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1、疑问1:能否转变“哑巴英语”现状?Question 1: Will the reform change the current situation of “Mute English”?南宁市三中英语老师谭慧表示:“英语考试社会化,不是以后英语就不学了,而是学的方式会有所改变,不单是坐在教室里听老师讲课,学生更多的是可以参与到社会机构的学习实践中来。”她预计,今后外语学习会更注重口语、阅读能力的培养,毕竟学了外语就要在日常生活中应用,这也是与国际接轨的需要。Tan Hui, an English teacher from Nanning No.3 high school, said:” Soci

2、alization of English exams doesnt mean that there is no need for students to learn English any more. It means the methods of learning English need to be changed. Students should seize any possible opportunity to take part in the real practices of the social institutions rather than just listening to

3、 the teachers in the classroom.” She predicted that English learning would pay more attention to foster students capability on speaking and reading. After all, the purpose of learning English is to use it in the daily life. At the same time, this reform also meets the needs of International standard

4、s.疑问2:一年多考是减负还是增负?Question 2: Will the reform alleviate or increase the burdens of students for attending the English exam more than once?广西高中课改组专家成员兰瑛认为,一年多考,学生不再挤独木桥,可以走多座桥了。这样,老师的压力没那么大,学生可多次选择,考试的心理压力小了许多。Lan Ying, a specialist of curriculum innovation group from Guangxi High School, said:” Beca

5、use students can attend the English exam more than once, they have more opportunities. And on this occasion, not only the students but also the teachers pressure will be reduced.”上海建平中学英语教研组长徐子祥则有不同看法:“一旦学校推迟学英语、减少英语课时、降低英语教学要求,家长就会送学生参加校外辅导机构。如今的英语类培训,一年培训费动辄一两万元很普遍,还需家长专门接送,这不仅增加了孩子校外学习负担,还增加了家庭人力

6、和经济开销成本。”Xu Zixiang, the leader of the English teaching group from Shanghai Jianping Middle school, held different opinions. He said:” Once the schools decide to put off students time to learn English, to reduce English classes hours and to lower the demands of English teaching, then parents will ch

7、oose to send their children to take part in the tutorial classes after school. Nowadays, the expense of the tutorial classes is quite expensive. Ten thousand or twenty thousand yuan per year of the tutorials is normal. Besides, some children need their parents to pick them up. It not only increases

8、the studying burden of children, but also increases the costs of manpower and economical expenses.”疑问3:是否会削弱英语的地位?Question 3: Will the reform weaken the status of English?北京市教育委员会公布中高考改革方案,规定从2016年起,高考语文由150分增至180分,高考英语由150分减为100分;中考英语总分由120分减至100分。The College Entrance Examination reform plan releas

9、ed by Beijing Municipal Commission of Education announces that since 2016, the score of Chinese will increase from 150 points to 180 points; however, the score of English will decrease from 150 points to 100points in the College Entrance Examination. And meanwhile, the score of English will decrease

10、 from 120 points to 100 points in the Senior High School Entrance Examination.北京市民张先生认为,许多国家重视母语远胜于重视外语,北京的这次改革,强调了语文的重要性,弱化了英语的重要性,有利于学生学好语文。Mr. Zhang, a Beijings resident, thinks that plenty countries pay more attention to the mother language than the foreign languages. This reform plan in Beijing

11、 emphasizes the importance of Chinese and weakens the importance of English, so it is beneficial for students to learn Chinese well.疑问4:一线外语教师会否被分流或者下岗?Question 4: Will the front-line English teachers be shunted or be laid off?北京一所示范性高中英语教师王丽称,校内很多一线英语教师对高考改革“人心惶惶”。“这意味着学校用不了这么多英语老师了,有些老师尤其年轻教师可能会转到

12、非教学岗位,收入锐减。”王丽说。Wang Li, an English teacher from one model high school in Beijing, expressed that when facing the reform, many front-line English teachers felt jittery. She said:” This reform means that there is no need of so many English teachers any more, especially for some young English teachers

13、. Young English teachers may be forced to change to other types of jobs which have nothing to do with English. On this occasion, their income will be reduced.”还有一些英语老师对自己的“前途”充满信心。“在培训机构当英语教师,干好了也有前途。”Nevertheless, some English teachers are full of confidence of their future. They think that they ca

14、n be an English teacher in the tutorial classes. If they work well, they can still have a promising future.疑问5:能否强化母语主导地位?Question 5: Will the reform strengthen the status of Chinese?光明网的一篇文章指出:高考“去外语化”,有利于中文的正本清源,也能从骨子里真正给学生减负。报道称,我国基础教育要想长袖善舞,我国高等教育要想在世界上占有一席之地,必须给外语教育降火退烧,让其回归工具属性,保证母语教学占据主导地位,使其

15、更好地弘扬中国传统文化。An article in GMW points out that reducing the importance of English of College Entrance Examination is good for the radical reform of Chinese and it can also reduce the burden of students primarily. The report claims that if our countrys basic education wants to be socially active, and

16、if our countrys higher education wants to held a place in the world, then we must reduce the fever of English education. We must make people know that English can just be regard as a tool. And we need to guarantee the predominance of Chinese and use it to promote the development of Chinese tradition

17、al culture.疑问6:能否促进教育公平?Question 6: Will the reform promote the education fairness?对于农村的孩子来说,英语基础肯定要比城里的孩子差,底子不好,导致越学越累。英语成绩不好的人再也不会被英语拖后腿了。The students from countryside, whose English basic is weaker than the students from city, will feel more tired in the process of learning English. As for those

18、students, English will no longer hinder their ability in the exams.不过,另有观点认为:教育薄弱地区的英语教学,会随着英语淡出高考而进一步被削弱。这会挤压寒门子弟学习外语的空间。而名校资源永远是“僧多粥少”,不会放松考核考生的外语成绩,使得寒门子弟进入名校的机会可能更小。However, other people hold the view that along with the English fading out the College Entrance Examination, the English education

19、will be weakened in the poor education area. This will reduce the opportunities for poor children to learn English. But because the demand of resources of famous universities exceeds the supply, the key universities must pay more attention to students English scores. Poor students will have less acc

20、ess to enter the key universities.疑问7:外语培训热会否降温?Question 7: Will the reform reduce the fever of foreign-language training?某外语培训机构的一名从业者认为,英语在高考中权重降低,会使一部分家长放松对孩子英语学习的要求,从而导致培训机构遇冷。A practitioner of a foreign language training institution holds the view that reducing the weight of English of College

21、English Examination will make parents relax the requirements of English learning of their children, so foreign language training will not be as popularity as before.但另有观点认为,高考英语改革反而使不少主打英语培训的教育机构迎来利好局面。某咨询师称,在新的英语考试模式下,曾经一次性的英语应试培训需求,会在整个高中阶段放大,使得应试英语培训机构获得更多的培训量。However, some other people think the

22、 reform will promote the popularity of foreign language training. One counselor said that under the new model of new type of English exams, the needs of one-time exam-oriented English training will be enlarged in the high school. And exam-oriented training institutions will get more business.疑问8:能否衔

23、接大学英语教育?Question 8: Will the reform join the college English education?广西大学外国语学院的英语老师罗薇称,大学生学习外语有以下几种情况:一是外语专业的学生。这是朝高水平去培养的,比如口译、笔译人才;二是非外语专业的学生;另外,有不少学生是为了出国留学而学外语,还有纯为过四六级外语考试而学习的和为了将来的工作需要而学习的。Luo Wei, a teacher from foreign languages college of Guangxi University, said that the purposes of coll

24、ege students learning English can be divided into several following types: Firstly, some of them are English majors. These students are trained for higher levels, such as interpreter, translator. Secondly, some of them are not English majors. Besides, some students learn English for going abroad. Fu

25、rthermore, some students learn English just for passing the CET-4/6 or for the needs of working.中央民族大学附中校长田琳认为,新的模式下,中学把英语教学减下来的负担转交给大学后,大学仍然要把空白补回来。在这种情况下,分层、分类进行英语考试或许该成为改革方向。据央视网 Tianlin, the headmaster of High School Affiliated of Minzu University of China said, under the new model, after middle

26、 schools delivering the pressure of learning English to the college English learning, the college education still need to fill in the blank of learning English. According to this situation, English examinations should be divided into different levels and classifications. This may will be the direction of the reform.


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