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1、中考英语专题复习:主从复合句(80分,每空一分)一、把所给词填入空白处That, whether, what, whatever, who, whoever, when., where, how, whyIt is certain_he will succeed._ he can finish the work on time is uncertain._ the earth is round is true._ he will come or not hasnt been decided.=It hasnt been decided whether he will come._ the me

2、eting will be held has not been announced._ let out the secret remains unknown.=It remains unknown who let out the secret._ answer is correct isnt known to us. _ we will start is not clear._ this happened is still a question._ he said at the meeting was very important.= The thing that he said at the

3、 meeting was very important._ leaves the office should tell me. = Any one who leaves the office should tell me.二、把所给词填入空白处That, whether, who, which, when, where, how, why, what, whatever, as if Thats _we should do.The question is_we can get so much money.The problem is _ we can get there.China is no

4、 longer _ it used to be.It looks _ it is going to rain.It seems _ he would never come back again.三、把所给词填入空白处That, whether, if , who, which, when, where, how, why, what, whatever,We think it right _ all the people enjoy equal rights.He made it clear to the poor peasant _ he would make him king if he

5、saved him.Do you consider it necessary _ he will do it again?Cam you make sure _ Alice has put the gold ring?I have no idea at all _ he has gone.He wondered _ she had chosen that one.Your composition is quite good except_ there are some spelling mistakes.My teacher is satisfied with _ I did.What we

6、should take with us depends on _ we will stay.I insist _you should learn a second language.There was a young man _ liked adventure.This is the park _ I lost my wallet.The house _ stands on the hill is mine.I know the boy _ parents are dead.My father does morning exercises every day, _ is good for hi

7、s health.In their class there are fifteen students_ can speak English well.In their class there are fifteen students, _ can speak English well.The reason _I am calling you is to invite you to a party.I will never forget the day _ I joined the armyI will never forget the day _ we spent together on th

8、e farm.We have found such materials _ are used in their factory.Such people _you describe are short nowadays.This is not the same book _ we want to read.He works in the same company _ she does.Great changes have taken place in Fuzhou, _ we can see.We were watching TV, _ suddenly the light went out.I

9、 was doing my homework _my brother was playing games.They are classmates. He is a doctor, _she is still studying in a high school.He smiled _he left me.We talked _we walked along.I have been working in this school _I graduated from the university.It is many years _ the World War Two was over.How lon

10、g is it _ his father died?Do it now _ you forget._ he had left the school, he joined the army.It was 3 years _ he came back to the village.I will go with you _ I finish the work.We didnt meet each other again _ the accident happened.You had better make a mark _ you have any questions.A new hospital

11、will be set up _ the old one stands.The trees grow very well _ there is enough water._it doesnt rain tomorrow, we will go to the countryside.You will miss the bus _ you dont hurry.I wont attend the meeting _ I am invited.I will speak slowly _ you can understand me better.He spoke very slowly _ I und

12、erstood what he meant.He always studies _ hard _ he made great progress.I opened the window _ the fresh air could come in.He opened the window _ the fresh air came in.Mike is _ an honest worker _ we all like him.Ms Green received _ little education _ she didnt know how to read._ he was tired, he wen

13、t on working.I missed the last trained _ I hurried.I dont trust him _ what he said is true.I will go to his party, _ I am very busy.I will buy the book, _ expensive it is._ you are, you must wait in line for your turn.I know you better _ she does.We should study foreign languages _ hard _ Lenin did.

14、 并列句(48分)一、用适当的并列连词填空。1.The bell is ringing,_the lesson is over.2._does Jack do his work well,_he helps others with their work.3.My sister had trouble in learning English,_,she works hard and is making rapid progress.4._could theory do without practice,_could practice do without theory.5.I am readin

15、g a novel,_she is reading a letter.6.Be quick,_youll be punished.7.Something went wrong with my bike this afternoon,_I walked home.8.It must have rained last night,_the ground is still wet.9._she did not speak distinctly(清楚地)_I did not hear well.10.We have won great victories,_more serious struggles

16、 are still ahead of us.11.Li Ping doesnt talk much,_he thinks a lot.12.Tom isnt fond of study of any kind,_he loves music an dancing_he sings very prettily.13.All revolutionary work in our socialist country is to serve the people,_any kind of work is honourable.14.It took us a long time to get there

17、,_it was a long way to go.15.It doesnt look like rain,_youd better take your umbrella with you.16.He is strong,_his brother is weak.17.I often help him_he often helps me.18.Not only did he like it,_his wife also was satisfied.19.She must be out,_the lights are out.20.Ill come either tomorrow_next Mo

18、nday.21.She is weak_her son is strong.22.He said it was so,_,he was wrong.23.I never saw him again,_did I hear from him.24.She is a funny girl,_you cant help liking her.25.Hurry up,_well be late for the train.26.Use your head,_youll find a way.27.It was dark,_we went home.28.We were about to leave_i

19、t began to rain.二、单项选择1._many times,but he still couldnt understand it.A.Having been old B.Though he had been toldC.He was told D.Having told2.Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but_didnt help.A.he B.which C.she D.it3._,so Mary was very sad.A.Her mother was very ill B.Her mother

20、 being illC.Her mothers being ill D.Because her mother was ill4.-Sugar_milk.-Only milk,please,_I used to like sugar.A.and;and B.and;but C.or;and D.or;but5.It must have rained last night,_the road is wet.A.while B.or C.for D.because6.Hurry up,_well miss the train.A.and B.but C.for D.or7.I wrote a let

21、ter,_I forgot to mail it.A.for B.but C.or D.while8.Please_come in or go out,dont stand there in the doorway.A.neither B.and C.for D.either9.Why was Edison not able to hatch chickens_the hen could.A.while B.when C.because D.unless10.The teacher came in,_the students stood up and said,Good morning,tea

22、cher.A.while B.and C.but D.for11._on the mirror,and youll find little drops of water on the glass.A.Blowing B.To blow C.Blow D.If you blow12.-I dont like singing_dancing,what about you.-I dont like dancing,_I like singing songs.A.and;and B.and;but C.or;but D.or;and13.Good technique in medicine means

23、 less pain and fewer deaths and_,it is our duty to master it.A.altogether B.therefore C.otherwise D.however14.One more word,_Ill knock you flat.A.so B.and C.but D.therefore15.The car is quite old;_,there is nothing wrong with it.A.but B.yet C.however D.therefore16.I liked this play very much,_my mot

24、her said it was uninteresting.A.and B.for C.so D.but17.-My shirt is torn.-_me a needle and thread,and Ill mend it for you.A.If you bring B.If you had brought C.Should you bring D.Bring18._to the top of the hill,and you can see the whole of the town.A.To get B.Get C.Getting D.Having got19.Spring is coming;_gets warmer and warmer,and trees turn green.A.that B.it C.which D.as it20.Jack passed all his examinations;_pleased his parents.A.who B.it C.which D.all of which


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