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1、全国小学生英语能力竞赛NECPS四年级竞赛单词2011 初赛一、词汇January n. 一月February n. 二月March n. 三月April n. 四月May n. 五月June n. 六月July n. 七月August n. 八月September n. 九月October n. 十月November n. 十一月December n. 十二月beef n. 牛肉headache n. 头疼toothache n. 牙疼stomachache n. 胃疼date n. 日期juice n. 果汁breakfast n. 早餐lunch n. 午餐dinner n. 晚餐、正餐

2、supper n. 晚餐jeans n. 牛仔裤 weather n. 天气fork n. 叉子knife-knives n. 小刀plate n. 盘子nurse n. 护士doctor n. 医生teacher n. 老师parrot n. 鹦鹉pets n. 宠物animal n. 动物 Monday n. 星期一Tuesday n. 星期二Wednesday n. 星期三Thursday n. 星期四Friday n. 星期五Saturday n. 星期六Sunday n. 星期天biscuits n. 饼干fast food n. 快餐meat n. 肉pears n. 梨子wate

3、rmelon n. 西瓜birthday n. 生日ship n. 轮船flat n. 公寓=apartment n. 公寓Moscow n. 莫斯科subject n. 科目English n. 英语history n. 历史music n. 音乐PE n. 体育课hobby n. 爱好present n. 礼物party n. 派对guest n. 客人lunchtime n. 午餐时间end n. 结局homework n. 家庭作业British n. 英国人speak v. 讲、说cook v. 煮饭bring v. 带来suggest v. 建议find-found v. 寻找le

4、ave-left v. 剩下forget-forgot-forgotten v. 忘记purple adj. 紫色的pink adj. 粉色的green adj. 绿色的grey adj. 灰色的black adj. 黑色的rainy adj. 有雨的snowy adj. 有雪的windy adj. 有风的sad adj. 悲伤的shy adj. 害羞的quiet adj. 静静的naughty adj. 淘气的round adj. 圆的interesting adj. 有趣的warm adj. 温暖的remarkable adj. 不平常的upstairs adv. 上楼downstairs

5、 adv. 下楼as prep. 作为 then adv. 然后nothing pron. 什么也没有二、词组a bit 一点儿on the left 在左边on the right 在右边do high jump 跳高do long jump 跳远listen to the radio 听收音机play basketball 打篮球excuse me 打扰一下get up 起床take care of sb. 照顾某人=look after sb. 照顾某人a pair of shorts 一条短裤call me back 回我by bus(放句尾) 乘公交车take a bus(放句中)

6、乘坐公交车go straight 直走on Childrens Day 在儿童节play volleyball 打排球want+n./ to do sth. 想要(某物)或想去做某事=would like+n./ to do sth.watch TV 看电视play the piano 弹钢琴How much+不可数n 多少How old 几岁How many+可数n复数 多少lots of=a lot of 许多play games 玩游戏in spring 在春天in summer 在夏天in autumn=fall 在秋天in winter 在冬天prepare to do sth. 准

7、备去做某事out of breath 上气不接下气phone sb. 给某人打go swimming 去游泳a piece of bread 一片面包三、句子Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?Its a stone. 这是一块石头。Beijing is bigger than London. 比伦敦更大。Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?I have a toothache. 我牙疼。Whats the weather like in Beijing?What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Wednesday. 今

8、天星期三。Its a nice day, isnt it?今天天气真好,不是吗?Good idea. 好主意。Please give me a hand. 请帮帮忙。Of course. 当然。=Hows the weather in Beijing?的天气怎么样?Its windy and snowy. 多风多雪。How beautiful the kite is! 多美的风筝啊!=What a beautiful kite it is!四、句型(句型序号见试题)36.我可以吃一些饼干吗,妈妈? May I have some biscuits, Mum?37.请沿着这条街直走,你会看到书店

9、。 Please go straight on this street, you can see the bookstore.38.我很喜欢快餐。 I like fast food very much.39.儿童节快乐! Happy Childrens Day!40.昨天你炒肉了吗? Did you cook any meat yesterday?连词成句41.你妈妈是做什么工作的? What does your mother do?42.他非常喜欢梨子。 He likes pears very much.43.她最喜欢的颜色是白色。 Her favorite color is white.4

10、4.这个西瓜多少钱? How much is this watermelon?45. 我将在星期四打排球。 I will play volleyball on Thursday.五、作文文My Favorite SportMy favorite sport is football. I usually play football with my friends after classes in the afternoon. The PE teacher, Mr. Zhang, teaches us football and we often play it in PE classes. We

11、really have fun in our football class. I am happy when I am playing football. My favorite football player is David Beckham. I want to be a famous football star like him. Anyway, (无论如何)I like football very much. 全国小学生英语能力竞赛NECPS四年级竞赛单词2011决赛一、词汇east n. west n. 西方south n. 南方north n. 北方seat n. 座位coat n

12、. 大衣country n. 乡村doctor n. 医生panda n. 熊猫camel n. 骆驼dress n. 连衣裙pears n. 梨子watermelons n. 西瓜teacher n. 老师festival n. 节日Halloween n. 万圣节map n. 地图an umbrella n. 一把雨伞joke n. 玩笑family n. 家庭tomorrow n. 明天season n. 季节Art Theatre n. 艺术剧院market n. 市场twins n. 双胞胎orange juice n. 橙汁plate n. 盘子spoon n. 勺子forks n

13、. 叉子garden n. 花园parents n. 父母capital n. 首都London n. 伦敦Britain n. 英国port n. 港口the River Thames n. 泰晤士河bridge n. 大桥sights n. 视野、风景 heat n. 热the Houses of Parliament 英国议会大厦Big Ben n. 大本钟district n. 地区indoor swimming pool室游泳池equipment n. 设备go-cart track 卡丁车赛道race n. 比赛(速度类)diagram n. 图表hamburgers n. 汉堡包

14、pronunciation n. 读音some noodles n.一些面条close v. 关上laugh v. 大笑swing v. 摇摆win-won v. 赢dance-dancing v. 跳舞think v. 认为cross out v. 划掉appear v. 出现cute adj. 可爱的lovely adj. 可爱的expensive adj. 昂贵的interesting adj. 有趣的carefully adv. 小心地why adv. 为什么below adv. 在下面under prep. 在下面in prep. 在里面on prep. 在上面during prep

15、. 在期间first num. 首先,第一second num. 第二third num. 第三fourth num. 第四fifth num. 第五二、短语call sb. 给某人打sit down 坐下go straight 直走take a walk=go for a walk去散步do homework 做家庭作业too much time 太多时间spend+time/money+on sth 花费once a week 一周一次far from 远离wild animals 野生动物be interested in sth. 对有兴趣的hundreds of 成百上千的do hig

16、h jump 跳高good luck 好运气school library 学校图书馆in time 及时 on time 准时by taxi(放句尾) 乘出租车take a taxi(放句中) 乘出租车look like the same 看起来是一样的be quiet 安静hold a baby 抱一个婴儿clean the sitting room 打扫客厅sweep the floor 打扫地板dust the sofa 打扫沙发灰尘twice a week 一周两次water the flowers 浇花lay the table 摆桌子be famous for 以.著名的acros

17、s the river 穿过河流the centre of sth. 某物的中心get hurt 受伤了on the way home 在回家的路上三、句子She likes swimming, doesnt she? 她喜欢游泳,不是吗?What a fine day it is today!=How fine the day is!今天是多么美好的一天啊!四、句型(句型序号见试题)36.我有上百本书。 I have hundreds of books.37.咱们去跳高,好吗? Lets go high jumping, shall we?38.祝你好运。 I wish you good l

18、uck.39.我的姐姐在学校图书馆工作。 My sister works in a school library.40.我们及时赶上了火车。 We are just in time for the train.连词成句41.我常常坐出租车去上学。 I always go to school by taxi.42.人多智广。 Two hands are better than one.43.你认为Joe几岁? How old do you think Joe is?44. 我明天打算去商店(购物)。 Im going to the shops tomorrow.45.那个年轻人在教室里。 The

19、 young man is in the classroom.五、作文文My friendsI have two best friends, Kostya and Tanya. Kostya is 14 years old. He is tall and fat. His face is round, and his eyes are blue. His hair is short. Kostya enjoys playing chess, and he is a good player. Tanya is a nice girl. She is short and thin. Her eye

20、s are brown, and her hair is long. Tanya is 13. She plays the piano well.I like them very much, and we always play together. 全国小学生英语能力竞赛NECPS四年级竞赛单词2012 初赛一、词汇coat n. 外套key n. 钥匙queen n. 王后king n. 国王America n. 美国England n. 英国China n. 中国monkey n. 猴子uncle n. 叔叔aunt n. 阿姨policeman n. 警察ticket n. 车票brea

21、kfast n. 早餐lunch n. 午餐supper/dinner n. 晚餐birthday gift n. 生日礼物pizza n. 比萨T-shirt n. T恤衫dollars n. 美元cousins n. 表兄弟姐妹noodles n. 面条dumplings n. 水饺Peking duck n. 烤鸭camera n. 照相机tower n. 塔watch n. 手表exam n. 考试Friday n. 星期五 city n. 城市Singapore n. 新加坡skirt n. 短裙phone number n.trousers n. 长裤Spring Festival

22、 n. 春节post office n. postcard n. 明信片Australia n. 澳大利亚computer n. 电脑snack n. 小吃、点心 address n.地址grapes n. 葡萄strawberries n. 草莓clinic n. 诊所owner n. 主人vets n. 兽医operating room n. 手术室x-ray room n. X射线室spring n. 春天peas and carrots豆子和葫萝卜tomatoes n. 蕃茄potatoes n. 土豆cabbage n. 卷心菜example n. 例子rabbit n. 兔子pet

23、 hospital n. 宠物医院chase v. 追逐translate v. 翻译spell v. 拼写check v. 检查break-broke-broken v. 打high adj. 高的low adj. 低的sick/ill adj. 生病的large adj. 大的hungry adj. 饥饿的expensive adj. 昂贵的veterinary adj. 兽医的again adv. 又、再unless=if not conj. 除非二、词组in January 在一月in February 在二月in March 在三月in April 在四月in May 在五月in J

24、une 在六月in July 在七月in August 在八月in September 在九月in October 在十月in November 在十一月in December 在十二月borrowfrom 借入lendto 借出play football 踢足球after school 放学后do ones homework 做某人的家庭作业of course 当然go boating 去划船turn off the light/turn on 关灯、开灯go out 出去be late for 迟到play games happily 开心地玩游戏make some new friends

25、交一些新朋友 play the piano 弹钢琴listen to music 听音乐play volleyball 打排球send a letter 送一封信send an 发一封电子after school 放学后make a hot dog for sb.为某人做一根热狗notanymore 再也不be called 被叫做get well 变得好起来many kinds of 许多种类plant a vegetable garden种一个蔬菜园a big pot 一个大锅a special plan 一个特别的计划get up very early 起得很早an interestin

26、g class 一堂有趣的课have a big meal 吃一顿大餐come back 回来say goodbye to sbs friends对某人的朋友们说再见(告别)a delicious rabbit stew一锅美味的兔子炖菜get sick 生病了rain heavily 雨下得很大三、句子Happy Teachers Day! 教师节快乐!Happy New Year. 新年快乐。Whats the date today? 今天几月几日?Its January 1st. 今天1月1日。What day is it today? 今天星期几?Its Saturday. 今天星期六

27、。See you next time. 下次见。Hold on, please. 请稍等。(用语)A good book is a good friend. 好书如挚友。Whats this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?Its a box. 这是一个箱子。Its time for dinner. 晚餐时间到了。Whats the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?=Hows the weather today?Its sunny. 天气晴朗。四、句型(句型序号见试题)36. 爸爸昨天给我讲了一个有趣的故事。My father told me an inter

28、esting story yesterday.37. Howard,怎么拼写你的名字? Howard, how to spell your name?38. 这周五我们将有一场考试。 Well have an exam this Friday.39. Emma和她的父母住在一个大城市。 Emma lives in a big city with her parents.40. 昨天放学后,孩子快乐地一起玩游戏。The children played games happily together after school yesterday.连词成句41. 我将结交一些新朋友。 Ill make

29、 some new friends. 42. 你要飞往新加坡吗? Will you fly to Singapore? 43. 请把书放进你的包里。 Put the book in your bag, please. 44. Alice钢琴弹得很好。 Alice can play the piano very well. 45. 你家里有多少人? How many people are there in your family? 五、作文文Janes DayJane gets up at half past six every day. Then she leaves the house an

30、d goes to school by bus. She is in Tongxin School. Her classes begin at eight oclock. She likes English best. Her teacher often sings English songs in class. Its very interesting. She has lunch at eleven thirty. Jane has many friends at school. Jane goes home at four thirty. After she finishes her d

31、inner, she does her homework or watches TV sometimes. She is busy, but she enjoys herself very much.全国小学生英语能力竞赛NECPS四年级竞赛单词2012 决赛一、词汇board n. 木板、告示牌back n. 背部band n. 乐队worker n. 工人story book n. 故事书summer n. 夏天size n. 尺寸weekend n. 周末fingers n. 手指头 toes n. 脚趾头computer n. 电脑kids n. 孩子们ID card n. month

32、 n. 月份eyes n. 眼睛price n. 价格England n. 英国notebook n. 笔记本season n. 季节English n. 英语Chinese n. 中文、中国人mouse-mice n. 老鼠city n. 城市country n. 农村chef=cook n. 厨师kitchen n. 厨房plate n. 盘子waiter n. 男服务生dentist n. 牙医hole n. 洞cavity n. 蛀牙pie n. 馅饼chocolate n. 巧克力lollipops n. 棒棒糖rotten teeth n. 蛀牙alphabet n. 字母表let

33、ter n. 字母、信Paris n. 巴黎 France n. 法国the Eiffel Tower n. 埃菲尔铁塔summer vacation n. 暑假country-countries n. 国家skate-skating v. 滑冰ski-skiing v. 滑雪feel v. 感觉visit v. 拜访frown v. 皱眉cry v. 大哭wonder v. 惊讶like v. 像,喜欢keep-kept v. 喂养、保持move-moving v. 移动check-up v. 检查cloudy adj. 多云的busy adj. 忙碌的thin adj. 瘦的fat adj

34、. 胖的thirsty adj. 口渴的rainy adj. 有雨的sunny adj. 晴朗的snowy adj. 多雪的windy adj. 多风的boring adj. 无聊的bored adj. 感到无聊的dangerous adj. 危险的delicious adj. 美味的angry adj. 生气的alive adj. 活着的hurt adj. 受伤的different adj. 不同的ago adv. 之前painfully adv. 痛苦地二、词组tell sb. the way to the bank告诉某人去银行的路Thanksgiving Day 感恩节play pin

35、g-pong 打乒乓球go to school 去上学clean the room 打扫房间meet at the gate of the school 在学校大门口见面far from 离得远got a bad cold 得了重感冒be kept 被喂养play chess 下国际象棋famous singer 著名的歌手water the flowers 浇花watch cartoons 看卡通片hot-hotter-the hottest 热的pass the math exam 通过考试draw a picture 画画go to a park 去公园room number 房间send a card 寄一卡片borrowfrom 借入lendto 借出has g


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