阅读课的教学设计及教学反思ann's best friend.doc

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1、阅读课的教学设计及教学反思-Annes Best Friend (Unit 1 Book 1 Senior 1 NSEFC)关键词:英语阅读课 教学设计 教学过程 教学反思 NSEFC指新课程高中英语一、阅读课教学(Reading)的重要性 不管新课程的教材如何变,阅读课的教学始终是英语教学的重点,是英语教学的主旋律。能否设计出巧妙的教学方法决定阅读教学的成败。本文就人民教育出版社高一英语必修(1)第一单元Friendship 的Annes Best Friend这一阅读课的教学设计、教学过程进行分析,认真反思教学过程。 新课程要求教师“用教材去教”,其教学模式是“以学生为主体”,提倡“任务型

2、”教学并关注学生的情感态度价值观。因此,探索有效的教学方法是当前新课程教学的首要任务。 我国著名心理学家林崇德提出“优秀教师=教学过程+反思”的成长模式。可见,教学反思的重要性。教师应善于从经验反思中吸取教益。其实,教学反思对教师而言是一种有益思维和再学习的活动方式,通过不断的反思,激活教师的教学智慧,同时,促进教师钻研教材内容崭新呈现的教学方式,构建师生互动机制及学生学习的新方式。它是教师成长的“催化剂”,是教师发展的基础。以下是Annes Best Friend阅读课的教学过程反思:二、英语阅读课的教学设计 本节课讲授的是人民教育出版社高一英语必修(1)第一单元的Annes Best Fr

3、iend阅读课的内容。教师的任务是引领学生导入课文的教学,了解课文大意,讲解语言知识及随堂检测等。具体的教学步骤是:Task One: Pre-reading (Lead-in)Before class , play the song “Auld Lang Syne” to make this period lively and active. 1.Ask one or two students to read their compositions “My Best Friend ”in front of the class. Students should pay attention to

4、the reasons why friends are important to them and what their personality is ,etc.2. Answer questions on page 2 in Students Books:1) Why do you need friends ,too? List some reasons why friends are important to you .2) What do you think a good friend should be like ? List some qualities of a person th

5、ey would like as a friend.honest,friendly, open-minded,generous(大方的),helpful,patient(耐心的),good tempered(好脾气的),trustworthy(可信任的),careful,full of love,caring,responsible(有责任感的),brave,easygoing(随和的),outgoing(好交际的,友善的),warm-hearted,kind,selfless(无私的),tolerant(宽大的),intelligent(聪明的) and etc. List some qua

6、lities of a person who would not make a good friend.Selfish(自私的),tricky(狡猾的),dishonest,bad-tempered,mean(小气的),impatient,narrow-minded(心胸狭窄的),lazy,gossipy(爱说闲话的)and etc. 3) Does a friend always have to be a person ? What else can be your friend ?Encourage students to express their different opinions.

7、 Make it clear that not only can we make friends with human beings, but also with animals and even things that have no life.4) Watch the video “Cast Away”通过以上问题的设问,启发学生对“友谊”和“朋友”的思考,唤起学生的兴趣,使学生明白不仅人与人可成为朋友,日记或球这些无生命的东西同样也可以成为人类的朋友,使学生进入思维状态,顺利地进入课文学习。整个导入简洁自然,直奔主题。另外,教师指导 学生把描述朋友品质的相关词进行归类,扩大学生的词汇量,

8、同时,活跃了学生的思维。Task Two : Reading 1.Check Comprehending exercises on page 3-4 after their previewing the text before class.2.Listen to the tape or read the text again in class, answer questions on the slides:What does the diary mainly tell us about? (Answer: Everything about nature kept Anne spellbound

9、.)Why Anne became crazy about nature? (Answer: She had been kept indoors for a long time.) Whats Annes best friend? What is the name of it? ( Answers: Diary; Kitty) Why did Anne like to keep a diary? (Answer: B) A. Because she dared not speak to anyone B. Because she could tell everything to it. C.B

10、ecause she had nothing to do D. Because she could make no friends thereHow would you describe Annes feelings as she was looking out into the night sky? AExcited;sad;happy BCrazy;upset;disappointedCSurprised;fearful;sad DAngry;frightened;concerned (Answer: A)3.Let students read the text once again an

11、d fill in the form:Name:Anne FrankNationality:JewishPlace to live in World War:Amsterdam (Netherlands)Reasons for being hidden:They were Jewish and would be caught by the German Nazis.Being hidden for:_two_ years Caught finally because:they were discovered4.1) Introduce the background and let studen

12、ts look at some pictures taken during World War II. They exposed the crimes that the Nazis oppressed the Jewish and made them suffer the extreme misery and hardship. 奥斯维辛集中营 集中营里的犹太人 数百万犹太人惨遭迫害和杀害 2) Do you know what happened in China and other countries during World War II ? 5. Students underline i

13、mportant phrases and then the teacher explain them. (附后) Annes Best Friend的阅读课文是以日记形式讲述了犹太女孩安妮的故事。在第二次世界大战纳粹统治时期,犹太人Anne一家为躲避纳粹的迫害,过着滇沛流漓、与世隔绝的生活。Anne和家人不得不藏身于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的小阁楼里,在无法与外界接触,周围又没有可推心置腹的朋友的情形下,孤独中的Anne将日记(取名Kitty)作为自己倾诉衷肠的朋友,伴她度过了两年的逃亡生活。这节课的点睛之笔就是利用网络,下载不少有关奥斯维辛集中营犹太人惨遭迫害和杀害的图片,让学生直观地了解德国纳粹对犹

14、太人所犯下的残暴罪行。另外,又把二战期间各国的重要历史事件有效地联系起来,促进英语和历史科的课程整合。找重点短语的环节可使学生从点到面到章更熟悉课文内容,并在学习中建立了更加完整的知识体系。教师讲解重点短语,区分相似词或词组, 如:the reason for sth与 the cause of sth; What belike? How dolike? ;1augh at, make fun of sb,play a trick on/upon sb与 play a joke on/upon sb 等 。教师用词简洁准确,学生及时地掌握短语的使用并解决学生的疑问。Task Three : D

15、iscussion If you had been Anne, what would you have done at that time? Discuss what attitude on earth the wide oppressed people should take towards the powerful Nazis, choosing inactive and passive waiting for death, or uniting actively to face the reactionaries and fight against them bravely?这一步骤实行

16、启发式和讨论式的教学方式,目的在于激发学生的独立思考和创新意识的能力,培养学生创新思维的习惯和收集信息、处理信息的能力,同时,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,使学生受到思想品德、爱国主义和社会主义等方面的教育,寓德育于教学中,增进学生对所学语言国家的了解。另外,从侧面控诉了纳粹党的残暴统治给犹太人民带来的深重灾难,表达了以主人公Anne为代表的全世界人民憎恨战争、渴望和平的共同心愿。学生在深入理解主人公内心世界的基础上各抒己见,养成了勤于思考、勇于探究的良好学习习惯,培养学生大胆的想象力,促进学生和谐全面地发展。Task Four : Homework 1. Read the text An

17、nes Diary2. Retell the text(in 100 words)3.Ask students to see the film “奥斯维辛集中营”或“辛德勒名单”布置作业后,教师腾几分钟时间让学生提问题,并负责解疑。总之,这节课教师采用新颖、科学的教学方法,知识点讲解透彻,语言使用准确,体现教师备课的细致。更重要的是学生能积极参与到教学活动中,体现了新课程所倡导的“以学生为主体”的教学思想,取得较满意的教学效果。 三、教学反思成功之处:1.把有关描述朋友品质的词进行归类,既扩大学生的词汇量,也活跃了学生思维。2.通过回答问题、完成表格的方式,使学生横综地理解和掌握课文大意。3.

18、利用网络,下载有关奥斯维辛集中营里犹太人惨遭迫害的图片,让学生直观了解德国纳粹对犹太人所犯下的残暴罪行。 4.把二战期间在中国所发生的重大历史事件联系起来,促进英语和历史科的课程整合。5.教师讲解知识点透彻,使用语言准确,进一步体现教师备课细致。更重要的是学生能积极参与到教学活动中,体现了新课程所倡导的“以学生为主体”的教学思想。6.实行启发式和讨论式的教学方式,激发学生独立思考和创新意识能力,培养学生创新思维的习惯,重视培养学生收集、处理信息的能力和分析问题、解决问题的能力,使学生受到思想品德、爱国主义等方面的教育,寓德育于教学中,增进对所学语言国家的了解。不足之处:1.课前播放 “友谊地久

19、天长” 歌曲,目的在于活跃课堂氛围。但另一班因电脑出故障,无法按时播放,体现课前准备还不充分,太仓促。2.Cast Away (荒岛余生) 这部电影讲述在孤岛中主人翁如何视球为知己的故事。因教学时间紧张,只能让学生另找时间观看。3.电影“奥斯维辛集中营”或“辛德勒名单”跟课文内容联系密切,所以,动员学生利用周末看,激发学生的感性知识。“金无足赤,人无完人”,教师应及时总结经验,做到精益求精、扬长避短,要善于培养教学反思的习惯,做到:课前反思,明确目标,加强实践;课中反思,调控教学,提高效益;课后反思,使教学经验理论化,促进教师专业可持续发展。以写促思,以思促教,长期积累必有“集腋成裘、聚沙成塔

20、”的收获。教无定法,教师只有在漫漫的教学长路中,不停地学习、探索、比较、反思,才能领悟 英语教学的真谛,把自己的教学水平提高到一个新的境界和高度。参考文献:高中英语新教材中 Reading 部分的教学设计与反思 中北大学附中 王海花 如何进行教学反思 湖北省恩施市屯堡中学 邵世祥 附:Grammar Pointslreason n.理由,原因 v.推理,理论The reason (why/that) is that 的理由是 with reason有理由,当然 for the /a/anreason (of) 由于的原因 the reason for sth的理由,的原因 the cause

21、of sth的起因 the excuse for sth 的托词借口reason with sb与某人理论,劝导某人 reason out推断出,想出(答案)reason sbintoout of doing sth说服某人做不做某事你必须告诉他你为何拒绝他的提议。You must tell him the reason whythat you wont accept his offer2.What do you think a good friend should be like? 你认为一个好朋友应该是什么样子呢?do you think/ believesupposesuggest作插入

22、语,用于问句中What belike? 就某人/地/事物的实际情况提问How dolike? 就某人/地/物的外观询问对方的看法她长得怎么样?我从未见过她。Whats she like? I have never seen her 你觉得桂林怎么样? How do you like Guilin? Very much.3.list n表;目录;名单 vt把编成表;列举make a list of.造表,列表 draw up a list制作表格 put ones name on the list把某人列入名单stand first on the list居首位,列前茅 takeoff the

23、list从表上去掉 a price / shopping list价目表/购物单 list a few reasons列举几条理由 as listed above如上所列4.share v分担 share (in) sthwith sb与某人分担某物 v.分配,均分 share (in) sthbetweenamong在之间分配分担She shares (in) my troubles as well as (in) my joys.share sth(out) betweenamong 请将100英镑分与五人。Please share (out)100 pounds among five s

24、hare n一份,份额 ones share ofin 某人在的份额have a share in 在方面分得一份,在方面有贡献我们都可以分得一份利润。We shall all have a share in the profits 他对那次成功有贡献。He had a share in the success.go shares with sb(in sth) 与某人均分(某物) shares在英式英语中指“股票”(美式英语中用stock)5. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to,like your deepest f

25、eelings and thoughts?你需要一个可以把一切,把你最深邃的感情和思想都告诉他的朋友吗?whom you could tell everything to = to whom you could tell everythinglike = such as prep.feeling n.感觉,知觉,体会;feelings “感情,情感”(与理智相对)饥饿感a feeling of hunger 表达感情 express feelings 伤某人的感情hurt ones feelings v.+ing n. : suffering (苦难),thundering,1ightenin

26、g,doing61augh at嘲笑,取笑 make fun of sb= play a trick on/upon sb捉弄某人 play a joke on/upon sb开某人的玩笑7go through(1)穿过,通过 一阵可怕的声音响彻整幢房子。A terrible noise went through the house (2) 检阅,检查,研究,审核一个小时内我审阅不完这些文件。I cant go through the papers in an hour (3)搜寻 Mother went through the drawer for her glasses(4)经历(困难,痛

27、苦等)战争中多数家庭经历过许多困难。Most families went through a1ot in the war (5)通过,成功 计划没通过。The plan did not go through go across走过,经过 go off离开,爆炸 go out熄灭 go down平静,下降,下沉 go over复习 go in for喜欢 go after.追赶 go into进入8.she made her diary her best friend她把自己的日记当作最好的朋友。 make+宾语+宾补 (名词/不带to的动词不定式/过去分词/形容词)make+ sb /sth

28、+do sth be made to do ; make oneself done “使自己被” 老板让工人们一天工作14小时。The boss made the workers work for 14 hours a day. =The workers were made to work for 14 hours a day给我们自我介绍一下好吗? Would you please make yourself known to us? 9.She and her family hid away for two years before they were discovered她与家人躲了2年

29、后才被发现。 (1)hide vi& vt(hid,hiddenhid) 隐藏,藏起 hide away躲藏起来 hide from隐藏 她竭力地向父母隐瞒弟弟在战争中阵亡的消息。She tried to hide the truth from her parents that her youngest brother was killed in the war.(2)before prep. conja.强调从句动作发生在主句之前,“不等就” 我还没来得及插话,他就已经给我量了尺寸。Before l could get in a word he had measured me b.在特定的情

30、景,“趁着”,“免得”现在就做免得你忘记。 Do it now before you forget c. It +be +时间段+before 之后才 三年后我们才能再见面。It will be three years before we meet again 不久我们就发现了这个秘密。It was not long before we discovered the secret 10.set down放下,搁下 写下,记下 让叫下车 把看作(与as连用),把归因于(与to连用) 制订(规则,原则等) 选定,指定 (日期等) 使受屈辱set about (doing) sth着手(干)某事 s

31、et back 使退后延迟;拨回/慢set forward提出,拨快(钟表),促进 set off 动身,出发,引爆set out 出发;着手干(set out to do) set up竖起,创设,开办11a series of一系列的;一套(邮票等) series 单复数同形 两套邮票two series of stamps一套邮票a series of十stamps/., 作主语,谓语动词用单数 the World Series世界联赛 a televisionradio series电视广播系列节目121 wonder if its because l havent been able

32、 to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature我不知道这是不是我长久没能出门的缘故,我才变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。在这个复合句中有if引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中有because引导的表语从句,表语从句中又有sothat引导结果状语从句 1) It iswas because that 强调句, 强调原因状语从句,because不可换成since, as, fora.若被强调的部分是人,可用who替代thatb.若被强调部分是主语,从句谓语与原主语保持一致c

33、.疑问句形式的强调句型IsWas it that? d.若被强调的是特殊疑问词,What/ 特殊疑问词iswas it that?2)sosuchthat so修饰副词或形容词;such修饰名词 The little boy was so upset that he ignored what was going on around him It was such good weather that we all loved to stay outdoors3) indoors / outdoors adv户内地/户外地 Its cold outdoors indoor/ outdoor adj

34、户内的/户外的 leading an outdoor life过着户外的生活 4)do with与有关;与相处;(与cant连用)忍受,容忍;处理,处置(与what连用);设法对付过去;想要,需要,乐于接受(与can,could连用) deal with对付,应付,处理,安排,相处(与what/how连用)13.be crazy about 醉心,狂热,着迷 He is crazy about dancing. It is crazy of sb to do = be crazy to do 对狂热/着迷 你居然话那么高的价钱去买这辆车,你真疯了。It is crazy of you to b

35、uy the car at such a high price. 14I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound我清楚地记得过去有一段时间,深蓝的天空,鸟儿的鸣唱,月光和花朵本来根本不会让我着迷的。 (1)could /can have done 虚拟语气,“本可以而实际上并未发生”;表推测cantcouldnt have done不可能做过 must

36、have done准是已经做过(推测) maymight have done或许已经做过 车子太小了,那旅程不可能会舒服的。The car was too smallIt couldnt have been a comfortable journey (2)spellbound为spellbind过去分词,常作形容词,作表语或补足语,“着魔的,入迷的” 孩子们都看得着了迷。The children watched it spellbound. spellbinding adj.使人着迷的 the spellbinding moonlight and flowers使人着迷的月光和鲜花 spel

37、lbind vt. 入迷 化学老师精彩生动课使所有的学生入迷。The wonderful and lively class by the chemistry teacher spellbound all the students there.3)keep +sth /sb +OC (形容词/副词/分词/介词短语/名词) “使保持某种状态”4)well adv非常,完全,好 Its well worth trying I hope everything is going well Im well prepared for the meeting.5)when引导定语从句,修饰先行词time (时

38、期,时候)曾经有个时期黑人在市场上出售。There was a time when black people were sold in the market 15.stay(系动词) +adj. “保持”,不用被动语态和进行时态 他打了一辈子光棍。 He stayed unmarriedsingle all his life 这个商店24小时营业。The shop stays open all around the clock 系动词分类:1)be动词 2)感官类:smell,sound,look,taste,feel3)变化类:become,go,get, grow,fall,turn,ru

39、n 4)显现类:look,seem,appear 5)状态类:stay,keep,come,stand,remain,lie ,prove16on purpose = by design故意地 by accident = by chance偶然地,意外地for the purpose of为了的目的 with the purpose of以为目的answer ones purpose适合某人目的17.in order (not) to do 为了(不), 表目的in order to do sth语气比to do sth强烈,不定式的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致; 不一致时,用so that或in

40、 order that+从句(常用情态动词)in order (not) to =so as (not) to,后者只能放在主句后为了提高英语水平,他每天练习说英语。In order to /To make his oral English better, he practices speaking English every dayso + +as (not) to do sth He got up so early as to catch the first bus 18. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open

41、 a window.a. too much adjn.& adv“太多,很”too much adj.中心词much, 修饰不可数名词,tooso many修饰可数名词too much adv修饰不及物动词,作状语too much n. 作主语、宾语或表语much too adv.“(实在)太”,中心词too; 置形容词/副词前Mary talks too muchShes afraid the trip will be too much for meThe dress is much too long for meb. far+ too much/比较级房子里没有空间,因为家具太多了。The

42、re is very little room in the house because it has far too much furniture.它比我想象的要昂贵得多。It was far more expensive than I had expected.c. dare v; vaux敢,胆敢他不敢和她说话。 He doesnt dare (to) speak to herHe darentdare not speak to her 我不知道他是否敢试。I dont know whether he dares todare try 他敢和她说话吗? Did he dare (to) s

43、peak to her? Dared he speak to her? dare sbto do sth激某人做某事 dare实意动词,有人称、数、时态变化 dare情态动词,多用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句或whether/if 等引导的从句中,它无人称和数的变化;但有现在时态(dare)和过去时态(dared) 19happen to sb happen to do / be doing / have done It (so) happened that 我碰巧身上没带钱。It happened that I had no money with me.= I happened to ha

44、ve no money with me.20entirely adv完全地,彻底地 entire adj整个的,完全的 entire指整体,不含“分割,切断,破坏”等意whole常与entire换用,含各部分完整无缺。whole不修饰抽象名词 on the whole 总而言之total“总额,总数”,强调一切计算在内 in total 总计complete指各部分完整,无可复加21.,it was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face,那是我一年半以来第一次直接目睹黑夜。It is th

45、e firstsecond time (that )sb have/has done“第次做”, that引导定语从句It was the firstsecond time (that )sb had done 这是你本周第三次迟到。This is the third time (that) you have been late this week 22.face to face adv. 面对面地 作状语 face-to-face adj面对面的 仅作前置定语 heart to heart坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地 back to back背对背地hand in hand手拉手地 arm in arm臂挽臂地side by side并排地,并肩地 step by step逐步地 one by one一个一个地23. lonely,alone lonely adj.指人,“孤单的”; 指地方,“无入居住的,荒凉的” alone adj. ;adv.作表语,状语,“单独”; 置于名词后,表“仅仅,只有”= onlyletleave sbalone“听其自然,别动别碰,不干涉” l


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