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1、Module1 Using my five senses.Unit 1 Look!语法一、名词复数规则?:1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds?;2以s。 x。 sh。 ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches;3以“辅音字母 y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries4以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives leaf-le

2、aves?5不规则名词复数:?man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,?child-childrenfoot-feet, tooth-teeth?。单复同形fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese?二、this, that, these, those 的用法。this, that是单数,后be动词用is,后加名词事,用名词单数。these, those是this, that的复数,后be动词用are,后加名词用名词复数。三

3、、whose,where,what的用法。whose对谁的进行提问,where对地点进行提问。eg. Whose pens are these? Theyre Bettys pens.Where is Danny? He is in the playground.What既可以对物进行提问,又可以对事提问。eg. What do you like? What are you doing?四、现在进行时?1现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。?2现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+ 动词ing。?3现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。?4现在

4、进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。?5动词加ing的变化规则?1一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking?2以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting?3假如末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping?句型1These brushes are long. 这些画笔是长的。These crayons are short. 那些蜡笔是短的。2-Whose pens are those? 那些是谁的钢笔? -Theyre kittys pens. 它们是基蒂

5、的钢笔。3-Where is Danny? 丹尼在哪里? -He is in the playground. 他在操场上。4-What are you doing? 你正在干什么? -Im writing. 我正在写字。5-What have you got, Ben? 你有什么,本? -Ive go these paints. 我有这些颜料。练习部分:1. 写出下列各词的复数?I _he _this _her _?watch _child _photo _diary_?day_foot_book_dress_?tooth_sheep_box_strawberry_?peach_sandwic

6、h_dish_bus_?man_woman_?2. ?写出下列动词的现在分词:?play_ run_ swim _make_?go_ like_ write_ski_?read_have_sing_dance_?put_ see_ buy _ love_?live_ take_come _ get_?stop_ sit _ begin_ shop_?3. 用所给的动词的正确形式填空:?1.The boy _ ( draw)a picture now.?2. Listen !Some girls _ ( sing)in the classroom .?3. My mother _ ( cook

7、)some nice food now.?4.?What _ you _ ( do ) now??5. Look ! They _( have) an English lesson .?6.They _(not ,water) the flowers now.?7.Look! the girls _(dance )in the classroom .8.What is our granddaughter doing? She _(listen ) to music.?9. Its 5 oclock now.? We _(have)supper now.10._Helen_(wash )clot

8、hes? Yes ,she is .?M1U2 What can you hear?语法一、can的用法。can表示能力,后加动词原形。eg. I can play the piano. 其否定形式直接在can后加not。eg. I cant play the piano.二、play + the +乐器;play+球类。eg. play the guitar; play football.三、名词所有格。名词所有格用名词后加s表示。在单数名词或少数不以s结尾的复数名词后加上s。如:Kallys drum,childrens books,a girls hair。在以s结尾的复数名词后直接加。

9、如:the teachers office,the students classroom.句型及词组1-What can you play? 你会弹奏什么乐器? -I can play the violin. 我会拉小提琴。2-Whose guitar is this? 这是谁的吉他?-Its Eddies. 它是埃迪的。3-Wheres Kallys drum? 凯丽的鼓在哪里?-Its behind her chair. 它在她的椅子后面。4in the music room 在音乐教室5play the +乐器 弹奏练习部分一 按要求写单词hear 同音词 their同音词 beside

10、同类词 eat现在分词 chase现在分词 right同类词 see同音词behind同类词二 选择填空1. Where is the mouse ? - look , its _ the hole. A. playing B. dig C. in 2. Mary _ play the drum. Listen! Shes _the drum now A. isplaying B. canplaying C. canplay3._ recorder is this? Its_. A. Whose.Kallys B. WhoseKally C. What.Kallys4. I cant play

11、_. A. the guitar B. guitar C. a guitar5. She cant play_ . A. the football B. football C. a football.6. What can the dog_ in the river? A. see B. seeing C. a seeM1U3 What can you feel?语法一、祈使句的特点:以动词原形开头,通常省略主语you,用以表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等含义。eg. Touch the window. 其否定形式是在动词前,即句首加上否定助动词dont。eg. Dont touch the wi

12、ndow.二、介词短语:在上 on. 如:on the chair/donkey/rabbit。在里in. 如:in the bag。在下面under. 如:u2nder your desk.三、反义词:hot-cold, rough-smooth, hard-soft, sharp-blunt句型1Feel the donkey. 摸一下这头驴。2-Where is my rabbit? 我的兔子在哪里? -Its on your chair. 它在你的椅子上。3-Whose balloon is this? 这是谁的气球? -Its Kittys balloon. 它是基蒂的气球。4Put

13、 your hands in your bag. 把你的手放入包里。5Put the tail on the donkey. 把尾巴放到驴的身上。练习部分一 选择题1. Put the tail _ the donkey. A. under B. in C. on2. I can _ football very well. A. plays B. playing C. play3. Touch the pineapple. Its _. A. soft B, sour C. rough4. Eddie can play_ triangle. A. the B. / C. a5. _ is my

14、 ruler? Its in your desk. A. What B. Whose C. Where6. What is that woman? Shes _. A. a waitress B. my mother C. Bens sister.二 用所给动词适当的填空1. Lily can _ (jump) very high.2. Listen! Ben _ (sing) a song.3. What_ the children_ (do) now? They _ (write) their homework.4. Dont _(talk). My baby sister_ (sleep

15、) in her bedroom.5. What can Ben_ (do)? He can _ (speak) English.6. Kitty likes _(swim) very much.M1U 4 What can you smell and taste?语法一、 have表示“有”。祈使句的特点:以动词原形开头,通常省略主语you,用以表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等含义。eg. Touch the window. 其否定形式是在动词前,即句首加Dont.二、 like 表示为喜欢,它的否定形式只要在like前加上dont 或者doesnt。 eg. I dont like / She

16、 doesnt like . (当主语为第三人称单数时候,要注意动词的相应变化)。三、 can 和动词的原型一起搭配使用的时候,就构成了谓语动词, 它的否定形式为can not (缩写形式为 cant) He can hear. He cant see.句型1. Close your eyes. Have a biscuit. 闭上眼睛,吃一块饼干。2. David can not see. He can hear. 大卫不能看, 他能听。3. What have you got? 你有什么?4. Smell it. Is it nice?闻一闻,好闻吗?练习部分一 按要求写单词Childre

17、n 单数 branches单数 grapes单数 smooth反义词 soft反义词二 选择题1. What are the children doing? They _ a cake. A. can make B. are making C. like making 2. I can _ the oranges. They are sweet and sour. A. taste B. touch C. see3. _ is the biscuit? Its a triangle. A. What shape B. Where C. What colour4. What _ Mary got

18、? Please guess! A. has B. have C. is 5. Look at the plant . _ flower is yellow. A. its B. its C. it三 根据所给单词进行适当形式填空1. How many_ (teacher) have got?2. Can the mouse _ (jump) on the door?3. Dont_ (open) the door. Its hot.4. _ you _ (like) the toy bear? Yes.5. _Ben_ (like) the toy car? No.6. She _ (not

19、 like) the big tiger.7. They _ (not like) running.Module 2 unit 1 My favourite things 语法1. 形容词性物主代词my, your, her, its,our, their通常做定语。放在名词之前,例如:Its name is Brownie.注意its(它是)和its(它的)区别。2. 以what , how等疑问代词所引导的特殊疑问词的结构有两种:一种疑问词构成主语,与陈述句的词序相同。例如:How many children in Class 4A have dogs?另一种是疑问词作主语以外的其他句子成

20、份,后跟上一般疑问句的词序。例如:Whats its name? What colour is it?3. to have 句型的一般疑问句,是将谓语动词have(has)移到主语之前。回答用“Yes”或者“No”例如: Have you got a pet, Peter? Yes, Ive got a dog.句型1. Have you got a pet, Peter? Yes, Ive got a dog 皮特,你有宠物吗? 是的, 我有一条狗。2. It has got a long tail. 它有一条长长的尾巴。3. What colour is it? its brown.它是什

21、么颜色的?是棕色的。4. What is it name?- Its name s Brownie. 它的名字叫什么?它叫布朗尼。5. How many children in Class 4A have dogs? 在4A 班中,多少孩子狗?Three children have dogs.三个孩子有狗。6. Who is Mins friend? 民的朋友是谁?练习部分一按要求写单词1. sandwich复数 hungry反义词 dig现在分词 for同音词 donkey复数 leaves单数 child复数 二选择题1. _ are you, Alice? Im in the sitti

22、ng room. A. Who B. Where C.How2. _ some orange juice in the glass. A. There are B. There is C. They are3. _ you _ ? Yes, I am. A. Arewriting B. Can.writing C. Are write4. Look at the dog._ ears are long. A. Its B. Their C. Its5. What _you_? I can swim. A. are.doing B. can.doing C. cando三 用适当单词进行填空1.

23、 _ (listen ) to the recorder. The children _ (play) the recorder.2. This hamburger_ (be) nice. _ (taste) it, please.三 改句子1. I have got a litter rabbit. 改为一般疑问句2. I am running in the playground.划线部分提问3. The basket is blue.划线部分提问4. Walk on the grass. 改为否定句,但意思不变。 M2U2 my toys语法1. 基数词的认识和掌握,详见课本P23 中数词

24、21-50的表达法。eg:40- forty 50-fifty2. 疑问词how many 和how much是针对数量进行提问,所不同的是how many提问可数的名词的数量,而how much是提问不可数名词的数量。 eg: How many soldiers are there? How much is it?3. 疑问词where引导的特殊疑问句是对地点进行提问。 例如:Where are you?4. 现在进行时的再次复习:进行时是表示此时此刻说话人正在进行的动作。例如: What are you doing? I m cooking dinner.5. I的宾格是me, 一般用于行

25、为动词后面,例如:Come and help me.过来帮我下!6. these 和those在本单元中是一组反义词。these表示为这些,those表示为那些。例如:These are rocks. Those are mountains.这些是岩石,那些是山。7. I like句型。 I like +复数名词(单复数同形的名词)表示为“喜欢此类东西”。例如: I like moonburgers.句型1. How much are these/those cars? 这些/那些小汽车多少钱?-They are fifty yuan each. 它们是50元一辆。 2. How many b

26、ears are there?有多少只熊? - There are three. 有3只。 3. what are you doing? 你在做什么? - I m making an aeroplane. 我在做飞机。 4. where are you ?你在哪里? -I m in my bedroom.我在我的卧室里。练习部分一 用英语写出下列数字11 23 40 15 12 33 55 25 20 30 50 67二 用所给单词的适当形式进行填空1. Look !Supergirl_(make) a toy.2. Come and help_(I ),please.3. How much

27、are_(this) puzzles? Thirty yuan.4. Where _(be)the masks? Here they are.5. Look at_( those) bear. It s lovely.6. I _( like) soldiers. But I like bears.M2U 3 A busy family?语法1. 姓氏的复数形式可以表示某一家人,但是前面要家定冠词the, 例如:the Chens陈家人2. 一些固定词组的表达法:wash the dishes 洗碟子 watch television看电视 read a book看一本书 do ones ho

28、mework做某人作业 wash ones face 洗脸 write a letter 写一封信 dry the dishes 擦碟子3. What can Uncle Tony do?表达意思是托尼叔叔会做什么?Uncle Tony 意思为托尼叔叔。4. 现在进行时态的一般疑问句:在疑问句中be动词要提至主语面前,如:Is she sleeping? 注意be动词要随主语作相印的变化(am,is,are)。例如: I am sleep 改为一般疑问句后就变成了Are you sleeping?5. 连词but位于两句句子的中间,表示转折,解释为“但是”。例如:He can fly an a

29、eroplane. But he cant ride a bicycle.句型1. Here are the Chens. 这是姓陈一家。2. what is Mrs Chen doing? 陈太太正在干什么? - She is reading a book. 她正在看书。 3. He can fly an aeroplane.But he cant ride a horse他会开飞机,但他不会骑马。 练习部分一 用所给单词进行适当的形式填空1. Mr Chen _(write) a letter to his friend now.2. There are forty_(dish) in t

30、he cupboard.3. He can _(ride) a horse. He likes _(ride) his horse very much.4. This is my cousin. _( name) is Mag.5. Superdog and Supergirl are in _(they) spaceship.二 选择题1. What are you doing, Ben?_A. Im writing B. Hes writing C. She writing2. Here_ the Chens. They are busy.A. is B. are C. am3. What

31、 am I doing?-_.A. She is washing her hands B. Youre washing your hands C. Im washing my hands. 4. Lily _ a crayon. She _ draw. A. has can B. is can C. has is5. My father can ride a bike._ he cant drive a car. A. And B. So C.ButM3U1 Colours and places?语法1. The leaves are green in spring. 这里的介词in表示时间。

32、在季节前面我们可以加介词in,表示“在什么时间”。例如:in spring, in autumn, in summer, in winter. 表示“位置”时候,我们可以用on,at,in。例如:at the beach. in the sea. on a rock.书本36页介词重点2. The bench is between the table and the tree. “between”意思是在.之间。此句意思是在圆桌和树之间有一条长凳。3. There be 句型, 表示“某处有。”它的结构是there be加上(主语),再加上他的地点状语。(地点状语一般也可以用于句首)4. 对于

33、地点的提问要用“where” 例如: wheres the cage?笼子在哪里?句型1. The leaves are green in spring. 在春天叶子是绿的。2. Jane is collecting shells on the beach. 简在海边手机贝壳。 3. The temple is at the top of a mountain. 寺庙在山顶上。4. Beside the house, there is a cage. 在房子旁边有一个鸟笼。练习部分一 填写下列适当的介词1. I am sitting in_ of Lily. She is sitting_ m

34、e.2. Look , there is an aeroplane flying _ the building.3. Number 4 is _ number 3 and number 5.4. My classroom is _ the first floor.5. There is a temple _the top of the mountain.二 用there is 或者there are 填写? ?1.?_some telescopes(望远镜)on the desk. 2.?_some?rice ?in?the?playground.? ? 3.?_a?reading-room?

35、in?the?building?4.?_any?water in?the?bottle?? 5.?_two story-books?on?the?table.?三 划线部分提问 1. We are at school. 2. Those boys are playing football. 3. Kitty is singing. 4. The leaves are yellow in autumn. 5. There is an umbrella under the tree.四 根据实际情况回答问题 1. Where do you live? 2. Whats in your room?

36、3. Who sits in front of you in you classroom?M3U2 Listen语法1. 以what time 引导的特殊疑问句是对时间进行提问。 例如:What time is it? 回答时候,“整点”的时间表达用oclock,”半”的时间表达用half past例如:Its six o clock. Its half past seven.2. 英语中通常用at所引导的短语来表达时间,例如:I get up at sixoclock.3. 英语的象声词表达,如:Crack-crack, Splash-splash.详见课本P39.4. Do your ho

37、mework/ Come and eat/Listen to the thunder/ Listen to the wind.祈使句的表达。谓语动词都是动词原形。 句型1. What time is it? 现在几点了?2. Its six oclock. 现在六点了。 3. It half past seven. 现在七点半。4. Listen to the thunder. 听雷声。练习部分一 将下列词组翻译成英文在11:30_ 在7:00_ 在8:30_ 在3:30_ 在6:00_二 1. What time is it?_ 2. What time do you go to bed?_

38、3.Look at the clock. Is it nine o clock?用yes or no回答_三 写几句话,描述下你的一天。M3U3 Weather 语法1. 月份开头第一个字母需要大写,表示为“在某月“,用介词in .例如:in January2. 星期日至星期六的开头第一个字母需要大写,表示“在星期几“,要在星期前用介词on。例如:on Sunday。3. 季节前要加介词in,例如“in summer.”。一年有4个季节我们可以说There are four seasons in a year.4. 在提问天气情况的时候,可以用这两个句型: Whats the weather

39、like? 或者How is the wather?5. 关于天气的一些形容词:cloudy多云的,rainy多雨的,sunny阳光充足的,windy刮风的,wet潮湿的, warm温暖的, cold寒冷的, hot炎热的, cool凉爽的, dry干燥的。 Cool反义词是warm,cold反义词是hot,wet反义词是dry6. There be 句型复习:在英语中表示“(什么地方)存在(有)什么事物。常常用there加上be动词,再加上名词和地点。Be动词后的名词为主语,两者的数表示一致。例如:There is a duck on the river. There are some students in the cl


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