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1、1.Queensland is _of Australia.A the second smallest state B the second and oldest stateC the smallest state D the second and youngest state2.Australia is located between _and the Indian Ocean.A pacific ocean B the Atlantic C the North Sea D the arctic3.With regard to its size,Australia is _country i

2、n the world.A the third largest B the fourth largest C the sixth largest D the fifth largest4._is called the premier state,because it is the oldest of the Australian states.A Queensland B New South WalesC Western Australia D Tasmaniais5.The largest state in terms of areas_.A Queensland B New South W

3、ales C Victoria D Western Australia,6._ is the oldest newspaper in Australia.A The Sydney morning herald B The AustraliaC Daily mirror D Sun7.The Australian national day is set on January 26 to commemorate_A the first European settlement of continentB the founding of the commonwealth of AustraliaC t

4、he discovery of the great southern unknown landD Jacques Cartiers first voyage around Australia8.In 1788 Australia was settled by the British as a colony founded_.A to receive convicts from BritainB to receive free settlersC to supply Britain with wool and foodD to expand Britains imperial power9.Au

5、stralia is worlds largest exporter of_.A wheat B meat C daily products D wool10.Under the Whitlam government“god save the queen”was replaced by _as Australian national anthem.A waltzing matlda B click goes the shearsC advance Australia fair D my country,6 A The sydney morning herald悉尼先驱晨报为澳大利亚最古老的报纸

6、,为澳大利亚2大全国性的日报之一,澳大利亚发行量最大的日报是Sun News Pictorial太阳新闻画报。,1.The Western Plateau covers almost _ of third B.two thirds C.a half D.three fourths,4.The Commonwealth of Australia was established in_.A.1847 B.1885 C.1900 D.19015.Australia and New Zealand were first discovered by the_ explor

7、er Abel Tasman in 1642.A.French B.Dutch C.English D.Spanish,6._ claimed that Australia and New Zealand belonged to Britain in 1770.A.Abel Tasman B.Christopher ColumbusC.James Cook D.Amerigo Vespucci,7.What does Australia mean according to the origin of the country?A.Land leading to Antarctic.B.Land

8、leading to Arctic.C.Land leading to tough land.D.Land leading to Austria.8._ the capital of New South Wales,is the oldest and largest city in Australia.A.Melbourne B.Sydney C.Darwin D.Canberra,9.,10.Of the following,_ is Not among the three major Australian parties.The Labor Party B.The National Par

9、ty C.The Liberal Party D.The Australian Democrats,6.C詹姆斯库克船长1770年宣称占领澳大利亚和新西兰。Abel Tasman发现)澳大利亚和新西兰。Christopher Columbus发现了中美洲的圣萨尔瓦多岛意大利航海家Amerigo Vespucci 1499年到达美洲,他认为哥伦布到达的这新大陆并不是亚洲,声称发现了一个新世界,以后美洲大陆就是用他的各命名的。7A。澳大利亚一词,意即“南方大陆”,欧洲人在17世纪初发现这块大陆时,误以为这是一块直通南极(Antarctic)的陆地,故取名“澳大利亚”,Australia即由拉丁文t

10、erra australis(南方的土地)变化而来。,1.The capital of New Zealand is_.A.Auckland B.Christchurch C.Dunedin D.Wellington2.The largest city in New Zealand is_.A.Auckland B.Christchurch C.Dunedin D.Wellington3._ is often referred to as“the third island”of New Zealand.Polynesia B.The North Island C.The South Islan

11、d D.The Steward Island4.New Zealand is a popular tourist attraction because of its_.Long history B.dramatic and varied landscapeC.Special culture D.easy entry into the country5.The climate in New Zealand is _.A.Subtropical B.arctic C.temperate D.tropical,6.During World War II,New Zealand strengthene

12、d its relationship with_.A.Britain B the USA C.Australia D.France7.The are the indigenous people of New Zealand,and have a rich and v,led culture.A.Maori B.CherokeeC.People from India D.People from Southeast Asia8.The“jet boat”was developed in _ of New Zealand and is used for work and pleasure throu

13、ghout the world.Auckland B.WellingtonC.Christchurch D.Napier-Hastings9.New Zealand was granted internal self-government in _.1840 B.1852 C.1893 D.190710.The Cabinet is responsible to _ in New Zealand.Parliament B.the Prime Minister C.the British monarch D.the Governor General,Wellington是地球上最靠南的首都。Auckland是新西兰最大的城市。基督堂市Christchurch是新西兰南岛东岸港市。Dunedin是新西兰南岛东南岸港市。Cherokee切罗基族人是北美易洛魁人的一支,


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