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1、Unit 5 Our School Life,Section B,Topic 2 A few students are running around the playground.,学习目标,继续学习现在进行时 Im looking for my wallet.谈论如何向他人借物品How long may I keep it?You must return them on time.谈论失物招领,写出下列动词的现在分词:,1.watch2.play3.shop4.make5.see6.catch7.get8.begin,9.meet10.take11.swim12.write13.teach1

2、4.tell15.have16.sit,watching,sitting,having,telling,teaching,writing,swimming,taking,meeting,beginning,getting,catching,seeing,making,shopping,playing,Review,Pair Work,Where is she?She is _.Is she _?Yes,she_.,in the gym,dancing,is,Pair Work,A:Where are they?B:_A:What are they doing?B:_,They are on t

3、he playground.,They are playing basketball.,on the playground,play basketball,A:_B:_A:_B:_,He is in the classroom.,He is reading the newspaper.,in the classroom,read the newspaper,Where is he?,What is he doing?,Pair Work,Look,listen and say.,P11 1a视频,自学指导一,跟老师大声朗读课文(1分钟)分组朗读竞赛(2分钟),Ss:They are looki

4、ng for the books on the shelves.,T:What are they doing?,shelf(pl.)shelves,自学指导二 P11/1b听句子判断正误。Listen and write T(True)or F(False).2分钟,()1.Li Ming and Kangkang want to borrow some English workbooks.()2.Li Ming can keep the books for two weeks.()3.There are many English newspapers in the library.,F,T,

5、F,New Words,Whats this?Its a _.Whats in it?_,A photo,some money and cards.,wallet,Lost and Found,New Words,P12/2a,Listen and complete the conversation with the correct words or phrases.4分钟,(Michael and a girl are talking at the Lost and Found.)Girl:Can I help you?Michael:Im looking for my _(money,ba

6、g,wallet).Girl:Well,what color is it?Michael:Its _(purple,blue,black).Girl:Whats in it?Michael:My _ and _(ID card,family photo,some money,student card).Girl:Oh.Here is a wallet,but it isnt yours.Michael:Thank you all the same.,wallet,blue,family photo,some money,Work in pairs.Practice 2a and make up

7、 a new conversation with the following information.,Yukio cant find his schoolbag.Its black.Some books,a green T-shirt and his student card are in it.The number of his student card is 7215.,LOST My school student cardMy name is Rick.Please call 882-8651.Thank you!,Read the notices and help Michael w

8、rite one with the information in 2a.,FOUND A coat Please call the Lost and Found.Tel:821-3651,Read the notices and help Michael write one with the information in 2a.,My blue wallet,A family photo and some money are in it.,LOST,当堂训练(10分钟),完成同步练习Section B P8-P9,继续学习现在进行时 Im looking for my wallet.,谈论如何向他人借物品 How long may I keep it?You must return them on time.,2,3,谈论失物招领,1,Summary,Suppose you are a librarian named Nancy.One student comes to borrow English World Write down the dialogue according to the sentences provided.,Homework,Thank you,


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