上海市黄浦区六级(五四学制)上学期期末考试英语试题 .doc

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1、2014学年第一学期期末考试试卷六年级 英语学科(满分100分,考试时间90分钟)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力 共25分)I Listening comprehension (听力理解) A Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(5分) A B C D E F 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_B Listen and choose the right response to hat you hear (根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的应答) (5分)6 A Yes, I illB Yes, I mustC

2、No, I ont D Thats OK7 A No, not at all B Really?C You are elcome D Thank you8 A Yes I like pork B No I dont likeC Pork D Yes, I do9 A Every day B By busC Yes, I do D No, I dont 10 A Right B Yes, e doC Thats all right D Good ideaC Listen to the dialogue and choose the best anser to the question you h

3、ear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出正确的答案) (5分)11 A 7:50B 8:00C 8:10D 8:3012A In the labB In the classroomC At the airportD In the teachers office13A To visit their grandmaCTo play ith their grandma B To go to the cinemaDTo play video games14A By bikeB By busC On footDBy underground15A BeefB BreadC TomatoesD Orange

4、juiceD Listen to the passage and tell hether the folloing statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (5分)16 Fred often buys some fish for his ifes friends17 Fred usually has dinner at home18 Fred usually has fish for dinner19 The cat eighs three pounds20 The cat eats the

5、fishE Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (听短文,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(5分)21. Mary and her friends are planning hat to do for the _ holiday22. Marys plan for the holiday is to stay ith her _ in another city23. Mary ould like to take _ computer courses during the eekdays24. Alice ants to _ in the se

6、a and see the beauty of the sea25. Sandra plans to ork in a fast-food shop and she likes listening to other people _Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 语音,词汇和语法 共45分)II Find the ord hich is different from the other three according to the underlined sounds (找出每组划线部分发音与其他三个不同的单词) (5分)26 A b

7、ook B school C good D foot27 A children B family C like D minute28 A bread B teacher C tea D meat29 A money B mother C other D only30 A uncle B fun C put D butIII Choose the best anser (选择最恰当的答案) (15分)31 Every student takes part in _ activity after school A a B an C the D/32 Jack is talking _ his mo

8、ther about his favourite food and drinks A at B in C for D ith33 There are still_ in the kitchen A five piece of breads B some breads C a bread D to pieces of bread34 Dont _Chinese in an English class A speak B say C talk D tell35 Bill has to sisters _ names are Mary and ChrisA They B Their C Them D

9、 Theirs 36 Tom is my uncles son He is my _A brother B sisterC aunt D cousin37 “Jack, _ late for school next time” said the teacher, “ A lazy bird has nothing to eat” A not to be B dont beC not be D be not38 When _ you _home every day?A dogo to B arego C dogo D arego to39 -What is your aunt? - She is

10、 _ A very ell B 25 C Chinese D a teacher40 What _ you like for lunch, bread or hamburger? A may B are C can D ould41There isnt any milk left I ant to buy _ bottles of milk from the supermarket A a little B a fe C much D any42 We _ take books out of the reading room We _ only read it here A can; must

11、 B must; can C mustnt; can D cant; mustnt43 Who_? Theres too much noise I can not read my books any moreA does sing B is sing C ill sing D is singing44 - Shall e buy some beef and chicken ings for the party? - _ A Thats right B Thats a good idea C No, you mustnt D Good luck45 - Im sorry for being la

12、te -_A All right B Youre right C Thats all right D Thats right Caution You can choose only one of the to sets(注意:以下两组选一组答题,请不要跨组答题)Set A (供学习牛津教材学生做)IV Choose the proper ords given in the blanks (选择括号所给单词填空) (5分)46 Thanks for your _ (invite, invitation), but I am afraid I cant attend your birthday p

13、arty47 Eating too much meat is bad for our _ (health, healthy)48 Please ait just a moment Your _ (bake, baked) potato ill be ready soon49 They are talking about the air _ (pollute, pollution) in Shanghai50 The food here is _ (taste, tasty) and e like it very muchV Complete the folloing sentences acc

14、ording to the context The first letter has been given (根据上下文完成下列句子,首字母已给。)(5分)51 Jane can make d_ dinner and she can do the houseork ell52 Mum ill go to the f_ food section to buy some ice cream53 We usually have dinner at this Chinese r_54 We should p_ enough food for the party no Lets go to the su

15、permarket to buy some55 Jim is fat and he does no e_VI Fill in the blanks ith the ords and phrases in the box (用方框内所给单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。注意有一个多余选项)(5分)A salty B plenty of C drinkD healthy E spicy F breakfastEveryone has his on eating habit A good eating habit can keep one _56_ Lucy is my good

16、friend She has three meals every day She alays has bread, a cup of milk and an egg for _57_ She eats a lot of vegetables and _58_ fruit She thinks fruit is seet She also enjoys having some fish soup and chicken soup before each meal She doesnt like _59_ food She thinks too much salt is not healthy S

17、he eats very little rice or noodles in the evening because she ants to keep fit Lucy doesnt like cold or _60_ food They are bad for her teeth and stomach She has a good eating habitVII Rerite the folloing sentences as required (按要求改写下列句子)(10分)61 He has already bought many oranges(改为一般疑问句)_ he bought

18、 many oranges _ ?62 Many students have classes at eekends (改为否定句) Many students _ _ classes at eekends 63 Id like to be a doctor because I ant to make sick people better (对划线部分提问) _ _ you like to be a doctor?64 I leave home at 7:30 every day I get to school at 7:45(保持原句意思) It _ _ fifteen minutes to

19、get to school every day 65 Toms diet is healthy Jacks diet is not very healthy(保持原句意思) Jacks diet is _ _ than Toms dietSet B (供学习新世纪教材学生做)IV Choose the proper ords given in the blanks (选择括号所给单词填空) (5分)46 Its only ten _ (minutes, minutes) alk from the school to the park47 He runs _ (quick, quickly) t

20、o the playground after school48 Sam likes eating _ (potatos, potatoes) very much 49 Eating too much meat is bad for our _ (health, healthy)50 Mike is _ (interest, interested) in sports, but not good at his studiesV Complete the folloing sentences according to the context The first letter has been gi

21、ven (根据上下文完成下列句子,首字母已给。)(5分)51 Shanghai is a large and m_ city in China52 We must keep q_ in the reading room53 I think that Kathys salad tastes t_ No one likes it54 I ant to send him an e-mail Please give me his e-mail a_ 55 You neednt r_ the book to the library this eek You can keep it for to eeks

22、VI Fill in the blanks ith the ords and phrases in the box (用方框内所给单词或词组填入空格,每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。注意有一个多余选项)(5分)A best B interest C have a good timeD at eekends E favourite F helps her mother ithKitty studies at Star Moon School She alays does her homeork but she never plays football Kate is Kittys _56_ fr

23、iend She is a good girl and she alays _57_ the houseork after school Sometimes she goes to the cinema ith Kitty Joe is Kittys deskmate He is much more active than Kitty His _58_ sport is football He plays football ith some other boys in his class They alays _59_ He has a dog named Ruby He usually al

24、ks in the park ith Ruby _60_VII Rerite the folloing sentences as required (按要求改写下列句子)(10分)61 Mike has to leave here no (改一般疑问句) _ Mike _ to leave here no?62 Lisa orks for London Language School (改为否定句) Lisa _ _ for London Language School 63 They have morning reading for tenty minutes before class (对

25、划线部分提问)_ _ do they have morning reading before class?64 Andy ants to be a doctor (保持原句意思)Andy _ _ to be a doctor65 You mustnt be late for the meeting tomorro(保持原句意思) Please come to the meeting _ _ tomorroPart 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分 读写 共30分)VIII Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(A)Dear Mother,Im ritin

26、g from our hotel at Sludge BeachSam and I are on vacation ith the children for a fe daysWere happy to be here,but to tell the truth,ere having a fe problems The eather isnt very goodIn fact its cold and cloudyRight no Im looking out of the indo, and its raining cats and dogs The children arent very

27、happyIn fact theyre dull and theyre having a bad timeRight no theyre sitting on the bed playing tic-tac-toe and atching TV The cafeterias(餐厅) here are expensive,and the food isnt very good In fact,Sam is at a clinic right noHes having problems ith his stomach(胃) All the other hotels here are beautif

28、ul and neOur hotel is ugly, and its very, very oldIn fact right no a repair person is fixing the bathroom sink(水槽) So,Mother, ere having a fe problems here at Sludge Beach,but ere happyWere happy to be on vacation,and ere happy to be together See you soon Love Laura(根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不

29、符合的用“F”表示)(5分)66 This is a letter to Lauras mother 67 Theres something rong ith Sams stomach, so no he is at the hotel68 Lauras hotel is beautiful and ne69 The children are having a onderful time hen they are atching TV70 Though there are a fe problems, they are still very happy to be on vacation(B)

30、 Of all the students of Grade Four, Bill is the tallest Hes thirteen, and of course, hes the oldest, too But hes the orst student He cant anser the easiest questions in class And he never passes the examBut the boy is the strongest in his school Even the boys in higher grades are afraid of him So ev

31、ery day he leaves home ith an empty bag When he gets to school, his bag ill be full of fruit and cakes Sometimes he brings some home His mother, Mrs King , is alays happy hen she sees them She praises(赞扬) her son, for she can save some moneyThis morning, Mrs King ent shopping in the market She sa an

32、 old man selling eggs there She chose tenty-four but paid only for tenty The old man as too busy to count them She ent home quickly and told her husband as soon as he came back for lunch“Ho clever you are!” Mr King said happily And Bill as busy eating the eggs, so he didnt say a ord“Whats your favor

33、ite food, dear?” asked Mr King“Eggs, of course”“Well, then, ” said the man, “can you tell us hat can lay eggs”The boy thought for a hile and said, “Hens, ducks, geeseandMum!” “Oh? But hy?”“I often hear my classmate call me Bad Egg ”Choose the best anser(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(5分)71 Bill never passes the e

34、xams because_ A hes the tallest of the children B hes thirteen years old C he doesnt ork hard at his lessons D he is not the orst in the school72 Why ill Bills bag be full of fruit and cakes hen he goes to school? A He buys them on his ay to school B He makes his classmates give them to him C He fin

35、ds them in the shops D His parents buy them for him73 _, so Mrs King is happy A Bill often comes home early B The children are afraid of Bill C Bill is stronger and older than any other child D Bill often brings some food home ithout paying any money74 Bill didnt say a ord at table because_ A He as

36、thinking of a problem B He had to go to school on time C He as afraid of his father D He anted to eat more eggs75 Which of the folloing is true? A Mrs King can lay eggs B Bills classmates think Bill is very bad C Bill ished his mother could lay eggs D Bill likes his nickname very much(C)Read the pas

37、sage and fill in the blanks ith proper ords(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(5分) American schools begin in September after a long s _76_ holiday There are to terms in a school year; the f_77_ term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June Most American children begin t

38、o go to school hen they are five years old Most children are seventeen or eighteen years old hen they f _78_ high school High school students take only five or six subjects each term They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homeork for every class After class, they do a lot of i_79

39、_ thingsAfter high school, many students go to colleges They usually have to pay a lot of money So many college students ork after class to get m _80_ for their studies(D)Every day some people are killed (杀死) hile they are crossing the roadsMost ofthese people are old and childrenOld people are ofte

40、n killed because they cant see or hear very ellChildren are killed because they are not careful They forget to look and listen before they cross the roads A car or a bus cant stop quicklyIf a car is going very fast,it ill travel many meters before it stopsSome people dont alays understand thisThey t

41、hink a car can stop in a fe metersIt is difficult to kno ho fast a car is movingThe only ay to cross the roads safely is to look both ays,right and leftThen if the roads are empty,you can cross themAnser the questions (按短文内容,回答问题)(5分)81 Why are old people often killed hile they are crossing the roads? _82 Do people think a car can stop in a fe meters?_, _


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