1、八上,1.,在互,联网,上,2.,和聊天,3.,面,对,面,4.,形成,5.,开,始使用,on the Internet,chat with,face to face,come into being,make it into use,=come into use,Phrases,6.,变成,重要的一部分,7.,使用某物去做某事,8.,向着较好的情况(转变),for the+,adj.,比较级,向着较,的情况转变,向着较糟的情况(转变),9.,把变成,become,an important part,of.,use sth.to do sth.=use,sth.for doing sth,for
2、 the better,for the worse,change.into.,10.,关于,的建议,给某人一条建议,建议某人做某事,11.,查找新单词,12.,查明,13.,倒塌,14.,打开,/,关闭,advice about.,give sb a piece of advice,advise sb to do sth,look up new words,find out,fall down,turn on/turn off,Im sure the Internet will be,more and more,important to us.,Im not sure,if,it is goo
3、d to shop online.,Guess,what,!,Im sure,(that),you can find lots of information on the,Internet now.,be sure(that)+,句子,确信,;,肯定,Im not sure,if,that is a good idea.,be not sure if/whether+,句子,不确定,是否,Eg:,我确信他会来参加我的生日晚会。,I _ he will come to my birthday party.,他不确定他是否去我的生日晚会。,He _ he will go to my birthda
4、y,party.,am sure(that),is not sure if/whether,Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement,The Internet makes,the world,smaller.,It also helps us to find,information,much faster.,The Internet makes,our lives,easier and more,interesting.,This helps make,life,easier.,The Internet makes the world smaller,.,主语,
5、谓语,宾语,宾语补足语,Eg:,这,部,电,影使我,们,很,开,心。,请,把,它们,收起,来,。,?,宾语补,足,语,:,放在,宾语,之后,用于,补,充,说,明,宾,语,做某事或,宾语怎么样,。,The film made us very,happy.,Put them away,please.,主语,+,谓语,+,宾语,+,宾语补足语,形容词,(to)do/to do,名词,分词短语,副词短语,形容词,副词,make/laugh,make/headmaster,The man makes the girl,(to)laugh.,They made the man,headmaster.,不带
6、,to,的不定式,=,(,to),do,名词,not let/watch TV,Mother doesnt,let the boy,(to)watch TV.,let sb.,(,to)do sth:,让某人,做某事,keep/clean,She keeps the room,clean.,形容词,see/play computer games,The man,saw the boy,playing,computer games.,see sb.doing sth.,看见某人正在做某事,ask/close the windows,The teacher ask,s,his,students t
7、o close the,window.,ask sb to do sth,要求某人做某事,分词,不定式,1.Pens are helpful to humans.Students use pens for _.,A.write B.writes C.wrote,D.writing,2.,_ is not easy to draw pictures with this pen.,You are right.,A.There B.This,C.That,D.It,3.,Where are you going to work next year?,_ Maybe in Hefei or Nanjin
8、g.,A.Im not so sure.,B.I think so.,C.Thats a good idea.,D.I hope not.,4.Dont make me _ the clothes.Im too tired!,A.washing B.to wash,C.wash,D.washed,Choose the best answer.,选择方框中的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。,Kangkang:Hi,Michael.How often do you use the Internet?,Michael:Very often._,Kangkang:I never use the Inte
9、rnet._,Michael:A lot of things.I often listen to music._,Kangkang:Are you sure the Internet is good for us?,Michael:_ It can help us do a lot of things.We can find,some information about places and jobs._ But we,shouldnt spend too much time on it.,A.I also play games and find some information about
10、study.,B.Yes,Im sure of that.,C.What about you?,D.It can make our life easier.,E.What do you often do on the Internet?,F.Im quite sure.,G.Guess what!,C,E,A,B,D,1c,Writing,写作训练,一,.Prepare the materials.,(,准备素材),二,、,Write down the key points:,(,写下要点,),三,、,Structure,(,谋篇布局,),Q:How to design a compositi
11、on?,A:,Three-step structure,.,(,Beginning-body-end),写作三步曲,写作三步曲,Three steps,:,(Beginning-body-end),I.Present your opinion:,(,呈现你的观点),The Internet is changing the world.,II.Write down the key points:,(写出主要观点),1.the advantage of the Internet,2.the disadvantage of the Internet,III.Make a summary:,(归纳总结
12、),The Internet can change our lives for the better.,17,?,E.g.:Keep happy.,?,Keep happy,every day,.,?,It,s important to,keep happy,every day,.,如何润色句子,:,1 It is+adj+to do sth.,2 doing is,3 so that,4,从句,(,宾语,状语和定语从句,),用适当的连接词或句型把句子连接成短文,the Internet,?,P101-1a.swf,Advantage,The Internet makes our lives
13、easier and,more interesting.,?,_,?,_,_,?,_,_,?,_,?,_,?,_,?,_,?,_,?,_,get information and share it with others,make friends and share ideas and feelings,with each other,d,o shopping,study,listen to music and,watch movies,read books we like,c,hat online,learn to cook,help us find the way,by using GPS,
14、help to correct our grammer,tell us about writing,change English words into Chinese,help us to improve our listening skills,look up new words,Disadvantage,The Internet is not perfect.,?,_,?,_,?,_,?,_,?,.,use the Internet to hurt others,say false things and get money by cheating,spend too much time p
15、laying games,make us have sore eyes,互联网改变了世界也改变了我们的生活,,在给我们带来了便利的同时,也产生了一,些弊端。请结合课文以及自己的思考,以,The Advanage and Disadvantage of the,Internet,为题,写一篇短文谈谈互联网的,优缺点,以及我们应该怎样正确对待它。,字数要求不少于,80,个。,3.We know the advantage and disadvantage,of the Internet.,1.Grammar of this topic,:,Subject+Vt.+Object+Object complement,2.The phrases of this topic.,xiexie!,谢谢!,