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1、Unit 1Cultural relics课时作业(一)Warming Up & Reading.单词拼写1He is the only one of the family who _(幸存)the terrible earthquake.2Could you _(移开)your suitcase from the hall?3Her new house is being _(装饰)now.4He was asked to _(设计)evening dress for many movie stars.5Last week,I bought an ancient Chinese _(花瓶),t

2、he price of which was very reasonable.6As the saying goes,virtue is a _(珠宝)of great price.7The _(艺术家)of the cartoon tries to let us keep in mind that we must keep on going and never give up.8A _(群;组)of ten men were sent out to search for the missing child.9The young man _(挑选)a shirt to match his tro

3、users.10China,_(属于)to the thirdworld country,is developing rapidly.单句改错(每句只改一个词)1China is a developing country belonged to the third world._2She has an amazed talent for music._3The film is worthy seeing._4Hes given me so much help that I really want to do something for him in turn._5He prefers to l

4、ive in a room decorating with diamond lights._6Youd better have that bad tooth pull out._7His name was moved from the list._8There is no doubt whether the Internet is very useful for people._9The book designing to help children read turns out a success._10He moved to the United States in search for

5、a better life._.阅读理解A(2014新课标全国卷)Passenger pigeons(旅鸽)once flew over much of the United States in unbelievable numbers.Written accounts from the 18th and 19th centuries described flocks(群)so large that they darkened the sky for hours.It was calculated that when its population reached its highest poi

6、nt,there were more than 3 billion passenger pigeonsa number equal to 24 to 40 percent of the total bird population in the United States,making it perhaps the most abundant bird in the world.Even as late as 1870 when their numbers had already become smaller,a flock believed to be 1 mile wide and 320

7、miles (about 515 kilometers) long was seen near Cincinnati.Sadly,the abundance of passenger pigeons may have been their undoingWhere the birds were most abundant,people believed there was an everlasting supply and killed them by the thousands.Commercial hunters attracted them to small clearings with

8、 grain,waited until pigeons had settled to feed,then threw large nets over them,taking hundreds at a time.The birds were shipped to large cities and sold in restaurants.By the closing decades of the 19th century,the hardwood forests where passenger pigeons nested had been damaged by Americans need f

9、or wood,which scattered(驱散)the flocks and forced the birds to go farther north,where cold temperatures and spring storms contributed to their decline.Soon the great flocks were gone,never to be seen again.In 1897,the state of Michigan passed a law prohibiting the killing of passenger pigeons,but by

10、then,no sizable flocks had been seen in the state for 10 years.The last confirmed wild pigeon in the United States was shot by a boy in Pike County,Ohio,in 1900.For a time,a few birds survived under human care.The last of them,known affectionately as Martha,died at the Cincinnati Zoological Garden o

11、n September 1,1914.1In the 18th and early 19th centuries,passenger pigeons _Awere the biggest bird in the worldBlived mainly in the south of AmericaCdid great harm to the natural environmentDwere the largest bird population in the US2The underlined word “undoing” probably refers to the pigeons_Aesca

12、peBruinCliberation Devolution3What was the main reason for people to kill passenger pigeons?ATo seek pleasure. BTo save other birds.CTo make money. DTo protect crops.4What can we infer about the law passed in Michigan?AIt was ignored by the public.BIt was declared too late.CIt was unfair.DIt was str

13、ict.BThe Leshan Giant Buddha is a statue of Maitreya(弥勒大佛)in sitting posture.The Buddha is located in Sichuan Province,facing Min River,Qingyi River,and Dadu River.In December,1996,the Buddha was included by UNESCO on the list of the World Heritage(世界遗产录)The statue was begun in the year 713 in the T

14、ang Dynasty,and finished in the year 803.The Buddha is 71 meters high.The eightmeterlong instep(脚背)is big enough for one hundred people to sit on and the 28meterwide shoulder is large enough to be a basketball playground.A monk called Hai Tong is connected with the Buddha forever.At that time,wild w

15、aters brought out many boat accidents and people just put the disaster down to the presence of a water spirit.So Hai Tong decided to make a statue beside the river thinking that the Buddha would bring the water spirit under control.After 20 yearsbegging from door to door,he finally collected enough

16、money for the plan.When some local government officials tried to get this amount of money,Hai Tong said that they could get his eyeball but not the money raised for the Buddha.After he dug out his eyeball,these officials ran away scared.The project was half done when Hai Tong passed away,and two of

17、his disciples(门徒)continued the work.After a total of 90 yearshard work,the project was finally completed.Having such a long history,the Buddha was nearly destroyed by the wind and rain.The Chinese government began the repairing work in 1963 under the instruction of experts from UNESCO.5Whats the mai

18、n idea of this passage?ATo explain the Leshan Giant Buddha briefly.BTo tell us how the Leshan Giant Buddha was built.CTo say where the Leshan Giant Buddha is.DTo mention how the Leshan Giant Buddha came into the World Heritage.6How did Hai Tong get the money for the Buddha?ABy calling for donation.B

19、By working on the river.CBy asking the government.DBy selling his eyeball.7Hai Tong hoped to build the statue to _Amake his temple more famousBshow respect to the water spiritCprotect the safety of the local peopleDget more people to believe in Buddhism8In this passage,Hai Tong can be best described

20、 as _Agenerous BcruelCeasygoing Dlongsuffering.完成句子1我本可以遇见他,可惜我没去参加昨晚的聚会。(could have done)I _ him,but I didnt attend the party last night.2他们在森林里寻找那个失踪的小男孩。(search)They are _ the woods _ the missing boy.3感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?(return)Can I buy you lunch _ your help?4你认为他们之间的战争持续了多长时间?(at war)How long do yo

21、u think they _?5毫无疑问,阿凡达是一部很好的电影。(doubt)_ Avatar is a pretty good film.课时作业(二)Learning about Language.单词拼写1The _(当地的)economy is now in a mess.2It was the first time Jane and I had been _(分别)for more than a few days.3We advanced towards the _(城堡)4After retirement he took up _(绘画)5I paid a visit to my

22、 _(以前的)English teacher.语法填空阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Galileo Galilei was one of the worlds greatest scientists.He was born in 1564 in Pisa,Italy.His father made him study medicine.Later,however,Galileo became so 1._(interest)in mathematics and science 2._ he gave up medicine to study the f

23、ormer two.Later,Galileo carried out a famous experiment.From the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa,he dropped two different 3._(weigh)Before that,everyone 4._(believe)that heavy objects fell quickly and light ones fell 5._.The two weights that Galileo dropped reached the ground at the same time.He tr

24、ied the experiment again and again.Every time he got the same results.At last,he decided that he had found the truth about 6._(fall)objects.Galileo heard that someone in Holland had invented an instrument which made small objects seem 7._(big)He worked hard to develop this idea of the telescope.He c

25、ould then use 8._ telescope to study the stars.He found that the sun was the center of the solar system.He collected facts that proved the earth and all the other planets move 9._ the sun.Today we praise Galileo and call 10._ one of the founders of modern science.完形填空Do you know _1_ languages there

26、are in the world?There are about 1,500, but many of them are not very _2_.English is one of the most important languages because many people _3_it,not only in England and America,_4_in other countries of the world.About 200,000,000 speak it _5_their own language,and another 200,000,000 use it as _6_

27、language.It is _7_to say how many people are learning it._8_boys and girls in school are trying to do so.Many English children study French.French is also a very important language._9_children study German,Russian,Japanese and Chinese.Which is the best _10_to learn a language?We know that we all lea

28、rnt _11_language well when we were _12_If we learn a second language in the _13_ way,it wont seem so difficult.What does a small child do?It _14_ what people say,and it tries to guess what it hears.When it wants something,it has to _15_ it.It is using the language,_16_ in it and talking in it all th

29、e time.If people use a second language _17_,they will learn it _18_In school,you learn to read,to hear and to speak.It is best to learn all new words through the _19_You can read them,spell them and _20_ them.,1.A.how manyBwhat numberCa lot of Dso many2A.useful BnecessaryCimportant Dgood3A.like Buse

30、Clearn Dspeak4A.but BandCalso Dso5A.like BwithCfor Das6A.foreign Ba secondCthe second Da special7A.easy BagainCdifficult Dbest8A.Millions of BMillion ofCMillions DSeveral million9A.Some BOtherCAll DFew10A.time BwayCthing Dplace11A.a foreign Bour mothersCothers Dour own12A.born BchildrenCgrown Dboys1

31、3A.same BdifferentCuseful Dgood14A.does BsaysClistens to Dfollows15A.ask BwantCget Dask for16A.speaking BwritingCthinking Ddoing17A.some time BsometimesCall the time Dfor the time18A.quickly BsoonCfreely Deasily19A.mouth BhandsCears Dmind20A.speak BuseClove Dwrite.阅读理解The Palace Museum,known as the

32、Forbidden City,was the imperial(帝王的)palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.In the early 15th century,largesize construction caused 100,000 common people to lead a hard life.The construction took 14 years and was finished in 1420.In the following year,the capital of Ming Dynasty was moved from Nanjing

33、 to Beijing.Twentyfour emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled from the Forbidden City.The last dynasty fell in 1911,but Emperor Puyi still lived in the inner court.It was not until 1925 that the complex buildings were changed into a museum.Since then,the Palace has been opened to the public.T

34、he Palace Museum is rectangular(长方形的)in shape,about 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from west to east.There is a 10meterhigh wall,encircled by a 52meterwide moat(护城河)In the Ming Dynasty,the wood needed for the building was brought mostly from Sichuan Province and Hunan Provin

35、ce,while in the Qing Dynasty,it was cut from the northeast of China.Most of the stones were mined from the suburban(郊外的)district of Fangshan and other districts.Construction of the Forbidden City brought huge hardship to the laboring people.The Palace is the largest piece of ancient Chinese architec

36、ture(建筑)still standing.Some of the buildings were damaged by lightning and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.The palace has been expanded several times,but the original design was preserved.After liberation,some costly renovations(翻新)were done and the Palace Museum is listed as one of the impor

37、tant historical sites under special preservation by the Chinese government.1What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?AThe origin of the name “the Forbidden City”BThe Forbidden City and the emperors.CThe open to the public of the Forbidden City.DThe period of the construction of the Forbidden City.2The F

38、orbidden City is also called _Athe History MuseumBthe Peoples SiteCthe Palace Museum Dthe Summer Palace3What can we learn from Paragraph 2?AThe emperors cruelty brought the Forbidden City into the world.BThe processing of constructing the Forbidden City needed wood and stones from all over the count

39、ry.CThe Forbidden City is the largest piece of Chinese architecture still standing.DThe Forbidden City is about 720,000 square meters.4This passage most probably comes from a book on _Acustoms and habitsBdynasties and emperorsChistory and emperorsDarchitecture and history课时作业(三)Using Language.单词拼写1F

40、inally the broken ship _(沉没)to the bottom of the sea before help came.2When the first atomic bomb _(爆炸),the whole world was shocked.3Due to the lack of _(证据),the police had to release the three suspects.4Some of the words can be used in daily life _(非正式地)5After a long _(辩论),they finally reached an a

41、greement.阅读理解More than 10 million Chinese cultural relics have been lost overseas,most of which were stolen and illegally shipped out of China during the times of war before 1949.About 1.67 million pieces are housed in more than 200 museums in 47 countries,which accounts for 10 percent of all lost C

42、hinese cultural relics,and the rest are in the hands of private collectors.Most of these treasures are owned by museums or private collectors in the United States,Europe,Japan and Southeast Asian countries.There are more than 23,000 pieces in the British Museum,most of which were stolen or bought fo

43、r pennies more than 100 years ago.The major method to recover these national treasures was to buy them back.In some cases,private collectors donated the relics to the government.Also the government can turn to official channels(渠道)to demand the return of relics.In 2003,a priceless bronze pigs head dating from the Qing Dynasty was returned to its home in Beijing after it was removed by the AngloFrench Allied Army over 140 years ago.Macao e


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