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1、1999.5上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试B 卷口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your points clearand supporting details adequate, You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by theexaminers during your talk. You need to have your name and registration numbe

2、r recorded. Startyour talk with “My name is.”, “My registration number is.”Topic: Discuss what constitutes a healthy way of lifeQuestions for Reference:1. Define a healthy way of life in terms of both physical and mental well-being.2. What contributes to a healthy way of life? What can man do to hel

3、p live a healthy way oflife?3. What factors do you think will prevent one from living such a life?口译题Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heardeach passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal.and stop it at thesignal

4、.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages onlyonce. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1Passage 2Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heardeach passage, interpret it into English. Star

5、t interpreting at the signal.and stop it at thesignal.You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages onlyonce. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1Passage 21999.11上海市英语高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试A 卷口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minute

6、s. Be sure to make your points clearand supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by theexaminers during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Startyour talk with “My name is”“My registration number is”.Topic: Is it necessa

7、ry for all science students to study the humanities at university? Why orwhy not?Question for Reference:1. What subjects are included in the courses of the humanities? What else do you know aboutcourses in the humanities apart from History, Literature, and Art?2. What can the humanities do to help c

8、ollege students who major in different subjects? Whyare they important? Cite examples to illustrate your point.3. What course (s) of the humanities will you choose if it is required at university? Will youstudy History, Literature, Art or some other subject(s)? Give reasons for your choice.口译题Part A

9、Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heardeach passage, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at thesignal You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages onlyonce. Now lets begin P

10、art A with the first passage.Passage 1:Passage 2:Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heardeach passage, interpret it into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at the signalyou may take notes while youre listening. Remember

11、you will hear the passage only once. Now,lets begin Part B with the first passage.Passage 1:Passage 2:B 卷口语题Directions: Talk on the following topic for at least 5 minutes. Be sure to make your point clearand supporting details adequate. You should also be ready to answer any questions raised by thee

12、xaminers during your talk. You need to have your name and registration number recorded. Startyour talk with “My name is”“My registration number is”.Topic: What do you think will make Shanghai a more cosmopolitan city in Asia and in theworld?Questions for Reference:1. Discuss the city in terms of her

13、 historical, cultural and economic developments as well asher geographical location, population and educational institutions.2. What else do you think will contribute to the development of Shanghai into a morecosmopolitan city?3. Compared with other cosmopolitan cities in the world, Shanghai needs t

14、o improve incertain areas so as to become an international center of finance and commerce in the newcentury. What are these areas? Discuss them is detail and give your reasons for your choice.口译题Part ADirections: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. After you have heardeach

15、 paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at thesignal You may take notes while you are listening. Remember you will hear the passages onlyonce. Now lets begin Part A with the first passage.Passage 1:Passage 2:Part BDirections: In this part of the test, you

16、will hear 2 passages in Chinese. After you have heardeach passage, interpret in into English. Start interpreting at the signal and stop it at thesignal you may take notes while youre listening. Remember you will hear the passages onlyonce. Now, lets begin Part B with the first passage.我的大学爱情观目录:一、 大

17、学概念二、 分析爱情健康观三、 爱情观要三思四、 大学需要对爱情要认识和理解五、 总结1、什么是大学爱情:大学是一个相对宽松,时间自由,自己支配的环境,也正因为这样,培植爱情之花最肥沃的土地。大学生恋爱一直是大学校园的热门话题,恋爱和学业也就自然成为了大学生在校期间面对的两个主要问题。恋爱关系处理得好、正确,健康,可以成为学习和事业的催化剂,使人学习努力、成绩上升;恋爱关系处理的不当,不健康,可能分散精力、浪费时间、情绪波动、成绩下降。因此,大学生的恋爱观必须树立在健康之上,并且树立正确的恋爱观是十分有必要的。因此我从下面几方面谈谈自己的对大学爱情观。2、什么是健康的爱情:1) 尊重对方,不显

18、示对爱情的占有欲,不把爱情放第一位,不痴情过分;2) 理解对方,互相关心,互相支持,互相鼓励,并以对方的幸福为自己的满足; 3) 是彼此独立的前提下结合;3、什么是不健康的爱情:1)盲目的约会,忽视了学业;2)过于痴情,一味地要求对方表露爱的情怀,这种爱情常有病态的夸张;3)缺乏体贴怜爱之心,只表现自己强烈的占有欲;4)偏重于外表的追求;4、大学生处理两人的在爱情观需要三思:1. 不影响学习:大学恋爱可以说是一种必要的经历,学习是大学的基本和主要任务,这两者之间有错综复杂的关系,有的学生因为爱情,过分的忽视了学习,把感情放在第一位;学习的时候就认真的去学,不要去想爱情中的事,谈恋爱的时候用心去

19、谈,也可以交流下学习,互相鼓励,共同进步。2. 有足够的精力:大学生活,说忙也会很忙,但说轻松也是相对会轻松的!大学生恋爱必须合理安排自身的精力,忙于学习的同时不能因为感情的事情分心,不能在学习期间,放弃学习而去谈感情,把握合理的精力,分配好学习和感情。3、 有合理的时间;大学时间可以分为学习和生活时间,合理把握好学习时间和生活时间的“度”很重要;学习的时候,不能分配学习时间去安排两人的在一起的事情,应该以学习为第一;生活时间,两人可以相互谈谈恋爱,用心去谈,也可以交流下学习,互相鼓励,共同进步。5、大学生对爱情需要认识与理解,主要涉及到以下几个方面:(一) 明确学生的主要任务“放弃时间的人,

20、时间也会放弃他。”大学时代是吸纳知识、增长才干的时期。作为当代大学生,要认识到现在的任务是学习学习做人、学习知识、学习为人民服务的本领。在校大学生要集中精力,投入到学习和社会实践中,而不是因把过多的精力、时间用于谈情说爱浪费宝贵的青春年华。因此,明确自己的目标,规划自己的学习道路,合理分配好学习和恋爱的地位。(二) 树林正确的恋爱观提倡志同道合、有默契、相互喜欢的爱情:在恋人的选择上最重要的条件应该是志同道合,思想品德、事业理想和生活情趣等大体一致。摆正爱情与学习、事业的关系:大学生应该把学习、事业放在首位,摆正爱情与学习、事业的关系,不能把宝贵的大学时间,锻炼自身的时间都用于谈情说有爱而放松

21、了学习。 相互理解、相互信任,是一份责任和奉献。爱情是奉献而不时索取,是拥有而不是占有。身边的人与事时刻为我们敲响警钟,不再让悲剧重演。生命只有一次,不会重来,大学生一定要树立正确的爱情观。(三) 发展健康的恋爱行为 在当今大学校园,情侣成双入对已司空见惯。抑制大学生恋爱是不实际的,大学生一定要发展健康的恋爱行为。与恋人多谈谈学习与工作,把恋爱行为限制在社会规范内,不致越轨,要使爱情沿着健康的道路发展。正如马克思所说:“在我看来,真正的爱情是表现在恋人对他的偶像采取含蓄、谦恭甚至羞涩的态度,而绝不是表现在随意流露热情和过早的亲昵。”(四) 爱情不是一件跟风的事儿。很多大学生的爱情实际上是跟风的

22、结果,是看到别人有了爱情,看到别人幸福的样子(注意,只是看上去很美),产生了羊群心理,也就花了大把的时间和精力去寻找爱情(五) 距离才是保持爱情之花常开不败的法宝。爱情到底需要花多少时间,这是一个很大的问题。有的大学生爱情失败,不是因为男女双方在一起的时间太少,而是因为他们在一起的时间太多。相反,很多大学生恋爱成功,不是因为男女双方在一起的时间太少,而是因为他们准确地把握了在一起的时间的多少程度。(六) 爱情不是自我封闭的二人世界。很多人过分的活在两人世界,对身边的同学,身边好友渐渐的失去联系,失去了对话,生活中只有彼此两人;班级活动也不参加,社外活动也不参加,每天除了对方还是对方,这样不利于大学生健康发展,不仅影响学习,影响了自身交际和合作能力。总结:男女之间面对恋爱,首先要摆正好自己的心态,树立自尊、自爱、自强、自重应有的品格,千万不要盲目地追求爱,也不宜过急追求爱,要分清自己的条件是否成熟。要树立正确的恋爱观,明确大学的目的,以学习为第一;规划好大学计划,在不影响学习的条件下,要对恋爱认真,专一,相互鼓励,相互学习,共同进步;认真对待恋爱观,做健康的恋爱;总之,我们大学生要树立正确的恋爱观念,让大学的爱情成为青春记忆里最美的风景,而不是终身的遗憾!


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