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1、10.(2011浙江卷)完形填空 Although I love my life , it hasnt been a lot of fun as Ive been ill for 28 years. Music has always been a great love of mine and, in my 20s, when my_21_was move manageable, I 22 ten years as a professional singer in restaurant, playing and singing folk songs. 23 that was years ago

2、and times have changed. _24_ I live with my mother on a country farm. Two years ago, I decided that I would need to love some kind of extra work to _25_ my disability pension (残疾抚恤金). _26_ I needed to sleep in afternoons. I was limited in my _27_I decided that I would consider 28 to singing in resta

3、urants. My family are all musicians, so I was _29 when I went into our local music store .I explained that I waned to sing again but using recorded karaoke music. I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didnt have a lot of _30 to get started, And 31 you find only three to four songs out o

4、f ten on a disc that you can _32_ use.When I told the owner of the shop about my 33 , he gave me a long, thoughtful _34_. “This means a lot to you , doesnt it ?be said . “Come with me.”He led me 35 the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it.He placed his large hand 3

5、6 on his treasure and said. “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your 37 and Ill record them for you .That should get you started.”I 38 . Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose 39 that I could sing . I have come full circle with his help.His 40 still wa

6、rms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra, which I have the chance.21. A. loneliness B. sadness C. tiredness D. sickness22. A. set B. enjoyed C. kept D. shared23. A. Gladly B. Eventually C. Unfortunately D. Surprisingly24. A. Now B. Then C. Some time D. Meanwhile25. A. add up to B. make up fo

7、r C. get rid of D. take advantage of26. A. If B. As C. Though D. Before27. A. movement B. condition C. choices D. positions28. A. reaching out B. living up C. getting on D. going back29. A. recognized B. interviewed C. found D. invited 30. A. money B. time C. energy D. knowledge31. A. thus B. ones C

8、. seldom D. often32. A. actually B. hardly C. nearly D. formerly33. A. job B. family C. idea D. offer34. A. face B. view C. look D. sight35. A. over B. along C. towards D. through36. A. Unhappily B. lovingly C. pitifully D. gratefully37. A. pick B. turn C. role D. step38. A. had to cry B. ought to c

9、ry C. should have cried D. could have cried 39. A. more B. the ones C. few D. the rest40. A. courage B. devotion C. kindness D. trust【点评】2011年高考英语浙江卷完形填空部分原文节选于读者文摘(Readers Digest)澳大利亚版,考题略有删节,并替换掉原文中超过高考范围的词汇,采取同义词替换的手段使原文表述通畅。所选文章延续历年出题模式,以记叙文为题材,选取作者在生命中不平凡的阶段受到陌生人帮助的事实,歌颂和赞扬人间真情和助人的美德。【解析】21题,属于

10、上文提示法,首句中出现ill,此选项应是ill的同义表达,故选D. sickness。22题,属于上文提示法,上句出现病情可以manageable,所以作者应该是享受那段过去的美好时光,故选B. enjoyed。此选项在2009年全国一卷完形填空部分第41题出现过,且也为正确选项。23题,属于下文解释法,下文出现发生改变,结合首句作者生病,可推出作者表达的是不幸的情绪,故选C. unfortunately。此选项为高考完形填空中的的高频选项。24题,属于转折对比法,上文出现years ago和changed,因此推出此题应回归现实,故选A. now。此选项在2009年浙江卷完形填空部分第37题

11、出现过,且也为正确选项。25题,属于固定搭配法,add up to总计,make up for弥补,补偿,get rid of处理,摆脱,take advantage of利用,此题应选B. make up for。此选项考生不应陌生,2009年浙江卷完形填空部分第21题D选项曾出现过此词,可见背历年考题中的选项部分的重要性。26题,属于逻辑关系法,此法多用于句子与句子之间,解决连词的问题。此题因为作者下午需要睡觉,所以受到限制。故选B. As。27题,属于上文解释法,第三段首句提到作者打算做某事,但由于病情,下午需要睡觉,所以选择受限,故选C. choices。28题,属于前后照应法,上文提

12、到过几年之前唱歌的事实,此处再次出现要去唱歌,故选D. going back。29题,属于中文代入法,全家都是音乐家,所以走进音像店会被认出,故选A. recognized。30题,属于A and B法,这是并列结构,要求前后词性与词义要相似,几乎在每年的高考完形中都会考查这个知识点。本题and之前说东西很贵,之后理应推出没有足够的钱,故选A. money。31题,属于反义多一对,即四个选项中有一组反义词,答案多在这组反义词中出现。此题C和D构成反义结构,根据文章信息,故选D. often。32题,属于中文代入法,实际上一张光盘里的十首歌也只有三/四首可以用,故选A. actually。33题

13、,属于上文提示法,上文中作者有提到过想再次唱歌的这个想法,故选C. idea。34题,属于同义辨析法,此考查点多在四级考试完形填空部分中出现,在2008年高考英语浙江卷第26题也曾考查过,当年的难度系数约为0.32。此题中的B. view强调的是眺望风景,C. look强调看的眼神,D. sight强调视力,本文店主深深地看了作者,属于眼神之间的交流,故选C. look。35题,属于固定搭配法,店主带领作者穿过拥挤的店铺,从空间穿过,故选D. through。36题,属于感情色彩法,此法多用于解决形容词或副词。下文出现treasure,因此可以推出店主对自己的宝物爱不释手,心爱地触摸,故选B.

14、 lovingly。37题,属于固定搭配法,take your pick,美国俚语,随你挑选的意思,故选A. pick。38题,属于语法识别法,近几年高考完形填空部分逐步淡化语法点考查,一般只会涉及一道。C. should have cried, 本应该做的事情而没有做,放在原文中过于牵强,而本题是作者受到店主的感激,非常感动,本可以哭但没有哭,故选D. could have cried。39题,属于寻找重复法,31题与32题之前曾出现only three to four songs .can use,对应. could sing,故选B. the ones。40题,属于主旨概况法,即所选选项

15、要与原文中心相一致。本文详细描述店主对作者的帮助,店主的善举感动作者,故选C. kindness。11.(2011湖南卷)Section B(18marks)People in communities have slowly been pushed apart through the years, mostly because people simply arent taking the time to say a simple “ hello. ” After considering this phenomenon, I decided I was going to 36 the way I

16、 was doing things.My 37 came one morning when I was in the community library. I passed by a girl who 38 her books out of her locker. Thinking like most that someone else would help her pick them up, I continued my way. However, when I had to 39 because I stupidly forgot my book, I noticed she had ju

17、st finished packing them up by herself. No one had stopped to 40 her. “OK,” I thought to myself, “this is where I should have changed.”My best opportunity came a few days later when I saw a man 41 by himself waiting for the library to open, so I sat down next to him and began a 42 . It was difficult

18、 to get started, and even when I had to say goodbye, almost every 43 from my new friend had a tone (语气) of doubt in it. And who could blame him?People arent used to making an 44 chat with a stranger. But a change, no matter how 45 it is needed, doesnt just happen. It takes people like us to make it

19、possible. I 46 you to take a small step out of your comfort zone and try to make someones day a little brighter. Together, we can really make society come 47 as a whole.36. A. change B. explain C. learn D. show37. A. trouble B. doubt C. wish D. opportunity38. A. took B. dropped C. got D. pulled 39.

20、A. come out B. stand by C. go back D. turn up40. A. please B. greet C. help D. praise41. A. sitting B. walking C. riding D. running42. A. discussion B. lesson C. report D. conversation43. A. joke B. response C. cry D. story44. A. unchangeable B. unprepared C. unforgettable D. unfinished45. A. desper

21、ately B. frequently C. simply D. widely46. A. allow B. warm C. order D. advise47. A. later B. straighter C. closer D. slower【文章大意】本文是记叙文。作者通过记叙自己在社区图书馆的经历,劝告人们通过尝试与陌生人交流来增进彼此之间的关系。36. 答案C。考察动词。根据文意,作者在思考了社区内人与人之间距离逐渐疏远这一现象后,决定改变之前的行为。值得注意的是,后文即对作者的行为进行描述,会发现第三段的最后一次即为change,符合前后对应原则。37. 答案D。考察名词。一天早

22、上,当我在社区图书馆的时候,我的.出现了。38. 答案B。考察动词。对应后文pick up,可知小女孩之前是将图书掉落,选dropped。39. 答案C。考察短语。作者后来发现没人帮助小女孩,说明作者必定重新返回原来的地方。40.答案C。考察动词。前文someone else和后文的no one对应,所以动作也应该对应,所以选help。41.答案A。考察动词。后文so是解题点,说明作者的动作与男人的动作一致,故选sitting。42.答案D。考察名词。第44题后面一个词chat即为本题答案,因此选chat的同义词conversion。43.答案B。考察名词。文章说我的新朋友的每个中都显示出怀疑


24、需要的迫切程度。46.答案D。考察动词。最后一段作者针对与陌生人疏远这种情况,建议人们努力改善。47.答案C。对应第一段的apart,此处应选择相对应的反义词,closer。12.(2011安徽卷) 完形填空When I begin planning to more to Auckland to study .my mother was worried about and cultural differences, Ignoring these 36 I got there in July 2010. 37 arrived , I realized the importance of gett

25、ing a job 38 my living experience.Determined to do this 39 , I spent several weeks going door-to-door for a job, but found 40 response(回应) One afternoon. I walked into a building to ask 41 there were any job opportunities(机会),The people there advised me not to continue my job search in that 42 . As

26、I was about to 43. a man who bad been listening approached me and asked me to wait outside 44.Nearly ten minutes later, he 45, He asked me about my plans and encouraged me to stay 46. Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to 47 a job. I was a little surprised. but had a 48 feeling about him. Along

27、 the way ,I realized that I had 49 resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man 50 at his business partners office to make me fifteen 51 copies. He also gave me some 52 on dressing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very 53. The following day, I received a 54 from a store in Royal Oak

28、offering me a job. It seems that the world always 55 to you when you need it .And this time, it was a complete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.36. A. doubts B. concerns C. instructions D. reasons37. A. Even if B. Every time C. Now that D. Soon after38. A. of B. at C. for D. with39. A.

29、on my own B. on my way C. by any chance D. by the day40. A. any B. much C. some D. little41. A. why B. wherever C. whether D. whenever42. A. director B. attitude C. language D. manner43. A. answer B. work C. leave D. refuse44. A. for ever B. at any time C. as usual D. for a while 45. A. returned B.

30、hesitated C. passed D. regretted46. A. silent B. busy C. positive D. comfortable47. A. pick out B. search for C. take on D. give up48. A. dull B. good C. guilty D. general49. A. made use of B. taken care of C. run out of D. become tired of50. A. stopped B. knocked C. glanced D. appeared 51. A. right

31、 B. more C. former D. different52. A. pressures B. agreements C. impressions D. suggestions53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. satisfied54. A. call B. tip C. present D. report55. A. turns off B. goes over C. gives back D. looks up完形填空文章的内容与寻找工作有关,这也是与实事相结合的,描述我们身边的事,考生较容易理解。文章以第一人称的方式进行叙述,首句依然

32、是没有挖空的句子,便于考生从中提炼出有效信息。并且从首句中,我们可以知道我和母亲刚搬了家,遇到一些困难。按照记叙文先抑后扬的原则,后文必然会提到如何摆脱困境,最终获得成功。只要考生了解记叙文这一特点,就能很好把握整篇文章的整天脉络。总体来说,这篇完形填空的知识点和选项分布均较为合理,难度属中等偏下。【文章大意】作者由于去国外学习,人地生疏,求职困难,生活无着,但在好心人的帮助下,顺利地找到了一份工作,于是感到了人间的真爱,生活的美好。36. A. doubts B. concerns C. instructions D. reasons【解析】选B。上文提到尽管作者的妈妈担心a lack of

33、 jobs and cultural differences,作者也没有顾忌这些concerns (忧虑,担心),而是于2010年7月到了Auckland。A项为“怀疑”;C项为“指示,说明”;D项为“原因”。37. A. Even if B. Every time C. Now that D. Soon after【解析】选D。作者到了Auckland后不久(soon after),就意识到了找工作的重要性。A项为“即使”;B项为“每当,每次”;C项为“既然,由于”。38. A. of B. at C. for D. with【解析】选C。作者意识到的是找工作以求生计。此处用介词for表示目

34、的。39. A. on my own B. on my way C. by any chance D. by the day【解析】选A。作者决心“独自”(on my own)去找工作,于是花了几周的时间挨家挨户地去找。B项为“在路途上,行动中,前进中”;C项为“万一;也许,可能”;D项为“按日,按日计算”。40. A. any B. much C. some D. little【解析】选D。尽管作者挨家挨户地去找工作,但是回复的“不多”,故选择little。此项的关键是转折连词 but。41. A. why B. wherever C. whether D. whenever【解析】选C。一

35、天,作者走进一座大楼去问“是否”(whether)有自己能做的工作。A项为“为什么”;B项为“无论在那”;D项为“无论何时”。42. A. direction B. attitude C. language D. manner【解析】选D。那里的人建议我不要再以这种“方式” (manner)找工作。A项为“方向”;B项为“态度”;C项为“语言”。43. A. answer B. work C. leave D. refuse【解析】选C。此处寻找工作未果,作者正要“离开”(leave)。A项为“回答”;B项为“工作”;D项为“拒绝”。44. A. for ever B. at any time

36、 C. as usual D. for a while 【解析】选D。那里有一个人一直在听我说话,这时他走到我跟前,要我在外面等“一会”(for a while)。A项为“永远”;B项为“在任何时候”;C项为“像往常一样,照例”。45. A. returned B. hesitated C. passed D. regretted【解析】选A。大约十分钟后,他“回来”(return)了。B项为“犹豫”;C项为“过去,通过”;D项为“后悔”。46. A. silent B. busy C. positive D. comfortable【解析】选C。他问了问我的打算,鼓励我要振作起来,不要灰心。

37、A项为“沉默不语的”;B项为“忙绿的”;C项为“积极乐观的,有信心的”;D项为“舒适的,舒服的”。47. A. pick out B. search for C. take on D. give up【解析】选B。然后他主动提出带我去Royal Oak“寻找”(search for)份工作。A项为“挑选出”;C项为“承担;接纳;雇佣”;D项为“放弃”。48. A. dull B. good C. guilty D. general【解析】选B。作者对他的主动帮助感到有点惊奇,但是对他充满了“好感” (good feeling)。A项为“阴暗的,无趣的”;C项为“内疚的”;D项为“一般的,普通的

38、”。49. A. made use of B. taken care of C. run out of D. become tired of【解析】选C。在路上,我意识到简历“用完”(run out of)了。A项为“使用,利用”;B项为“照顾,照管”;D项为“对感到厌烦”。此处注意A项和C项:A项强调使用的过程,而C项强调使用的结果,即“用完,用光”,亦即已经没有了。50. A. stopped B. knocked C. glanced D. appeared 【解析】选A。明白了这个问题,他在他生意伙伴的办公室“停”(stop)了下来。B 项为“敲打,敲击”;C项为“扫视,匆匆一撇”;D

39、项为“出现,露面”。51. A. right B. more C. former D. different【解析】选B。他给我“又”印了15分简历。此处数字后用more表示“再,又”。52. A. pressures B. agreements C. impressions D. suggestions【解析】选D。他又针对我的穿衣和说话提了些“建议”(suggestion)。A项为“压力”;B项为“协议,契约”;C项为“印象”;53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. satisfied【解析】选D。我分发完简历回到家感到非常“满意”(satisfi

40、ed)。A项为“寂寞的,孤独的”;B项为“滑稽的,可笑的”;C项为“失望的,沮丧的”。54. A. call B. tip C. present D. report【解析】选A。第二天,我收到Royal Oak这个地方的一家商店打来的“电话”(call),提供给我一份工作。B项为“小费”;C项为“礼物”;D项为“报告”。55. A. turns off B. goes over C. gives back D. looks up 【解析】选C。当你需要这个世界时,世界似乎总会对你有所“回报”(gives back,归还)。A项为“关闭”;B项为“转变;检查”;D项为“仰望;尊敬;拜访”。13.

41、(2011山东卷)完形填空 I first went to hear a live rock concert when I was eight years old. My brother and his friends were all _36_ of a heavy metal group called Black Wednesday. When they _37_ that Black Wednesday were going to perform at our local theatre, they all bought _38_ for performance. However, at

42、 the last minute, once of the friends couldnt go, so my brother _39_ me the ticket. I was really _40_! I remember the buzz (嘈杂声) of excitement inside the theatre as we all found our _41_. After a few minutes, the lights went down and everybody became _42_. I could barely make out the stage in the _43_. We waited. Then there was a roar from the crowd, like an explosion, as


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