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1、上海交通大学附属中学2010-2011学年度第一学期高一英语期终试卷(满分100分,100分钟完成,答案一律写在答题卡、答题纸上)命题:王玮 审核:韩立新第I卷 I. Listening Comprehension (24%)Section A (10%) Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The co

2、nversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a concert.B. At a restaurant.C. At an art museum.D. At a flow

3、er shop.2.A. Her old classmate.B. Her husband.C. Her private doctor.D. Her sons teacher.3. A. $10. B. $8. C. $18. D. $12.4.A. Brother and sister.B. Doctor and patient.C. Teacher and student.D. Interviewer and interviewee.5. A. She is afraid of getting fat. B. She enjoys ice-cream. C. She is much too

4、 thin. D. She doesnt care for ice-cream.6.A. A pair of trousers.B. A suit.C. A coat.D. A blouse.7. A. The woman should have complained to her neighbor.B. The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet.C. The woman should have stayed at the library.D. The lab will be a better place.8.A. The

5、man couldnt wait to see Susan.B. Susan is eager to pass the information she knows.C. Susan talks to people only on the phone.D. The man always knows the latest news in town.9. A. She doesnt mind it as the road conditions are good.B. She is tired of driving in heavy traffic.C. She is unhappy to have

6、to drive such a long way every day.D. She enjoys it because shes good at driving. 10. A. It was hard to get rid of the salesman.B. The products that the salesman was selling were not good.C. The salesman kept making stops on the way.D. It was a waste of time to talk about the products.Section B (6%)

7、Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your paper and decide which one would be

8、the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Mr and Mrs Hamptons master. B. Mr and Mrs Hamptons son.C. Mr and Mrs Hamptons student. D. Mr and Mrs Hamptons dog.12. A. At most three meals.B. Four meals.C. At least three or four meals.

9、D. At least five meals.13. A. In September. B. In October. C. In July.D. In June.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following speech.14.A. Use library facilities.B. Library regulations.C. Library personnel.D. Location of the library.15.A. Book publishers.B. Librarians.C. Returning faculty memb

10、ers.D. New university students.16.A. 1,000,000 volumes(卷,册).B. Over 1,000,000 volumes. C. 1,000 volumes.D. Over 110,000 volumes.Section C (8%)Directions: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to

11、fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation. Book a plane ticketName: Tom WardDestination: MadridAirlines: China 17 AirlinesFlight: No. 18 .Class: 19 classDeparture time: 9:00 a.

12、m.Date: 20 16thAirport: Shanghai Pudong International AirportComplete the form. Write ONE WORD for each answer.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.How many clubs are around the hotel the man is staying?21 .What will the man do this evening?He will go to 22 .When do they open

13、?They open 23 in the evening.What is the woman giving to the man?She is giving the man 24 .Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.II. Grammar and Vocabulary (25%)Section A (16%) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D

14、. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.25. The palace has held a strange fascination her ever since.A. forB. withC. toD. in26. Come and visit our school at the end of this year, by which time I my academic thesis.A. I will finishB. had finishedC. have finishedD. will have finished2

15、7. other professionals, surgeons, a special kind of doctors, work long hours with patience and team spirit, thus deserving our respect.A. As; likeB. Like; such asC. Such as; likeD. Like; as28. we visited the Palace Museum, we were amazed at the collection of treasures.A. The first timeB. For the fir

16、st timeC. At firstD. At the first time29. Chaplin, for life had once been very hard, directed a film about life in an American factory.A. whoseB. whomC. himD. which30. Once again, the island came to life as tourists visited Cousteau called, “one of the greatest diving destinations in the world.”A. w

17、hereB. the place whereC. whatD. that31. Everything seemed to go smoothly suddenly all the radio signals from the plane disappeared.A. whileB. asC. whenD. for32. Is this sports ground you held the latest sports meet?A. in whereB. one whereC. the placeD. where33. The city of Loulan in Xinjiang is not

18、at all a traveler who has never seen the desert before can expect.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where34. One such piece of history is the medieval castle, that houses two museums now.A. /B. which isC. it isD. one35. Most people going online now use an instant messenger, for example, the MSN messenger. An

19、d, is the case with regular face-to-face talk, there are some basic rules one should follow.A. whichB. asC. thatD. what36. What we badly need here the qualified teachers who once been in America to be engaged in their academic research for a couple of years.A. is; haveB. are; haveC. is; hasD. are; h

20、as37. that his enthusiasm for Chinese culture was further developed.A. Only after he had visited ChinaB. Only if he had visited ChinaC. It was only after he had visited ChinaD. Not until he had visited China38. Hardly him when he said he was in trouble.A. anybody believedB. had anybody believedC. di

21、d anybody believeD. believed anybody39. Could it have been on her birthday her parents gave her this DV as a present?A. sinceB. thatC. whenD. before40. Im afraid your suggestions cant help the service of their shop.A. improvingB. but improveC. improveD. for improvingSection B (9%)Directions: Complet

22、e the passage by choosing the proper words in the box.Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. goal B. challenge C. continual D. retired E. requirementsAB. vary AC. question AD. valued AE. deal BC. experienceCollege sports, especially football and basketball

23、, are a big industry. Nationally rated teams and television broadcast rights can be worth millions of dollars.This could be seen as a good 41 all around. Colleges invest in their players and, in return, the schools earn money and attention. The athletes often get a free education. And they gain 42 t

24、hat might lead to a chance to play professionally.But critics 43 the morality of a situation where college athletes may seem 44 more as athletes than as college students. Praise is heard for recent improvements in graduation rates. Yet critics say that some players who finish college never really le

25、arn anything except their sport.Getting back to the question of how much college athletes study, a better answer would be: it all depends. The expectations and pressures on athletes 45 from school to school and sport to sport.The National Collegiate Athletic Association governs college sports in the

26、 United States. For the past few years, this organization has been increasing 46 for student athletes. College athletes are required to make 47 progress toward earning their degree. Yet finishing college is not always a 48 for students who are good enough to play professionally.Fans of American foot

27、ball may remember the 49 New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath. Last weekend, he graduated from the University of Alabama. He left that school forty-two years ago to play for the Jets. Now he is sixty-four, but he went back - in part, he says, because he had promised his mother to finish his educatio

28、n.III. Reading Comprehension (36%)Section A (15%)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(A)Once while being prepared for a television interview, I was chatting wit

29、h the host about stay-at-home fathers. I made the 50 that one reason were seeing more stay-at-home dads may be that its no longer a known fact that a man makes more money than his wife. Many families now take earning 51 into account when deciding which parent will stay home. At that point, one of th

30、e male crew members 52 , almost to himself but loud enough for my benefits, It should be the better parent who stays at home. A lot of guys say things like that.I was a stay-at-home father for eight years, so what he said made me 53 . It implied that our familys choice could only have been correct 5

31、4 I was a better parent than my wife. I think men shoot themselves in the foot with this kind of thinking. I suppose an argument could have been made that when I began staying home my wife was the better parent: she had spent more time with our son, could read him better and calm him more quickly. A

32、nd given a 55 , hed have picked her 56 me. But as she was the more employable one, my wife went out to work and I looked after our son. Know what? I 57 . Because of the increased time I spent with him, I soon knew him well, understood what he needed and could look after him more or less as my wife c

33、ould. 58 , the experience helped me unlock one of the worlds great 59 : Women are good at looking after the children because they do it. Its not because of any born female gift or a mothers instinctwhich I think is mostly 60 anyway. Its because they 61 the time and attention 62 to become good at the

34、 job. Women obviously get a biological head start from giving birth and nursing, but over the long term experience 63 more. When I got the experience myself, I was good, too. As good? I dont know. Who cares? Children are not made of glass. Other people are 64 looking after them besides Mom.50. A. de

35、cisionB. contributionC. pointD. mistake51. A. stylesB. powerC. habitsD. ideas52. A. decidedB. agreedC. commentedD. guessed53. A. angryB. sadC. worriedD. excited54. A. ifB. unlessC. whileD. after55. A. suggestionB. liftC. choiceD. substitute56. A. out ofB. withC. fromD. over57. A. gave upB. caught up

36、C. made upD. lined up58. A. GenerallyB. ActuallyC. UnluckilyD. Hopefully59. A. challengesB. puzzlesC. secretsD. suggestions60. A. changedB. bornC. bredD. learned61. A. put offB. put upC. put inD. put on62. A. paidB. caughtC. exposedD. required63. A. reliesB. countsC. decidesD. sounds64. A. appointed

37、 toB. capable ofC. criticized forD. relied onSection B (16%)Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information g

38、iven in the passage you have just read.(A)Below is a housing guide for students going to London.University accommodation (住所) officesMany university accommodation offices have their own list of registered landlords. Others also provide information on accommodation agencies and other housing organiza

39、tion. The advantage of using your university accommodation is that you can get support if you have a problem. The disadvantage is that they are unlikely to have enough registered landlords to houses all their students. Property papers: Loot and RentingLoot is an important source of information about

40、 private housing for co-renters. The offers are from private landlords, agencies and individuals looking for other co-renters. They also have a website: . The advantage of using Loot is that there are some excellent bargains. The disadvantage is that there is no quality control over the offers. Rent

41、ing is another useful paper. The offers in this paper are mainly from accommodation agencies. Their website is at www.renting.co.uk.Accommodation agenciesThe majority of rented accommodation in London is probably advertised through accommodation agencies. The advantage of using accommodation agencie

42、s is that you will have access to a large number of accommodations. A good agent will listen to your requirements and can save you time in looking for the right accommodation. The disadvantage is that they will make a range of charges to potential renters. Notice boardsAround the universities you wi

43、ll find a number of noticeboards where offers of accommodation will be posted. These will either be from landlords or from students. Some universities will also have online notice boards where students can advertise to other students. Advertisements from students can be an excellent way to find acco

44、mmodation. However, advertisements from landlords can be problematic.Word of mouthSome of the best housing in London is never advertised but is passed on from one group of students to another by word of mouth. It might be that you can find out about good offers from final year students. However, don

45、t suppose that just because you have found out about housing from a friend it is necessarily going to be better than that found through any other source. Family Faced with the very high rents charged in London, some students and their parents will consider buying as an alternative. In some cases thi

46、s might be a good choice. 65. What is the advantage of using Loot? A. It has more offers from accommodation agencies than Renting. B. It gives you personal information about other co-renters. C. Their website is designed mainly for students. D. There are some good bargains. 66. A good agent can help you .A. know more people B. find cheap


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