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2、化知识应用能力的训练是十分重要的。一、高考复习要点、重点、难点及热点1.语音知识五个元音字母a, e, i, o ,u的发音;五个辅音字母c, g, n, s, x的发音;元音字母组合ai, ei, ea, ie, oo的读音;辅音字母组合ch, ng, th的读音;元音+辅音字母组合ex的读音;特殊词尾 -ed, -s, -es 的读音;不符合读音规则的常用词的读音。a. industry, Sundayb. 有些词加后缀时引起读音的变化nature/ei/ natural /nation /ei/ national/know/u/ knowledge /south /sau/ southe

3、rn /sn/c. 词形变化引起读音变化* 可数名词变复数的读音变化mouth / mouths / z/house /s/ houses /ziz/woman/wumn/ women /wimin/* 词过去式中的读音变化eat ate /et/ mean meant /ment/hear heard /h:d/say /sei/ said /sed/d. 复合词的读音变化break/ei/ breakfast /e/head/e/ forehead /rid/hand / d / handsome / /room /u:/ classroom /u/news /z/newspaper /s

4、/e. 同源词的读音变化breath / breathe / /bath /ba:/ bathe /bei/cloth/kl/ clothes/kluz/worth / worthy / i/real /ril/ reality /rilti/political / politics / /2.单项填空(1)冠词的特殊用法:冠词的非前位用法 不定冠词用在quite,rather,many,half,what,等词之后。例如: What did you think of the concert? Oh,it was quite a success. 不定冠词用在so(as,too,how)+形容

5、词之后。 例如:She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meet. Its too difficult a book for us to read. He is so good a student that we all like him. (2)抽象名词具体化一种、一场、一个或某个动作的一次、一番。例如:have a look,have a try。success / a success(一个成功的人或事) study / a study(一项具体的研究) 某一品质的具体行动。例如:kindness( 仁慈,友好 ) / a kindness(一

6、件好事,帮一次忙 )Thank you,Tim. You have done me a kindness. 引起某种情绪的事。例如:pleasure(快乐,愉快) / a pleasure(一件高兴的事) surprise(惊讶) / a surprise(一个惊喜 )Its a pleasure to work with you. Its a pity that you cant swim. (3)两组代词的用法it / one (ones)/ that (those)other/the other/others/ the others/ another*The doctor thought

7、 _ would be good for you to have a holiday. (2010全国卷II-14)A. thisB. thatC. oneD. it*Neither side is prepared to talk to _ unless we can smooth things over between them. (2010全国卷II-12)A. others B. the otherC. another D. one other*The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get _ completely free. (2009全国卷II-

8、12)A. otherB. othersC. oneD. ones*One of the most important questions they had to consider was _ of public health. (2009全国卷I-33)A. whatB. thisC. thatD. which(4) 主动表被动的动词某些实义动词的主动形式后跟副词表示被动意义(sell, wash, write, last, read, wear )等。这种“动词+副词”结构常表示事物特有的属性。The pen my father gave me as a birthday gift wri

9、tes smoothly.某些及物动词转为不及物动词后,其主动形式表示被动意义,如open(打开,营业),close(关门),shut(关),cut(切割),weigh(重),act(上演)等。This shop opens much earlier than it used to.某些不及物动词和相当于不及物动词的短语,如happen, occur, cost 以及短语,如,come out(出版) , come up(出现) , come into being(产生), come to ones mind(想起), turn out(证明是), come about(发生), break

10、out(爆发), belong to(属于)等,它们常用主动形式,没有被动形式。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.(5)情态动词的特殊用法 could/was(were) able to Seriously hurt as he was, he _ tell the police what had happened. A. couldB. mightC. was able toD. couldnt can (有时候会) It is

11、 usually warm in my hometown in March, but it _ be rather cold sometimes. (08福建卷)A. mustB. can C. shouldD. wouldwouldWhen he was there, he _ go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day. A. wouldB. shouldC. had betterD. mightmust (偏要多指令人不快之事,非要,表责备、抱怨的色彩)May I smoke here?If you _, choos

12、e a seat in the smoking section.A. shouldB. could C. may D. must should (理应; 对某事不能理解、感到意外、惊异,竟然、竟会)How is your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?It _ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. mustYou cant imagine that a well-educated gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. A

13、. mightB. needC. shouldD. would shall (在肯定句中用于第二,三人称的句子中表示决心,命令,警告,允诺等,特别是宣布法律、规定等)What does the sign over there read?“No person _ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” A. shallB. willC. canD. needAll payments _ be made by the end of the month according to the contract. A.

14、 shallB. willC. canD. need (6) 非谓语动词的形式变化 否定式:not / never + to do / doing / donelTony was very unhappy for not having been invited to the party. 动名词的复合结构:形容词性物主代词/名词所有格 + (not)+ V-ing Victor apologized for his not being able to inform me of the change in the plan. 有些动名词在句中是主动形式,但有被动的含义。The house req

15、uires/needs/wants repairing. * 跟不定式则要用被动式。注:在be worth doing句型中,动名词doing表示的是被动意义。 If a thing is worth doing,it is worth doing well. 完成式的被动式Nobody was found to have been killed in the accident then.The house showed no sign of having been damaged. Having been discussed many times, the problems were set

16、tled at last.(7)各种从句的连接词 what what相当于all that / everything that等,在一定语境下 what引导名词性从句可表特殊含义。*表示 “的人”, 相当于“the person that。He is not what he was a few years ago. Who is it that has made Fred what he is now? *表示 “的地方”, 相当于 “the place that.”。A modern city has been set up in what was a wasteland ten years

17、 ago.The famous foreign poet finally arrived at what is usually called “Shangri-La” in China and was greatly attracted by it.*表示 “的数目”, 相当于 “the amount / number that.”。Our income is now double what it was ten years ago. The number of the students in our school has reached as many as 20,000, ten time

18、s what it was ten years ago. *表示 “的样子”等. Our hometown has changed a lot, and now it is quite different from what it used to be a few years ago. wheresituation, occasion, case, point, position, system, state, job, business, family, race, concert, meeting, condition等作先行词时,都可以表示抽象的地点,后面可接where引导的定语从句。T

19、he media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations where help is needed. (Book 2A P12) Most of us will eventually find ourselves in a situation where we or someone else needs help. (Book 2A P63) I dont care much for pay. I just want to get a job where I can be greatly valued. I

20、have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own. (2009浙江) Its helpful to put children in a situation where they can see themselves differently(2009福建) Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go beyond ourselves. (2009重庆) There is a system where the wa

21、ste is disposed of using the principles of cology. as* as用作关系代词和关系副词引导限定性定语从句,并在从句中作主语、表语或状语,构成the sameas, suchas等结构。如:I shall do it in the same way as you did. I want to have such a dictionary as he has. * as引导非限定性定语从句。as在定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语,这个定语从句说明整个句子,可以放在主句之前。例如: As we all know, he studies very hard

22、.As is known to all, he is the best student in our class.常用的这种类似插入语的句式有as is said above, as is already mentioned above, as is known to all, as it is, as is often the case, as is reported in the newspaper等。 As is often the case, we have worked out the study plan at the beginning of the new term.*as引导

23、让步状语从句 before(Book 1A P24)before的本意为“在之前”,根据具体语境还可有多种理解。如: He almost knocked me down before he saw me. Before I could get in a word, he measured me. Ill do it now before I forget it.Time passed quickly and three months went by before she knew it.(8) 由break, call, get, go, look, make, put, keep, turn

24、, take, come, give等构成的动词短语。* break down/break up *go through *make out *turn out (9) It构成的五个句型It + be + 一段时间 + before 从句It will be three hours _ he arrives at the airport. It + be+ 一段时间 + since从句It has been three years _ he joined the army.It + be+ 时间 + when从句It was already 8 oclock _ we got home.It

25、 + be+ 被强调部分 + that从句It was ten years ago _ I began to learn English. It + be + 一段时间 + until (until在此相当于before) It would be ten years _ he knew the truth.* Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian get back. (2008 北京) A. beforeB. sinceC. till D. after3.完形填空 基础教育应随着社会的需

26、要与时俱进。高考命题要根据社会的要求选择学科的相应内容,要使学生学到的知识和掌握的能力能够适应未来的社会要求。高考试题无论从形式上还是从内容上,都应具有较强的应用性和鲜明的时代特色,关注热点问题,富有教育意义。 高考试题的时代特征主要体现在完形填空、阅读理解和书面表达上。人们日常谈论的焦点话题理应在试题中得到适当的反映。在选材和语境中社会热点的引入很好地反映了鲜明的时代特点,所以我们可以关注环境保护、自然灾害、能源危机、金融危机、科技热点、多元文化等等素材。4.单词拼写 1. 一些生活中常用的高频词、基础词。比如:月份、星期及跟学生生活密切相关的学习科目。1998年考到Saturday,06年

27、考January,06陕西卷考到geography,08年考了February,10年December。2. 比较难记、难写、容易出错的单词毫无疑问是“单词拼写”题的主要考查对象。主要有这样一些:词的音、形不一致的单词。例如:exhibition, foreign, government, guitar, tongue,column, hospital, Christmas, restaurant, straight, bargain(06陕西), ceiling (07陕西), neighbor(u)r(08陕西),kitchen (08浙江),temperature(08陕西)等。较长的单

28、词。例如:construction, agriculture, difference, immediately, valuable, unforgettable, international, technology, experience, magazine (06浙江),kindergarten(09), favourite(10)等。词形相似的词。例如:quality与quantity,quiet与quite,signal与single, present与parent,model与medal,stare与stair,place与palace等。含双写字母的单词。例如: beginning,

29、 official, permission, pollution, difficult, different, announce, professor, pressure, manners, sorrow, disappointed, tobacco, passenger, umbrella, necessary, discussion, suddenly (07陕西), possession (07陕西), accept (07浙江), succeed(07全国卷),accident(08浙江),swimming(08全国),pressed(09全国), pillows(09全国), ass

30、istant(10全国)等。3. 分清词类:分清名词和形容词。例如:Asia与Asian,wonder与wonderful,Europe与European,length与long等。分清名词和动词。例如:success与succeed,discussion与discuss,advice与advise,apology与apologize,pronounce与pronunciation,explanation与explain,effect与affect等。分清形容词和副词。例如:slight与slightly,responsible与responsibly,comfortable与comforta

31、bly,main与mainly等。分清动词-ing与过去分词。例如:exciting与excited,interesting与interested,inspiring与inspired ,tiring 与tired等。4. 词义辨析:命题人员经常把单词拼写和近义词、同义词的辨析结合起来考查。例如:separate与divide(08陕西),accept(07浙江)与receive等。 5. 语法运用:名词的单复数。这些词常以单数形式出现:information, progress, weather(06浙江), practice, patience, knowledge, discussion

32、, population, pollution, technology, furniture (06浙江), value, atmosphere, marriage, attention, construction, agriculture, industry, length, strength, imagination, situation, pressure, majority, invitation, explanation, equipment, development, exhibition, surprise ;这些词常以复数形式出现:achievements, affairs,

33、conditions, congratulations(06陕西), parents, relations, manners (礼貌), repairs, preparations, thanks, vegetables, clothes, woods (树林), regards, glasses, works (著作), surroundings(环境).动词的时态、语态、非谓语动词的用法等。形容词和副词的比较等级及其相关句式等。6. 构词法知识:单词拼写涉及的构词法知识主要是通过加后缀派生新词。例如:名词形容词:beautybeautiful, traditiontraditional,

34、southsouthern 等。形容词副词:carefulcarefully, totaltotally, simplesimply, finalfinally,attentiveattentively, naturalnaturally等。动词名词:decidedecision, agreeagreement, believebelief等。7. 考过的单词还要重视,切不可认为考过就不考了,事实恰恰相反。请看下表:所考单词考查年份translated1998, 2008swimming1998, 2008average1999, 2006separated1998, 2005slightly

35、2000, 2006message(s)2000, 2007recognize/recognise1999, 2008naturally1998, 2005favourite2007, 2010注:有些词也是分省试卷命题关注的热点。如:陕西卷2007考到recognised/recognized;陕西卷2008也考到neighbour;陕西卷2008考到curious,这个词全国卷1996年考过。最有趣的是:2007年考favourite一词时的句子是:What is your_ (最喜欢的) color?而2010年考该词时的句子则是:My _ (最喜欢的) colour is green.

36、此外,不规则的序数词也是常考点。如:1998年全国卷考到了“第九”,而2008陕西卷则考到“第十二”。5. 短文改错由于“短文改错”题中错词的考点比重最大(一般6-8题,09年为7题,10年为6题,11年为7题),所以考查的热点主要集中在以下几个方面:1)一致性问题。时态、语态前后一致;主谓一致;指代一致;名词单复数一致(这种错误从1996年到2011年的短文改错题中复现率为100%)平行结构一致;行文逻辑一致。2)非谓语动词的混用。3)连词和逻辑关系的错误:连词主要体现在对连词词义把握不准或所充当的成分错误等方面;逻辑关系错误主要体现在并列关系、转折关系、因果关系及是与非的误判误用。4) 形

37、容词、副词的用法:主要体现在该用形容词的地方用了副词,该用副词的地方却用了形容词,也包括它们的比较等级。5)介词搭配。6)冠词的用法。6.书面表达 话题会贴近学生生活实际,在内容和风格上都与考生的知识背景、生活环境、社会环境、认知水平相一致,给学生以亲切鲜活之感,使人人有话可写,有感而发,因此可关注校园生活、文明礼貌、助人为乐、关注环保等焦点问题。文体以篇幅短小、实用性强的应用文为主,尤其是日记、书信、便条、通知、电子邮件等均为命题的首选。二、后期高考复习备考策略1. 培养思维能力。2. 复习备考应着眼于抓基础,不宜太难,力求熟练,培养学生做题的路子3. 过好词汇关 理由:听不懂,说不出,读不

38、通,写不好,都是英语单词记得少。 课本词汇表(第一、二、三册,尤其要充分利用高三课本)This football game was _(播出) live on TV across Europe. (2007-67; Unit 5 Advertising) The English teacher gives the class a _(听写) almost every day. (2008-72; Unit 8 Learning a foreign language) I washed and _ (剃须) , then hurried out of the house. (2009-72; U

39、nit 10 American literature) It takes patience to learn a language.It takes patience and perseverance to acquire a foreign language. The data suggests that what successful language learners have in common is, among other things, that they are interested in understanding their own thinking, curious ab

40、out the world, willing to take chances and confident in their ability. 大纲词汇表(联想、缩小) 学习构词法知识,培养猜词的能力4. 过好读写关 理由:得阅读者得天下 训练出耐心进行限时训练加大阅读宽度和深度越到最后越要重视写作培养学生良好的书写习惯5. 慎选善用模拟卷6. 教师应做到:以学生为主角,引导或帮助学生将知识点系统连贯起来,左牵右引,使知识网络化 导 问 议 督7. 学生应做到:跟老师步调一致用好零碎时间Learning is anytime, anywhere with anyone.A little bit every day makes perfect.多做高考真题多做一般题,而非难题、偏题、怪题读题(单选、完形)回顾做过的题,尤其是做错的题,应反复看高考英语复习备考是一个科学系统的过程,是帮助学生巩固知识、形成能力的过程。老师应勤于研究、勤于思考,善于捕捉有用信息,整合有效资源并拿来为我所用,为自己的学生所用。要站在一个制高点上,统筹规划、周密安排、狠抓落实,才能使复习达到预期的效果,才能在高考中立于不败之地。Thanks for your patience!


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