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1、Project Title项目名称Mongolia Tsagaan Suvarga Copper-Molybdenum ProjectDate日期Customer客户Mongolyn Alt Corporation (MAK)Contract Title合同标题General earthwork and site preparationContractor承包商Jiangsu Hengyuan International Engineering Co.,LtdContractor Number合同编号201001-00236Job Description 工作内容(Brief Title简要标

2、题)Work Area / Equipment工作区域/设备JHA No.JHA编号Supervisor to confirm that a HSE Risk Assessment has been completed for the scope of work? 监督员确认已经为作业范围填写了健康、安全及环保风险评估?YES是Proceed with JHA继续进行作业危险性分析NO不是Do not proceed with JHA and do not commence works不要继续进行作业危险性分析也不要开始作业Permits/Isolations许可证/隔离aEnergy Sou

3、rces能源aHealth /Safety 健康/安全aEnvironmental环境aPPEaHot Work热工作业Electrical电气Elevated Work高空作业Air Pollution (dust, fumes, gas) 空气污染(灰尘、废气、毒气)Glasses眼镜Confined Space密闭空间Mechanical机械Moving parts活动件Harm to Flora or Fauna对植物或者动物有害Chemical Goggles化学防护眼镜Excavation / Penetration挖掘/渗透Manual Valves手动阀Mobile Equip

4、ment移动设备Noise (plant & equipment) 噪音(工作站和设备)Face shield护面罩Working from Heights 高空作业Pneumatics/Pressure气动/压力Hazardous Flora or Fauna危险的植物或者动物Spills to drains / waterways下水道/水路溢出Dust Masks防尘口罩Asbestos Removal 清除石棉Chemicals化学品Fire火Spills to ground溢出到地面Gloves手套High Voltage高压High Voltage高压Working Alone独立

5、作业Soil erosion/quality水土流失/土壤质量Harness安全带Electrical Access电气使用Thermal热量Lighting照明Community社区Respirator口罩Working on Live Equipment带电设备操作Vibration/Noise振动/噪音Simultaneous Operations同时操作Safety helmet安全帽Land Clearance土地清理Gravitational重力Slips/Trips/Falls滑到/绊倒/跌倒Safety harness/fall arrest安全带/防跌倒Radiation辐射

6、Air Quality空气质量Hazardous Materials / Substances危险材料/物质(List any hazardous material to be used or present in the work area. Attach an MSDS for each): (列明工作区域使用或者出现的危险材料。每种材料附一份材料安全数据表)Job Hazard AssessmentSTEPS步骤List the steps required to perform the task in the sequence they are carried out按照执行顺序列明要

7、求采取的步骤HAZARDS危险List the identified hazards that could cause injury/damage when the step is performed进行步骤的时候列明会造成伤害/损坏的识别的风险CONTROLS控制List the current and future control measures required to eliminate or minimize the risk of injury/damage (use hierarchy of controls) 列出需要采取以消除或者最小化伤害/损坏的当前和未来控制措施(使用控制

8、等级)Inspect before work作业前的检查 Operate by unqualified worker or without permit 不合格及无证人员作业; Operate without approve 未经过许可进行作业; Wear PPE incorrect or without PPE 不正确佩戴或不佩戴PPE; Hadnt equipped with extinguisher or extinguisher is out of date 未配置灭火器或灭火器过期不可用;1. The operator must receive safety skill exam t

9、o obtain special work certificate1. 施工人员必须进行安全技术考试,取得特殊作业证;2. Before working, the foreman must apply for HSE work permits, and approved by related personnel.2 作业前必须向HSE部门申请许可证,经相关人员签字确认后方可进行作业;3 Must put on PPE properly(helmet, mask, goggles, fire-proof gloves, isolated shoes and other PPE)3. 必须佩戴好必

10、要的个人防护用品(安全帽、防护面罩,护目镜、耐火防护手套、绝缘鞋及其他劳动防护用品);4. Equipped with fire extinguisher near the work area, and inspect it at a regular period.4. 在作业点附近放置灭火器,并且进行定期检查;Cutting machine切割机操作 Without any inspection before using it 操作前未对设备进行检查; There is no reliable grounding for distribution box or switch box whic

11、h caused electric shock. 配电箱或开关箱无可靠接地造成触电; Personal injury or equipment damage caused by incorrect operation 不正确操作造成人身伤害和设备损坏; Cables are in a mass causing trip or electric shock 线路敷设凌乱,绊倒或触电; Fire disaster or explosion caused by nearby inflammable or explosive object 附近易燃易爆物未清理干净造成火灾爆炸; Fire disast

12、er caused by spark 火花未经处理造成火灾; Work under wet situation 在潮湿的地方工作;1. Must check the equipment function carefully before using, to make sure that every part is in good condition.1 使用前必须认真检查设备的性能,确保各部件的完好性;2 Must make sure that all electric equipments have reliable grounding.2. 必须保证电气设备有可靠的接地措施;3. Work

13、 piece must be held stable, strictly forbidden cutting without being held stable.3 加工的工件必须夹持牢固,严禁工件装夹不牢固就开始切割;4 All the cables and extend wires must be overhead, and must be rolled up after using.4. 所有的电线及延长线必须采用高架,并在使用后卷起来;5. Strictly forbidden to use the cutting blade to polish the work piece.5 严禁

14、在切割片平面上,修磨工件的毛刺;6 When use the cutting machine, the worker should stay off the front of blade, and wear goggles and mask.6. 切割时操作者必须偏离砂轮片正面,并戴好防护眼镜及防护面罩;7. Strictly forbidden to use the grinding wheel which is incomplete, there should equip with a board to control the spark7 严禁使用已有残缺的砂轮片,切割时前方设置挡板防止

15、火星四溅;8 There should not be flammable or explosive object within 10m from the work area.8. 确保作业点10m以内不得存在易燃易爆物;9. Protect cover must be installed properly, inspect it without load, there shouldnt be any shake or abnormal noise9 防护罩必须安装正确,装夹后应开机空运转检查,不得有抖动和异常噪声;10 When using the cutting machine, one s

16、hould hold the handle firmly, and the fixing side should be stable and reliable10. 必须稳握切割机手把均匀用力垂直下切,而且固定端要牢固可靠;11. Dont force to carry out cutting operation, but only when the speed of wheel rotate stably11 不得进行强力切锯操作,在切割前要待电机转速达到全速即可;12 Electricity should be cut off when power failure, take a rest

17、 or leave the site.12. 停电、休息或离开工作地时,应立即切断电源;13. Operation should not be conducted unless cover is in place, the hands should not be put within 15cm to grinding wheel. Workers shouldnt lean out of the cutting machine.13 护罩未到位时不得操作,不得将手放在距锯片15厘米以内。不得探身越过或绕过锯机,操作时身体斜侧45度为宜;14 The worker must stand on t

18、he isolated pad or dry wood when the cutting machine is used in the wet condition. Protective measure must be taken when the cutting is conducted at height or at anti-explosion area.14. 使用切割机如在潮湿地方工作时,必须站在绝缘垫或干燥的木板上进行。登高或在防爆等危险区域内使用必须做好安全防护措施;15. When finished the work, the power should be cut off,

19、and the construction site should be cleaned.15. 加工完毕应关闭电源,并做好设备及周围场地的清洁;Welding 一般电焊 Without any inspection before using it 操作前未对设备进行检查; Personal injury or equipment damage caused by incorrect operation 不正确操作造成人身伤害和设备损坏; Cables are in a mass causing trip or electric shock 线路敷设凌乱,绊倒或触电; Fire disaster

20、 or explosion caused by nearby inflammable or explosive object 附近易燃易爆物未清理干净造成火灾爆炸; Work under wet situation 在潮湿的地方工作;1. The welding machine should be inspected after turning on; no welding is allowed unless there is nothing strange.1 焊机启动后应观察运行状况,确认无异常响声,才能准备施焊;2 There should not be any flammable or

21、 explosive object within 10m where the welding took place.2. 施焊现场十米内不得有易燃易爆物品;3. The welding machine should be placed at a tidy, dry and ventilated area.3 电焊机应摆放在清洁、干燥、通风的地方;4 Welding rod shouldnt be thrown here and there; it should be stored at an assigned area which is safe enough.4. 焊条头不得乱扔,应放在指定

22、的安全地点;5. The welding machine should equip with electric shock protector and sufficient grounding.5 电焊机必须使用防触电保护器,有可靠的接地措施; 6 Strictly forbidden to connect to the lighting plugs or wires, it should be connected to the switch which has equivalent capacity.6. 严禁在照明插座或线路上接线,应在相应容量匹配开关下面接线;7. Strictly fo

23、rbidden to use steel pipe, steel scaffold and steel structure as the conducting wire.7 严禁借用金属管道,金属脚手架、轨道,结构钢筋等金属物代替导线;8 Protective measure must be taken when the welding cable cross the access, such as buried into ground or overhead.8. 焊接电缆横过通道时必须采取穿管,埋入地下或架空等保护措施;9. Isolated rubber boot or other is

24、olated measure should be taken when work in wet condition.9. 在潮湿地点作业时,应穿戴绝缘胶靴或采取其他绝缘措施;Work in confined space or metal container狭小空间或金属容器内作业 Without gas test 未进行气体检测; No guardian or lack of communication with guardian 无监护人或与监护人联络不通;1. Must conduct the gas test1 必须先进行气体检测;2 For confined space, it mus

25、t be ventilated at least 5 minutes. Conduct the gas test continuously so as to meet the requirement for entering.2. 对狭小 空间进行通风,至少持续5分钟,持续对气体进行检测,以证实进入条件满足要求;3 Workers shouldnt work for a long time, two guys should rotating shift, one work and the other guarding. 作业时间不能过长,应俩人轮流作业,一人作业一人监护;4 The guard

26、ian should pay attention to the workers safety operation all the time.3. 监护人随时注意操作人员的安全操作是否正确等情况;4. Make sure that the worker inside and the guardian should keep good communication with each other.5 确保内部作业人员与外部的监护人员联络畅通;Finish welding 焊接结束 Equipment damage or environment pollution caused by no site

27、cleaning. 未做清理造成设备损坏或环境污染1. After welding work, the power should be cut off and the cable should be cleared up. Welding machine should be moved to safe place, or cover the welding machine to prevent the rain.1 焊接工作结束,切断焊机电源整理好电缆软线。将焊机搬至安全处,或对焊机进行存放遮盖,以防雨水浸入;2 Clean the equipment and the construction

28、 site. 做好设备及周围场地的清洁;Grinder operation打磨机操作 Not inspected prior to operation 操作前未对设备进行检查; Cable placed in disorder, easy to trip over or get an electric shock 线路敷设凌乱,绊倒或触电; Incorrect operation to cause personnel injury 不正确操作造成人员伤害; Dont switch off the power after work-off to cause fire. 作业结束未关闭电源造成火灾

29、;1. Inspect protection hood and auxiliary handle carefully prior to use grinder , to ensure no any loose . 使用打磨机前请仔细检查保护罩、辅助手柄,必须完好无松动;2. Forbid using grinder without protection hood, for grinder loose protection hood , if it cant be fastened, then cant be used or need to be repaired . 严禁使用无安全防护罩的打磨

30、机,对防护罩出现松动而无法紧固的打磨机严禁使用或由专人及时修理;3. The leakage electric protection device have to be set-up in plug socket, and check if there will be damage on the power cable. 使用的电源插座必须装有漏电保护装置,并检查电源线有无破损现象;4. All electric line or extended line have to be lifted and rolled up after use . 所有的电线及延长线必须采用高架,并在使用后卷起来;

31、5. Clear up nearby flammable or explosive goods. 清除附近的易燃易爆物;6. Shut off power or pull out power cable when replace grinding wheel, once confirm safety, then to replace grinding wheel. 更换砂轮片时必须关闭电源或拉掉电源线,确认无误后方可进行砂轮片的更换;7. Dont throw away replaced grinding wheel, but put them into pointed reclaim are

32、a. 更换后的砂轮片不得随意丢弃,应放入指定回收地点;8. Dont use glove while using grinder , forbid using grinder to grind cotton yarn knives . 使用砂轮机时,不准戴手套,严禁使用棉纱等物包裹刀具进行磨削;9. No water attached onto grinding wheel and always keep it drying to avoid unbalance injury. 砂轮不准沾水,要经常保持干燥,以防湿水后失去平衡,发生事故;10. Operator shall stand at

33、the side of inclined side position of grinding wheel , dont stand at the front of grinding wheel while grinding . 打磨时,操作者应站在砂轮的侧面或斜侧位置,不要站在砂轮的正面;11. Turn off the power when grinding over, do not let it running in air ; at the same time clear up the inside dust from protect hood, inspect all parts re

34、gularly and replace lubrication for main shaft. 磨削完毕,应关闭电源,不要让砂轮机空转,同时要应经常清除防护罩内积尘,并定期检修更换主轴润滑油脂;12. Housekeeping for working area 做好设备及周围场地的清洁.Names and signatures of persons involved in conducting this final JHA for the task indicated on the front page参与此项作业JHA分析的人员名单及签字.Name名字Title标题Date日期Signatu

35、re签字Name姓名Title标题Date日期Signature签字ON THE DAY OF THE TASK作业当天ON THE DAY OF THE TASKAll Team Members to participate and sign as agreement with the JHA Worksheet.I have accepted and understood the above content, and have clearly understood the risk and potential hazard as explained to me by my supervis

36、or, and promised to follow the construction and HSE requirement to ensure the safety. Otherwise, I am willing to accept the punishment from the company. 本人已接受并理解了以上内容,已经清楚知道该工作中可能存在的危险和隐患,并承诺严格按照要求进行施工,确保施工安全,否则愿意接受公司相应的处罚。所有小组成员都要参与并与作业危险性分析工作表签署协议Supervisor and area HSE for the area to participate & sign as endorsement to proceed with works监工和区域安全员参与并签署,准许继续进行作业Name姓名Date日期Signature签字Name姓名Date日期Signature签字Supervisor Name姓名Signature监工签字Date日期Area HSESignature签字Date日期


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