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1、江苏省泰兴市洋思中学2015届九年级英语第二次模拟考试试题(考试时间:120分钟 满分: 120分) 考生注意:1. 本试卷分第卷选择题和第卷非选择题。 2. 考生答题前,必须将自己的姓名、学号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圆珠笔填写在答题卡和答题纸的相应位置,再用2B铅笔将考试号、科目填涂在答题卡上的相应的小框内。 第一部分(选择题60分)一、单项选题 (共15小题;每小题l分,计15分)1. The Underground Line No. 3 has been in service for about a month.How exciting _ news is!A. aB. anC. 不填D. t

2、he2. Eat less and exercise more,otherwise you11 get out of _ Aorder Bweight Cshape Dbalance3. - Do you prefer tea _ orange juice? - Yes. I would rather drink tea _ nothing in it. A. or, with B. or, orC. to, withoutD. to, with4. Recycling is one way to protect the environment,reusing is _ Aanother Bt

3、he other Cother Dothers5. What are you going to do tonight? _. If I am free, I may go to the cinema with my mother. A. It dependsB. Forget itC. It doesnt matterD. Dont mention it6. The movie Wolf Totem is popular with _ the old _ the young. Its so wonderful.A. either, orB. neither, norC. not, butD.

4、not only, but7. We all know some of thepolicesduties aretokeeporderand_thelaw. A. take outB. find outC. come outD. carry out8. I have found the book about pop stars _ can be given to Jack as a birthday present. A. whom B. which C. what D. who 9. The teacher will feel _ if he _in class. A. very angry

5、, doesnt listenB. terribly angry, isnt listened C. very angry, isnt listened toD. much angrily, doesnt listen to 10. - Well study in different schools next term. Enjoy your time in your new school.- . A. The same to you. B. What a pity! C. Congratulations! D. III take your advice.11. - Youd better _

6、 some popcorn or soft drinks before the film begins. - But I think its better _ anything while watching the film. A. buy, not have B. to buy, not to have C. to buy, not have D. buy, not to have12. - Our father never watches drama series on TV, does he?- _ . But only a few short and exciting ones.A.

7、Yes B. No C. Always D. Never13. Most of the people in Nepal were rebuilding their homes _ another earthquake _ there on May 12. A. while, hitB. when, happenedC. as, was happenedD. while, took place 14. _ “One Belt and One Road” is to connect Asian, European and African countries _. A. Build, closely

8、B. To Build, closerC. Building, closelyD. Builds, closely15. Could you tell me _ there? A. when the first bus will arrive at B. when would the first bus arrive C. how soon the first bus arrived at . D. when the first bus arrives二、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题l分,计15分) On my first day of high school, I saw a boy fr

9、om my class walking back home after school. His name was David. He was _ 16_ his books. As I was walking, I saw a group of kids running towards him, knocking all his books _17_ his arms. And then they ran away. David fell down and his _18_ went flying. He looked up and I saw sadness in his eyes. I h

10、elped him to look for his glasses and said, The kids with bad manners should be punished(惩罚).There was a big smile that _19_ real gratitude(感激)on his face.From_20_ on, we became friends. The more I got to know David, the more I liked him. Over the _21_four years, we always studied and played togethe

11、r and had a happy time.On graduation day, I could see that he was nervous about his _22_. So I said, Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you _23_in those difficult years-our parents, our teachers, but _24_ our friends. Being a friend to someone is the best _25_ you can give them. ” I just

12、 looked at the handsome popular boy in amazement as he told the story of the first day we_26_.Everyone was _27_ to hear all about his hardest moment. I saw his parents looking at me and smiling. I didnt _28_ its deep meaning until that moment,.Never underestimate(低估)the power of your actions, With o

13、ne small action, you can _29_ a persons life. _30_ you know, Friends are angels(天使)to make us rise when our wings have problems flying.16. A. bringing B. carrying C. reading D. looking for17. A. out of B. from C. into D. onto18. A. knives B. toys C. pens D. glasses19. A. showed B. spoke C. told D. s

14、aid20. A. on B. back C. that D. then21. A. last B. past C. next D. through22. A. speech B. graduation C. difficulty D. story23. A. look B. succeed C. climb D. push24. A. not B. least C. mostly D. perhaps25. A. friend B. word C. teacher D. gift26. A. beat B. met C. played D. made27. A. hopeless B. pl

15、eased C. surprised D. sorry28. A. notice B. see C. appear D. realize29. A. change B. know C. find D. save30. A. Since B. Though C. As D. If三、阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,计30分)A Not only a popular singer was Yao Beina, but also she was an energetic and warm-hearted angel. She had her corneas(眼角膜) donated to two

16、 men who needed them, which helped them see the world clearly again. Yao was born in a music family on Sept. 26, 1981 in Wuhan. She started to learn the piano at the age of 4, and she sang her first song on the stage when she was 9 years old. Yao did quite well in singing, so she took part in the th

17、irteenth Youth Singing Competition and won the first prize.She became well-known to the public after making a series of songs for the hit TV drama “The Legend of Zhenhuan” in 2012, and the mandarin version(中文版本) of “Let It Go” from Disneys “Frozen”. In July 2013, she competed in The Voice of China I

18、I and finally got the second place in Na Yings team. She had won a lot of music awards before she was famous. Yao Beina was unfortunate to be diagnosed(诊断) with breast cancer(乳腺癌) and had a successful operation in 2011. Since then, she has fought against the disease for about four years while keepin

19、g singing, but sadly she failed. She originally thought of donating all of her organs(器官) to save others lives, but failed to do it because of her serious illness. Shes gone, even though she had never stopped struggling with cancer. Heaven just got another beautiful angel, with her beautiful voice a

20、nd kindness.31. Yao Beina had her _ donated to save others.A. two corneas B. all organs C. heart D. kidney32. Yao was born in a _ family on Sept. 26, 1981 in Wuhan. A. doctor B. farmer C. music D. worker33. How old was Yao Beina when she started to sing for people? A. Four. B. Nine. C. Thirteen. D.

21、Thirty. 34. Which is TRUE about Yao Beina according to the passage?A. She started to play the piano at the age of 5. B. She had great voice and won a lot of awards in music.C. She was a weak and selfish girl.D. She won over the breast cancer in the end.35. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Yao Beina

22、s family. B. Yao Beinas disease. C. Yao Beinas teacher. D. Yao Beinas art achievements. B Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports activities. Of course, there have always been people who have looked for adventure and those who have climbed unknown parts of the world

23、 or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who seek (寻找) a risky activity, which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.Bungee jumping is a good example of such an activity. You jump from a high place 200 meters above the ground with an elastic (有弹力的) r

24、ope tied to your feet. You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. It is reported that two million people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.Why do people take part in such activities like this? Some psychologists (心理学家) suggest that it is b

25、ecause life in modern societies has become safe and boring. In ancient times, people had to face danger and difficulties. They had to go out and hunt for food. Diseases could not easily be cured, and there was a continuous battle for survival (生存).Nowadays, according to many people, life offers litt

26、le excitement. They live and work in comparatively safe environments; they buy food in shops; there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill. It is necessary for some of these people to seek danger in activities such as bungee jumping.36. Why do people tie their feet with an e

27、lastic rope in bungee jumping?A. Because its more exciting. B. Because its interesting.C. Because it can protect people. D. Because its very high.37. How many people have tried bungee jumping? A. More than 150.B. About 200.C. Few people. D. 2,000,000.38. In Paragraph 2, what does the underlined sent

28、ence mean?A. Bungee jumping is a very popular activity. B. Bungee jumping is a dangerous activity that only lasts a few seconds.C. Bungee jumping is an activity that many people like very much. D. Bungee jumping is an activity that is similar to sailing.39. Which of the following is NOT true accordi

29、ng to the passage?A. People in ancient times could be looked after well. B. People in ancient times had to hunt for food.C. Today peoples life is safe. D. Some people think that life today is boring.40 What is the best topic (题目) of the passage?A. How to Keep Fit B. Sports and Health C. Sports Activ

30、ities in History D. Dangerous Sports ActivitiesCIn March 2014, Australia opened junior high education to Chinese students, allowing them to study in Australian schools from the seventh grade.“When more Chinese students are going to study abroad at a younger age, the opening of Australian junior high

31、 schools offers Chinese students and their parents one more good choice,” Tian Litie, director of the Australian Department of Chivast Education International, said at the China International Education Exhibition Tour over the weekend.Australia will see a rise in the number of Chinese junior and sen

32、ior high school students studying in the country. Tian showed the reasons for it: lower admission (入学许可) requirements and low-cost education because of a favorable exchange rate (费率). According to Tian, in public schools in Australia a student should pay A$13,000 to A$15,000 ($10,000 to $12,000) a y

33、ear.“Now the exchange rate of the Australian dollar to renminbi is below five, which means the cost is lower than that of Chinese students studying at junior and senior high schools in many other hot places, such as Britain and the US,” said Tian.Lin Lina from Beijing plans to send her daughter to a

34、 senior high school in Australia, was among them.“My daughter is good at English and would like to study abroad early,” said Lin, whose daughter is now a ninth-grader in Beijing. “We came for more information after we learned that the environment and education in Australia are good.”Eliza Chui, educ

35、ation officer for North Asia at the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai, said that Australia is attractive not only because it provides an environment for learning English, but also because students are trained to have critical (批判性的) thinking and be independent.41. According to Tian Litie, we

36、know that _.A. more and more Chinese students study abroad at a younger age B. more and more Australian universities are open to Chinese students C. Chinese students are only allowed to study in Australia from senior high school D. a student should pay A$10,000 to A$12,000 a year in public schools i

37、n Australia42. What does the word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Australia allows Chinese students to study in its schools. B. More and more Chinese students go abroad at a younger age.C. More Chinese junior and senior high school students will study in Australia. D. Australian schools offer Chinese s

38、tudents and their parents one more good choice.43. Lin Lina plans to send her daughter to Australia because _. A. her daughter has travelled to Australia before B. she cant afford to send her daughter to other countriesC. her daughter is an independent student with critical thinking D. she learned t

39、hat the environment and education in Australia are good44. According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?A. The cost of studying in American schools is lower than in Australia. B. The exchange rate of the Australian dollar is of advantage to Chinese students. C. Its more difficult for Chi

40、nese students to enter Australian junior high schools. D. Few students choose to study in Britain or the US because of too much money.45. What is the passage mainly about? A. You should think twice before you decide to go abroad. B. More and more Chinese students choose to study abroad.C. Australian

41、 schools will attract more and more Chinese students.D. Australian schools have much more advantages than other schools in the world.第二部分 非选择题(60分)四、阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)It is often said that the best time in the life of anyone is the time that he spends in school. And the best time of my life came

42、 to an end on the 5th of February ,which was my last day at school.Since it was the day to leave my friends, classmates and teachers, the farewell party(告别会)was heart-breaking. It was time to leave my dear school, where I had spent ten years of my life.The farewell party took place in the big hall.

43、This was the first time that I hadnt worn my school uniform in the past twelve years. Though sad, I felt great. In the beginning, there was the ceremony (仪式)of lighting the lamp (灯). It was lit by the headmaster of our school. This was followed by the students of the 12th class lighting their candle

44、s from the big lamp. Then came the students of the 11th class, hosting the party. It included delicious food and drinks. After the party, there was a program of entertainment. Some students sang songs and some danced.Along with the programs, some of the students collected autographs (签名) of their fa

45、vorite teachers.The headmaster and teachers gave speeches in English and Hindi(印度语). Finally, they all wished us great success, not only in the examination, but in life, too.Then we had our photograph taken together, this continued until it was time for the party to stop. And, by and by, all of us returned home with a sad heart and a lot of memories of our school years.根据短文内容回答问题 (每题不超过8个单词) 46. How long did the writer stay in this school?


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