中暗含的比较,常常会误选D.囚此,读懂题干是关键。在此基础上就不难理解玛丽所做的目的是“看看 (比以前)重了多少”。 对症下药 A3.(典型例题) The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and I paying here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D. three times as much 考场错解 A 专家把脉 在表达倍数时,比较级的修饰词要放在 as.as

19、结构之前。同时本题又是一个省略句,这都是错误的根源。具体用法参见下文的“规律总结”。 对症下药 D总结: 1.形容词和副词比较级和最高级前的冠词用法:形容词最高级前须加the,副词最高级前都可以。做表语的形容词前如果没有比较范围和比较对象也可省去the,比较级在特指意义时须加the,泛指时可数单数须加a + 原级形容词的结构中,前面用不定冠词a,an或无冠词时,并非是最高级意思,most意思为“very(非常)”。2.形容词比较级的倍数表达方式:比较级修饰词+ as + adj.adV.十as和比较级修饰词+ as + manymuch+ n.+ as.在“as.as”结构中,第一个as是副词

20、,修饰形容词或副词,强调程度。当某些副词如so,as,too,how等用来修饰名词前的形容词时;不定冠词放在该形容词之后,名词之前。后一个as引导比较状语从句。表示倍数的三个句 型是:/(1) times as + 形容词原级 + as例如:This table is three times as big as that one. (2) times +性质名词 + of 例如:This table is three times bigger than that one.3.比较级前可以用 even, still,a bit /little,much, a lot, far, by far,

21、no, any等修饰,表示程度。最高级前可以有序数词,by far, nearly, almost, by no means, not really ,not quite, nothing like等来修饰。例如:Is your father any better 你父亲好些了吗Yes,much better.是的,好多了。Id like to buy the second most expensive laptop.4.形容词副词比较的对象应该相同但不能相互包容。常用以下结构形式:比较级 + than +any other + 单数名词;比较级 + than + anyone else;比较

22、级 + than +any of the other +复数名词。例如: China is larger than any other country in Asia /all the other countries in Asia.The weather here is colder than that of Huanggang.The computers made in our factory are better than those in your factory,训练、1 Youd better go and buy some tomatoes for the dinner part

23、y, for you see, there are _ _ tomatoes left in the basket than I imagined.A. far more B. far fewer C. many more D. many fewer答案: B解析:far修饰比较级。2 Are you satisfied with his work Well, Im afraid it couldnt be _ .A. any better B. the best C. any worse D. the worst答案: C解析:否定词和比较级连用相当于最高级。3 Exercise is _

24、_ any other to lose unwanted weight.A. so useful a way B. as a useful way C. as useful a way D. such a useful way答案: C二、反身代词(一)反身代词用法讲解1、反身代词的构成 反身代词又称自身代词,有人称和数的变化。其中,第一、二人称的反身代词由“形容词性物主代词 + 后缀-self(单数)/ - selves(复数)”构成,第三人称的反身代词由“人称代词的宾格 + 后缀-self(单数)/ - selves(复数)”构成。【家庭成员】人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfy

25、ourselfhimself herself itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves|2、反身代词的用法 She called herself Xiao Zhang. 她自称小张。 We can look after ourselves well. 我们会照顾好自己的。 The poor boy in the story is myself. 故事里的那个可怜的男孩就是我自己 They finished the work themselves. 他们独自完成了工作。 Did you see Mr. Wang himself 你见过 王先生本人吗【规律总结】反

26、身代词可以作动词或介词的宾语,如例句;可以作表语,如例句;可以作主语或宾语的同位语,用于加强语气,意为“亲自,本人”,如例句。一些常用的固定搭配 look after oneself / take care of oneself 照顾自己teach oneself sth. / learn sth. by oneself 自学enjoy oneself 玩得高兴,过得愉快help oneself to sth. 请自用(随便吃/喝些)hurt oneself摔伤自己!say to oneself 自言自语(二)易错点讲解 反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起强调作用。例如:我自己能

27、完成作业。(误)Myself can finish my homework.(正)I myself can finish my homework. 反身代词表示“某人自己”,不能表示“某人自己的东西”,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达“某人自己的(东西)”时,须要用ones own. 例如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误)Im drawing with myself crayons.# (正)Im drawing with my own crayons.【趁热打铁】用合适的反身代词填空。1. Danny, can you do it by _2. Lily is old enough to look

28、after _ now.3. Please help _ to the food, Jenny and Brian.4. They are enjoying _ in the park now.5. I want to go shopping. I want to buy _ a T-shirt.Keys:1. yourself 2. herself 3. yourselves 4. themselves 5. myself三、祈使句(一)祈使句用法讲解祈使句指的是表示命令、请求、建议或劝告的句子。其主语you常省略,谓语动词用原形,句末用感叹号或句号,读降调。1. 肯定的祈使句(1)动词原形

29、+其他 Stand up, please. = Please stand up. 请起立。(2)Be + n./adj.- Be a good boy! 要做一个好孩子! Be careful! = Look out! = Take care! 小心 / 当心!(3)Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分 Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 Lets go to school together. 咱们一起上学去吧。2. 否定的祈使句(1) Dont + 动词原形 Dont stand up. 别站起来。 Dont be careless. 别粗心。 Dont let them

30、 play with fire. 别让他们玩火。(2) Let型的否定式有两种:“Dont + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”。 Dont let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。 Let them not play with fire. 别让他们玩火。(3) no开头,用来表示禁止性的祈使句。 No smoking! 禁止吸烟!No fishing! 禁止钓鱼!3. 祈使句的强调形式,通常在肯定祈使句式前加上助动词Do。 例如:Do shut up! 快住口! 4. 祈使句的回答 祈使

31、句的动作通常是表示将来发生的动作,所以回答祈使句时,一般用 will或wont。 在回答具有否定意义的祈使句时,要注意两点: 1) 形式一致(即Yes与will保持一致;No与wont保持一致) 2) 意思相反(即Yes是 “不”的意思;No是 “是”的意思)。 |在回答时,要注意分析上下文语境中所提供的条件。如:- Dont go out, please. Its raining heavily outside. 请不要出去。外面雨下得很大。 - Yes, I will. I have to meet my brother at the airport. 不行,我得去机场接我弟弟。 (二)易

32、错点讲解1、放句首时,要注意Dont后面要用动词原形;2、当人称后面有标点符号时,要注意是用祈使句还是用三单。如:Lucy, dont be late again. Lucy, a 17-year-old girl, is not late again.3、祈使句与or的搭配, 如:Hands up, or well shoot. 【趁热打铁】1. _ late again, Bill! A. Dont to be B. Dont be C. Not be D. Be not2. _ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green. A.

33、Not B. Wont C. Doesnt D. Dont#3. Kate, _ your homework here tomorrow. A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing4. _ me the truth, or Ill be angry. A. Telling B. To tell C. Told D. Tell5 .Her doctor said: “_ work so hard” A Stop B Dont C Cant D No 6. Sindy, _ to be here at 8 oclock A is sure B is su

34、re that C will be sure D be sure when you cross the road. A Do care B Care C Do be careful D To be careful 8. _ in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A Not to read B Dont read C Dont to read D Not read 9 _ tell a lie. A Hardly B Not C No D Never Keys: 1-5 BDADB 6-9 DCBD四、should和had better(一)should用法讲解1. 用于

35、第一人称疑问句,表征询意见。如:Should I open the window 我可以开窗户吗?2. should表义务,可用于各种句式,通常指将来。如:You should do what your parents tell you.你应该照你父母的话去做事。He should do some work, but he doesnt want to.他应该做些工作,但是他不想做。也可指现在。如:You shouldnt be sitting in the sun.你不应该坐在阳光下。3. should表推测,暗含很大的可能。如:Its 4:30. They should be in New

36、 York by now. 现在是四点半,他们应该到达纽约了。(二)had better用法讲解1. had better的基本用法特点其意为“最好”、“应该”,后接动词原形,与情态动词should用法相似,其中的had通常缩略为 d。如:Youd better get some sleep你最好去睡一会儿。We had better go before it rains.我们最好在下雨前就去。2. had better如何构成否定式和疑问式构成否定式时,通常将not置于had better之后(而不是had之后);而构成疑问式时,则通常将had(而不是had better)置于主语之前。如:

37、Id better not disturb him我最好别去打扰他。What had we better do 我们最好怎么办 ¥【注】在否定疑问句或反意疑问句中可将not与had连用。如:Hadnt we better go now 我们是不是现在就去呢 3. had better后接进行式有时后接动词的进行式,表示最好马上做某事如:I think Id better be going我想我最好还是马上走。Youd better be getting your clothes ready. 你最好马上把衣服准备好。【趁热打铁】一、 二、 句式转换:1、 You should go to sc

38、hool on time.(否定句)_2、 You had better get here early.(否定句)_3、 You should dress neatly.(同义句) _ 4、 Wed better put the rubbish in the bin.(划线提问)】_Keys: 1 You shouldnt go to school on time. 2 You had better not get here early.3. You had better dress neatly 4. Where should we put the rubbish三、 单选( )1. Thi

39、s dictionary belongs to Rita. You _ it home without letting her know. A. had better not to take B. shouldnt take C. neednt take D. shouldnt be taking( )2. This is a very important project,so you _ plan it very carefully. A. should B. will C. dare D. need( )3. You had better _ football near the stree

40、t,its very dangerous. A. not to play B. dont play C. not play D. to not play( )4. Our money is very limited, so you _ so much money on so dear a skirt. A. shouldnt spent B. shouldnt be spending C. neednt spent D. wont spendKeys: BACA?五、may的用法1、can, could的用法1. 表能力,意为“能、会”。例:Can you play basketball 你会

41、打篮球么2. 表怀疑、猜测,常用于否定句和疑问句中。例:He cant be in the room. 他不可能在房间里。3. 表请求或允许,多用于口语中,意为“可以”,相当于may.例:You can(may) go now. 你现在可以走了。4. could是 can的过去式,可以表示过去的能力。例:I can swim when I was seven years old.我七岁时就会游泳。Could I go to the movie this weekend, Dad- Yes, you _. But you have to come back before nine.A. shall B. must C. need D. can【答案】D2、may的用法&1. 表推测,意为“可能,也许”,用于肯定句中。He may come tomorrow. 他明天可能会来。2.表请求、许可,意为“可以”。例:May I borrow your book 我可以借用你的书么注意:may表请求,用于主语为第一人称的一般


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