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1、本科毕业论文初中英语课堂互动教学的探索学生姓名: 学生学号: 200310206058 院(系): 外国语学院 年级专业: 2003级英语本科2班 指导教师: 二七年五月The Exploration of the Interactive EnglishTeaching in the Junior Middle SchoolsZhu YanUnder the Supervision ofFan XiyingSchool of Foreign Languages and CulturesPanzhihua UniversityMay 2007Contents AbstractIKey Words

2、I摘要II关键词IIIntroduction1I. The Importance of Carrying Out the Interactive English Teaching2A. The Traditional English Teaching and Its Defects2B. The Interactive English Teaching and Its Importance3II. The Advantages of Implementation of the Interactive English Teaching5A. A Means to Foster Responsib

3、le Membership of the Classroom Community5B. Activating the Social and Cultural Resources of the Classroom Group5C. Enabling Learners to Exercise Their Active Agency in Learning6D. Helping to Form and Extend a Teachers Pedagogic Strategies6III. The Implementation of the Interactive English Teaching i

4、n the Classroom of the Junior Middle Schools7A. Creating Favorable Physical Environment7B. Creating Harmonious Socio-psychological Atmosphere9C. Qualifying the Teacher for the Interactive English Teaching11D. Developing the Students Active, Autonomous, and Collaborative Attitude14Conclusion16Acknowl

5、edgements17Bibliography18AbstractThe traditional English teaching lays more emphasis on English knowledge rather than practical ability, on grammar rather than communication, on writing rather than oral English. So it is hard to foster the students enthusiasm, initiative and creativity. On the basis

6、 of analyzing those defects of the traditional English teaching, this thesis advocates a new model for English teaching and leaning, namely, the Interactive English Teaching. The Interactive English Teaching emphasizes application rather than usage, advocates demonstration rather than monotonous gra

7、mmar or vocabulary exercise, launches activity or appoints task rather than assigning dull homework, and underlines communication rather than instruction. Compared with the traditional English teaching, the Interactive English Teaching has a series of advantages. In addition, at present, most Chines

8、e students begin to learn English systematically from the junior middle schools. Therefore, this thesis lays more emphasis on elaborating measures of carrying out the Interactive English Teaching in the classroom of the junior middle schools, such as creating favorable physical environment and harmo

9、nious socio-psychological atmosphere, qualifying the teacher for the Interactive English Teaching, and developing the students active, autonomous, and collaborative attitude and so on. Key Wordsthe Interactive English Teaching; the junior middle schools; psychological atmosphere; collaborative attit


11、等。关键词英语互动教学; 初中; 心理氛围; 合作态度IntroductionIt is urgent to reform curriculum and teaching methodology because the present education cannot meet the need of society. One of the major tasks is to restructure the classroom, which calls for reconsideration of pedagogy according to the new thoughts and conce

12、ptions of curriculum reform, and the teacher must alter his or her former improper points of view about teaching and establish new proper teaching philosophies. And more importantly, the classroom teaching is required to change a lot, which has a close relation to concrete classroom circumstances an

13、d the teachers teaching behaviors as well as the students learning behaviors. On the basis of what has been mentioned above, this thesis aims at exploring how to effectively carry out the Interactive English Teaching in the classroom of the junior middle schools through analyzing the factors which h

14、ave a great impact on its implementation, in order to find out a way which can really realize quality-oriented education. I. The Importance of Carrying Out the Interactive English TeachingNowadays, attributing to the world multipolarization, economic globalization, education internationalization, th

15、e inkling of information times, and entrance into WTO and booming development of advanced science and technology, it is urgent to drive ahead quality-oriented education, which is the main rhythm of Chinese basic education reform and development in the twenty-first century.A. The Traditional English

16、Teaching and Its DefectsWhen talking about pedagogy, two stories are usually be recalled, namely, once upon a time a donkey was crossing a river with a bag of salt on its back, and when it arrived at the bank of the river, it slipped into the river by accident. At this moment, the salt on its back w

17、as dissolving and became lighter and lighter, when the donkey stood up it felt relaxed and happy for gaining such experience. Therefore, the following time when it crossed the river with a bag of cotton on its back, it recalled its last experience, so it slipped intentionally, but this time it did n

18、ot fell relaxed but lost its life for the cotton absorbed a great deal of water and became heavier and heavier, and finally the donkey was drowned. Another goes like this, long long ago there was a man who sold hat, and everyday he tried his best to sell his hats. One day he peddled exhaustedly, so

19、when he passed along a big tree, he decided to have a rest under the tree. Thus, he put his hats beside him and dozed. But after several minutes he woke up, he found all his hats disappeared. To his surprise, there were many monkeys on the tree and each monkey with a hat on its head. The man was anx

20、ious for he would not support his family if he lost these hats. Suddenly, a good idea came into his mind that monkey likes to imitate, so he tried to lift his left hand, and all these monkeys raised their left paws, too. Then he clapped, and all the monkeys followed suit. The man felt excited, thus

21、he discarded his hats on the ground, and so did the monkeys. Then the man picked up all hats and went home happily. When he got home, he told his son and grandson about his peculiar experience. As time went on his grandson inherited his family property. One day when his grandson was on his way of se

22、lling hats, he also napped under a big tree and all hats were taken away by monkeys, too, but he wasnt worried for he remembered what his grandpa had told him. Thus, he raised his left hand, as expected the monkeys raised their left paws, and then he clapped, so did the monkeys. After that, he thoug

23、ht his grandfathers way was really effective, so he discarded his hats on the ground, but to his disappointment, this time these monkeys did not followed suit but stared at him. He felt puzzled, but suddenly the king of these monkeys turned up and picked up the hat. It patted his head heavily and sp

24、oke out a line:“You must be joking! Do you think only you have grandpa?”Why was the donkey drowned? And why could not the grandson take back his hats like his grandfather? Everyone can recognize the crucial reason for that is that they did not deal with the experience properly, they just used experi

25、ence mechanically and did not remodel their old experience. It is clear that in the changing world, usually the successful experience of past directly causes present failure. That reminds people of Chinese traditional teaching method, which has many malpractices or defects. Especially, the tradition

26、al English teaching attracts more attention, which is teacher-centered, and the students just receive knowledge passively. It lacks various skillful and focal methods, which was given a vivid name“cramming”. So it is hard to muster the students enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, also hard to att

27、ract the students interest. Meanwhile, it lays more emphasis on knowledge, grammar, and literacy than ability, communication and drill of spoken English. That causes the learners lacking capacity of using language and communication in real life, and educates persons with high marks but low ability.B

28、. The Interactive English Teaching and Its ImportanceIt is true that the future society will be the society of talent competition. In the light of domestic present educational situation, it turns to be more and more significant and urgent to change education concept and teaching methodology, to lear

29、n and comprehend new teaching concept, and to educate people adapting themselves to the changing world with innovation and practical ability. So this thesis advocates a new model for English teaching and learning, namely, the Interactive English Teaching which emphasizes the value of collaborative l

30、earning, classroom-group-centeredness, autonomy and shared decision-making in the classroom.The thought of the Interactive Teaching originates from sociological interactive theory. Dialogues and communications continuously occur between individuals, and society. And human communication takes place t

31、hrough meaningful activities, which distinguishes itself from inhuman self-consciousness(Zheng Jinzhou, 12). Social-pedagogic interactive theory underlines human interaction and individual activities in the school. In the English as a second language (ESL) literature, theorists present a variety of

32、approaches, strategies, and techniques for the ESL participants. Underlying these approaches are theoretical assumptions concerning the nature of language and perspectives on how second languages are most effectively taught and successfully learned. However, little research has been conducted concer

33、ning the assumptions and beliefs about language learning and instruction that ESL teachers hold and how these inform their decision-making. These have necessarily identified two major perspectives in language teaching. The first view is that learning should be contextualized in a wider society in wh

34、ich the students responsibility and co-operation during learning can be seen as expressing and enabling participation as a citizen in democratic processes, and learning should be located in social and cultural action wherein what is learned and how it is learned are collaboratively shaped. The other

35、 view is that learning as emancipation, in contrast to conventional education may be socially divisive and requires compliance to the hegemony of a dominating minority(Littlejohn, 19). The motivation for study in this area has come from many sources but a strong element in this is desire to create f

36、orms of classroom interaction which give voices to the students in the management of their learning. Through making explicit the typically hidden views of the students, the teacher intends to arrive at more effective, efficient and democratic models of classroom work. On this base, Interactive Engli

37、sh Teaching came into being. Since the Interactive English Teaching emphasizes application rather than usage, advocates demonstration rather than monotonous grammar or vocabulary exercise, launches activity or appoints task or allots assignment rather than assigning dull homework, and underlines com

38、munication rather than instruction, therefore, the implementation of the Interactive English Teaching is invaluably significant.II. The Advantages of Implementation of the Interactive English TeachingCompared with the Traditional English Teaching, the Interactive English Teaching has a series of adv

39、antages .Those advantages are list as follows:A. A Means for Responsible Membership of the Classroom CommunityAs a number of feminist and post-modernist thinkers in education have argued, the present social and political conditions signal an urgent need for classroom pedagogies that enable learners

40、to uncover the relationship of knowledge to power and vested interests(Breen, M.P., 2002). In this sense, learning a language may be seen as a means of access to greater personal adaptability and influence. It has the potential to provide the students with cultural and intellectual resources and, th

41、ereby, the practical means and strategies to seek further knowledge and to challenge structures in society that operate in an oppressive way. In this way, collaboration and democracy between the teacher and the learners and among the learners in the Interactive English Teaching entails learners capa

42、bilities to participate in a responsible and self-empowering manner in the world beyond the classroom and, crucially, as a member of a new speech community and culture.B. Activating the Social and Cultural Resources of the Classroom GroupThe knowledge is constructed in a classroom, because it evolve

43、s through a collective process-through the texts, the classroom discourse and the social practice of the group which is greater than any single individual could create, including the teacher. As a group, the teacher and the learners work towards new understandings, what is learned, investigated and

44、shaped through a shared process, which become knowledge that is diversified, dynamic and open to new possibilities. In this way, the Interactive English Teaching enables exploration and trying out of alternative interpretations as well as uses of the new language and alternative ways of working. The

45、 latter can provide opportunities for the individual to extend a repertoire of learning strategies in addition to discovering and refining ways of learning in a group that may have life-long relevance. Therefore, the Interactive English Teaching contributes towards extricating language learning from

46、 the more commonly constrained and relatively predictable discourse of the classroom. It can anticipate and provide the foundations for the students participation through the new language in other discourse contexts beyond the classroom.C. Enabling Learners to Exercise Their Active Agency in Learnin

47、gMuch of the research on language classrooms reveals that many learners are placed in a responsive and seemingly passive role. In such circumstances, learners are positioned like children who may seek to conform to a teachers expectations and may even underachieve in order to do this(Nunan,D.,2002).

48、 This passive conformity can be misinterpreted by the teacher as a lack of sufficient background knowledge, an unformed learning agenda or a lack of capacity to participate in decision-making. However, all learners bring prior knowledge and capability to learning and further understanding sought on the basis of what is already known and not merely given. Whereas Interactive English Teaching provides a context in which opportunities exist for learners to articulate and, thereby, refine their prior understa


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