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2、词、近义词和反义词复现是借助意思相同、相近或相反的表达方式,或解释性的语言使上下文语意得以连贯起来。做完形填空时,考生应注意分析上下文中出现的解释性语言。(3)同源词复现另外,考生还可借助复现的同源词来确定答案。典例The next morning the stranger,actually a sorcerer (巫师),thanked her by granting (允准) her 26 that anyone who climbed up her tree 27 not be able to come back down until she 28 it.When the childre

3、n came back to steal her 29 ,she had them stuck on the tree.They had to beg her long 30 she gave the tree permission to let 31 go.Aunty Misery was free from the 32 at last.(2008陕西)28A.permittedBpromisedCanswered Ddeclared答案A解析本题属于同源词复现类试题,根据上下文,下一段中出现了permission,即permit的名词形式,结合语境,应选A项。此处意为“没有她的允许不能下

4、来”。2高屋建瓴,把握主旨完形填空是考查综合运用英语知识能力的试题。它主要考查考生对上下文的理解和逻辑判断能力,而通常利用文章的首句,就能抓住文章的主旨文意并在主旨文意的引导下进行合乎逻辑的判断推理,从而正确推断出文章的隐匿信息。典例On the road of life,the help of strangers can 54 our loads and lift our spirits.How much sweeter the 55 will be when we make it a little smoother for others!(2008重庆)54A.move Bincrease

5、Clighten Dcarry55A.world BjourneyCsmile Dfriendship答案54.C55.B解析54.本句是对全文的概括。句意为:在人生的道路上,来自陌生人的帮助可以减轻我们的负担,振奋我们的精神。move移动;increase增加;lighten减轻;carry携带。55选文原文通过作者在公共汽车上亲眼目睹的一件事说明在人生旅程中给别人一点帮助能使世界更加美好。这一段点明了文章主题:假如我们都能为别人做一点善事,那么人生的旅程(journey)就会美好得多。1We recently treated our nowadult son and his girlfri

6、end to a seafood feast,near Cocoa Beach,Florida.Our server,a grandmotherly woman skilled in the art of1,flew around the2juggling dishes and drinks while treating customers as individuals.She remembered their3tastes,likes and dislikesall of which shed learned after only the briefest4.At the end of th

7、e meal,she presented the bill,and then went to5the growing crowd of other dinners.My husband6with a credit card,added her7,and we were off.“Mr. Goldsmith!” our waitress ran out of the dinning room waving a receipt at him,“Thank you.”He looked at her as though he didnt8.Weve all seen that universal9o

8、f confusioneyebrows drawn together and head cocked to one side.“What did you give her?” I asked in a stage whisper, 10 if he had done something 11 or made a calculation error.“Wow,Dad,” our son said, 12 like an awestruck 10yearold.“Ive never seen a waitress 13 anyone out of the restaurant to saythan

9、k youfor the tip.”“She gave us great service.I just thought she deserved a little more 14 what I usually give.”It wasnt until later,when I accidentally heard our 15 retelling the story of the 16 waitress,that I realized she had given my family something 17 a “thank you”She showed our son the importa

10、nce of 18 hard work and the rewarding sound of “thank you”Her show of thanks helped a dad earn a bit more 19 from a loving son.And it reminded me just why I 20 this thoughtful,caring man.1A.painting Bsmiling Ccooking Dserving答案D解析根据前面的server一词可知,这里指这个人有很好的服务艺术。2A.restaurant Bbeach Ccorner Dstreets答案

11、A解析讲述的是餐馆里面发生的事情,其他选项都不合语境。3A.common Bspecial Cconsiderable Ddelicious答案B解析special特别的,此处表达的意思为她记得客人们的特殊口味等。其他选项不合题意。4A.arguments Bdiscussions Cconversations Ddebates答案C解析briefest conversations意思是“最简短的对话”,即她通过与客人之间最简短的对话,便知道了他们的特殊口味,他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。5A.attend toBlook for Ccare for Dfind out答案A解析attend to

12、照顾;接待,符合题意。6A.paid Bcalled Ccarried Dpushed答案A解析paid with a credit card指用信用卡付账。7A.advice Bsuggestions Ctip Dprize答案C解析tip指“小费”。即用信用卡付账后,又付她小费。8A.doubt Benjoy Chappen Dunderstand答案D解析根据下文内容可知,当作者的丈夫给了小费之后,服务员追出来说感谢的话,这是很不常见的事情,所以他们感到很奇怪,不了解为什么会这样。9A.feeling Blook Cattitude Dtension答案B解析look指“表情”,即脸上露

13、出的不理解的表情。10A.thinking Bhoping Cwondering Dexpecting答案C解析作者感到疑惑,丈夫到底给了那个服务员什么东西,使得她跑出来向他表示感谢,是他做了什么不合常理的事情还是算错了账呢?所以C项符合题意。11A.unreasonable Bappropriate Cunfair Dhelpful答案A解析见上一题解析。12A.looking Bsounding Cdoing Dimagining答案B解析这里是在说作者儿子的声音,因此用sounding like,即“听起来像”。13A.help Bkeep Cdrive Dfollow答案D解析foll

14、ow表示“跟随,追随”。句意为:我从来没有看到过有服务员追出饭店,向客人感谢给她小费。14A.except Bbelow Cabove Dwithin答案C解析above表示“超过”。句意为:她给了我们非常好的服务,所以我认为她应该得到比正常要多一点的报酬。15A.son Bfriend Ccolleague Dparent答案A解析根据文章最后一段内容可知,作者的儿子从那位服务员身上学到了很多东西。而这些都是从儿子说的话里面感觉到的,因此,这里选son,即她的儿子在陈述当时的情景。16A.excellent BskilledCgenerous Dgrateful答案D解析grateful感激

15、的,符合原文内容,即上文提到的那位对作者的丈夫表示感谢的女服务员。17A.rather than Bmore thanCless than Dno more than答案B解析句意为:那位服务员给我们家的不仅仅是简单的一句感谢,而是更多的东西。18A.devoting BrememberingCacknowledging Dignoring答案C解析根据上下文内容可知,显然只有C项符合语境,即他们的儿子知道了承认辛勤劳动的重要性。19A.respect BsympathyCthanks Dsatisfactory答案A解析孩子因为这件事而更加尊重自己的父亲了。20A.trained Brefu

16、sed Cleft Dmarried答案D解析结合文章内容及所提供的选项,可知选D项。2(2009天津卷完形填空)The first time I remember noticing the crossing guard was when he waved to me as I drove my son to school.He1me with a puzzleall because he waved to me like someone does2seeing a close friend.A big,3smile accompanied his wave.For the next few

17、days I tried to4his face to see if I knew him.I didnt.Perhaps he had5me for someone else.By the time I contented myself with the 6 that he and I were strangers,we were greeting each other warmly every morning like old friends.Then one day the 7 was solved.As I 8 the school he was standing in the mid

18、dle of the road 9 his stop sign.I was in line behind four cars. 10 the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,he lowered his sign and let the cars 11 .To the first he waved and 12 in just the same way he had done to me over the last few days.The kids already had the window down and were happily

19、 waving their reply.The second car got the same 13 from the crossing guard,and the driver,a stifflooking(表情刻板的) businessman,gave a brief,almost 14 wave back.Each following car of kids on their way to school 15 more heartily.Every morning I continued to watch the man with 16 .So far I havent seen any

20、one 17 to wave back.I find it interesting that one person can make such a(n) 18 to so many peoples lives by doing one simple thing like waving and smiling warmly.His 19 warmed the start of my day.With a friendly wave and smiling face he had changed the 20 of the whole neighborhood.1A.hit Bdisappoint

21、edCpresented Dbored答案C解析present sb.with sth.使某人经历某事;把交给某人。此处指作者第一次遇见那位交警时他就像老朋友那样向“我”挥手,这使得作者感到迷惑不解。2A.on BfromCduring Dabout答案A解析on doing sth.一就。3A.false BshyCapologetic Dbright答案D解析空格处的形容词应与big一致,bright灿烂的。句意为:他向我挥手,带着满脸灿烂的笑容。4A.research BstudyCrecognize Dexplore答案B解析study ones face仔细端详某人的脸。study审

22、视,端详,符合语境。research调查,研究;recognize认出;explore探索。5A.praised BblamedCmistaken Drespected答案C解析mistake sb.for.把某人误认为,符合上下文语境。praise表扬;blame责备;respect尊重。6A.conclusion BdescriptionCevaluation Dintroduction答案A解析由上文内容可知,作者不认识他,因此,得出这一“结论”:他们仅是陌生人。that引导同位语从句,补充说明conclusion的内容。7A.argumentBdisagreementCmystery

23、Dtask答案C解析陌生人之间竟能如此热情地打招呼,这一“谜团”有一天终于被解开了。mystery神秘的事,谜团。8A.visited BapproachedCpassed Dleft答案B解析visit参观,访问,拜访;approach靠近,接近;pass经过;leave离开。由下文中的“.the kids had reached the safety of the sidewalk,.”可知,作者是送孩子去学校,但是还未到学校。9A.drawing back Bputting onChanding in Dholding out答案D解析draw back退后;put on张贴;hand

24、in上交;hold out伸出;举起。由下句中的lowered his sign可知应选held out。10A.Once BBefore CUnless DWhile答案A解析once一旦;当的时候。11A.in Bthrough Cout Ddown答案B解析through此处为副词,意为“通过”。12A.criedBcheeredCsmiled Dgestured答案C解析in just the same way he had done to me用他和我打招呼时完全相同的方法,由此可知,交警应该边挥手边微笑着向司机打招呼。13A.idea Breply CnoticeDgreeting

25、答案D解析交警的这一做法是向司机打“招呼”。14A.awkward BangryCelegantDpatient答案A解析与孩子们的happily与heartily相比,那位表情刻板的司机只是简单地,甚至是很别扭地打了个招呼。awkward难看的;别扭的。15A.came BrespondedChurried Dappeared答案B解析come来;respond作出回应;hurry赶紧,匆忙;appear出现。此处指后面车中上学的孩子们都热情地向这位交警打招呼。16A.surprise BfrustrationCinterestDdoubt答案C解析with interest感兴趣地;其余三

26、项均与in搭配。句意为:每天早上,我继续兴致勃勃地观察他。17A.fail BtryCwish Dbother答案A解析由上文内容可知,作者本人、孩子们甚至表情刻板的司机都和热情的交警打招呼,因此,应选fail。双重否定表示肯定意义。fail to do sth.没能做某事。18A.offer Bsacrifice Cpromise Ddifference答案D解析make a difference有影响,有意义。其余选项与make搭配不符合文意。19Aeffectiveness Bcheerfulness Ccarefulness Dseriousness答案B解析cheerfulness快

27、乐;高兴,此处指交警对待工作的乐观态度。20Atrends BobservationsCregulationsDfeelings答案D解析feeling此处意为“看法,态度”。句意为:他用友好的行为和微笑改变了整条街上人们的态度。强化训练 (1)第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was successful at my job . I worked very hard , but it _21_ me and my family a fabulous

28、(极好的) lifestyle . Id worked for the same company for twenty years and had worked my way up to department director. _22_, one afternoon last May, I was called to the office, and it was _23_ explained to me that they were letting me go. I just sat there _24_ they talked on and all I could think was, “

29、Ive _25_ .” Id been so well respected ; _26_ I was of no value.For six weeks, I was in a very _27_ place. I wandered around my house like a zombie (僵尸).I could _28_ things needed doing, but would not do anything . My beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive(积极的) in everything _29_ me .Then

30、, in late June, my youngest sons football team made the city cup final . The year before, hed been very sad when I _30_ the same final , so he was _31_ when I told him Id go . Not only did they win , but the look on his face as he saw me _32_ him on was unbelievable . From then in , I spent the summ

31、er enjoying my sons and their passions (激情) . I attended match after match and performances of my elder sons band I _33_ went to another city to watch him play . These moments were so _34_ . My life had been so much devoted to _35_ for so long , and I felt _36_ that my sons were happy to welcome me

32、into their world._37_ , being unemployed gave me back a sense of purpose I was someones mum! I felt a sense of being _38_ again. Now I feel more positive about my professional _39_ and Im getting on better with my family than I ever have. Losing my job made me realize just how _40_ it is to achieve

33、real balance in life.21. A. promised B. afforded C. showed D. left22. A. Therefore B. Anyhow C. Otherwise D. However23. A. quickly B. gently C. partly D. easily24. A. until B. after C. as D. so25. A. failed B. finished C. tried D. changed26. A. suddenly B. finally C. immediately D. shortly27. A. sec

34、ret B. quiet C. lonely D. dark28. A. see B. get C. suggest D. understand29. A. defended B. directed C. deserted D. disturbed30. A. watched B. missed C. lost D. won31. A. disappointed B. worried C. honoured D. delighted32. A. cheering B. taking C. leading D. passing33. A. just B. even C. still D. alm

35、ost34. A. hopeful B. meaningful C. difficult D. strange35. A. work B. family C. matches D. performances36. A. successful B. thoughtful C. thankful D. peaceful37. A. Naturally B. Doubtfully C. Disagreeably D. Unexpectedly38. A. employed B. comforted C. valued D. encouraged39. A. education B. experien

36、ce C. relationship D. future40. A. important B. interesting C. simple D. surprising答案21. B22. D23. B24. C25. A26. A27. D28. A29. C30. B31. D32. A33. B34. B35. A36. C37. D38. C39. D40. A (2)第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36至第55小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When I was young, my parents ran a

37、snack bar in our small town.One evening in early April, my mother told me to fill in at the snack bar 36 a worker who had the flu. I told her I would mess it up, 37 I had never worked at the bar before. I 38 that instead of making money, I would end up owing it.“You can do it.” said my mother. “ 39

38、, you wont get much business until lunch.”“But Ill never remember the orders, and Im no good 40 money. Please, Mom, dont 41 me!”“Then Ill help you,” she said.I shrugged my shoulders. I thought my mothers 42 was a bad one, but I 43 .When I got to the bar the next day, I found my mother was 44 . Becau

39、se the weather that day was rainy and cold, people wanted hot snacks and drinks. 45 , I was really slow at taking the orders and making change. The line of people grew, and everybody seemed 46 . I was so nervous that my hands shook, and I 47 a cup into pieces. What a mess! Then my mother came to 48

40、me, and she also showed me how to make 49 . If someone gave me $ 5 for something that cost $ 3.25, I handed over 50 quarters and a dollar and said,“75 cents makes four dollars, plus one dollar makes five.”Things went more 51 after that.By the end of the day, I could remember orders, 52 the bill, and

41、 make change quickly with a smile. I was even a little 53 when the sun came out and dried up business. My mother said she was proud of me, and when she 54 that I work at the snack bar again next year, I did not even shrug. I was too busy 55 the restaurant I would open one day.36AtoBforCafterDover37A

42、becauseBthoughCuntilDwhile38ApromisedBnoticedCworriedDhoped39AThereforeBHoweverCBesidesDYet40AofBonCaboutDwith41AblameBfoolCfrightenDmake42AideaBbarCdayDanswer43AguessedBobeyedCbeggedDadmitted44AangryBsadCwrongDashamed45AAt leastBAt lastCAt mostDAt first46AsurprisedBimpoliteCpleasedDimpatient47AdamagedBdestroyedCbrokeDruined48AscoldBhelpCbeatDsave49AmoneyBlunchCcoffeeDchange50AtwoBthreeCfourDfive51AsmoothlyBfairlyCsimplyDconveniently52Aturn inBcount outCtake overDadd up53AdiscouragedBdisturbedCdisappointedDdistrusted54AthoughtBstatedCannouncedDsuggested55AimaginingB


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