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1、MBA核心词汇与短语1put up举起;修建;提供 张贴(告示) In Disneyland every year,some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused tosigns asking his“guests”not to step on them A)put down B)put out C)put up D)put 0ff 译文:迪斯尼乐园每年要补栽大约80万株花木,因为该乐园不愿意张贴要求“客人”不践踏花术的告示。 2keepoff远离,不接近If youthe bottle and cigarettes,you11

2、be much healthier A)take off B)keep off C)get off D)set off 译文:如果你远离烟酒,你就会健康得多。accept okseptvt接受,认可,承认,承兑(票据等)acceptanceokseptonsn接受,接纳,承认,(票据等的)承兑acceptable okseptobladj可接受的,合意的concept konseptn观念,概念deceivedisi:vV欺骗,蒙骗Some people are一into thinking that they like to store up energyA measured B coaxed

3、 C deceived D delivered译文:一些人被欺骗,误以为他们喜欢储存能量exceptThis computer is upto-date a few shortcomings here and thereA except B except for C except that D but译文:这台计算机是最新型的,只是有几处小缺陷。exceptionikseplenn例外,除外It is obvious that this new rule is applicable to everyone without .A)exception B)exclusionC)modificati

4、on D)substitution译文:显然,这条新规则毫无例外地适用于所有人.exceptionaliksepJeneladj例外的,异常的receivalrisi:vV收到,接待,遇到receiver收件人,电话听筒reception接收,接待(处),招待receipt收到,收据,收receivable应收的,可收的perceive察觉,领悟,感知 that he wasnt happy with the arrangements,I tried to book a different hotelA)Puzzling C)PerceivingB)Penetrating D)Preservi

5、ng译文:当察觉到他对安排不满意以后,我就给他订了另一家宾馆。3actually实际上act行动,干,起作用,表演,扮演做,做事n法令 (戏剧中的)一幕action行动,动作,作用active活跃的;积极的activity活动,行动,活跃research activities科研活动actor(男)演员actress女演员actual实际的,现实的,事实上的actuals现货 agent代理人,代理商agency代理处,机构interaction相互作用,相互影响These two chemicals with each other at a certain temperature to pr

6、oduce a substance which could cause an explosion Ainteract Battract Creact Dexpel 译文:在一定的温度下两种化学药品相互作用,产生一种可以引起爆炸的物质。 interact相互作用,相互影响 Researchers have discovered that with animals in an active way may lower a personS blood pressure A interacting B integratingC migrating D merging译文:研究人员发现以积极的方式和动物

7、互动能够降低人的血压。react反应,起作用,起反作用reaction反应,反作用(力)chain reaction连锁反应transact做交易,办理transaction交易He attends to the of important business himself A)transaction B)transitionC)transmission D)transformation译文:他自己处理重要的业务交易。4invent发明,创造,捏造adventure冒险,奇遇,惊险活动venture冒险,投机V.冒险,大胆convention公约,习俗,大会conventional常规的,习惯的

8、,传统的John doesnt believe in medicine;he has some remedies of his ownA)standard C)routineB)regular D)conventional译文:约翰不相信常规的药品,他有着自己的治疗方法。convenient便利的,方便的convenience便利,方便event 事件,事变,比赛项目 0n New Years EveNew York City holds an outdoor which attracts a crowd of a million or more people A)incident B)eve

9、nt C) case D) af-fair 译文:在新年除夕,纽约市举行一个由一卣多万人参加的户外体育活动。 eventually最后,终于invention发明,创造,发明物inventor发明者(家)inventory存货清单,商品清单avenue林荫道,大街revenue岁入,税收,效益,营业收入,收入总额 As is known to all,a country gets a(n) from taxes A income B revenue C fund D payment 译文:众所周知,国家从税收得到收入。Souvenir纪念品advance前进,推进,取得进展 n前进,进展,预付

10、款 He predicts that a combination of recent oil discoveries and the advance of new technology will lead to a decline in the price of crude oil译文:他预言最近新油田的发现与先进技术的结合将导致原油价格的下跌。advanced先进的,高级的in the advanced countries在发达国家 advantage优势,优点,好处,利益advantages and disadvantages优缺点 disadvantage不利地位(条件)interven

11、e干涉,干预,插入,介入intervention干涉The Japanese dollarbuying makes traders eager to let go of dollars in fear of another government intervention译文:日本政府购买美元的做法使得商人渴望放弃美元,因为他们担心政府会再次进行干涉。5ancient古代的,古老的aged年老的,陈年的ancestor祖先,祖宗old岁的,古老的,旧的elder年长的n长者,长辈senior年长的,资格老的junioradj年少的,等级低的n年少者,晚辈,下级inferior次的,低劣的,下级的

12、Their products are frequently overpriced and in quality A)influential B)inferior C)superior D)subordinate 译文:他们的产品总是标价高而质量差。superior优越的,优丁 的 This watch is to all the other watches on the marketAsuperior BadvantageousCsuper Dbeneficial译文:这种表要比市面上的其他表要好。 prior 在 之前,优先的 All the arrangements should be c

13、ompleted your departureA)prior to B)superior toC)contrary to D)parallel to译文:在你离开之前,务必做好一切安排。6connect连接,联系neck脖子,颈,颈壮物necklace项链bottleneck瓶颈,妨碍生产的卡脖子环节connection连接,联系,关系Scientists have discovered a close between smoking and several serious diseases.A action B connection C union D combination 译文:科学家们

14、已经发现吸烟和好几种疾病有着密切的联系。7honorn尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣vt尊敬,给以荣誉dishonor 拒付(支票、汇票、票据等) 8authority权利,权威auction拍卖author作者authorities当局 Slavery was abolished in Canada in l 833,and Canadian authorities encouraged the slaves,who escaped from America,to settle on its vast virgin land.译文:1833年加拿人的奴隶制度被废除,加拿大政府鼓励从美国逃过来的奴隶定

15、居在这片广阔的处女地上。 authorize批准9allow允许,承认low低的,浅的,消沉的,微弱的lower降低,减低adj较低的,下游的below在下面,adv在下10in common use在普遍使用11power能力,力量,动力,权力 Advertisers often aim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending A power B force C energy D ability 译文:广告商经常以年轻人为广告活动的对象,因为年轻人有相当可观的消费力。powerful强人的,有力的m

16、anpower人力,劳动力数量12throughout遍及,贯穿 A personS calorie requirements vary his lifeA)across B)throughout C)over D)within 译文:一个人的整个一生中对热量的需求都在变化。 MBA核心词汇与短语1write写,写字,写信,写作writer作家,作者writing 笔迹,写作writings 作品 2division分开,分配,部门,除法divide划分,分配,隔开dividend股利,股息,红利 exdividendn无股利,无股息individual个别的,独特的n个人,个体It is t

17、hrough learning that the individual acquires many habitual ways of reacting to situations译文:正是通过学习,个人才获得处理各种情况的习惯的做法。 individually个别地,单独地The machines in this workshop are not regulated but are jointly controlled by a central computer system Ainevitably B individually Cirrespectively Dirregularly 译文:

18、这个车问的机器不是单独控制的,而是通过计算机控制的。classify分类,把分等级class班级,种类,等级,阶级classroom教室classmate同班同学31abor劳动,劳力,劳方V劳动,苦干laboratorylab实验室,研究室elaborate精心制作的,详细阐述的collaborate合作,通敌Mary once with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.A)merged B)collaborated C)coincided D)constituted 译文:玛丽曾经与一位音乐家合作谱写过一首流行音乐。coll

19、aboration合作,通敌He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in with the Imperial Museum A)collection B)connection C)collaboration D)combination 译文:他赞赏地看着柯林斯与帝国博物馆合作出版的照片。 4.process过程,工序vt加工,处理They gave live broadcast while the performance was in process on the stage译文:在舞台演出的同时,他们进

20、行了实况转播。processor处理程序,信息处理机A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and edit your text more easily.译文:文字处理器比打字机好,冈为在文字处理器上人们更容易录入和编辑文本。access进入,享用机会,通道,接近For professional athletes, to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books.A)acce

21、ss B)attachment C)appeal D)approach 译文:对于专业运动员,参加奥林匹克运动会就意味着他们有机会载入历史史册。 excess过度,剩于,无节制,超过,超额excessive过多的,过分的Jane takes an interest in clothes and is very particular about what she wearsAexhaustive BexcellingCexecutive Dexcessive 译文:Jane对服装过于感兴趣而且对穿着非常挑剔。recession不景气,经济衰退It is hard to tell whether

22、we are going to have a boom in the economy or a A)concession B)recession C)submission D)transmission 译文:我们的经济究竟会繁荣或萧条还很难说。 success成功,成就One reason for the successes of Asian immigrants in the USis that they have taken great pains to educate their children译文:美国的亚洲移民成功的原因之一是他们花费了大量的心血教育孩子。 successful成功

23、的,有成就的Although the new library service has been very successful,its future is by no means certain译文:虽然新图书馆的服务已经很成功了,但是其前景一点也不确定。 successive接连的,连续的succession接续,继任successor接班人,继承人succeed成功,继承The essence of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe译文:科学态度的

24、本质是人类思维能认识宇宙。inherit继承predecessor前辈,前任,(被取代的)原有事物 His use of color,light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his as he developed his own techniqueA)descendants B)predecessors C)successors D)ancestors 译文:在发展自己的技巧时,他的用色、用光以及形式处理很快就脱离了前辈的传统风格。exceed超过,胜过When supply exceeds demand f

25、or any product,prices are liable to fall译文:任何一种产品的供给超过需求的时候,价格就可能下降。proceed继续进行The work was almost complete when we received orders to no further with itA)progress C)march B)proceed D)promote 译文:那项工作几乎快要完成了,可就在那时我们接到命令说我们不要再继续进行了。procedure程序,手续,过程A complete investigation into the causes of the accid

26、ent should lead to improved standards and should result in new operating procedures译文:对于这次事故起因调查将会导致标准的提高和新生产工艺的使用。5operation操作,运转,手术One of his eyes was injured in an accident,but after a delicate operation,he quickly recovered his sight 译文:他的一只眼睛一次事故中受了伤,但经过精细的手术后,他的视力很快恢复了。opera歌剧operate操作,开动,实行,动

27、手术 operator 操作人员,电话接线员cooperate合作,协作,相配合cooperative合作的,协作的n合作社cooperation合作,协作6factory工厂fact事实,真相You havent heard all the facts SO dont jump to conclusions译文:你并未听到所有的事实,因此不要匆匆做出结论。factor因素,要素facility灵巧,熟练,容易facilitate(不以人作主语的)使容易,使便利 The automatic doors in supermarkets the entry and exit of customer

28、s with shopping cartsA) furnish B)induce C) facilitate D)allocate 译文:超市的自动门便于使用购物车的顾客出入。facilities设备,设施,便利Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will benefit from the new training facilities译文:不仅职业运动员,而且业余运动员也会得益于这些新的训练设备。affect影响,使感动Critics believe that the control of television by mass a

29、dvertising has the quality of the programsA)affected C)lessened B)effected D)declined 译文:批评者们认为人量告对电视的控制影响了电视节目的质量。affection爱,感情defect缺点,缺陷,欠缺7in this way用这种方法sideways向旁边(的),侧身subway地铁always总是,永远,始终via经,通过trivial琐细的,价值不高的,微不足道的A most argument about who should go and fetch the bread from the kitchen

30、was going on when I came inA)trivial B)delicate C)minor D)miniature 译文:当我进去时,正进行着一场谁该去厨房拿面包的小小的争论。voyage航行,航海They have got everything ready to make a across the AtlanticA)trip B)travel C)voyage D)journey 译文:他们万事齐备,即将进行横跨火西洋的旅行。convey运送,传达It is very difficult to the exact meaning of an idiom in a for

31、eign language.A)transfer B)exchangeC)convey D)convert译文:准确无误地表达外语中的成语(惯用语)的含义是非常困难的。conveyance(不动产等的)转让,让与,转让证书previous先,前,先前In previous times, then fresh meat was in short supply, pigeons were kept by many households as a source of food.译文:从前,当鲜肉供应不足的时候,许多人家养鸽子作为肉食的来源。previously先前,以前deviate偏离(常规,惯例

32、等)Each workday, the workers followed the same schedules and rarely from this routine.A)deviated B)disconnectedC)detached D)distorted译文:每个工作日,工人们都按照同样的程序工作,很少违背这条惯例。8.perhaps 或许,可能,多半happen发生,碰巧happy幸福的,快乐的happiness幸福,幸运9.doubt怀疑,疑问,不相信double双倍的,双重的,双人的V.加倍,翻一番doubtful怀疑的,可疑的,难料的dozen一打,十二个dialogue对话

33、,对白diameter直径dialect方言,土语10.account叙述,说明,账目,帐户VI 说明 ,解释(原因等)Id his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loanA)take into account B)account for C)makeup for D)make out 译文:我会考虑他与社区其他农场主和1商人交往的声誉,然后再决定是否同意给他贷款。 cou

34、nt数,计算,值得考虑n计算,合计You could always him to settle an argument,no matter what was being discussedA)believe in B)call on C)trust in D)count on 译文:无论讨论什么问题,你总是可以依赖他来解决争论。 counter柜台,计数器counterpart副本,极相似的人或物,配对物counterfoil(支票、邮局汇款单、收据等的)存根,票根accounting会计,会计学,借贷对照表discount(卖方给买方的)折扣,折价,贴现encounter遇上,遭遇到12ad

35、d增加,添加,计算总vi加,加起米,增添additional附加的,追加的,另外的edit编辑,校订A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and your text more easily.A)register B)edit C)propose D)discharge 译文:文字处理器比打字机好,因为在文字处理器上人们更容易录入和编辑文本。edition版,版次,版本editor编辑,编者editorial社论13enable使 能够,使 可以able能够的,有能力的,

36、能干的ability能力,才能inability无能(力),无能为力unable不能的,不会的,无能的MBA核心词汇与短语1unite联合,团结,结合unit单位,单元,部件unity联合,统一,一致 It is our consistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means译文:通过和平方式完成统一是我们一贯的政策。union会,联合,团结When workers are organized in trade unions,employers find it hard to lay them off.译文:当一人以工会的方式组织起来时,雇主会发现很难将工人解雇。 unique独特的,独一无二的uniform一致的,一律的n制服,军服universe宇宙,万物u


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