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1、 毕业设计/论文开 题 报 告课 题 名 称 我国会计电算化存在的问题和对策 类 别 院 系 经济管理学院 专 业 班 姓 名 评 分 指 导 教 师 表5.1华中科技大学武昌分校学生毕业论文开题报告学 生 姓 名 学 号 专业班级 院系经济管理学院指导教师 职称讲师 课题名称我国会计电算化存在的问题和对策 1 课题研究的目的和意义1.1课题研究的目的 知识经济要求发展会计电算化。在知识经济下,要求信息高速的传递,信息科学技术将得到进一步的发展,各单位要提供更为标准、及时和相关的信息,以利于知识经济下投资者的决策,会计电算化的普及将是确定无疑的,也只有如此才能满足知识经济对于会计信息的需要。.

2、时代进步需要会计电算化。在现代化大生产中,国际国内市场竞争更加激烈,随之会计的计算方法更为复杂,计算量更大。显然,在这样的条件下,传统的手工核算已经远远不能满足需要,会计工作必须实现会计电算化。管理的现代化需要会计电算化。在管理信息系统中,会计信息系统处于中枢地位。如不开展会计电算化工作,那么管理所需的大量会计信息就需手工操作,降低了管理信息系统的效益,实行会计电算化,大量的会计信息无需手工操作,有利于推动各单位管理手段的进步。1.2 课题研究的意义 分析研究并解决会计电算化的问题具有十分重要的现实意义。随着经济的飞速发展,会计电算化面临新的挑战,安全性是其中一个很重要的挑战。如何保障重要会计

3、信息的安全,是顺利实现会计电算化工作的一个重要前提。在纷繁复杂的市场经济环境中,其意义不仅仅在于使企业会计信息更加安全可靠,而且在增强企业竞争力、提高企业工作效率、提高企业经济效益等方面都具有重要作用。它促使会计工作标准化、规范化、提高会计工作的效率和质量,是会计人员更好地工作,加快信息传递,使企业资料更有保障,促进顺利实施会计电算化工作。2课题研究的主要内容本文分四个部分: 第一部分概述了会计电算化的的含义,会计电算化的发展历程,并详细阐述了会计电算化的特点和作用。 第二部分研究会计电算化发展过程中存在的不足,并结合我国企业的基本情况,这是本文的重点,主要包括:对会计电算化的重要性认识不足;

4、缺乏复合型的会计电算化人才;会计软件存在缺陷;会计电算化的基础管理工作存在漏洞第三部分阐述会计电算化面临问题的解决对策,为企业提供一些有建设性的建议,充分发挥会计电算化的作用,为企业节省成本,实现利润最大化。主要包括:培养复合型的会计人才,适应会计电算化工作的要求;改善和提高会计软件功能,向财务管理方面过渡;加强会计信息系统的安全性、保密性第四部分展望会计电算化的发展趋势,具体从以下几个方面来说明:业务处理的规范化,成本核算软件的通用化;向管理会计电算化发展;信息处理和分析专业化、智能化3 研究方法 (1)运用文献调查与文献分析的方法整理出会计电算化的发展历程和相关概念。(2)结合中国企业的实

5、际情况和网络的特点,采用归纳和演绎的方法研究会计电算化发展过程中出现问题并提出解决对策。4实施计划第 1-2 周 开题报告撰写、外文文献翻译工作第 2 周 开题报告答辩第 3-9 周 根据拟定的课题实施方案,进行深入研究第10-12周 撰写毕业设计/论文初稿,并提交给指导教师批改第 13 周 答辩资格审查第13-14周 进行毕业设计/论文修改,完成答辩5主要参考文献(不少于5篇,其中外文文献至少1篇)1 黄红星,刘玉香. 浅议会计电算化的发展与对企业内部控制的影响J财经界(学术版), 2009,(12) .2 樊林荣. 会计电算化存在的问题及对策J会计之友(下旬刊), 2010,(07) .3

6、 鞠花,王久祥. 会计电算化课程教学存在的问题及改进措施J机械职业教育, 2010,(08) .4 梁中强. 财务软件操作中存在的问题及解决方案以用友ERPU8为例J科教新报(教育科研), 2010,(17) .5 任丽. 浅谈会计电算化存在的问题与对策J商场现代化, 2010,(22) .6 张进. 会计电算化在企业中的具体应用探析J现代商贸工业,2010, (06)7 Martin S. Bressler.Accounting Information SystemsJ.Strategic Finance,2006,87(12):56-60. 指导教师意见指导教师签字: 年 月 日答辩小组意

7、见:组长签字: 年 月 日教研室审查意见:负责人签字: 年 月 日系审查意见:系主任签字: (系 公 章) 年 月 日(此表由学生填写,指导教师、教研室、系签署意见)毕业论文外 文 文 献 翻 译院 系: 经济管理学院 专 业 班 级: 会计0902姓 名: 肖梦秋评 分:指 导 教 师 : 吴伟荣华中科技大学武昌分校20 年 月 广义的会计电算化是指与实际会计工作电算化有关的所有工作,包括会计电算化软件的开发与应用、会计电算化人才的培训、会计电算化的宏观规划、会计电算化制度建设、会计电算化软件市场的培育与发展等。他是一个人机结合的系统,其基本构成包括会计人员、硬件资源、软件资源和信息资源等要

8、素,其核心部分则是功能完善的会计软件资源。计算机的计算速度非常快,而采用会计电算化后,会计数据都是通过计算机来处理,这样使会计信息更加准确和及时,同时也为发挥会计的职能作用创造了有利条件,如通过财务软件来进行数据的分析、预测,从而更加充分的发回会计的预测、决策职能,不局限于其反应、监督职能。 实现会计电算化后,只有将原始会计数据输入计算机,大量的数据、计算、分类、归集、汇总、分析等工作,全部由计算机完成。这样就将会计人员从繁杂的记账、算账,、报账中解脱出来,减轻了劳动强度,提高了工作效率;而会计软件采用了先进的技术对输入的数据进行校验,防止非法数据的进入,如一张借贷不平的凭证,计算机拒绝接收,




12、均能通过数据共享及时而准确地取得。 为实现会计电算化人的素质是关键,要进一步改革人才教育培养的相关制度,多方面、多形式、多渠道培养会计电算化所需要的各个层次的人才。首先,相关的大、专院校,根据时代需要,及时调整专业设置和培养方向,把握社会人社会培养既懂计算机知识,又懂会计企业经营管理的复合型人才,重点掌握会计电算化应用软、硬件的开发、改进、维护等问题;其次,对在岗会计人员进行进修和培训,使他们能够比较系统的了解和掌握会计电算化的基本原理和操作方法,持证上岗。好的会计基础工作和规范的业务处理程序,是实现会计电算化的前提条件,这就要求会计人员提高自身素质,更新知识结构,重要的是必须掌握电子计算机的

13、有关知识,提高职业判断能力,确保会计工作规范有序。作为会计,应积极学习会计电算化知识,掌握计算机先进技术,提高操作能力,维护软件正常运行,把自己培养为复合型人才,为本单位尽快建立高效的会计信息系统创造条件。会计电算化,给会计工作增添了新内容,从各方面要求会计人员提高自身素质,更新知识结构,一方面为了参与企业管理,要更多地学习经营管理知识,另一方面还必须掌握电子计算机的有关知识,好的会计基础工作和规范的业务处理程序,是实现会计电算化的前提条件,所以会计电算化也要求促进会计工作的规范化。 以上这些问题是会计电算化进程中经常遇到而又必须重视和及时解决的问题。这些问题如若不重视或不及时解决,它将严重阻

14、碍会计电算化向更深层次的发展;如若重视并及时解决这些问题,它必然会促进会计电算化向更深层次发展,最大程度地提高会计工作水平和会计信息的质量,更好地为提高各级企、事业单位现代化管理水平和提高经济效益服务。 企业在建立了会计电算化系统后,由于计算机的运算速度快、计算精度高、提供信息全面,因而大大提高了会计工作的质量,改变了会计工作的面貌,会计核算和会计管理的环境发生了很大的变化。但是随着会计电算化的飞速发展,利用电算化系统的弱点进行的贪污、舞弊等违法犯罪活动也有所增加,给企业和社会造成了严重的损失。由于会计电算化系统的特殊性,建立一整套对会计电算化系统舞弊的防范措施和控制制度就显得尤为重要。 Ge

15、neralized computerized accounting refers to accounting for all the work associated with the actual accounting work, including the development and application of computerized accounting software, computerized accounting personnel training, the accounting computerization in macroscopic planning, compu

16、terized accounting system, the accounting computerization software market cultivation and development etc.He is a combination system, the basic composition including accounting personnel, hardware resources, software resources and information resources and other factors, its core part is the functio

17、n of the accounting software resources. The calculation speed of computer is very fast, and the use of computerized accounting, the accounting data is processed by computer, so that the accounting information more accurately and timely, but also created favorable conditions for the use of the functi

18、on of accountant, such as through the financial software to carry on the analysis, according to the forecast, the more sufficient back accounting for the forecast, decision-making functions, not only in the confines of the reaction, the supervision function. Implementation of computerized accounting

19、, only the original accounting data input computer, large amounts of data, computing, classification, collection, summary, analysis and so on, are completed by the computer.This accounting personnel from the complicated bookkeeping, accounting, reporting, relief, reducing the labor intensity, improv

20、e work efficiency; and the accounting software used to check data of advanced technology to prevent the entry of illegal input, data, such as a loan uneven vouchers, computer rejected, so as to ensure the legality, integrity of accounting information, and promote the accounting work standardization,

21、 improved the quality of accounting information; accounting computerization accounting is not only the basic functions of accounting, such supervision, but also through computer analysis, prediction and participation in economic decision-making, improve the management level of enterprises, in additi

22、on to a large number of the information can be shared, information communication to promote and drive the other business, management, and lay the foundation for the modernization of management. At present, many enterprises are not fully aware of the significance and importance of accounting computer

23、ization.First of all, many business leaders to computerized accounting have one-sided understanding, think of just accounting tools to change the accounting computerization, can not see its profound influence on accounting function, management methods and management processes, some leaders even thin

24、k the accounting computerization only replace books by computer, and only a means of as a corporate image in accounting computerization.Secondly, in the specific application of the accounting computerization, the majority of units lack sufficient analysis of consciousness to the manual system, not f

25、or the management requirements of the enterprise itself and its operation mode, set and adjust the accounting information system.In the view of many financial personnel, computerization is only instead of manual accounting, improve accounting efficiency, set up did not recognize the integrity of acc

26、ounting information system to the importance of the enterprise.Accounting computerization is the development direction of the accounting work, is the inevitable requirement of the development of social economy in the information age to the accounting work.We must realise soberly, computerized accoun

27、ting not only change the accounting methods, forms of data storage, data processing procedures and methods, to expand the field of accounting data, improve the quality of accounting information, but also changes the method and technology of internal accounting control and audit, promote the further

28、development of accounting theory and technique improvement, promote the accounting management system reform, is a fundamental change of the accounting theory and accounting practice.On the surface, accounting computerization is only used in computer accounting work, accounting personnel to reduce la

29、bor intensity, improve the speed and accuracy of accounting, computer instead of manual accounting.In fact, computerized accounting is not only the improvement of accounting and accounting methods, and will cause the reform of accounting work organization and personnel division of labor, promoting t

30、he accounting personnel quality and knowledge structure, the efficiency of accounting work and the quality of accounting personnel, thus saving time and energy, change the accounting functions, accounting accounting theory and technical progress, improve the accounting work level, greatly increased

31、the accounting theory and practice aspects have undergone profound changes hitherto unknown enterprise.For example, the data stored in the computerized accounting, the use of advanced database and data warehouse technology, realizes the data classification and centralized storage, complete the subsi

32、diary ledger and reconciliation operation, all kinds of report data can be obtained accurately through data sharing. Computerized accounting for the peoples quality is the key, the relevant system to further reform of talent education and training, in many aspects, in various forms, multi-channel tr

33、aining of accounting computerization needs all levels of personnel.First of all, the large, colleges, according to the needs of the times, the timely adjustment of professional setting and training direction, grasp the social social culture not only understand the computer knowledge, and to understa

34、nd the talents of accounting of the enterprise management, master key to computerized accounting application software, hardware development, improvement, maintenance and other problems; second, to to study and to on-the-job training of accounting personnel, so that they can understand and grasp the

35、system of the accounting basic principle and operating method, certificates.Business process basic accounting work good and standard, is the realization of accounting computerization of the condition, which requires the accounting staff to improve their own quality, update their knowledge structure,

36、 it is important for knowledge must master the computer, improve the ability of occupation judgment, to ensure that the accounting work norms and orderly.As the accounting, should actively learn computerized accounting knowledge, master advanced computer technology, enhance the ability to operate, m

37、aintain the normal operation of software, to train themselves into talents, for the units to establish effective accounting information system to create the conditions as soon as possible.Accounting computerization, adds new content to the accounting work, accounting personnel in all aspects to impr

38、ove their own quality, update their knowledge structure, on the one hand in order to participate in the enterprise management, to learn more knowledge of business management, on the other hand, we must master the computer knowledge, business process basic accounting work well and standard, is the re

39、alization condition of computerized accounting, so accounting standardization also promote the accounting work. These problems are the accounting computerization and must pay attention to and solve the problems often encountered in the process of.If these problems are not valued or not resolved, it

40、will seriously hamper Chinas computerized accounting to the development of a deeper level; if attention and solve these problems in a timely manner, it will definitely promote Chinas accounting computerization to the deeper, to maximize the accounting standards and improve the quality of accounting

41、information, to better improve at all levels, modern management level of enterprises and institutions to improve economic efficiency and service.Enterprises in the establishment of a computerized accounting system, because the computer operation speed, high accuracy, providing comprehensive informat

42、ion, thus greatly improving the quality of accounting work, change the accounting work face, great changes occurred in the accounting and accounting management of the environment.But with the rapid development of computerized accounting, computerized system weaknesses of corruption, fraud and other

43、illegal and criminal activities has also increased, resulting in serious losses to the enterprise and society.Due to the particularity of computerized accounting system, it is particularly important to establish the system of measure and control against a set of accounting computerization system fraud.


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