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1、第一讲Unit 1 Whats your favourite season?一、单词回顾:多彩的_ 选择;宁愿要_ 冬天_ 也_秋天_ 滑雪_ 种植;植物_ 野营_去野营_二、重点短语: go skiing 去滑雪 plant flowers 种花 play outdoor 在户外玩 look at 看 in the tree 在树上 really love 确实喜欢like swimming 喜欢游泳 go skiing 去滑雪 make a snowman 堆雪人fly a kite 放风筝 三、重点句型: 1. -Whats your favourite season? -My favo

2、urite season is summer. 2. What season do you like best? -I like spring best.四、重点分析:1. in the tree 和 on the tree 都可以表示“在树上”;in the tree表示外来的东西在树上;on the tree表示树本身的东西。 the birds _ the tree the fruit _ the tree the flowers _ the tree the cat _ the tree2. the best time for swimming = the best time to s

3、wim 注意for 后面的动词要用ing形式,to 后面要用动词原形。 When is the best time for visiting Beijng / to visit Beijing ?3. prefer表示对比,意思是“更喜欢;更愿意,宁愿;更倾向于.” I dont want to go out. I prefer to stay at home.4. either 用于否定句中,表示“也”,相当于肯定句或疑问句中的“too”。 My father loves hot food. My mother enjoys hot food too. My father cant driv

4、e. My mother cant drive either.【随堂练习】一、用所给的单词填空。 go skiing go swimming plant flowers fly a kite1. We can _ in winter.2. We can _ in summer.3. We can _ in spring.4. We can _ in autumn.二、根据中文意思,把下列句子补充完整。1. She likes _ (去野营)in summer.2. They always _ (在户外玩耍)at the weekend.3. Its hot is summer. I _ (更喜

5、欢)spring.4. My _ (最喜欢的水果)is grapes.5. Look at the _ (五颜六色的花). Do you like them?三、把与图对应句子的编号写在括号内。1. I often go swimming in summer.2. We can see many beautiful flowers in spring.3. Autumn is the best season to travel.4. The people usually sit by the fire in the evening of winter.模块练习一、读下面单词,找出发音不同的一项

6、。( ) 1. A. doctor B. summer C. farmer D. what( ) 2. A. China B. apple C. again D. cinema( ) 3. A. jacket B. reporter C. before D. like( ) 4. A. photo B. to C. tomato D. mango( ) 5. A. rabbit B. animal C. like D. it二、单项选择。( ) 1. I_likesummer.Itsveryhot.A. / B. do C. dont( ) 2. There is a cat _ the tr

7、ee. Can you see it? A. in B. on C. between( ) 3. Summer is best for _.A. swim B. swimming C. swims( ) 4. My favourite subject is _. A. spring B. April C. Chinese( ) 5. -_seasondoyoulikebest?-Spring.A. WhichB. WhatC. Why( ) 6. I dont like rainy days. I dont like hot days _. A. too B. both C. either(

8、) 7. When the weather is _, we can fly a kite. A. cloudy B. snowy C. windy( ) 8. -_ he like skating? -Yes, he does. A. Does B.Is C. Can( ) 9. How many _ are there in a year? A. month B. seasons C. day( ) 10. He likes _ flowers in spring. A. plants B. planting C. plant三、选择合适的答句。1.Whatsyourfavouritese

9、ason,Jack? A.Four.2.Whatstheweatherlikeinsummer? B.BecauseIcanflykites.3.WhichseasondoesSarahlikebest? C.Itsusuallysunnyandhot.4.Whydoyoulikespring? D.Fallismyfavourite.5.Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear? E.Shelikeswinter.四、阅读下面对话,完成表格。Goat:Whatsyourfavouriteseason,MrBear?Bear:Winter.Goat:Whydoyoulikew




13、er.()3.MissBirdlikesspringbestbecauseshecansleepalongtime.()4.MrPigsfavouriteseasonisfall.()5.MrSnakeandMissBirdlikewinterbestbecausetheycanskate.六、根据所给的单词,仿照例子写句子。1. spring, warm, shirt, plant trees例:My favourite season is spring. Its warm. I like wearing a red shirt. It is best time for planting t

14、rees in spring.2. summer, hot and sunny, T-shirt, swim and go camping_3. autumn, cool and windy, blouse, play outdoors and fly a kite_4. winter, cold and snowy, sweater, make a snowman_第二讲Unit 2 Its the middle of winter【Do you remember?】一、月份month一月_; _ 二月_; _ 三月_; _四月_; _ 五月_; _ 六月_; _七月_; _ 八月_; _

15、九月_; _十月_; _ 十一月_; _ 十二月_; _二、星期week星期一_; _ 星期二_; _ 星期三_; _ 星期四_; _ 星期五_; _ 星期六 _; _星期天_; _一、单词回顾:中间的_ 同班同学_ 澳大利亚_回答_ 中国_ 如果_ 太.以致于_二、重点短语:visit me 拜访我 summer holiday 暑假 middle of winter 冬季的中期in Australia 在澳大利亚 from December to February 从十二月到二月too cold to swim 太冷而不能游泳三、重点句型:1. He is visiting me for

16、the summer holiday.2. When it is summer in Australia, it is winter in China.3. It is too cold to swim now.四、重点分析:1. He is visiting me for the summer holiday. for 表示目的,如: Where are you going for the summer holiday? Shed coming back to the farm for the weekend. Peter came back to his parents for money

17、.2. it 可以用来表示时间、时令季节、天气、日期等,无实义,如: Its seven oclock. Its Christmas next Friday. Its March 15th, Sunday. Its so cold outside.3. What be like 是什么样的,如: A:What is your school like? B:Its not very big, but very beautiful. It has lots of terrs.4. too to 太而不能,如: She is too shy to say anything. Its too late

18、 to say sorry.【随堂练习】一、根据中文,写出下列的短语。1. 寒假_ 2. 夏季的中期_ 3. 从三月到五月_4. 种树_ 5. 在澳大利亚_ 4. 太冷了游不了泳_二、按照要求写出相对应的单词。(每类至少写四个)1. 季节:_2. 星期:_3. 天气:_4. 活动名称:_5. 月份:_三、看图回答问题。1. Which season is it? _2. When is this season in your city? _3. Whats the weather like in the picture? _4. What are the children doing? _5.

19、 Do you like this season? Why? _模块练习一、找出发音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. father B. computer C. either D. hear( ) 2. A. begin B. white C. is D. ship( ) 3. A. open B. egg C. often D. kitchen( ) 4. A. umbrella B. ago C. at D. banana( ) 5. A. out B. doctor C. visitor D. actor二、单项选择。( ) 1. A:Whatstheweatherliketoday?B:

20、Its_.A. cloud B. clouds C. cloudy D. acloud( ) 2. The weather is so hot. I cant _ why he doesnt open the window. A. prefer B. visit C. know D. understand( ) 3. I want to travel in Australia _ ten days. A. for B. in C. with D. on( ) 4. She doesnt like _ chess with her friends.A. plays B. play C. play

21、ing D. played( ) 5. _ it is day time in Guangzhou, it is night in London. A. Then B. When C. What D. If ( ) 6. I cant ski. My friend Jim cant ski _. A. too B. either C. again D. together( ) 7. The park is _ the city. A. at the middle of B. in the middle of C. at the middle at D. in the middle to( )

22、8. August is in _ in Guangzhou. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter( ) 9. _ the weather like today? A. What B. How C. Whats D. Hows( ) 10. -_theweather today? -Itsrainy.A、WhatsB、WhereC、Whose D、How( ) 11. Its cold and snowy in winter and it is best time to _.A. fly kites B. flying kites C. make a

23、 snowman D. making a snowman( ) 12. In China, _ is from June to August.A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter() 13. Winter is _ cold for me.A. to B. too C. two D. at( ) 14. Its _ in summer.A. rainy and warm B. sunny and hot C. windy and cool D. snowy and cool( ) 15. Summer comes before_.A. spring.

24、B. fall C. winter D. autumn三、用所给的词填空,可重复使用。 in for at from to like of 1. I want to visit my uncle in Britain _ the winter holiday.2. Autumn is the best time _ fishing.3. We usually go to visit my grandparents in Britain _ spring.4. There is a boy _ the apple tree. He is picking our apples!5. Those f

25、lowers are beautiful. I want to buy some _ for my mum. She loves flowers.6. My cousin is _ Australia. He is having the summer holidayin Beijng.7. The weather is too cold _ play outside.8. What Australia _ ? Is it very large country _ China?9. Look _ the colourful birds _ the tree. I hope I can have

26、one _ them.10. A: Hows the weather _ your country now? B: Its the rainy season. It rains every day.四、根据实际情况回答问题。1. Whats your favourite season?_2. How many seasons are there in a year? _3. How many days are there in June? _4. What do you usually do in spring? _5. Does your father like summer best? _

27、五、帮助Jack完成这封信。make,flowers,kites,eat,fall,sweet,rainy,pick,lake,snowsDear Mike,ImhappyyouarecomingtoChinanextyear.NowletmetellyousomethingsaboutthesaesonsinHangzhou.Springisaniceseason.Itsoften_andwarm.Wecanseebeautiful_ andgreentreesneartheWestLake.Andwecanfly_,too.Insummer,itsalwayssunnyandhot.But


29、comehere.YoursJack六、阅读,判断。Busy bear and Lazy Bear are good friends. They play in the garden. Its spring. Theyre very happy. “I like spring.” Says the Busy Bear. “why do you like spring?” asks Lazy Bear. “Because I can plant apple trees.” Says Busy Bear.Summer comes. Busy Bear waters his apple trees.

30、 Lazy Bear swims in the lake.Its fall. Busy Bear eats many apples and put some apples in his house. But Lazy Bear fly kites and climb mountains. “My favourite season is fall.” says Lazy Bear. “why do you like fall best?” asks Busy Bear. “Because its cool and windy. I can fly kites and climb mountain

31、s.”Winter comes. Busy Bear goes to sleep. But Lazy Bear wakes up. He is very hungry. He has nothing to eat.1. Lazy Bear plays all the season. ( )2. Busy Bear likes play in the garden. ( )3. Busy Bear picks many apples from his apple trees. ( )4. Lazy Bear sleep a long time in winter. ( )5. Busy Bear

32、 have a good sleep in winter. ( )七、写作:用五句话叙述你喜欢的季节,写一写这个季节的天气和你喜欢的活动,以及你喜欢这个季节的原因。_第三讲Unit 3 We are going to have an English test一、单词回顾:考试_ 日期_ 打算;将_ 忘记_ 月_重要的_ 博物馆_ 会议_ 开放日_ 农场_ 第三_ 第五_ 第八_ 第九_二、重点短语:see a film 看电影 for the party 为一个聚会 on June 11th 在6月11日an English test 一次英语考试 visit a farm 参观农场 visi

33、t the museum 参加博物馆 the school open day 学校开放日anything else important 其他重要的事情 have a sport meeting 开校运会三、重点句型:1. -Whats the date today? -It is June 1st.2. We are going to see a film tomorrow evening.3. Mikes birthday party is on June 11th.4. -Is there anything else important this month? - Yes, there i

34、s.四、重点分析:1. 日期和星期的文法: -Whats the date today? 今天几号? -It is June 1st. -Whats the day today? 今天星期几? -It is Monday.2. 日期的读法: 读法1:月份+the+序数词,如7月2日读作July the second 读法2:the+序数词+of+月份,如7月2 日读作the second of July3. 日期的写法:月份+日期序数词,如October 2nd, 或简写为Oct. 2nd.4. We all going to his home for a party tomorrow. For表示目的,如: Everyone will come home for the Spring Festival. The little baby walked to his mum for water.5. 形容词修饰anything, something, nothing等不定代词时要后置,如: I learn something


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