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1、Unit 4 Welcome to our party? Period 1课型:听说课 主编人:易小玲 审核人: No. 58 English Proverb: Allgoodthingscametoanend. 天下无不散之宴席。学习目标:1. 能够听说读写本课单词和词组: (重点)2. 结合天气,描述节日中人们做的事,穿的衣(难点)3. 了解有关聚会的文化知识。自主学习:一.请用英文写出1-12月的月份名称及每个月的节日名称二. 下列单词或词组你还记得吗?写出并大声朗读吧!1干燥的 2寒冷的 3热的 4温暖的 5,参观 6.加拿大 7. 坐 8夏天 9.春天 10.秋天 11.冬天 12.

2、果汁 10.太阳镜 11. 大衣 12.伞 合作探究:用英文写出你的生日和你父母的生日A: When is your birthday?B: My birthday is _.A: When is your mothers birthday?B: My mothers birthday is _.A: When is your fathers birthday?B: _.交流展示:1. 组内合作,大声朗读并记忆月份和节日名称。2. Activity 1: Listen and match. 听录音,将聚会、天气和需要的物品连线。3. 练习Activity1的对话,然后与同伴一起编出新的对话,在

3、班上表演出来。4. Activity 2: Listen and match. 听录音,将客人与地名连线。5. Activity 3: Listen and complete. 再听录音,写出两地的天气情况Weather in winter in Beijing Weather in winter in California_ _ _6.同伴谈谈听力中的人物的天气情况,然后询问彼此家乡的天气情况。巩固提升:一.用英文写出下列节日的日期Childrens Day_ Christmas Day_ Womens Day_New Years Day_ National Day_Teachers Day

4、_May Day _二. Activity 4:Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出谈论天气的语句。三Activity 5:.Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句. 1. its sunny but cold.2. Is it always cold at this time in Xian? 3. Yes, its usually cold and windy.4. Whats the weather like in Australia now? 5. its usually warm and pleasant at this time.

5、6.Its very cold today. 【课后作业】1.完成下一课时导学案自主学习部分。2.朗读Activity 5句子114Unit 4 Welcome to our party? Period 2课型:听说课 主编人:易小玲 审核人: No. English Proverb: Allgoodthingscametoanend. 天下无不散之宴席。学习目标:1.学生能够理解并运用相关语言组织聚会并谈论天气,运用形容词性物主代词表示物品的所属关系。语言技能目标: 2. 学生能够听懂聚会中的简单对话以及关于天气的简单表述。3. 学生能够招待客人、回应主人并简单交流天气情况。 自主学习:一下

6、列单词词组你能找到吗?找出来并大声朗读吧。1. 想要,喜欢_ 2. 牛肉面_4. 鸡肉_ 5. 羊肉 _ 3. 卷心菜_ 6. 胡萝卜_7. 土豆(复数) _ 8. 西红柿(复数) _ 9. special _ 10. 我还没想好。_二想一想,如果你的朋友周六举行一个party,根据你的日常安排,你愿意去的话,该如何表达?_ 若不能去,又该如何拒绝呢?_ 1.A:Canyoucometomyparty? 2、A:Canyoucometomyparty?B:Sure,Idloveto. B:Imsorry.IhavetogotothedoctorA:Whenisit?.B:ItsonFriday

7、,June30atfourthirty合作探究:1 如果主人向你们发出邀请,你们能参加他的聚会吗?四人一组,表演对话。2 本周末你打算干什么?Miss Lin 邀请大家去参加音乐会,谁愿意去?同伴互相问答,参考句型:A: Hey , can you come to the concert on Saturday?B: Im sorry , I cant .I have to.A: Thats too bad. Maybe another time.B: How about you ? 交流展示:1. 组内合作,大声朗读并记忆月份及节日名称。2. Listen and tick. 听录音,勾出李

8、晓年和Mrs Smith之间的关系。3. 练习2的对话,然后与同伴一起编出新的对话,在班上表演出来。4. Listen and judge. 再听录音,判断下列句子的正误5. Listen and complete. 再听录音,补全对话6.Read and repeat.7. 和同伴分角色扮演Eliza和Lu Qing.,,找一个合适的时间,相约去购物,参考句型:A: Hi, Peter, can you come to my party this Saturday?B: Party? what party?A: Its my 15th birthday.B: Really? Happy bi

9、rthday to you ,Donna. Id love to .What time?A: October25th,at 6pm,at my home. Do you know my address?No.108 Green Street. If you cant find it ,give me a call,24606776.By the way, can you ask Ann to come together?巩固提升:1. Read and underline. 阅读对话,用下画线标出招待客人的语句。2. Listen and repeat. 跟读对话,学说选出的语句。 Welco

10、me to our party. Would you like something to drink?With or without milk?Please help yourself.4. Act and practice. 两人对话,练习如何在生日聚会上招待外国客人。5. 参考句型:Would you like ? / What would you like, or ? / What about ?Here you are. Youre welcome. Id like , please., please.Thank you【课后作业】1.完成下一课时导学案自主学习部分。2.熟练掌握基数词

11、和序数词的用法,记忆本课时的词组及关键句并由组长听写。Unit 4 Welcome to our party? Period 3课型:语法课 主编人:易小玲 审核人: No. English Proverb: 天下无不散之宴席。学习目标:1.能够听懂提出邀请及应答邀请的会话,并能使用它们有礼貌地发出邀请,接受邀请或拒绝邀请。2.培养学生有礼貌地与他人交往的能力。3. 运用指示代词确认物品的所属关系。4 正确地使用单数指示代词和复数指示代词。自主学习:一想想看,你能填写出下面的内容吗?1.this 的复数形式是 2. that 的复数形式是 3.it的复数形式是 4. it is = 5. is

12、 not = 6.are not = 7不用谢_ 8.谢谢你的帮助_.合作探究:一用代词填表并写出对应的中文意思。主格中文宾格中文形容词性的物主代词中文名词性的物主代词中文Iyou his hersthemtheirtheirsIs this your pencil? Yes, it is. Its mine.此处your的后面有_ (名词 /形容词)pencil,用来修饰pencil .此处的mine=_.它后面_(要/不要)加名词。Are these her keys? No, they arent. They are his. 此处her的后面有_ (名词/形容词)_ ,用来修饰keys

13、.此处的his=_.它后面_(要/不要)加名词。(his既可以作形容词性的物主代词,又可以作名词性的物主代词。使用时注意辨析词性。)综上所述,形容词性的物主代词后要加_,名词性的物主代词后不要加名词。名词性的物主代词=_+ _.二Are these your pencils? No, they are Bobs. 此处的Bobs表示鲍勃的。s是_,用于名词的后面,表示“.的”。交流展示:1.Look and complete. 看图,根据图片内容选词补全对话。2.Look and complete. 读图,补全下列对话3. Role-play the conversation in Activ

14、ity142. Read and recite the Grammar Focus.3. Complete the questions and answers about each picture in Activity144.Read the questions and complete the answers.5.A game. Guess whose things these are in the teachers box. You only have two guesses.巩固提升:一 选出符合题意的单词,并用其适当形式填空。be it call English he1. Whats

15、 this in _? Its a ruler.2. Tonys phone number is 330-2258. You can _ him.3. Is that your Chinese book? No, _ isnt.4. How _ your mother? She is fine.5. This is my eraser. Thats _ eraser.二根据对话情景,补全所缺的句子。A: Good morning, John!B: Good morning, Gina!A: 1 _?B: Its a dictionary.A: 2 _?B: Its a watch. And t

16、his is a ring in English.A: Oh. Is that a baseball in English?B: Yes, youre right(正确的)A:3 _?B: No, it isnt. Its an eraser. And this is a pencil sharpener.A: 4 _?B: S-H-A-R-P-E-N-E-R.A:5 _?B: Thats all right.(不用谢。) 【课后作业】1、熟读Grammar Focus 中的句子,抄写一遍,默写一遍。 Unit 4 Welcome to our party? Period 4 课型:听说课 主

17、编人 :易小玲 审核人: No. English Proverb: 天下无不散之宴席。学习目标:1 能够听说读写默以下单词和词组:test trip 2 能够掌握以下句型:When is Sallys birthday party? Its on October 5th.自主学习:个人记读P64的单词或短语7分钟,然后翻译下列短语。英语考试_ 学校组织的郊游_篮球赛_ 生日派对_.滑冰 下雪的一天 在冬天 一个俄罗斯人 .一个雪人 阴雨的天气 在哈尔滨 戴帽子 I miss you. Whats the weather like? Are you having a good time? May

18、 I speak to Laura, please? 合作探究:Talk and circle. 根据世界天气图对话,圈出表示天气的单词。 Whats the weather like in London? Its foggy. Whats the weather like in Toronto? Its _ Whats the weather like in Shanghai? Its _交流展示1. Look and complete. 看图,根据图片内容选词补全对话2.设计并完成约翰的日程表。3.小组内互相就约翰的日程表问答,到班上展示。4.Listen and repeat. 听录音跟

19、读,注意以下发音。 It is raining, it is raining,On my head, on my head Pitter, patter raindrops,Pitter, patter raindrops Im all wet! Im all wet 巩固提升:一.Look and complete. 读图,补全下列对话_ to our party! Would you _ something to drink? Would you like your beer _ or _ ice? _ ice, please. This is Mr Smith. Hes our _. N

20、ice to _ you. 二、根据中文提示完成句子1.上海天气怎么样?阳光充足。_ is the weather in Shanghai?Its _.2. Bob喜欢下雨的天气吗?是的,他喜欢。Does Bob like _ _?Yes,he does.3. 北京天气怎么样?刮风。Hows _ _ ?Its_ .4. Jeff 正在做什么?Jeff 正在家里看电视。What is Jeff doing?Jeff is _ _at home.三、2.询问12个月里最喜欢的日子并说明原因。完成表格。参考句型:A:Whats your favorite day in _ (月份)?B:Its _

21、.A:And why (do you like it best)?B:Because its my mothers birthday./I can play computer games/I can go shopping./I like travelling.Name Favorite dateWhyJakeSpt. 30thA basketball game【课后作业】1.抄写本课新词三遍。完成下一课时导学的自主学习部分。2.记忆本课时的词组并由组长听写。Unit 4 Welcome to our party?Period 5课型:阅读课 主编人 :易小玲 审核人: No. English

22、 Proverb: 天下无不散之宴席。学习目标:1. 能够听说读写默以下单词和词组:art trip festival dear students thing term busy time 2. 能够掌握以下句型: We havein the afternoon/on October 22nd. Have a good time!自主学习:(此过程要求独自完成,时间在10-15分钟)1. 熟记P47 2a2. 中的短语,并勾出我们学校经常组织的活动。2. 圈出2b中各种活动和具体日期。3.写出并朗读系列单词或词组。 艺术节_ 学生_ 亲爱的_事情_ 本学期_ 下学期_忙碌的_ 在那里_ 过得愉

23、快_ 校庆日_ 图书大甩卖_ 合作探究:1.看完这则学校通知,小组成员共同分享调查到的学校学期活动安排,看根据个人的调查是否有该项活动,并标出具体日期。Yes No Month DaySchool DayArt FestivalChinese ContestMusic FestivalEnglish party. 交流展示:1.各组汇报调查结果.2. 与同伴讨论下列问题。1)What activities from 2b do you like ?2) What other activities do you like?巩固提升:I. 节日与日期配伍。 A B( )1. Childrens D

24、ay(儿童节) A. March 12( )2. Christmas Day(圣诞节) B. January 1( )3. Womens Day (妇女节) C. June 1( )4. New Years Day(元旦) D. December 25( )5. National Day(国庆节) E. July 1( )6. Teachers Day(教师节) F. March 8( )7. Labor Day (劳动节) G. April 7( )8. Planting Tree Day (植树节) H. October 1( )9.World Health Day(世界卫生节) I. S

25、eptember 10( )10. Partys(党的) birthday J. May 1II.句式转换1. My birthday is October 11th. (划线部分提问) _ _ your birthday?2. Peter is 18 this year. (划线部分提问) _ _ is Peter this year?3. Tom likes baseball. (否定句) Tom _ _ baseball?4. Jacks birthday is April 6th .(一般疑问句) _ Jacks birthday April 6th?5. The store sell

26、s many nice clothes. (提问) _ _ the store _ ?【课后作业】 1.熟读背诵对话。2.完成下一课时导学案的自主学习部分。Unit 4 Welcome to our party? Period 6课型:复习课 主编人 :易小玲 审核人: No. English Proverb: 天下无不散之宴席。学习目标:1. 能够听说读写默以下单词和词组:there 2. 能够熟练运用前面学过的所有句型.自主学习:查查我们学校本学期的活动安排和时间,记录下来合作探究:完成P63self check语法点的归纳总结和的任务。交流展示:给朋友写一个便条,邀请对方参加学校的某项活

27、动,并朗读你写的便条。以下问题对你会有帮助。Whats your friends name?What does your friend like to do?What activity do you have in your school?When is the activity?巩固提升:一.单项选择。( ) 1. -_ is your birthday? - Its June 4th AWhat year BWhenC. Where ( ) 2. -_? -Im sixteenA. How many years are youB. What years are youC. How old

28、are you ( ) 3_ is after(在之后)May AApril B. May C. June ( ) 4-When is _ birthday?-His birthday is s November 1lthAyour BLucys CJacks ( ) 5My date _ birth is June 3rd. A. for B. of C. about ( ) 6. March is _ month of the year. A. three B. the threeC. the third ( ) 7. They have _ art festival _ each yea

29、r. A. an; in B. a; / C. an; / ( ) 8. We have the basketball game_ Nov. 19. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 9. - When is _ birthday party? -Her birthday is October fifth. A. your brothers B. Jack sisterC. his sisters 二. 翻译下列句子。1.请于下周来我学校。_2.你的朋友叫什么名字?_3.在12月3日,在学校图书馆有一次图书大甩卖。_4.你的生日是在2月1日吗?_5.她哥哥的生日是在8月22日。_6.儿童节是在什么时候?-它是在6月1日。_【课后作业】 1.复习Self Check中的要点。2.总结归纳本单元词汇.要点,熟记好。


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