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1、1997年6月大学英语四级考试试题Part IV Cloze (l5 minutes)Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that is offered them and a child rarely dislikes food 61 it is badly cooked. The 62 a meal is cooked and served is most important and an 63 served meal will often improve a childs appetit

2、e. Never ask a child 64 he likes or dislikes a food and never 65 likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 66 else to do so. If the father says he hates fat meat or the mother 67 vegetables in the childs hearing he is 68 to copy this procedure.Take it 69 granted that he likes everything and he pro

3、bably 70 . Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal because of a 71 dislike. At meal times it is a good 72 to give a child a small portion and let him 73 back for a second helping rather than give him as 74 as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child 75 meal times,

4、 but let him get on with his food; and do not 76 him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will 77 learn to swallow his food 78 he can hurry back to his toys. Under 79 circumstances must a child be coaxed (哄骗) 80 forced to eat.6l. A) if B) until C) that D) unless62. A) procedure B) proce

5、ss C) way D) method63. A) adequately B) attractivelyC) urgently D) eagerly64. A) whether B) what C) that D) which65. A) remarkB) tellC) discuss D) argue66. A) everybody B) anybodyC) somebody D) nobody67. A) opposes B) refuses C) denies D) offends68. A) willing B) possibleC) obliged D) likely69. A) w

6、ith B) as C) over D) for70. A) should B) may C) will D) must7l. A) supposed B) proved C) considered D) related72. A) point B) custom C) idea D) plan73. A) ask B) come C) return D) take74. A) much B) little C) few D) many75. A) on B) over C) by D) during76. A) agree B) allow C) force D) persuade77. A

7、) hurriedly B) soon C) fast D) slowly78. A) so B) until C) lest D) although79. A) some B) any C) such D) no80. A) or B) nor C) but D) neither1997年6月大学英语四级试题参考答案Part IV Cloze61. D 62. C 63. B 64. A 65. C66. B 67. C 68. D 69. D 70. C71.A 72. C 73. B 74. A 75. D76. B 77. B 78. A 79. D 80. A1997年6月大学英语四

8、级试题题解art IV:Cloze 61.答案为D。根据句意,此外需要一个表示“排除”的连词,故可选D)项。62.答案为C。从结构上看这是一个省略了in which 的定语从句。63.答案为B。词汇考查。adequately 意为“充足地、丰富地”;attractively 意为“诱人地”urgently 意为“迫切地”;eagerly 意为“渴望地”。根据句意,“一顿诱人的饭可刺激孩子们的食欲”故我们可选B)项。64.答案为A。固定搭配测试。whetheror 为固定搭配,其意思为“是否”。65.答案为C。词汇辨析题。remark (on) 意为“评论、评品”等;tell 意为“告诉、告知”

9、等;discuss 意为“讨论”;argue 意为“争论 ”。66.答案为B。不定代词的用法:在否定结构中不定代词用anybody。67.答案为C。同义考查题。oppose 意为“反对、反抗”;deny 意为“否认”;offend 意为“违犯”等;refuse 意为“拒绝”等。根据句意“母亲不要蔬菜”可知refuse 符合句意。故我们可选C)项。68.答案为D。惯用法测试题。be willing 意为“愿意”;possible 意为“可能”;be obliged 意为“被迫”;be likely to 意为“很可能”。根据搭配和句意我们可选 D)项。69.答案为D。固定搭配考查题。take s

10、th for granted 意为“视为当然”70.答案为C。情态动词用法测试。should 表示“应该”;may 表示“可能”;will 表示“意愿”“想”“念”;must 表示“必须”。根据句意,“父母亲理所当然认为孩子什么都喜欢吃,而且很可能会喜欢。”故我们可选C)项。71.答案为A。词义考查题。supposed 意为“推测的”;proved 意为“证明的”;considered 指“考虑”;related 意为“相关的”。根据句意“不可能因为推测到的孩子们的不喜欢的食品而把一些有营养的东西从膳食中除去”我们可选A)项。72.答案为C。词汇考查题。point 意为“要点”;custom

11、意为“习俗”;idea 意为“主意、想法”等;plan 意为“计划”。根据句意,“吃饭时一次给孩子少吃点是增进他食欲的一个好主意”我们可选C)项。73.答案B。结构搭配考查。ask 不能和back 搭配.答案为C。;return 和back 合用属于重复现象,故A)C)两项应排除;take sth back意为“回收”不合题意,应排除cone back意为“回来”,根据句意“一次少给孩子吃点,让他吃完后回来再要”故我们可选B)项。 74.答案为A。根据上文的理解,此处所表示的意思应为“而不是一次能吃多少就给他多少”故我们可以排除B)和C)项但many用于修饰可数名词,表示许多,故也应排除。所以

12、我们可选A)项。75.答案为D。根据句子的结构,我们可以看出要选出一个合适的介词和meal搭配而所给的四个介词中,on, over和 by 都不能和times 搭配,而during meal times表“吃饭的时候”,故我们可选)项。76.答案为B。词义理解题。agree 意为“同意”;allow 意为“允许”;force 意为“强迫”;persuade 意为“说服”。根据句意:“作者建议不要马上让孩子离开饭桌”故我们应该选B)项。77.答案为B。词汇理解题。hurriedly 意为“急忙地”;soon 意为“很快地”;fast 意为“迅速地”;slowly 意为“缓慢地”。根据句意“否则,

13、孩子很快就会学着吞咽食物”故我们可选B)项。78.答案为A。此句的意思按77句,为“因此他可以尽快地回到玩具旁边”所以我们可以使用连接词so,故我们选A)项。79.答案为D。从结构上看,这是一个倒装句,我们可以判断前面的状语应表示否定,故我们可以选D)项。80.答案为A。连接词的使用考查。在否定句中,我们要表示并列时,需使用连接词or,故我们可选A)项1998年1月大学英语四级考试试题 Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)During recent years we have heard much about race: how this race does certain t

14、hings and that race believes certain things and so on. Yet, the 6l phenomenon of race consists of a few surface indications. We judge race usually 62 the coloring of the skin: a white race, a brown race, a yellow race and a black race. But 63 you were to remove the skin you could not 64 anything abo

15、ut the race to which the individual belonged. There is 65 in physical structure, the brain or the internal organs to 66 a difference.There are four types of blood. 67 types are found in every race, and no type is distinct to any race. Human brains are the 68 . No scientists could examine a brain and

16、 tell you the race to which the individual belonged. Brains will 69 in size, but this occurs within every race. 70 does size have anything to do with intelligence. The largest brain 71 examined belonged to a person of weak 72. On the other hand, some of our most distinguished people have had 73 brai

17、ns.Mental tests which are reasonably 74 show no differences in intelligence between races. High and low test results both can be recorded by different members of any race. 75 equal educational advantages, there will be no difference in average standings, either on account of race or geographical loc

18、ation. Individuals of every race 76 civilization to go backward or forward. Training and education can change the response of a group of people, 77 enable them to behave in a 78 way.The behavior and ideals of people change according to circumstances, but they can always go back or go on to something

19、 new 79 is better and higher than anything 80 the past.6l. A) complete B) full C) total D) whole62. A) in B) from C) at D) on63. A) since B) if C) as D) while64. A) speak B) talk C) tell D) mention65. A) something B) everything C) nothing D) anything66. A) display B) indicate C) demonstrate D) appea

20、r67. A) All B) Most C) No D) Some68. A)same B) identical C) similar D) alike69. A) remain B) increase C) decrease D) vary70. A) Only B) Or C) Nor D) So7l. A) ever B) then C) never D) once72. A) health B) body C) mind D) thought73. A) big B) small C) minor D) major74. A) true B) exact C) certain D) a

21、ccurate75. A) Provided B) Concerning C) Given D) Following76- A) make B) cause C) move D) turn77. A) and B) but C) though D) so78. A) ordinary B) peculiar C) usual D) common79. A) that B) what C) whichever D) whatever8o. A) for B) to C) within D) in1998年1月大学英语四级试题参考答案Part IV Cloze61. D 62. B 63. B 6

22、4. C 65. C66. B 67. A 68. A 69. D 70. C7l. D 72. C 73. B 74. D 75. C76. B 77.A 78. B 79. A 80. D1998年1月大学英语四级考试试题注解Part Cloze61.答案为D。本题要求填入一个适当的形容词,整句话的意思是“关于人种的现象是由一些表面的迹象所组成的,对phenomenon前的修饰词,我们可以选用whole,表示全部的、所有的”之意。62.答案为B。根据句意,“我们常常据肤色来判断人种”,可知需选一个表示“来源”的介词,而介词from有这层意思,故B)项正确。63.答案为B。从结构上看,该句为

23、虚拟语气,所以我们选用if为其引导词,故B)项正确。64.答案为C。近义词辨析题,根据句意“如果你揭去他们的皮肤,你就不能分辨出他是属于哪个种族”,我们可以看出,需要选一动词具有“分辨、区别、说出”之意,由此我们可选C)项。65.答案为C。从整个句子的意思来看,想表达出“从身体结构,大脑和内部器官上看不出有什么区别的东西来。”故我们可以选C)项否定词nothing。66.答案为B。词义辨析。display 意为“陈列、显示、展览”;indicate 意为“指示、表示、暗示”之意;demonstrate 意为“表明、演示、论述、证明”;appear 意为“出现”。根据句意从“Physical s

24、tructure,the brain or the internal organs”上是说不出什么东西来指明有人种区别的。67.答案为A。根据句意“所有四种血型在每一个人种中都存在”我们可选A)项。68.答案为A。根据空格前的定冠词“the”,我们可选出正确合理为same,故A)项正确。69.答案为D。根据句意,“人脑的大小不同”,我们可以选出正确答案为D)项。70.答案为C。从上下文可以分析出,作者想说的意思是“人脑的大小和智力没有关系”,所以我们要选否定词Nor。故C)项正确。71.答案为D。根据句意此处应填一个表示“曾经”之意的词,ever用于现在完成时疑问句中,而once表示“曾经”之

25、意时可用于句子中间,故我们选D)项。72.答案为C。根据句意,此处应表示“智力”,所以我们选C)项。73.答案为B。根据上句用largest,此处可用相对应的反义词small,这两句是表示比较的,故我们可选B)项。74.答案为D。表示检测的程度,我们可用“精确”来形容,故我们选D)项。75.答案为C。根据句意,此处应填一个表示“假定、倘若”之意的词,provided有此意思,但其后需跟(that)从句,故我们只能用Given,所以C)项正确。76.答案为B。宾语为civilization,所以make 与之搭配不当,move和turrn与句意不相符合,所以我们可选B)一项。77.答案为A。该句

26、为并列句且意思一致,所以我们应该用并列连词and,故A)项正确。78.答案为B。根据句意,“能够使他们以一种特别的方式行事”,故我们应选B)项。79.答案为A。这是一个先行词为sth的定语从句,故我们选用引导词that,所以A)项正确。80.答案为D。 “in the past”表示“过去、从前”,故我们选D)项。1998年6月大学英语四级考试试题Part IV Cloze (l5 minutes)The task of being accepted and enrolled (招收) in a university begins early for some students. Long 7

27、l they graduate from high school. These Students take specia1 72 to prepare for advanced study. They may also take one of more examinations that test how 73 prepared they are for the university. In the final year of high school, they 74 applications and send them, with their student records, to the

28、universities which they hope to 75. Some high school students may be 76 to have an interview with representatives of the university. Neatly, 77 and usually very frightened, they are 78 to show that they have a good attitude and the 79 to succeed.When the new students are finally 80, there may be one

29、 more step they have to 81 before registering for classes and 82 to work. Many col1eges and universities 83 an orientation (情况介绍) program for new students. 84 these programs, the young people get to know the 85 for registration and student advising, university rules, the 86 of the library and all th

30、e other 87 services of the college or university.Beginning a new life in a new place can be very 88 . The more knowledge students have 89 the school, the easier it will be for them to 90 to the new environment. However, it takes time to get used to college life.7l. A) as B) after C) since D) before7

31、2. A) courses B) disciplines C) majors D) subjects73. A) deeply B) widely C) well D) much74. A) fulfil B) finish C) complete D) accomplish75. A) attend B) participate C) study D) belong76. A) acquired B) considered C) ordered D) required77. A) decorated B) dressed C) coated D) worn78. A) decided B)

32、intended C) settlled D) determined79. A) power B)ability C) possibility D) quality80. A) adopted B) accepted C) received D) permitted81. A) make B) undergo C)take D) pass 82. A) getting B) putting C) falling D) sitting83. A) offer B) afford C) grant D) supply84. A) For B) Among C) In D) On85. A) pro

33、cesses B) procedures C) projects D) provisions86. A) application B) usage C) use D) utility87. A) major B) prominent C) key D) great88. A) amusing B) misleading C) alarming D) confusing89. A)before B)about C)on D) at90. A)fit B)suit C)yield D)adapt1998年6月大学英语四级试题参考答案Part IV Cloze7l. D 72. A 73. C 74

34、. C 75. A76. D 77. B 78. D 79. B 80. B81. C 82. A 83. A 84. C 85. B86. C 87. A 88. D 89. B 90. D1998年6月大学英语四级试题题解Part :Cloze71答案为D。long只有和before及after搭配,不能和as、since搭配,另根据句意可知招生工作应在学生高中毕业之前,故我们应选D)项。72答案为A。词义辨析。course 意为“课程、一门课”;discipline 指“学科、科目”;subject 意为“题目、主题”;major 意为“学科,专业”。73答案为C。词义理解题。根据句意“

35、他们也可能参加一次或几次考试来检查他们对上大学准备的有多好”,因此我们可选C)项。74答案为C。近义词辨析题。fulfil 强调“履行(工作、任务)等”;finish 意为“结束、完成”,强调动作结果;complete 意为“完成”,使事物完善;accomplish 表示“完成(任务、计划)等”。75答案为A。词义理解题:根据句意“他们希望能上的大学,”故我们选attend(A)项。76答案为D。词义辨析题acquire 意为“获得、取得”;consider 意为“考虑、认为”等;order 意为“命令、定购”等;require 意为“需要、要求”。77答案为B。词义理解题。wear和dres

36、s都有“穿”之意,但dressed表一种状态且有穿着讲究之意,故我们选B)78答案为D。词义理解题。be determined to do sth表示“决心”,而intended和decided的用法不对,settled与句意不合,故我们选D)项。79答案为B。power 意为“力量”;ability 意为“能力”;possibility 意为“可能性”;quality 意为“品质、质量、特性”。80答案为B。词义辨析题。adopt 意为“采纳、采取、接受报告、建议等”;accept 意为“接受”强调主观上愿意留下来;receive 意为“收到”,不合接受者的意愿;permit 意为“允许、许

37、可。根据句意“希望学生最后被大学接纳时”故我们选B)项。81答案为C。词义辨析题从所给的四个动词中,我们知道take step最固定搭配。故我们选C)项。82答案为A。动词短词考查题。get to do sth:表示“着手作某事”与一句意相符合,故我们选A)项。83答案为A。offer 表示“提供(机会、条件、建议)等”;afford 表示“付得起钱、购买”之意;grant 表示“保证”之意;supply 意为“提供”(具体、实在的东西)。84答案为C。介词使用测试。当表示在方面时,我们选用介词in。85答案为B。process 意为“过程、工序”等;procedure 意为“程序、手序”等;

38、project 意为“给养、条款、规定”等根据句意“学生们开始了解注册的程序”可知,B)项正确。86答案为C。application 意为“运用、应用”;usage 意为“用法(way of using sth)”use 决为“使用、利用”;utility 意为“有用性”。根据句意,“如何利用图书馆”,我们可选C)项。87答案为A。词义理解题。major 意为“主要的、较大的”;prominent 意为“突出的、突起的”;key 意为“关键的、主要的”;great 意为“重大的、极大的”。根据句意“和其他的一些主要服务机构”,我们可选A)项。88答案为D。词义理解题。amusing 意为“好玩

39、的”;misleading 意为“误导性的、令人误解的”;alarming 意为“惊人的、吓人的”;confusing 意为“令人迷惑的”。根据句意,“在一个新的地方开始新的生活能使人”我们可选D)项。89答案为B。介词的用法。当我们表示“关于”什么的时候,用介词on。90答案为D。词义辨析题。fit 意为“合适、合身”等;suit 意为“适当、相配”等;yield 意为“让步”等;adapt 意为“适应”。根据句意,“那将越容易使他们适应新环境”,故我们可选D)项。1999年1月大学英语四级考试试卷二Part IV Short Answer Questions (15 minutes)Dir

40、ections: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words).Would-be language teachers everywhere have one thing in common: they all

41、 what some recognition of their professional status and skills, and a job. The former requirement is obviously important on personal level, but it is vital if you are to have any chance of finding work.Ten years ago, the situation was very different. In virtually every developing country, and in man

42、y developed countries as well, being a native English speaker was enough to get you employed as an English teacher.Now employers will only look at teachers who have the knowledge, the skills and attitudes to teach English effectively. The result of this has been to raise non-native English teachers

43、to the same status as their native counterparts(相对的人)something they have always deserved but seldom enjoyed. Non-natives are now happylinguistic discrimination(语言上的歧视)is a thing of the past.An ongoing research project, funded by the University of Cambridge, asked a sample of teachers, teacher educators and employers in more than 40 countries whether they regard the native/ non-native speakers distinction as being at all important. “NO” was the answer. As long as candidates could teach and had the r


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