1、初中英语课堂教学论文范文 试谈新课程理念下初中英语课堂的导入【摘要】课堂导入是教学的首要环节,起着温故知新和承上启下的作用。课堂导入时要避免导入时间过长,偏离重点,生搬硬套的做法,而是应根据教材与学生的特点巧妙运用适当方法导入新课,才能激活学生已有的相关所学知识,启发他们对有关话题的思考,从而为他们进一步学习新内容、新知识做为铺垫。【关键词】导入的误区 导入的方法 课堂导入作为英语课堂教学的首要环节,起着温故知新和承上启下的作用。有效的导入可以营造浓厚的英语学习气氛,充分发挥学生学习的自主性,引导学生运用所学英语进行交流,激发学习兴趣,化解学生的焦虑,强化他们的求知欲。导入的目的在于“激活学生
2、已有的相关背景知识,补充必要的、新的背景知识,启发学生对有关话题的思考”。“同时也是为了学生归纳、总结已有的语言知识,如词汇、句型等,从而为学生进一步学习新内容、新知识作好铺垫”。(教学参考书,2006)通过数年的教学实践和积极探索,我就英语教学的导入这话题谈谈自己粗浅的看法。一、英语课堂导入的误区 (一) 时间过长,喧宾夺主。 英语课堂导入花费时间过多,使导入显得冗长,从而影响整节课的进程。毕竟,各种课堂导入方式的目的只是想方设法让学生快速集中注意力,激起他们强烈的求知兴趣,同时创造愉快的学习氛围,使他们“愿意学”、“乐于学”。如果过分地渲染导入部分,只会浪费后面教学主要部分的时间。教学过程
3、的结构也是一个系统。导入、呈现、理解、巩固和结尾五者是一个整体,缺一不可。时间安排也有重有轻,如果只重视课堂导入,而忽视其它环节,那么,再精彩的课堂导入也不能达到预想的结果。反而有点头重脚轻的味道。(二) 偏离重点,中心不明。 有些英语课堂没有针对性,只是为了“导入”而“导入新课”。这样就使得这节课一开始就中心不明,无法引起学生的注意力,反而误导学生。 (三) 生搬硬套, 过于牵强。 有些英语课堂对于较沉稳班级和较活跃班级的同一教材、同一内容采用相同的导入方法,却无法达到同等的教学效果。而有些课堂对同一个班级总是使用几种老套的导入方法,让学生感觉枯燥乏味。“导”无定法,切忌生搬硬套。外语的教学
4、目的在于培养有创新意识的外语人才。英语新课程标准强调“初中英语教学要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神。”新课程标准切实体现了多重的人文和社会意义。这种以人为本、以学生为主体的教学模式正是我们新课程改革的目的和要求。课堂导入因人因时因地不同,方法多种多样,不拘一格,要根据实际情况灵活运用。这里根据笔者的教学实践和平日的积累,针对以上所列举的几大误区举例探讨一些解救方法。二、英语课堂导入的方法。 (一)设置情景,渲染氛围,引导学生积极、主动地进入学习利用多媒体制作和与教材相
5、关的背景资料,借助影视片和教材里的插图,教师设计相关问题,让学生在感受其语境、产生心理共鸣的同时,积极主动参与,乐意运用所学英语知识进行协作、会话。并且时间不宜过长,3-5分钟为宜。例如Project English(仁爱八年级下)的Unit 6 Fun Cycling Topic2 How about exploring the Ming Tombs? Section B 我采用了中央电视台车行天下节目中一个介绍十三陵的电视剪辑片段导入。先出现问题:What is the video talking about? 然后播放影片(时间为3分钟),学生回答该问题后; 教师可进一步提问:What
6、do you know about the Ming Tombs? Can you see any interesting things about the Ming Tombs?在观看短片的过程中,让学生真切地感受到自己有如身临其境,并对十三陵有个初步的了解,教师紧接着就提问:What else do you want to know about the Ming Tombs? 引起学生产生悬念,引导学生进入下一步的学习(时间为1分钟)。4分钟的导入就能让学生快速集中注意力,激起他们强烈的求知兴趣,同时创造愉快的学习氛围,使他们“愿意学”、“乐于学”。并且不影响下面的教学进程。 (二)根据学
7、生认知,设计生活化提问,在导入中导出活力,建立概念框架。教师在充分把握、分析、了解学生现有知识的基础上,调动学生当前的生活经验,引导学生主动参与、主动研究、主动实践,抓住知识相互交叉的机会,导入新知识,让学生一眼就能看出本课的中心。例如Project English(仁爱八年级下)Unit 7 Food Festival Topic1 We are preparing for a food festival. Section B 的教学排在学生“五一”节之后,而“五一”期间福州市刚好举办了一次“海峡美食节”活动,对此,学生印象深刻,所以我提问:What do you think of the
8、Food Festival? Whats your favorite food? Do you know any foreign foods? 问题一提出,学生的话题就打开了,他们一个接一个回答,课堂气氛马上就调动起来了。(学生讨论时间可设3-5分钟。)抓住生活中的机遇,让生活实践知识与课本知识紧密结合,能让学生更快地感知本单元的中心话题。初中学生就已具备一定认知,他们的学习不是从空白开始的。教师要引导学生独立探索,引导他们用学过的英语知识来思考问题、提出问题、解决问题,然后得出结论,在他们的独立性得到肯定的同时,实现并发展自己的创造性。例如,仁爱版七年级下Unit8 Topic3 Lets
9、celebrate! 本单元的中心话题是“Festivals”,在进入Presentation的教学中,可以先由学生介绍自行收集的世界各地的有名的节日,陈述节日的具体时间,庆祝方式及内容,然后让学生比较国内外节日的异同,了解举办节日的意义,引导学生自己分析问题,进行深入探索,并在探索中积极感受和积极体验,对新知识进行意义建构,潜移默化地了解节日的目的和真正乐趣,同时增强对中西方文化差异的敏感性和鉴别能力。(时间为5分钟。)(三)根据教材与学生的特点,巧妙运用适宜的导入方法。对于不同的教材和教学内容,应采用不同的课堂导入方式;即使同一教材、同一教学内容,课堂导入对不同的班级也要有不同的导入设计,
10、使用不同的导入方法。这需要我们根据所教班级的具体特点,进行具体分析。如一般班级和较活跃班级的导入设计应有所不同。对于同一个班级来讲,课堂导入的方法也要经常变换,这样才有利于保持学生的新鲜感。 2005-2006学年度,我担任八年级(1)、(2)两个平行班的英语教师。(1)班来自福州五区八县的学生多,他们比较内向、沉默。而(2)班则是福州市区的学生,见识广,课堂气氛活跃,所以授课时课堂容易失控,学生无法集中注意力。比如某次我走进(2)班教室,发现课堂很吵,我没有进行简单的批评责备,而是面带微笑地开始了课堂导入: Has the bell rung?:Yes(此时只有部分学生回答): Is our
11、 classroom quiet or noisy?:Noisy(这次是越来越多的同学回答): Is it right ?: No(这次是全班同学异口同声回答): Now its time for class .So we must.(教师有意停顿,让学生思考 进行口头填空,完成句子,吸引了学生的注意力转移到课堂上。)A:Stop talking(学生A是位班干部): We must be (教师进一步将已转移到课堂上的学生注意力进入语言学习上。)_B: We must be quiet(回答这一问题的是一个上课前在吵闹的学生) 我请这两位同学回答问题实则是对其进行教育。这种特定语言环境中的教
12、育一语双关,更令人心悦诚服。短短两三分钟便成功地控制了课堂,同时进行了有效的课堂导入(本节课的语法重点恰好是学习情态动词must以及must be的用法)。 在(1)班,我在走进课堂时,手里多了一件东西-一个新的很漂亮的书包。(这是本班一个同学生日时父母送的礼物,很多同学都羡慕。)所有学生的眼睛都齐刷刷地看着我手里的新书包。我借机马上提问:T:Do you know whose backpack it is?: Yes. Its Chen Tings.(很多同学齐声回答)T:Are you sure ?A: Yes. It must be Chen Tings. Her parents bou
13、ght it for her on her birthday.(学生A 是陈婷的同桌)T: Yes, you are right. It must be Chen Tings. I borrowed it from Chen Ting yesterday. (时间为2分钟)我根据学生的心理特点采用了不同于(2)班的导入方式,同样地达到了良好的效果。提高教学效果关键在课堂。课堂教学是师生共同配合的合作项目;课堂教学是一门艺术;课堂教学是一项复杂的系统工程。如果教师在课堂导入这第一环节赢得了学生的注意力、学习热情和兴趣,他们便获得了课堂教学成功的一半。三、小结 总之,教学有法,但教无定法。巧妙的教
14、学导入,形式不拘一格,变化多样,针对不同的教学内容应设计不同的导入方法,其目的就是调动学生的积极性和求知欲,集中学生的注意力。学生由“要他学”变成了“他要学”,课堂教学也定会收到事半功倍的效果。因此,课堂教学的导入艺术是很值得我们研究探索的。教师应不断提升自身素质,注意反省和更新科学观和教学观。宾语从句、状语从句一、单项选择:1、Do you know how much hot water ? AMum is needed Bdoes Mum need CMum needs Ddid Mum need2、Can you tell me ?Awhere he is Bwhere is he Ch
15、e is where Dwhat is he3、I didnt know how to London?Awould they go Bare they going Cthey would go Dthey are going4、I want to know how long ?Ahas he been back Bhas he come back Che has been back Dhe has come back5、Do you know ?Awhat the news are Bwhat is the news Cwhat the news is Dwhat are the news6、
16、He said he would help me with my maths if he free.Awas Bwill be Cwould be Dis7、He will write to you as soon as he to Shanghai.Agets Bis getting Cwill get Dshall get8、Father music when he youngAlikedwas Blikedis Clikeswas Dlikesis9、I liked sports I was young.Aso much as Bso much that Cvery much when
17、Dvery much because10、 mother got home, I was tidying my room.AAfter BWhen CAs soon as DBefore11、The teacher didnt begin her class the students stopped talking.Auntil Bbecause Cafter Dwhen12、If it tomorrow, well go to the Great wall. Adoesnt rain Bwont rain Cnot rains Disnt rain13、Could you tell me w
18、e get to the plane?Ahow Bwhether Cwhere Dwhat14、When they got to the cinema, the film for the ten minutes.Ahad been on Bhas begun Cbegan Dhad begun15、The teacher says she will leave a message on the headmasters desk.Aif Bwho Cthat Dwhat16、Lucy looks stronger Lily.Athan Bas Cthen Dnot as17、I know not
19、hing about it he told me.Abecause Bsince Cuntil Dafter18、You must make your new house clean and safe you move in.Abecause Bwhen Cbefore Duntil19、I was tired I couldnt walk on.Asothat Btooto Cverythat Dveryto20、I thought he to see his mother if he time.Awill gohas Bwill go will have Cwould go would h
20、ave Dwould go had二、用所给动词的正确形式填空:1、I wont return the book to the library because I (not finish) reading it.2、As soon as he saw me, he (stop) to speak to me.3、I hope he (come) back in a week.4、It (rain) hard when I got to the factory this morning.5、The old man told the children (not walk) in the rice
21、fields.6、He told me he (help) her with her maths the next evening.7、She said they (know) each other for quite some time.8、If it (not rain) tomorrow, we (visit) the Peoples Museum.9、John (write) something when I (go) to see him.10、Our teacher told us that light (travel) much faster than sound.11、Mike
22、 asked me if we (ask) any questions the next class.12、Will you come and stay with us for a while when you (finish) doing your homework?13、Comrade Wang didnt know if there (be) on English evening that day.14、Please tell me if she (come) again next time.【答案】:一、 1、C 2、A 3、C 4、C 5、C6、A 7、A 8、A 9、C 10、B1
23、1、A 12、A 13、A 14、A 15、C16、A 17、C 18、C 19、A 20、D二、 1、havent finished 2、stopped3、will come 4、was raining5、not to walk 6、would help7、had known 8、doesnt rain, will visit9、was writing, went 10、travels11、had begun 12、would ask13、finish 14、would be 15、will comeAagoa moment ago刚才 例如: Where were you a moment
24、 ago?six years ago 六年前long ago很久以前allall day and all night 没日没夜,整日整夜all the world 全世界all the year (round) 一年到头 例如: I hear it is cold all the year round.all right(表示同意的感叹词)好,行,可以;满意的;安然无恙的all the same 仍然,还是例如: Thank you all the same. 不论怎样还是要谢谢你 (尽管你没帮上忙)。all the time 一直;始终;总是例如: The memory robot foll
25、owed Mr. Mott all the time.anotherin another ten days 再过十天another person 另一个人I want another two apples. (我想再要两个苹果)askask the way 问路ask (sb.) a question 问(某人)一个问题ask for 请求;询问例如: He is asking a policewoman for help.ask sb. to do sth. 要求(请求)某人做某事ask sb. for sth 向某人要某物atat home 在家 at school 在学校 at work
26、 在工作 at the seaside 在海边 at the station 在车站 at the library 在图书馆 at the cinema 在电影院at the front of 在.的前面(内部) at breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner 早餐/午餐/晚餐/正餐例如: I read the morning paper at breakfast.at six oclock 六点时 at midnight 午夜时at noon 中午时 at Christmas 圣诞节时 at once 立刻at times 有时;偶尔例如: It will be cloud
27、y at times.not.at all 一点都不at the end of 在结尾;到尽头例如: At the end of the concert,Eric sang a song in Chinese.at the start of,at the beginning of 在开始的时候at the same time 同时例如: I can see the world at the same time.at this time of year 每年的这个时候 at this time of day 在每天的这个时候例如: Many stores sell mooncakes at th
28、is time of year.Bbackgo back 回到,返回come back 回来,归来be back 回到byby the river 河边go by train 乘火车去by oneself 独自地by the way 顺便说;顺便问一下例如: By the way,why did you call me?be free 有空例如: Are you free tomorrow evening?Ccomecome down 下来come in 进入come on 继续到来;来吧come over 过来;顺便拜访例如: Would you like to come over to m
29、y home for Mid-autumn Festival?come out (花)开;发芽;出现;出来例如: Trees turn green,and flowers start to come out.例如: The radio says the sun will come out later.catchcatch a bus 乘公共汽车Ddiarykeep a diary 记日记例如: I keep a diary to help remember things.duringduring the daytime 白天时during the night 夜晚时Eendin the end
30、 最后,最终at the end of 在结束的时候enjoy oneself过得快活exampass an exam 考试及格fail (in) an exam 考试不及格an exam paper 考卷Ffall down倒下;跌倒;从落下例如: He fell down and broke his leg.fall asleep 入睡fall ill 生病far from 离远festivalthe Spring Festival 春节finishfinish school 毕业finish reading 读完finish ones homework 完成某人的作业例如: Lets f
31、inish our homework.field trip 野外旅游例如: We are going on our first field trip.flyfly away 飞走fly to 飞向,乘飞机去fly a kite 放风筝frontin front of 在前面(外部)例如: Six students stand in a row in front of the class.in the front of 在前面(内部)at the front of 在前面(内部)funhave fun 开心,作乐例如: Were going to have fun learning and sp
32、eaking English this term.full name 全名Ggateat the school gate 在学校大门getget married 结婚例如:He met my mother in Liverpool,and they got married in 1967.get together 相聚例如: Families get together. 家人团聚。get a cold 患感冒get back 回来,取回get down 下车;下降,落下;下梯子get on 上(车)get out 离开get to到达get up 起床givegive back 归还give
33、a hand 给予帮助 give up 放弃give a concert 开音乐会例如: They are going to give a concert in Kunming tonight.given name名字例如: I have two given names.give a talk 做演讲例如: Mr. Wu wants me to give a talk in class tomorrow.gogo boating/swimming/hiking/fishing/skating/skiing/shopping去划船/游泳/徒步旅行/钓鱼/滑冰/滑雪/购物例如: Why dont
34、we go fishing at East Lake?例如: I like going fishing.例如: Lets go boating on the river.go away 离开go back 回来go down 沿着go along 沿着go for (a walk) 去(散步)go in 进入go into 进入go on 继续例如: They didnt want to stop the concert, so they went on.go out 外出;到外面例如: I often go out and visit people.go over 复习go to 到,去例如
35、: We went to a town near the sea.grow up 长大;成长例如: Hhad better (do) 最好(做)例如: Youd better catch a bus.harvest time 收获的时节havehave a headache / toothache / earache / stomachache头疼/牙疼/耳朵疼/胃疼have to 不得不例如: I have to get home to do my work.have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner 吃早餐/午餐/晚餐/正餐have some prob
36、lems 遇到一些麻烦例如: They have some problems getting there.have a taste 尝一尝 例如: May I have a taste?have a talk 谈一谈have a meeting 开会例如: He has meetings every day.helphelp with 帮助help yourself to 自取;随便吃例如: Help yourself to some fish.hold on (口语)等一等;(打电话时)不挂断hurryhurry up 赶快例如: Hurry up! I want to go faster!
37、in a hurry 匆忙地例如: Train trips are interesting,and I wasnt in a hurry.Iin the open air 在户外;在野外例如: Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air.Jjust now 刚才,不久以前例如: Where were you just now?Kkeep healthy 保持健康例如: You must look after yourself and keep healthy.Llastat last 最后later on 后来;稍后例如: Th
38、e radio says the rain will stop later on.less than 不到;少于lota lot of; lots of; a lot 很多例如: Were going to have lots of fun hiking and eating a new kind of fruit!luckgood luck 好运bad luck 噩运例如: Good luck with your Chinese!Mmakemake telephone calls to sb. 给打电话例如: I make lots of phone calls.make friends 交
39、朋友make a noise 制造噪音make faces 做鬼脸make it成功,做到make the beds 整理床铺make trouble 制造麻烦make a snowman 堆雪人例如: Shall we make a snowman?make up 组成,虚构例如: Read the following words and make up a dialogue.messagetake a message 捎个口信例如: Can I take a message for you?more than 多过;以上;比更morningmorning call 叫早morning pa
40、per 早报例如: I read the morning paper at breakfast.move to 搬到Nnextnext to 相邻;靠近next door to 在的隔壁next morning/term/evening/time/year/month.明天早上/下学期/明天晚上/下次/明年/下个月not.any more 再也不;不能再例如: He doesnt want to spell it any more.例如: Theyre delicious, but I cant eat any more.nothing much 没什么事no problem 没问题Oonon
41、 the right/left 在右边/左边on Sunday/Jan 1st/Sunday morning/holidays 在星期天/一月一日/星期天早上/节假日on time 准时例如: It doesnt matter, but tomorrow, please be on time.on duty 值日例如: Whos on duty today?on the city basketball team 在市篮球队 Ppartone part of 的一部分put on 上演例如: We will put on plays.Rring up 打电话例如: Bruce rings up
42、his father in Sydney, Australia.Ssay goodbye to 告别,告辞say hello to 和某人打招呼shout at 对大声喊叫showshow.round 带领(某人)参观Ttaketake away 带走,拿走take off 脱去(衣服鞋帽等)take out 取出例如: The girl took it out and read.the day before yesterday 前天例如: The day before yesterday he was in Hong Kong.the day after tomorrow 后天the same as. 和相同例如: My first three letters are the same as in the word “come”.traffictraffic jam 交通堵塞traffic lights 交通灯trip over (被)绊倒例如: Ed starts to carry the bag, but trips over his shoes.turnturn on 打开(电源)turn off 关闭(电源)turn around 转身turn.o