Analysis of How to Avoid Chinesestyle English浅析如何杜绝中式英语.doc

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1、Analysis of How to Avoid Chinese-style EnglishContentsAbstract1Key Words11. The Causes of Chinese-style English2 1.1 The Root Causes of Chinese-style English21.1.1Chinese is overall thought, English is individual thought21.1.2 The Chinese are good at thinking at images, and westerners are good at lo

2、gic and abstract thinking31.2 The Direct Cause of Chinese-style English4 1.3 Other Possible Causes of Chinese-style English51.3.1 Culture5 1.3.2 Pronunciation5 1.3.3 Vocabulary52. Countermeasures of Chinese Students to Stamp out Chinese-style English62.1 Cultural background6 2.2 Language environment

3、62.3 Listening7 3. Public Attitudes towards Chinese-style English73.1 Foreigners attitude73.2 Chinese peoples attitude83.3 My own attitude84. Conclusion8 5. Bibliography9Analysis of How to Avoid Chinese-style EnglishAbstract: With the further development of Chinas opening-up, more and more Chinese p

4、eople join the ranks of learning English. And many problems in learning English also come up, especially the “Chinese-style English” phenomenon which has become the important problem that people cant ignore. The paper attempts to summarize and analyze the reasons for Chinese-style English, and talk

5、about the publics attitude towards Chinese-style English, then put forward some personal views on how to avoid Chinese-style English.Key Words: Chinese-style English; way of thinking; cultural differences, countermeasures; attitude浅析如何杜绝中式英语摘要:随着中国对外开放的深入发展,越来越多的中国人加入到学习英语的行列中去。许多英语学习中的问题也接踵而至,特别是中式

6、英语现象已经成为人们不可忽视的问题,文章旨在归纳分析中式英语产生的原因,并探讨了公众对中式英语的态度,最后在此基础之上提出一些如何杜绝中式英语的个人观点。关键词:中式英语 思维方式 文化差异 对策 态度1. The Causes of Chinese-style English1.1 Differences between Chinese and English thought patterns to the root causes of Chinese-style English Language and thinking are the two most important element

7、s for the exchange of human society. Between the two are complementary and closely linked. Language is the carrier of peoples thinking, it reflects peoples way of thinking, psychological characteristics and national culture. Thinking is the soul of language, to guide and govern the use of language,

8、constitute a different style of language and rhetoric. Language learning is not only on the process of understanding and mastery of the language used, and cultivation of thinking mode of formation, especially in foreign language learning. Mr. Liu Biqing, referring to the relationship between thought

9、 and language, said: “language is not only a surface structure problem, it involves our culture derived love to see and hear the law of manifestation, and it refers to a nations history, philosophy derived from the way of thinking and thought.” And way of thinking is that peoples thinking habits or

10、mode of peoples thinking, it is closely related to a country, a nations cultural background, values and other factors. Therefore, Chinese students after ten years of English learning, while accumulating a large vocabulary, mastered the expression, most of the students are still in the Dumb English s

11、tate, dont use English to communicate freely. Investigate its root cause is the absence of thinking in English. In communication, if to communicate in English with Chinese habit of thinking, it will certainly affect the communication speed and accuracy. So to speak English naturally with Chinese fea

12、tures of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, is a pidgin language, also known as Chinese-style English in English was called “Chinglish”, is a combination of English-Chinese and English body. Based on this, in order to grasp the characteristics of the two languages from the macro and micro enhance t

13、he ability to deal with language to improve interpersonal skills, it is necessary to understand the difference between Chinese and western thinking how lead to Chinese-style English:1.1.1 Chinese is overall thought, English is individual thoughtSince ancient times the Chinese people of “the unity of

14、 heaven and man”and Western “Heaven-and-Man separation”led to the differences of the two modes of thought: the Chinese way of thinking reflects the Groups cultural characteristic, and Western (English language) thinking patterns reflect a individuality of cultural characteristics. This difference is

15、 mainly manifested in the following aspects:1) Chinese is more general and fuzzy, but English is accurate and clear. For example, in Chinese, no matter what time we can ask “did you eat?” A simple word rice in Chinese is quite general, it includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. But if we follow the ha

16、bit of thinking of Chinese to translate this sentence into Do you have a meal?, then it is not precise enough, it would be: do you have breakfastlunchsupper.2) Chinese and English are not in a logical order. For example: There is a Chinese sentence: 我原先打算七月一日去香港旅游, 后来不得不取消, 这使我很扫兴。Chinese students o

17、ften blurted out, so that the semantics of the focus falls on the back of the Chinese word. In fact, according to the habits of thinking in English should be summarized, semantic focus in front, and then break down, it should be translated into “It was keen disappointment that I had intended to pay

18、I had to cancel the visit to Hong Kong On July 1st.” We can see that the Chinese are in chronological order, and logical development from the first to the rear, from cause to effect, from assumptions to infer, from facts to argue that while English is the opposite.3) Chinese emphasizes parataxis, En

19、glish sentence emphasizes hypotaxis. Chinese sentence emphasizes parataxis, sentence components combined with each other to rely more on semantic coherence, contextual background, to achieve the overall effect; and the English sentence emphasizes hypotaxis, sentence components in combination of comm

20、only used appropriate connectives, to represent the relationships between their structures. For example: we can run, but you can not hide(跑得了和尚跑不了庙). “The monks may run away, but the temple cannot run away with them”. Chinese students in English writing by native language habit, often do not pay att

21、ention to convergence between the sentence, giving the sense of jumping and fluidity.1.1.2 The Chinese people are good at thinking at images, and westerners are good at logic thinking and abstract thinkingIn General, the human cognitive process is started from emotional stage of feeling, perception,

22、 representation, and then rise to rational stage of concepts, judgment, reasoning, Understanding of the process should be from the emotional to the rational, from concrete to abstract. However, Chinese people like to expand the association is based on external characteristics of the things. The orde

23、r of thinking is not from concrete to abstract, but specific to the specific. While westerners are very focused on logical thinking, keen to establish a conceptual system and logical system. For example,“人山人海”,according to Chinese thinking, Chinese students are very easy to translate into people mou

24、ntain people sea .This obviously ignores the characteristics of English thinking: from concrete to abstract. If translated into “huge crowds of people”, it will be very authentic. The same as“好好学习,天天向上”should be study hard and make progress everyday, rather than simply written as good good study, da

25、y day up”, so as to expose oneself to ridicule.1.2 Differences between Chinese and English thought process is the direct cause of Chinese-style English In fact, refers to the so-called English thought process: when we hear or see the English, the brain can directly understand its meaning, rather tha

26、n with the help of another language; when expressing their own ideas, the brain also directly appear the meaning of its statement, along with mouth or pen to express, also without the aid of another language. For our Chinese people, when hear and see an English word, our brains on the comprehension

27、of the word there are two possible situations, namely, direct understanding (thinking in English) and by means of Chinese translation and understanding(Chinese thinking).Specifically, the direct understanding of the process of thinking in English: English vocabulary - meaning - understanding; and co

28、mprehension of Chinese thinking is: English vocabulary - Chinese corresponding vocabulary - meaning understanding. It is visible that the process of Chinese thinking have a process of Chinese corresponding vocabulary in the brain than English thought process, the process is what we call the process

29、of translation, or is what we call the heart translation. While the process of heart translation slowing down the speed of listeners reaction, on the other hand, it also introduces Chinese thought, planted a cancer for Chinese English directly.1.3 Other Possible Causes of Chinese-style English 1.3.1

30、 CultureThe language is the important part of culture, which is also the material expression form of cultural transmission. Language and culture are intergrowth and co-exsit, it is part of the essential nature of culture reflected. The differences between Chinese and Western culture can be reflected

31、 through Chinese and English language, resulting in two distinct branches of a Chinese English and Standard English. Such as the differences in the natural environment: Britain is an island country, fisheries and marine industry is very developed, many words or expressions are related to water, mari

32、ne and fisheries, industry, and China is an agricultural country since ancient times, the people through the planting of crops and breeding of poultry to make a living, so a lot of vocabulary is inextricably linked with the agriculture. For example, the Chinese idiom“水中捞月” should be translated into

33、fish in the air in English. In the way of Chinese expression, if you describe a person can drink plenty of water will use the word 牛饮, according to the traditional cultural habits in the UK, to translate it into “drink like a fish” is very authentic.1.3.2 PronunciationSome words are often exchange o

34、r mixed for a word, it is because of two words for the same pronunciation, e.g. Temple and temper. Sometimes, an English words were incorrectly pronounced, may become Chinese-style English pronunciation, and completely different with the original pronunciation, for example Zellers company (a departm

35、ent of Hudson s Bay Company ) into Se La, or the English name, such as Allen, Ellen, Aileen and Shirley, Shelly, Cherry.1.3.3 VocabularyThe wrong use of vocabulary (for example: to the put in Jingzhang Expressway instead of entering Jingzhang Expressway) can also be identified as Chinese-style Engli

36、sh. Another common mistake is to use emergent to refer to the emergency or urgent. Many of these mistakes is due to the misuse or falsehood of dictionary. Some idioms are also confused in Chinese-style English. When a foreigner explaining some things, most of the Chinese will respond: Oh, I know (In

37、 fact, the correct answer was: Oh, I see.) This is because the most of Chinese people are customary to translate知道into know in any case.2. Countermeasures of Chinese students to stamp out Chinese-style English2.1 Cultural background To learn about Western culture and customs of the country, stressin

38、g that Western cultural differences and different ways to make effective communication. For example: Jack is a green hand at doing this work.(杰克做这种工作没有经验)here green hand means the poor hand , “does not have the experience”, rather than the green hand .England is an island country, the ship is the im

39、portant transportation vehicle, to maintain the ships, paints the ship commonly used with the sea water same green paint. Not a skilled painter, the work often meets both hands to stick the full paint. Knowing this background, green hand means not metaphor themselves.Also for example: Smith can do n

40、othing in the company because he is just a small potato there. (Smith could not play any role in this company, because he in there was an unimportant person) “a small potato is “the unimportant person” meaning, but must “small potato” meaning. Only then understands the Western culture, only will the

41、n understand this rhetoric the significance.2.2 Language environmentTo learn to use appropriate language in the appropriate language environment.Learning in the suitable language environment to use the suitable language; the language environment is restricting the word usage to a great extent. Must

42、pay attention in the different language environment uses suits the context the word, causes the thought to link up, the content to be complete.For example: In the West, doctor saw the patient often asked? ; “How do you feel” “Whats wrong saw the patient complexion is not good, will say: “You look pa

43、le. “or asked: “Do you sleep well did not say: “How are you” (你好吗?) that is the westerner meets when mutually exchanges greetings, is not the real inquiry others physical condition.When saw “good” character, very naturally associates in English good or well , but we must study its in-depth implicati

44、on, namely in specific linguistic environment “good” character connotation and extension, for example: Put on your coat before going out. ( before going out, puts on coat)e.g. 1)Tom is a yes - person. 汤姆是个好好先生。2)If the matter isnt dealt with properly, youll get into trouble. 如果这桩事没有很好处理, 你会陷入困境。3) O

45、h: some one is injured. 不好, 有人受伤了。2.3 ListeningListen to English broadcast, like BBC and VOA and so on, participated in English Corner, the academic society use English thought English. For example: (wrong) Today is very close. (Today weather is very stuffy) in English grammar to express that the we

46、ather event and the distance, commonly used it makes the subject. (positive) It is very close today.If you can achieve these points, I believe that Chinese-style English will say goodbye to you. 3. Public attitudes towards Chinese-style English3.1 Foreigners attitudeOn the attitude of the Chinese-st

47、yle English, some foreigners do not think they are a serious error, their view is: fun, or even meaningful. A language in the course will certainly do as the Romans by the influence of the user, regardless of its native speakers would agree. Chinese-style English long time no see (long time no see) has become the standard English phrases. Stiff translation may puzzle the foreigners who just come to China, but in the eyes of foreigners know about Chinese culture, this is


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